Author, Speaker, Pastor

July, 26, 2024

Author, Speaker, Pastor


planned parenthood - search results

Planned Parenthood Gets a Raise: $670 Million from Taxpayers, Committed 374,155 Abortions Last Year

Eighty-four. Remember that number. Planned Parenthood terminates the life of a baby every 84 seconds. Overturning Roe V. Wade sure didn’t stop America’s abortion giant...

Planned Parenthood’s New Victims: Transgender Teenagers

They’re not just about killing babies anymore. A former Planned Parenthood worker recently came forward about concerns over the abortion giant distributing cross-sex hormones...

Addicted to Sex: Planned Parenthood’s Goal for Children

Public schools in America allow Planned Parenthood access to the youngest of children in order to push their hyper-sexual, destructive agenda. They justify perversion...

America’s Tolerance of Planned Parenthood’s Death Cult

The selling of aborted baby body parts has been going on for years, but has only recently been exposed. If this is not...

Planned Parenthood’s Buried History and America’s Culture of Death

This is an excerpt from a chapter titled, "Planned Parenthood's Buried History" from the book, ERADICATE: BLOTTING OUT GOD IN AMERICA. In America, abortion is...

Advancing World System Forcefully Opposing Biblical Worldview, Christians

Writer of “Amazing Grace,” John Newton once said, “If I might read only one book beside the Bible, I would choose The Christian in Complete...

Michigan Gone Wild: Promotes Pronouns, Abortion, Child Mutilation

What in the name of evil happened to Michigan? Governor Gretchen Whitmer recently signed bills establishing the minimum age of consent for marriage to...

Michigan Gone Wild: Pro Abortion, Pronouns, Child Mutilation

Radical leftist Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer recently signed bills establishing the minimum age of consent for marriage to be 18. But she has also...

Taxpayer-Funded Uterus Transplants and Other High-Risk Operations

In the latest American Medical Association (AMA) Journal of Ethics, authors are not only suggesting uterus transplants to help transgender women (aka men)...

Increasing Violent Attacks on Christians by Pro-Abortion Terrorists

Praying to God in public and believing biblical principles are now dangerous activities – in America. Two elderly pro-life men in Baltimore found this...

Tax Dollars Still Support Government Funded, Progressive Media

It is way past time to defund PBS and the hopelessly biased NPR. You might be wondering why we are still supporting these progressive...

Death Cult: Canada Gov’t Wants “Mercy Killings” of Children W/O Parental Consent

A Canadian Parliamentary committee is recommending lawmakers legalize euthanasia for sick and disabled children or those in Canada’s child welfare system. They think those...

The Satanic Temple to Provide ‘Free Religious Medication Abortion’

The Satanic Temple in New Mexico has a new scheme to help Planned Parenthood kill more babies. They just launched a new “religious medical...

Every 24-Hours A Teacher is Arrested for Child Sex Crimes

In an alarming and disturbing story you won’t hear reported by most media outlets in the U.S., hundreds of public school teachers have been...

Bad News, Good News – 5 Quick Headlines

Here are some quick facts about three stories involving new ways to push demonic agendas, one celebration of a cancelation, and one happy ending...

AOC, DEMS, Elitist and Eugenic God-Complex

According to radical Democrat Socialist Congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, it’s better not to be born than to be alive if you’re poor. She sent...

Biden Justice Dept. Refuses to Arrest Pro-Abortion Terrorists

What ever happened to "Liberty and justice for all"? Judging by the actions of the Biden Democrats, they are uninterested in true justice for...

Alfred Kinsey — A Pioneer Of Perversion Who Paved The Way For Today’s Sex ‘Education’

Indiana University recently put up a life-size bronze statue of radical sex-researcher, Alfred Kinsey to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Kinsey Institute at the college. The...

Calling Evil Good and Twisting Scripture. Again.

They’re at it again. Democrats calling evil good. Nancy Pelosi recently said it was sinful to restrict abortion and called it unjust if a...

Abortion Battle, ‘The View’ Vs Truth, Pregnancy Resource Centers Attacked

Four stories; same debate. Is a baby, a developing human life in a mother’s womb, worth protecting, or do we have the right to...

Despite ROE Decision, Abortions Continue As Culture War Revs Up

The good news is the high Court has ruled. So then, is abortion banned and restricted, or is it still protected and celebrated? Yes....

So-Called ‘Christian’ Church Hosts Drag Show for 12+ Year-olds

On May 21st, United Church of Christ (UCC) in Naples, Florida hosted a “Youth Pride Conference,” a free event for kids as young as...

When Pro-Abortion Activism Becomes Domestic Terrorism

Here's more proof abortion activists and agitators have come unhinged: Supreme Court justices threatened at their private homes, churches and crisis pregnancy centers vandalized,...

Disney’s Depravity, Power, and Moral Decline

It’s not exactly a newsflash that Disney has massive influence and has gone gay, woke, and politically correct, but many families across the country...

SCOTUS to Decide Whether or Not to Keep Murdering Babies

For thousands of years, human beings have considered a pregnant woman to be “with child,” and to be carrying a living, growing, developing baby...

Next Stage of Rebellion: Normalizing Pedophilia

There is nothing new under the sun. A college professor in Virginia is openly suggesting pedophilia is natural and should not be considered wrong....

Pelosi, the Pope, and Progressive Politics

They were all smiles as Nancy Pelosi met with Pope Francis to talk politics prior to their attendance at a United Nations-sponsored Climate Change...

Are We Fed Up with Being Censored Yet?

If they can’t win the election, they’ll cheat, lie, and steal. But, are people finally catching on? Less than 30 percent of Americans believe today’s...

Smithsonian Celebrates Moral Relativism & Murder in ‘Girlhood’

The Smithsonian has joined Hollywood, public schools, the liberal activist media, big tech, corporations, and LGBTQ by adding a “Girlhood” exhibition. In keeping with...

The Unintended Power of One Supreme Court Seat

The stakes couldn’t be higher, and the threats are coming in – even before President Trump decided to select a Supreme Court nominee to...

Battle for the Soul of America: Christians & Politics

I just got back from a pastor’s conference in Dallas, Texas and I’m happy to report a growing movement of godly men are committed...

Redefining Radical: The Case Against Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris, the woman that, if Joe Biden becomes president, would be a heartbeat away from the most powerful position in the free world....

Anti-American “Education” and the Collapse of Culture

What did we expect? After decades of teaching kids in America to hate their country, take a good look around because we’re now seeing...

Americans Seek Answers as ‘Crisis Fatigue’ Continues

The current news cycle has been chaotic and frantic, bad news seems to be unrelenting, and many of us need a break. Debates and discussions...

Biblical Worldview: Racism, Chaos, Division & Redemption

Last weekend as cities in America were burned and vandalized, the Lincoln Memorial was defaced with graffiti. The national monument honors Abraham Lincoln, who...

Most Americans Distrust the Media

With 93% of reporting on President Trump being negative since the 2016 election, it’s no wonder American citizens distrust of the news media is at record...

What Pandemic? Abortion Still Open for Business

America is on lock-down. Major public events and gatherings are cancelled. They closed countless businesses, churches, schools, many restaurants and other non-essential services. So...

Mayor Pete: Pro-Life Democrats Unwelcome

During the weekend of the March for Life in Washington D.C. Mayor Pete Buttigieg held a town hall event, and believe it or not,...

Warning of Things to Come, the Revelation of Jesus

Remember the former things long past, For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is no one like...

How Did We Get Here? A Bible Lesson for America

Blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it. Luke 11:28 For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which...

Big Abortion Wins, Court Decides against Citizen Journalists

The following facts are indisputable. Undercover journalists lost their court case against Planned Parenthood, the multi-billion-dollar abortion business.  David Daleiden, of the Center for...

Dem Presidential Hopefuls Compete on Abortion Extremism

Democrats in America have a dilemma going into the 2020 presidential election. That is, if protecting human life in the womb is important. The...

Democrats Target Prolife Citizen Journalists in CA Trial

Did you know it costs only $120 to ship an aborted baby’s brain using FedEx Priority Overnight? You do now. One of the most wild...

CA Woman Tosses Puppies; Other Women Toss Babies

A woman in California dropped a bag full of newborn puppies into a dumpster in Riverside County a few months back and the verdict...

The Real Reason Mass Shootings Occur, But Few Acknowledge

Two more mass shootings over the weekend in Ohio and Texas sparked another frenzy as liberals in the media renew their campaign for gun...

Big Tech Censors Conservatives, Christians; Facebook, Google: ‘So What’?

Big tech censors conservatives and the media yawns. With mounting evidence, Facebook, Google, and YouTube seem to be doing to the Internet what the...

Top Ten Christ & Culture Videos

Thank you for watching and sharing these videos! For the last year and a half, I've been working with Freedom Project Media on a...

Bullying OK – if the Bullies are Liberal?

Why is there no outcry from the media on the increased bullying of pro-life Christians? Because the bullies are liberal. Godless, pro-abortion activists are...

Hollywood, Dems Deaf to Heartbeats in the Womb

Georgia Governor, Brian Kemp, has been under pressure from the left including Hollywood celebrities and feminists because he promised to sign a bill protecting...

Will Marriage Soon Be Meaningless?

Is God-ordained marriage being deconstructed  in America? In order to eliminate natural marriage in society, it must first be rendered meaningless. How could that...

Planned Parenthood Gets a Raise: $670 Million from Taxpayers, Committed 374,155 Abortions Last Year

Eighty-four. Remember that number. Planned Parenthood terminates the life of a baby every 84 seconds. Overturning Roe V. Wade sure didn’t stop America’s abortion giant...

Planned Parenthood’s New Victims: Transgender Teenagers

They’re not just about killing babies anymore. A former Planned Parenthood worker recently came forward about concerns over the abortion giant distributing cross-sex hormones...

Addicted to Sex: Planned Parenthood’s Goal for Children

Public schools in America allow Planned Parenthood access to the youngest of children in order to push their hyper-sexual, destructive agenda. They justify perversion...

America’s Tolerance of Planned Parenthood’s Death Cult

The selling of aborted baby body parts has been going on for years, but has only recently been exposed. If this is not...

Planned Parenthood’s Buried History and America’s Culture of Death

This is an excerpt from a chapter titled, "Planned Parenthood's Buried History" from the book, ERADICATE: BLOTTING OUT GOD IN AMERICA. In America, abortion is...

Advancing World System Forcefully Opposing Biblical Worldview, Christians

Writer of “Amazing Grace,” John Newton once said, “If I might read only one book beside the Bible, I would choose The Christian in Complete...

Michigan Gone Wild: Promotes Pronouns, Abortion, Child Mutilation

What in the name of evil happened to Michigan? Governor Gretchen Whitmer recently signed bills establishing the minimum age of consent for marriage to...

Michigan Gone Wild: Pro Abortion, Pronouns, Child Mutilation

Radical leftist Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer recently signed bills establishing the minimum age of consent for marriage to be 18. But she has also...

Taxpayer-Funded Uterus Transplants and Other High-Risk Operations

In the latest American Medical Association (AMA) Journal of Ethics, authors are not only suggesting uterus transplants to help transgender women (aka men)...

Increasing Violent Attacks on Christians by Pro-Abortion Terrorists

Praying to God in public and believing biblical principles are now dangerous activities – in America. Two elderly pro-life men in Baltimore found this...

Tax Dollars Still Support Government Funded, Progressive Media

It is way past time to defund PBS and the hopelessly biased NPR. You might be wondering why we are still supporting these progressive...

Death Cult: Canada Gov’t Wants “Mercy Killings” of Children W/O Parental Consent

A Canadian Parliamentary committee is recommending lawmakers legalize euthanasia for sick and disabled children or those in Canada’s child welfare system. They think those...

The Satanic Temple to Provide ‘Free Religious Medication Abortion’

The Satanic Temple in New Mexico has a new scheme to help Planned Parenthood kill more babies. They just launched a new “religious medical...

Every 24-Hours A Teacher is Arrested for Child Sex Crimes

In an alarming and disturbing story you won’t hear reported by most media outlets in the U.S., hundreds of public school teachers have been...

Bad News, Good News – 5 Quick Headlines

Here are some quick facts about three stories involving new ways to push demonic agendas, one celebration of a cancelation, and one happy ending...

AOC, DEMS, Elitist and Eugenic God-Complex

According to radical Democrat Socialist Congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, it’s better not to be born than to be alive if you’re poor. She sent...

Biden Justice Dept. Refuses to Arrest Pro-Abortion Terrorists

What ever happened to "Liberty and justice for all"? Judging by the actions of the Biden Democrats, they are uninterested in true justice for...

Alfred Kinsey — A Pioneer Of Perversion Who Paved The Way For Today’s Sex ‘Education’

Indiana University recently put up a life-size bronze statue of radical sex-researcher, Alfred Kinsey to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Kinsey Institute at the college. The...

Calling Evil Good and Twisting Scripture. Again.

They’re at it again. Democrats calling evil good. Nancy Pelosi recently said it was sinful to restrict abortion and called it unjust if a...

Abortion Battle, ‘The View’ Vs Truth, Pregnancy Resource Centers Attacked

Four stories; same debate. Is a baby, a developing human life in a mother’s womb, worth protecting, or do we have the right to...

Despite ROE Decision, Abortions Continue As Culture War Revs Up

The good news is the high Court has ruled. So then, is abortion banned and restricted, or is it still protected and celebrated? Yes....

So-Called ‘Christian’ Church Hosts Drag Show for 12+ Year-olds

On May 21st, United Church of Christ (UCC) in Naples, Florida hosted a “Youth Pride Conference,” a free event for kids as young as...

When Pro-Abortion Activism Becomes Domestic Terrorism

Here's more proof abortion activists and agitators have come unhinged: Supreme Court justices threatened at their private homes, churches and crisis pregnancy centers vandalized,...

Disney’s Depravity, Power, and Moral Decline

It’s not exactly a newsflash that Disney has massive influence and has gone gay, woke, and politically correct, but many families across the country...

SCOTUS to Decide Whether or Not to Keep Murdering Babies

For thousands of years, human beings have considered a pregnant woman to be “with child,” and to be carrying a living, growing, developing baby...

Next Stage of Rebellion: Normalizing Pedophilia

There is nothing new under the sun. A college professor in Virginia is openly suggesting pedophilia is natural and should not be considered wrong....

Pelosi, the Pope, and Progressive Politics

They were all smiles as Nancy Pelosi met with Pope Francis to talk politics prior to their attendance at a United Nations-sponsored Climate Change...

Are We Fed Up with Being Censored Yet?

If they can’t win the election, they’ll cheat, lie, and steal. But, are people finally catching on? Less than 30 percent of Americans believe today’s...

Smithsonian Celebrates Moral Relativism & Murder in ‘Girlhood’

The Smithsonian has joined Hollywood, public schools, the liberal activist media, big tech, corporations, and LGBTQ by adding a “Girlhood” exhibition. In keeping with...

The Unintended Power of One Supreme Court Seat

The stakes couldn’t be higher, and the threats are coming in – even before President Trump decided to select a Supreme Court nominee to...

Battle for the Soul of America: Christians & Politics

I just got back from a pastor’s conference in Dallas, Texas and I’m happy to report a growing movement of godly men are committed...

Redefining Radical: The Case Against Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris, the woman that, if Joe Biden becomes president, would be a heartbeat away from the most powerful position in the free world....

Anti-American “Education” and the Collapse of Culture

What did we expect? After decades of teaching kids in America to hate their country, take a good look around because we’re now seeing...

Americans Seek Answers as ‘Crisis Fatigue’ Continues

The current news cycle has been chaotic and frantic, bad news seems to be unrelenting, and many of us need a break. Debates and discussions...

Biblical Worldview: Racism, Chaos, Division & Redemption

Last weekend as cities in America were burned and vandalized, the Lincoln Memorial was defaced with graffiti. The national monument honors Abraham Lincoln, who...

Most Americans Distrust the Media

With 93% of reporting on President Trump being negative since the 2016 election, it’s no wonder American citizens distrust of the news media is at record...

What Pandemic? Abortion Still Open for Business

America is on lock-down. Major public events and gatherings are cancelled. They closed countless businesses, churches, schools, many restaurants and other non-essential services. So...

Mayor Pete: Pro-Life Democrats Unwelcome

During the weekend of the March for Life in Washington D.C. Mayor Pete Buttigieg held a town hall event, and believe it or not,...

Warning of Things to Come, the Revelation of Jesus

Remember the former things long past, For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is no one like...

How Did We Get Here? A Bible Lesson for America

Blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it. Luke 11:28 For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which...

Big Abortion Wins, Court Decides against Citizen Journalists

The following facts are indisputable. Undercover journalists lost their court case against Planned Parenthood, the multi-billion-dollar abortion business.  David Daleiden, of the Center for...

Dem Presidential Hopefuls Compete on Abortion Extremism

Democrats in America have a dilemma going into the 2020 presidential election. That is, if protecting human life in the womb is important. The...

Democrats Target Prolife Citizen Journalists in CA Trial

Did you know it costs only $120 to ship an aborted baby’s brain using FedEx Priority Overnight? You do now. One of the most wild...

CA Woman Tosses Puppies; Other Women Toss Babies

A woman in California dropped a bag full of newborn puppies into a dumpster in Riverside County a few months back and the verdict...

The Real Reason Mass Shootings Occur, But Few Acknowledge

Two more mass shootings over the weekend in Ohio and Texas sparked another frenzy as liberals in the media renew their campaign for gun...

Big Tech Censors Conservatives, Christians; Facebook, Google: ‘So What’?

Big tech censors conservatives and the media yawns. With mounting evidence, Facebook, Google, and YouTube seem to be doing to the Internet what the...

Top Ten Christ & Culture Videos

Thank you for watching and sharing these videos! For the last year and a half, I've been working with Freedom Project Media on a...

Bullying OK – if the Bullies are Liberal?

Why is there no outcry from the media on the increased bullying of pro-life Christians? Because the bullies are liberal. Godless, pro-abortion activists are...

Hollywood, Dems Deaf to Heartbeats in the Womb

Georgia Governor, Brian Kemp, has been under pressure from the left including Hollywood celebrities and feminists because he promised to sign a bill protecting...

Will Marriage Soon Be Meaningless?

Is God-ordained marriage being deconstructed  in America? In order to eliminate natural marriage in society, it must first be rendered meaningless. How could that...

untitled artwork


planned parenthood - search results

Planned Parenthood Gets a Raise: $670 Million from Taxpayers, Committed 374,155 Abortions Last Year

Eighty-four. Remember that number. Planned Parenthood terminates the life of a baby every 84 seconds. Overturning Roe V. Wade sure didn’t stop America’s abortion giant...

Planned Parenthood’s New Victims: Transgender Teenagers

They’re not just about killing babies anymore. A former Planned Parenthood worker recently came forward about concerns over the abortion giant distributing cross-sex hormones...

Addicted to Sex: Planned Parenthood’s Goal for Children

Public schools in America allow Planned Parenthood access to the youngest of children in order to push their hyper-sexual, destructive agenda. They justify perversion...

America’s Tolerance of Planned Parenthood’s Death Cult

The selling of aborted baby body parts has been going on for years, but has only recently been exposed. If this is not...

Planned Parenthood’s Buried History and America’s Culture of Death

This is an excerpt from a chapter titled, "Planned Parenthood's Buried History" from the book, ERADICATE: BLOTTING OUT GOD IN AMERICA. In America, abortion is...

Advancing World System Forcefully Opposing Biblical Worldview, Christians

Writer of “Amazing Grace,” John Newton once said, “If I might read only one book beside the Bible, I would choose The Christian in Complete...

Michigan Gone Wild: Promotes Pronouns, Abortion, Child Mutilation

What in the name of evil happened to Michigan? Governor Gretchen Whitmer recently signed bills establishing the minimum age of consent for marriage to...

Michigan Gone Wild: Pro Abortion, Pronouns, Child Mutilation

Radical leftist Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer recently signed bills establishing the minimum age of consent for marriage to be 18. But she has also...

Taxpayer-Funded Uterus Transplants and Other High-Risk Operations

In the latest American Medical Association (AMA) Journal of Ethics, authors are not only suggesting uterus transplants to help transgender women (aka men)...

Increasing Violent Attacks on Christians by Pro-Abortion Terrorists

Praying to God in public and believing biblical principles are now dangerous activities – in America. Two elderly pro-life men in Baltimore found this...

Tax Dollars Still Support Government Funded, Progressive Media

It is way past time to defund PBS and the hopelessly biased NPR. You might be wondering why we are still supporting these progressive...

Death Cult: Canada Gov’t Wants “Mercy Killings” of Children W/O Parental Consent

A Canadian Parliamentary committee is recommending lawmakers legalize euthanasia for sick and disabled children or those in Canada’s child welfare system. They think those...

The Satanic Temple to Provide ‘Free Religious Medication Abortion’

The Satanic Temple in New Mexico has a new scheme to help Planned Parenthood kill more babies. They just launched a new “religious medical...

Every 24-Hours A Teacher is Arrested for Child Sex Crimes

In an alarming and disturbing story you won’t hear reported by most media outlets in the U.S., hundreds of public school teachers have been...

Bad News, Good News – 5 Quick Headlines

Here are some quick facts about three stories involving new ways to push demonic agendas, one celebration of a cancelation, and one happy ending...

AOC, DEMS, Elitist and Eugenic God-Complex

According to radical Democrat Socialist Congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, it’s better not to be born than to be alive if you’re poor. She sent...

Biden Justice Dept. Refuses to Arrest Pro-Abortion Terrorists

What ever happened to "Liberty and justice for all"? Judging by the actions of the Biden Democrats, they are uninterested in true justice for...

Alfred Kinsey — A Pioneer Of Perversion Who Paved The Way For Today’s Sex ‘Education’

Indiana University recently put up a life-size bronze statue of radical sex-researcher, Alfred Kinsey to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Kinsey Institute at the college. The...

Calling Evil Good and Twisting Scripture. Again.

They’re at it again. Democrats calling evil good. Nancy Pelosi recently said it was sinful to restrict abortion and called it unjust if a...

Abortion Battle, ‘The View’ Vs Truth, Pregnancy Resource Centers Attacked

Four stories; same debate. Is a baby, a developing human life in a mother’s womb, worth protecting, or do we have the right to...

Despite ROE Decision, Abortions Continue As Culture War Revs Up

The good news is the high Court has ruled. So then, is abortion banned and restricted, or is it still protected and celebrated? Yes....

So-Called ‘Christian’ Church Hosts Drag Show for 12+ Year-olds

On May 21st, United Church of Christ (UCC) in Naples, Florida hosted a “Youth Pride Conference,” a free event for kids as young as...

When Pro-Abortion Activism Becomes Domestic Terrorism

Here's more proof abortion activists and agitators have come unhinged: Supreme Court justices threatened at their private homes, churches and crisis pregnancy centers vandalized,...

Disney’s Depravity, Power, and Moral Decline

It’s not exactly a newsflash that Disney has massive influence and has gone gay, woke, and politically correct, but many families across the country...

SCOTUS to Decide Whether or Not to Keep Murdering Babies

For thousands of years, human beings have considered a pregnant woman to be “with child,” and to be carrying a living, growing, developing baby...

Next Stage of Rebellion: Normalizing Pedophilia

There is nothing new under the sun. A college professor in Virginia is openly suggesting pedophilia is natural and should not be considered wrong....

Pelosi, the Pope, and Progressive Politics

They were all smiles as Nancy Pelosi met with Pope Francis to talk politics prior to their attendance at a United Nations-sponsored Climate Change...

Are We Fed Up with Being Censored Yet?

If they can’t win the election, they’ll cheat, lie, and steal. But, are people finally catching on? Less than 30 percent of Americans believe today’s...

Smithsonian Celebrates Moral Relativism & Murder in ‘Girlhood’

The Smithsonian has joined Hollywood, public schools, the liberal activist media, big tech, corporations, and LGBTQ by adding a “Girlhood” exhibition. In keeping with...

The Unintended Power of One Supreme Court Seat

The stakes couldn’t be higher, and the threats are coming in – even before President Trump decided to select a Supreme Court nominee to...

Battle for the Soul of America: Christians & Politics

I just got back from a pastor’s conference in Dallas, Texas and I’m happy to report a growing movement of godly men are committed...

Redefining Radical: The Case Against Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris, the woman that, if Joe Biden becomes president, would be a heartbeat away from the most powerful position in the free world....

Anti-American “Education” and the Collapse of Culture

What did we expect? After decades of teaching kids in America to hate their country, take a good look around because we’re now seeing...

Americans Seek Answers as ‘Crisis Fatigue’ Continues

The current news cycle has been chaotic and frantic, bad news seems to be unrelenting, and many of us need a break. Debates and discussions...

Biblical Worldview: Racism, Chaos, Division & Redemption

Last weekend as cities in America were burned and vandalized, the Lincoln Memorial was defaced with graffiti. The national monument honors Abraham Lincoln, who...

Most Americans Distrust the Media

With 93% of reporting on President Trump being negative since the 2016 election, it’s no wonder American citizens distrust of the news media is at record...

What Pandemic? Abortion Still Open for Business

America is on lock-down. Major public events and gatherings are cancelled. They closed countless businesses, churches, schools, many restaurants and other non-essential services. So...

Mayor Pete: Pro-Life Democrats Unwelcome

During the weekend of the March for Life in Washington D.C. Mayor Pete Buttigieg held a town hall event, and believe it or not,...

Warning of Things to Come, the Revelation of Jesus

Remember the former things long past, For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is no one like...

How Did We Get Here? A Bible Lesson for America

Blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it. Luke 11:28 For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which...

Big Abortion Wins, Court Decides against Citizen Journalists

The following facts are indisputable. Undercover journalists lost their court case against Planned Parenthood, the multi-billion-dollar abortion business.  David Daleiden, of the Center for...

Dem Presidential Hopefuls Compete on Abortion Extremism

Democrats in America have a dilemma going into the 2020 presidential election. That is, if protecting human life in the womb is important. The...

Democrats Target Prolife Citizen Journalists in CA Trial

Did you know it costs only $120 to ship an aborted baby’s brain using FedEx Priority Overnight? You do now. One of the most wild...

CA Woman Tosses Puppies; Other Women Toss Babies

A woman in California dropped a bag full of newborn puppies into a dumpster in Riverside County a few months back and the verdict...

The Real Reason Mass Shootings Occur, But Few Acknowledge

Two more mass shootings over the weekend in Ohio and Texas sparked another frenzy as liberals in the media renew their campaign for gun...

Big Tech Censors Conservatives, Christians; Facebook, Google: ‘So What’?

Big tech censors conservatives and the media yawns. With mounting evidence, Facebook, Google, and YouTube seem to be doing to the Internet what the...

Top Ten Christ & Culture Videos

Thank you for watching and sharing these videos! For the last year and a half, I've been working with Freedom Project Media on a...

Bullying OK – if the Bullies are Liberal?

Why is there no outcry from the media on the increased bullying of pro-life Christians? Because the bullies are liberal. Godless, pro-abortion activists are...

Hollywood, Dems Deaf to Heartbeats in the Womb

Georgia Governor, Brian Kemp, has been under pressure from the left including Hollywood celebrities and feminists because he promised to sign a bill protecting...

Will Marriage Soon Be Meaningless?

Is God-ordained marriage being deconstructed  in America? In order to eliminate natural marriage in society, it must first be rendered meaningless. How could that...