Author, Speaker, Pastor

February, 14, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor

Mayor Pete: Pro-Life Democrats Unwelcome

During the weekend of the March for Life in Washington D.C. Mayor Pete Buttigieg held a town hall event, and believe it or not, there were a handful of pro-life Democrats in attendance. Let’s give them some credit!

A woman named Kristen Day, asked the openly homosexual mayor if the Democrat Party is inclusive and diverse enough to also include those who want to protect babies in the womb. He basically answers her by affirming his “pro-choice” position and the Democrat platform: abortion should be available up to nine months of pregnancy and that the government should pay for it.

If you say you’re pro-life and still vote Democrat, there’s a disconnect in your politics and morality. Your Party has become an idol. What you’re really saying is other issues are more important than life in the womb.

There are also some who claim to be pro-choice Christians, and they have a glaring contradiction in worldviews that needs to be dealt with regarding abortion and elections. So pick a side: God or government.

Kristen Day asked Mayor Pete, “do you want the support of pro-life Democrat voters? There are about 21 million of us…” No way; twenty-one million? He obviously wants their support. But he also knows – based on past elections -that a very large majority of them will keep voting for Democrats regardless.

Chris Wallace asked a follow-up question: should pro-life Democrats overlook the issue then or go find another party? I think he already knew that answer as well. See ya later!

Wallace asked if the woman was satisfied with Pete’s answer. She said she was not. 

“The Democratic platform contains language that basically says that we don’t belong,” …There’s nothing that says people who have different views on this issue should be included in the party.”

If you claim to be pro-life, please accept this challenge: stop supporting the culture of death by voting for abortion, Democrats, and Planned Parenthood. 

There must be more citizens outside the Republican Party who believe in protecting the lives of the innocent and most vulnerable.

Did you hear about the pro-life rally in San Francisco, of all places? Days after hundreds of thousands marched at the nation’s capital, tens of thousands gathered on the west coast at the 16th annual Walk for Life.

I have to believe there are many more who support life, but the question is why aren’t they voting according to their values? Idolatry.

Do you know how many pro-life Democrats are currently in the U.S. House of Representatives? Three. And two of them are from extremely liberal states. Collin Peterson of Minnesota, Dan Lipinski of Illinois, and Henry Cuellar of Texas.

Really. 21 million “pro-life Democrats”? Something doesn’t add up.

And a state representative from Louisiana, Katrina Jackson, an African American woman, was the only elected Democrat to address the audience at March for Life. This is also telling.

By the way, no matter what you might think about President Trump, he’s not only the most pro-life president in our history when it comes to policy, but no other U.S. president has ever attended the annual March for Life in Washington DC.

At the end of his speech, Trump concluded by saying:

 “We know that every human soul is divine and every human life, born and unborn, is made in the holy image of Almighty God.” (emphasis mine)

As for the Democrat media in the U.S., over 90% support abortion and this should tell you all you need to know: instead of airing the president’s speech at March for Life, CBS ran a promotional interview with the new Planned Parenthood CEO.

Let’s face facts. Too many Americans either don’t want to talk about this issue or they want to keep the murder of babies legal because it’s such a huge business. They worship a golden calf.

At Reformation Charlotte, Jeff Maples challenges Democrats who say they’re Christian:

“So let me spell this out for you. This means you cannot be a Christian while supporting the slaughter of innocent children, gay rights, gay propaganda, “gay Christianity,” theft (redistribution of wealth), lawlessness (i.e. open borders), a complete and total lack of individual responsibility (i.e. nanny state welfare system, single-payer insurance, etc.), or the endless sweeping away of our right to worship God freely. If you support this godless ideology or support candidates that do, don’t expect me to treat you as a fellow Christian.”

I’d simply like to add one thing. Please read the Bible, pray, and allow God to change your heart and give you an open mind about the right to life.

Video courtesy of Freedom Project Media


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Mayor Pete: Pro-Life Democrats Unwelcome


During the weekend of the March for Life in Washington D.C. Mayor Pete Buttigieg held a town hall event, and believe it or not, there were a handful of pro-life Democrats in attendance. Let’s give them some credit!

A woman named Kristen Day, asked the openly homosexual mayor if the Democrat Party is inclusive and diverse enough to also include those who want to protect babies in the womb. He basically answers her by affirming his “pro-choice” position and the Democrat platform: abortion should be available up to nine months of pregnancy and that the government should pay for it.

If you say you’re pro-life and still vote Democrat, there’s a disconnect in your politics and morality. Your Party has become an idol. What you’re really saying is other issues are more important than life in the womb.

There are also some who claim to be pro-choice Christians, and they have a glaring contradiction in worldviews that needs to be dealt with regarding abortion and elections. So pick a side: God or government.

Kristen Day asked Mayor Pete, “do you want the support of pro-life Democrat voters? There are about 21 million of us…” No way; twenty-one million? He obviously wants their support. But he also knows – based on past elections -that a very large majority of them will keep voting for Democrats regardless.

Chris Wallace asked a follow-up question: should pro-life Democrats overlook the issue then or go find another party? I think he already knew that answer as well. See ya later!

Wallace asked if the woman was satisfied with Pete’s answer. She said she was not. 

“The Democratic platform contains language that basically says that we don’t belong,” …There’s nothing that says people who have different views on this issue should be included in the party.”

If you claim to be pro-life, please accept this challenge: stop supporting the culture of death by voting for abortion, Democrats, and Planned Parenthood. 

There must be more citizens outside the Republican Party who believe in protecting the lives of the innocent and most vulnerable.

Did you hear about the pro-life rally in San Francisco, of all places? Days after hundreds of thousands marched at the nation’s capital, tens of thousands gathered on the west coast at the 16th annual Walk for Life.

I have to believe there are many more who support life, but the question is why aren’t they voting according to their values? Idolatry.

Do you know how many pro-life Democrats are currently in the U.S. House of Representatives? Three. And two of them are from extremely liberal states. Collin Peterson of Minnesota, Dan Lipinski of Illinois, and Henry Cuellar of Texas.

Really. 21 million “pro-life Democrats”? Something doesn’t add up.

And a state representative from Louisiana, Katrina Jackson, an African American woman, was the only elected Democrat to address the audience at March for Life. This is also telling.

By the way, no matter what you might think about President Trump, he’s not only the most pro-life president in our history when it comes to policy, but no other U.S. president has ever attended the annual March for Life in Washington DC.

At the end of his speech, Trump concluded by saying:

 “We know that every human soul is divine and every human life, born and unborn, is made in the holy image of Almighty God.” (emphasis mine)

As for the Democrat media in the U.S., over 90% support abortion and this should tell you all you need to know: instead of airing the president’s speech at March for Life, CBS ran a promotional interview with the new Planned Parenthood CEO.

Let’s face facts. Too many Americans either don’t want to talk about this issue or they want to keep the murder of babies legal because it’s such a huge business. They worship a golden calf.

At Reformation Charlotte, Jeff Maples challenges Democrats who say they’re Christian:

“So let me spell this out for you. This means you cannot be a Christian while supporting the slaughter of innocent children, gay rights, gay propaganda, “gay Christianity,” theft (redistribution of wealth), lawlessness (i.e. open borders), a complete and total lack of individual responsibility (i.e. nanny state welfare system, single-payer insurance, etc.), or the endless sweeping away of our right to worship God freely. If you support this godless ideology or support candidates that do, don’t expect me to treat you as a fellow Christian.”

I’d simply like to add one thing. Please read the Bible, pray, and allow God to change your heart and give you an open mind about the right to life.

Video courtesy of Freedom Project Media

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