Author, Speaker, Pastor

February, 13, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor

Canceling Christianity

Redefining Truth

Delusions Of Replacing God And Calling Evil Good

We now live in a culture that has embraced moral relativism, a generation that no longer believes truth can be known. Right and wrong, good and evil are measured by feelings and opinions. It is all part of a satanic delusion and much is at stake. Redefining Truth provides answers and biblical perspective to the most pressing issues in today’s postmodern society.

Canceling Christianity

Redefining Truth

Delusions Of Replacing God And Calling Evil Good

We now live in a culture that has embraced moral relativism, a generation that no longer believes truth can be known. Right and wrong, good and evil are measured by feelings and opinions. It is all part of a satanic delusion and much is at stake. Redefining Truth provides answers and biblical perspective to the most pressing issues in today’s postmodern society.


At a time when truth is being denied, hated, rejected, and reinterpreted, many are falling for the deception. Irreparable damage has been done to the foundations America was built upon.

Practically everything in life changes, but if God never changes and if absolute truth exists, then this investigation matters tremendously. You will be informed as we evaluate the overwhelming evidence supporting Christianity. You’ll also be encouraged to cultivate an eternal perspective even as attacks on believers are increasing. Redefining Truth will show you how to respond to others in a loving and confident way. This book will also help you successfully navigate through the noise, agendas, distractions, and confusion prevalent in America today. It will give you facts, history, and Scripture you can use to answer skeptics and challenge others to consider the truth of Jesus Christ. No decision is more critical.
325 Pages — Published 2017 — Paperback
Redefining Truth Book Trailer


At a time when truth is being denied, hated, rejected, and reinterpreted, many are falling for the deception. Irreparable damage has been done to the foundations America was built upon.

Practically everything in life changes, but if God never changes and if absolute truth exists, then this investigation matters tremendously. You will be informed as we evaluate the overwhelming evidence supporting Christianity. You’ll also be encouraged to cultivate an eternal perspective even as attacks on believers are increasing. Redefining Truth will show you how to respond to others in a loving and confident way. This book will also help you successfully navigate through the noise, agendas, distractions, and confusion prevalent in America today. It will give you facts, history, and Scripture you can use to answer skeptics and challenge others to consider the truth of Jesus Christ. No decision is more critical.
325 Pages — Published 2017 — Paperback
Redefining Truth Book Trailer


“This book will both disturb and comfort those who read it. As Fiorazo documents the multitude of assaults against truth which are gaining traction in our world, the reader will most likely teeter on the brink of despair. But as the author reminds us of the unchangeable, ever enduring, all sufficient Word of God, which contains the truth that liberates both now and eternally, faith will be strengthened and hope embraced.” – Gary E. Gilley, Pastor-teacher, Southern View Chapel, Springfield, Illinois; Director, Think on These Things Ministries

“The title of David Fiorazo’s important new book, Redefining Truth, illustrates how modern culture has lost its way. The eternal and essential truths of biblical revelation cannot be redefined, they shine forth as clear beacons for those with eyes to see. Rather, it is secular, postmodern culture that deconstructs truth, shrouding the world in ever-encroaching moral and spiritual darkness. With great lucidity, Fiorazo illuminates the path by which the shadows of materialism and relativism seek to obscure truth, and then reorients the reader back to the unerring light of God’s word. This engaging and well-written book offers something for readers of all ages and faith backgrounds, providing much more than a candle’s worth of hope and inspiration for a culture all too eager to embrace the dark.” – Dr. Duke Pesta, Academic Director, Freedom Project Academy

“The western world as a whole and the U.S. in particular have lost their moral compass and their Judeo Christian foundation. As a result, this has produced a very confused and conflicting culture that is getting further away from God’s Word and His standard. David Fiorazo has a clear understanding of the issues our nation and churches face. He has addressed these issues in a biblical and thoughtful way that will help the reader make sense of a confusing world. David is a talented writer and this book will be beneficial resource and a call to action for everyone, especially the Christian.” – Elijah Abraham, Founder of Living Oasis Ministries

“Can the truth still make us free? Of course it can, and David Fiorazo’s compelling new book helps us apply the unchanging foundation of God’s word to our present cultural warfare, and then share it with those who are blinded by today’s glittering yet deceptive climate. Articulate and insightful as always, David has given us yet another powerful resource and apologetic tool. Every Christian needs to read this book and share with at least five friends!” – Linda Harvey, President, Mission America; Columnist; Author; Radio Host

“I count David as a dear friend and brother in Christ. His passion for biblical truth is contagious. His sincere heart and genuine concern for the state of the church in these end times is met with a compassion that is disarming, allowing the message to be heard and, more importantly, taken to heart. We can all learn much from David’s eagerness to get back to the scriptures and live without compromise.” – Tony Palacio, Good Fight Ministries, Simi Valley, CA

David Fiorazo, one of the most brilliant author’s I know, is notably humble yet intensely bold in raising a standard for biblical truth in a post-modern culture. I am confident that this book, Redefining Truth, will play a profound part in helping the reader discern God’s truth while defining the foundation of the gospel that saves us! – Cindy Hartline, Host, Love For The Truth Radio Philadelphia

“Our post-truth culture desperately needs the hope every believer possesses in Jesus Christ. Redefining Truth offers convincing facts and arguments pointing us to that hope. With a real understanding of current issues, David Fiorazo provides well thought out solutions as well as biblical evidence that demands consideration. This book is a must read for every follower of Christ.” – Jerry Lewin, Pastor, Crosspoint Church, De Pere, WI

Redefining Truth Book Trailer

Table Of Contents

  1. Truth or Consequences
  2. How the Enemy Advances
  3. One-way Tolerance & The Transgender Agenda
  4. Truth & Facts Don’t Care about Feelings & Trends
  5. Lies of the Left: Pelosi Politics
  6. Relativism in the Church
  7. Israel’s True Prophetic History
  8. Fighting for Religious Freedom
  9. Can Natural Marriage Be Saved?
  10. The Real War on Women: Lies about Life
  11. Entertaining Demons in America
  12. Seduced by Scientology
  13. Atheism, Gnosticism, New Age, and Wicca
  14. The Truth about False Religions
  15. What Do Mormons and Catholics Believe?
  16. That’s a Wrap!