Author, Speaker, Pastor

October, 23, 2024

Author, Speaker, Pastor

Canceling Christianity

The Cost of our Silence

Best-Selling Book

The truth is – silence never saved anybody. Rather than retreat and hide the light of Christ, we must stand and fight the good fight of faith, speak the truth in love and bear fruit that will last. If Christians remain silent, fewer people will be saved, society will collapse, and we will continue to be part of the problem.

Canceling Christianity

The Cost of our Silence

Best-Selling Book

The truth is – silence never saved anybody. Rather than retreat and hide the light of Christ, we must stand and fight the good fight of faith, speak the truth in love and bear fruit that will last. If Christians remain silent, fewer people will be saved, society will collapse, and we will continue to be part of the problem.


Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by the darkness and moral decline in society and wonder what happened to the salt and light?

Christians who do share the Gospel and speak up about sin are now called hateful, intolerant, or judgmental. There are eternal consequences when Christians silently back out of culture. How can we encourage Christians who have been pursuing selfish desires and worldly things to return to Jesus Christ and live accordingly?

Author David Fiorazo says, “as Christians go, so goes America.”

Today’s church seems more comfortable blending in with the world rather than being set apart from it, and our apathy is killing us! In the last hundred years in America, we have not only invited evil in, we often justify it. Rather than resist the sin that used to repulse us and cause us deep remorse, we have warmed up to it.

Meanwhile, Jesus Christ is standing outside knocking on the door of a wayward, lukewarm church, hoping we will welcome Him back in before it’s too late.

333 Pages — Published 2015 — Paperback
The Cost Of Our Silence Book Trailer


Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by the darkness and moral decline in society and wonder what happened to the salt and light?

Christians who do share the Gospel and speak up about sin are now called hateful, intolerant, or judgmental. There are eternal consequences when Christians silently back out of culture. How can we encourage Christians who have been pursuing selfish desires and worldly things to return to Jesus Christ and live accordingly?

Author David Fiorazo says, “as Christians go, so goes America.”

Today’s church seems more comfortable blending in with the world rather than being set apart from it, and our apathy is killing us! In the last hundred years in America, we have not only invited evil in, we often justify it. Rather than resist the sin that used to repulse us and cause us deep remorse, we have warmed up to it.

Meanwhile, Jesus Christ is standing outside knocking on the door of a wayward, lukewarm church, hoping we will welcome Him back in before it’s too late.

333 Pages — Published 2015 — Paperback
The Cost Of Our Silence Book Trailer


“David Fiorazo has an uncompromising, hard-hitting writing style overflowing with compassion for all people, and his perspective is soundly based upon the truth of God’s Word. His sense of urgency to warn the church about our silence cannot be overstated. He is one of my most articulate radio guests. I consider him one of the best “watchmen on the wall” sounding alarms today. – Jan Markell, Founder of Olive Tree Ministries

The Cost of Our Silence should be required reading for high school and college students, professing Christians, and perhaps most importantly, our pastors and church leaders. This book will open people’s eyes and motivate them to action.” – Rob Pue, Publisher, Wisconsin Christian News

“David Fiorazo is an eloquent and excellent writer, challenging Christians to speak out and take action against the growing secular culture infiltrating our nation. His new book, The Cost of Our Silence, builds to a powerful conclusion and is a clarion call to all those concerned about the direction of our nation as well as the church in America.” –Mike LeMay, Stand Up for the Truth

“I appreciate David Fiorazo’s thoughtful and passionate analysis concerning the moral and spiritual decline facing Believers today. While many in the Church waver under the pressures of secularism and unbiblical thinking, David is counted among the clear voices enunciating God’s truth in these troubling times.” – Eric Barger, Take A Stand Ministries

“We live in dark times disguised as enlightenment. David Fiorazo not only accurately identifies the reality of the underlying problem, he also gives his audience real hope in a world filled with false hopes. David is a modern day Voice in the Wilderness.” – Dr. James D. Langteau, Director of SE Asia, Wycliffe Associates

“David Fiorazo lives his faith. His new book communicates Biblical truth with an uncompromising passion, and takes aim at the many “professing” Christians who refuse to acknowledge or oppose the evils ravaging society – and the church – in America today. A MUST READ. “ – Alan Scholl, Executive Director, Freedom Project Education

“David Fiorazo is a rare and refreshing voice for truth in an age of apostasy and deceit.” –Joe Schimmel, Good Fight Ministries

The Cost Of Our Silence Book Trailer

Table Of Contents

  1. What’s Happening to Our Heritage?
  2. Failing to Learn from History
  3. Not Ashamed of the Gospel
  4. Ducking the Issue of Sin
  5. Separation of Christianity and State
  6. Judicial Tyranny
  7. From Roe V Wade to Kermit Gosnell
  8. The Anguish of Abortion
  9. The Cult of Liberalism
  10. The Rebellion Against God Ordained Marriage
  11. Worldview War: Creation Vs Evolution
  12. Common Core and Eroding Education
  13. Witchcraft Is out of the [Broom] Closet
  14. Storming the Gates of Hell
  15. Then the End Will Come