Author, Speaker, Pastor

February, 13, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor


“With the culture and some churches disintegrating before our eyes, we need ‘watchmen on the wall’ sounding the alarm. I have found David Fiorazo’s insights the very best at that. If we don’t push back against the radical left, very soon our country will be unrecognizable.”

Jan Markell Founder of Olive Tree Ministries

Assault on the Image of God

Assault on the Image of God

Understanding and Responding to Attacks on the Bible, Human Life, and the Church

Assault on the Image of God focuses on the fact that God, His Word, His children, and His church are under attack like never before. The biblical worldview and the truth of creation are under relentless assault as well. True believers in Christ must recognize we are at war, and that it is a spiritual conflict. We also must discern battles on many fronts in the physical, natural realm.

Assault on the Image of God

Assault on the Image of God focuses on the fact that God, His Word, His children, and His church are under attack like never before.

Assault on the Image of God

Assault on the Image of God focuses on the fact that God, His Word, His children, and His church are under attack like never before.

Canceling Christianity

Canceling Christianity is about the battle for the heart of America between two contrasting worldviews finding it harder to coexist in a constitutional republic. 

Canceling Christianity

Canceling Christianity is about the battle for the heart of America between two contrasting worldviews finding it harder to coexist in a constitutional republic. It highlights realities believers face, the spiritual conflict we find ourselves in, and stresses the importance of the salt and light of Christianity to the survival of the nation.

Canceling Christianity

We now live in a culture that has embraced moral relativism, a generation that no longer believes truth can be known. Right and wrong, good and evil are measured by feelings and opinions. It is all part of a satanic delusion and much is at stake.

Canceling Christianity

We now live in a culture that has embraced moral relativism, a generation that no longer believes truth can be known. Right and wrong, good and evil are measured by feelings and opinions. It is all part of a satanic delusion and much is at stake. Redefining Truth provides answers and biblical perspective to the most pressing issues in today’s postmodern society.

Canceling Christianity

The truth is – silence never saved anybody. Rather than retreat and hide the light of Christ, we must stand and fight the good fight of faith, speak the truth in love and bear fruit that will last. If Christians remain silent, fewer people will be saved, society will collapse, and we will continue to be part of the problem.

Canceling Christianity

The truth is – silence never saved anybody. Rather than retreat and hide the light of Christ, we must stand and fight the good fight of faith, speak the truth in love and bear fruit that will last. If Christians remain silent, fewer people will be saved, society will collapse, and we will continue to be part of the problem.


‘ERADICATE’ exposes the primary anti-Christian movements in America and gives you a thorough understanding of the foundational battle.


‘ERADICATE’ exposes the primary anti-Christian movements in America and gives you a thorough understanding of the foundational battle.