Author, Speaker, Pastor

March, 14, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor


John Haller: Foreign Affairs, Technology, and War

John Haller of Fellowship Bible Chapel and David look at how technology is rapidly changing how nations handle war.

Curtis Bowers: Marx Madness & Communist Policy In America

Curtis Bowers is the producer of “AGENDA: Grinding America Down“ and “AGENDA 2: Masters of Deceit.“ David and Curtis discuss the communist agendas that...

Russia Laughing at America’s Weakness & Wokeness

As the world laughs at us, Americans are divided in our reactions to last week’s prisoner swap between Russia and the United States. The...

Unmasked Celebs at Super Bowl Ignore Mandates They Demand You Follow

Follow the science? Literally none of the celebrities and wealthy elites attending the 2022 Super Bowl in Los Angeles were wearing a mask or...

Power – By Any Means Necessary

What’s the next mandate or power grab? When leftist authoritarians force their agenda on the rest of us, hold the line! Washington Time’s Robert...

Misinformation? The Left’s Campaign for Power

We saw this coming. Many of the news stories reported by conservative outlets in the last year that were censored or suppressed by Big...

Are Climate Lockdowns Next?

If you think government, media, and Hollywood propaganda on 'the shot' and 'staying safe' is bad now, get ready. We may soon be seeing...

Do Some Black Lives Matter More Than Others?

According to reports, Black Lives Matter raked in between $90 and 100 million dollars in 2020 alone. Do you know anyone who jumped on...

God’s Will No Concern to Congress?

Democrat Leaders Cancel God from Congress. That’s the headline. It's no surprise the left continues to blot out God in America, but notice that...

For the People Act is Really For the Democrats

It’s back! Nancy Pelosi’s Democrat power grab, H.R. 1, also known as “For the People Act,” died last year as it had no chance...

Ten Things I Learned in 2020

There are endless lists at the end of one year and at the start of another, so I decided to weigh in on the...

Joe Biden: More Islam in Public Schools!

“Muslim American voices matter,” That’s what Joe Biden just said in a message to the Million Muslim Votes Summit last weekend. He also referred...

Democrats Don’t Believe All Women, They Believe Joe Biden

If you believed Christian Blasey Ford - and you do not believe Tara Reade - you may be part of the problem. We're seeing...

Media Wanted Kavanaugh’s Head, Now Give Biden a Pass

What a difference a political party makes. A few years ago, CNN published more than 700 articles on Christine Blasey Ford and aired hundreds...

Why the Oscars, Award Show Ratings Keep Tanking

Either Hollywood elites are in denial - or they just don't care that, year after year, awards show ratings keep hitting record lows. Either...

CA Church, Female Minister Cage Jesus for Politics

How far would a church go to make a political point? Instead of a traditional manger scene, one California church took a jab at...

Doctrines of Democrats Confused About Christianity

Let’s not sugar coat things. For people with the most basic understanding of God’s word, Democrat presidential nominees claiming to be Christian is not...

Big Abortion Wins, Court Decides against Citizen Journalists

The following facts are indisputable. Undercover journalists lost their court case against Planned Parenthood, the multi-billion-dollar abortion business.  David Daleiden, of the Center for...

More Public Schools Promoting Islam

Over four hundred teachers underwent mandatory training in Michigan recently that exalted Islam but denigrated Christianity, America, and white males. The training leads people...

CA Woman Tosses Puppies; Other Women Toss Babies

A woman in California dropped a bag full of newborn puppies into a dumpster in Riverside County a few months back and the verdict...

John Haller: Foreign Affairs, Technology, and War

John Haller of Fellowship Bible Chapel and David look at how technology is rapidly changing how nations handle war.

Curtis Bowers: Marx Madness & Communist Policy In America

Curtis Bowers is the producer of “AGENDA: Grinding America Down“ and “AGENDA 2: Masters of Deceit.“ David and Curtis discuss the communist agendas that...

Russia Laughing at America’s Weakness & Wokeness

As the world laughs at us, Americans are divided in our reactions to last week’s prisoner swap between Russia and the United States. The...

Unmasked Celebs at Super Bowl Ignore Mandates They Demand You Follow

Follow the science? Literally none of the celebrities and wealthy elites attending the 2022 Super Bowl in Los Angeles were wearing a mask or...

Power – By Any Means Necessary

What’s the next mandate or power grab? When leftist authoritarians force their agenda on the rest of us, hold the line! Washington Time’s Robert...

Misinformation? The Left’s Campaign for Power

We saw this coming. Many of the news stories reported by conservative outlets in the last year that were censored or suppressed by Big...

Are Climate Lockdowns Next?

If you think government, media, and Hollywood propaganda on 'the shot' and 'staying safe' is bad now, get ready. We may soon be seeing...

Do Some Black Lives Matter More Than Others?

According to reports, Black Lives Matter raked in between $90 and 100 million dollars in 2020 alone. Do you know anyone who jumped on...

God’s Will No Concern to Congress?

Democrat Leaders Cancel God from Congress. That’s the headline. It's no surprise the left continues to blot out God in America, but notice that...

For the People Act is Really For the Democrats

It’s back! Nancy Pelosi’s Democrat power grab, H.R. 1, also known as “For the People Act,” died last year as it had no chance...

Ten Things I Learned in 2020

There are endless lists at the end of one year and at the start of another, so I decided to weigh in on the...

Joe Biden: More Islam in Public Schools!

“Muslim American voices matter,” That’s what Joe Biden just said in a message to the Million Muslim Votes Summit last weekend. He also referred...

Democrats Don’t Believe All Women, They Believe Joe Biden

If you believed Christian Blasey Ford - and you do not believe Tara Reade - you may be part of the problem. We're seeing...

Media Wanted Kavanaugh’s Head, Now Give Biden a Pass

What a difference a political party makes. A few years ago, CNN published more than 700 articles on Christine Blasey Ford and aired hundreds...

Why the Oscars, Award Show Ratings Keep Tanking

Either Hollywood elites are in denial - or they just don't care that, year after year, awards show ratings keep hitting record lows. Either...

CA Church, Female Minister Cage Jesus for Politics

How far would a church go to make a political point? Instead of a traditional manger scene, one California church took a jab at...

Doctrines of Democrats Confused About Christianity

Let’s not sugar coat things. For people with the most basic understanding of God’s word, Democrat presidential nominees claiming to be Christian is not...

Big Abortion Wins, Court Decides against Citizen Journalists

The following facts are indisputable. Undercover journalists lost their court case against Planned Parenthood, the multi-billion-dollar abortion business.  David Daleiden, of the Center for...

More Public Schools Promoting Islam

Over four hundred teachers underwent mandatory training in Michigan recently that exalted Islam but denigrated Christianity, America, and white males. The training leads people...

CA Woman Tosses Puppies; Other Women Toss Babies

A woman in California dropped a bag full of newborn puppies into a dumpster in Riverside County a few months back and the verdict...

Top Ten Christ & Culture Videos

Thank you for watching and sharing these videos! For the last year and a half, I've been working with Freedom Project Media on a...

Jim Carrey, Alyssa Milano Unwittingly Help Pro-Life Cause

Actors Jim Carrey, Alyssa Milano, and a cast of other liberals are fighting for abortion, but their tactics seem to be backfiring because they’re...

Bullying OK – if the Bullies are Liberal?

Why is there no outcry from the media on the increased bullying of pro-life Christians? Because the bullies are liberal. Godless, pro-abortion activists are...

Hollywood, Dems Deaf to Heartbeats in the Womb

Georgia Governor, Brian Kemp, has been under pressure from the left including Hollywood celebrities and feminists because he promised to sign a bill protecting...

Anti-Christian Bias, Unequal Outcomes in ‘Equality Act’

The Left may be godless, but they’re not stupid. Their deceptive and shrewd use of strategic words has helped them change public opinion, gain...

Students Warned, ‘Don’t Pray in Public’

In Texas of all places, a few public school students sat down at an empty table in the lunchroom to quietly pray for a...

Kavanaugh Confirmation A Huge Impact on Religious Liberty

The war over human life in mother's wombs has just intensified. Abortion is a Sacrament to the Democrat Party and as we have seen,...

What If A Conservative Said That?

Ignoring hypocrisy is one thing, but are we reaching the point where hatred expressed toward the Trump administration and conservatives is becoming the new...

Christians Now Targets of Choice

Five recent news stories indicate a concerning trend in America; a shift from disagreeing with Christians to discriminating against them. Sadly, these attacks are...

Conscience, Corruption, and the Abortion Business Cover-Up

As I drove by what may be the only Planned Parenthood clinic in Wisconsin yesterday, on the sidewalk out front was a woman holding...

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