Author, Speaker, Pastor

October, 23, 2024

Author, Speaker, Pastor

What If A Conservative Said That?

Ignoring hypocrisy is one thing, but are we reaching the point where hatred expressed toward the Trump administration and conservatives is becoming the new norm? And if you missed the tasteless remarks made by alleged comedian Michelle Wolf at the recent White House Correspondents’ Dinner, don’t miss the response by Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

Like pop-ups on the Internet, mainstream media double standards never stop. In fact, I agree with Fox News host, Tucker Carlson, who said, “…hypocrisy is the heart of modern liberalism.”

Friday, griping about a lack of decency and civility in the Trump Whitehouse, MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace talked about choking Sarah Huckabee Sanders:

“Kristen Welker, how do you resist the temptation to run up and wring her neck?”

This begs the question, ‘what if a conservative said that about a liberal?’ MSNBC contributor Steve Schmidt took it further and chiming in, compared Trump to Saddam Hussein and Huckabee Sanders to Baghdad Bob.

“[I]f Baghdad Bob didn’t say what Saddam Hussein wanted him to say, Baghdad Bob would be shot. Sarah Sanders is lying of her own volition. She stands up there every day as a willful participant. Baghdad Bob was a hostage. Sarah Sanders is an accomplice; …in a debased administration that’s dividing the country, hurting America, pitting Americans against each other,”

To be fair, many conservatives said it was the Obama administration that truly made civility and division worse in America. I guess it’s a matter of perspective. But seriously, Saddam Hussein and Baghdad Bob?

Public implications of violence should not go ignored. Unamused and defending his daughter, former Governor, Mike Huckabee tweeted:

MSNBC anchor suggests should be physically assaulted at the WH podium. Yes, is mother of 3 small kids. Feminists will demand that advertisers drop that show and anchor get fired, right? NAH! No penalty for libs suggesting violence.

Responding to Nicole Wallace, another Democrat, John Heilemann said he couldn’t put up with White House Press briefings under a Republican president.

“I would slit my throat after about maybe two of those briefings if I had to sit in that room every day.”

Understand this is the tone of just one single interview on one progressive network. Media coverage of Trump remains 90% negative according to the Media Research Center. To her credit, Nicole Wallace later tweeted an apology saying she used “poorly chosen words.” Don’t hold your breath for an apology from Steve Schmidt.

There also was no apology after the Whitehouse Correspondents Dinner where Michelle Wolf called Sarah Huckabee-Sanders an “uncle Tom for white women,” accused her of lies, and made questionable references to her appearance. It was another hateful tirade that caused many to cringe. Even a few liberal journalists (obvious oxymoron noted) thought the jokes went too far.

White House staff members reportedly tried getting Huckabee Sanders to walk out of the dinner. But when asked about the insults afterward, she said:

“The people that were my friends before that evening are my friends today… I hope that she [Wolf] can find some of the same happiness we all have,”

Most of us could learn from the grace and humility she displayed. As for liberal media hypocrisy, don’t expect a change anytime soon.

*Originally published at Freedom Project Media


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What If A Conservative Said That?


Ignoring hypocrisy is one thing, but are we reaching the point where hatred expressed toward the Trump administration and conservatives is becoming the new norm? And if you missed the tasteless remarks made by alleged comedian Michelle Wolf at the recent White House Correspondents’ Dinner, don’t miss the response by Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

Like pop-ups on the Internet, mainstream media double standards never stop. In fact, I agree with Fox News host, Tucker Carlson, who said, “…hypocrisy is the heart of modern liberalism.”

Friday, griping about a lack of decency and civility in the Trump Whitehouse, MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace talked about choking Sarah Huckabee Sanders:

“Kristen Welker, how do you resist the temptation to run up and wring her neck?”

This begs the question, ‘what if a conservative said that about a liberal?’ MSNBC contributor Steve Schmidt took it further and chiming in, compared Trump to Saddam Hussein and Huckabee Sanders to Baghdad Bob.

“[I]f Baghdad Bob didn’t say what Saddam Hussein wanted him to say, Baghdad Bob would be shot. Sarah Sanders is lying of her own volition. She stands up there every day as a willful participant. Baghdad Bob was a hostage. Sarah Sanders is an accomplice; …in a debased administration that’s dividing the country, hurting America, pitting Americans against each other,”

To be fair, many conservatives said it was the Obama administration that truly made civility and division worse in America. I guess it’s a matter of perspective. But seriously, Saddam Hussein and Baghdad Bob?

Public implications of violence should not go ignored. Unamused and defending his daughter, former Governor, Mike Huckabee tweeted:

MSNBC anchor suggests should be physically assaulted at the WH podium. Yes, is mother of 3 small kids. Feminists will demand that advertisers drop that show and anchor get fired, right? NAH! No penalty for libs suggesting violence.

Responding to Nicole Wallace, another Democrat, John Heilemann said he couldn’t put up with White House Press briefings under a Republican president.

“I would slit my throat after about maybe two of those briefings if I had to sit in that room every day.”

Understand this is the tone of just one single interview on one progressive network. Media coverage of Trump remains 90% negative according to the Media Research Center. To her credit, Nicole Wallace later tweeted an apology saying she used “poorly chosen words.” Don’t hold your breath for an apology from Steve Schmidt.

There also was no apology after the Whitehouse Correspondents Dinner where Michelle Wolf called Sarah Huckabee-Sanders an “uncle Tom for white women,” accused her of lies, and made questionable references to her appearance. It was another hateful tirade that caused many to cringe. Even a few liberal journalists (obvious oxymoron noted) thought the jokes went too far.

White House staff members reportedly tried getting Huckabee Sanders to walk out of the dinner. But when asked about the insults afterward, she said:

“The people that were my friends before that evening are my friends today… I hope that she [Wolf] can find some of the same happiness we all have,”

Most of us could learn from the grace and humility she displayed. As for liberal media hypocrisy, don’t expect a change anytime soon.

*Originally published at Freedom Project Media

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