Author, Speaker, Pastor

March, 13, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor


abortion, planned parenthood - search results

Top Ten Christ & Culture Videos

Thank you for watching and sharing these videos! For the last year and a half, I've been working with Freedom Project Media on a...

Bullying OK – if the Bullies are Liberal?

Why is there no outcry from the media on the increased bullying of pro-life Christians? Because the bullies are liberal. Godless, pro-abortion activists are...

Hollywood, Dems Deaf to Heartbeats in the Womb

Georgia Governor, Brian Kemp, has been under pressure from the left including Hollywood celebrities and feminists because he promised to sign a bill protecting...

Will Marriage Soon Be Meaningless?

Is God-ordained marriage being deconstructed  in America? In order to eliminate natural marriage in society, it must first be rendered meaningless. How could that...

Who Was Margaret Sanger, Why Should We Care?

It was Margaret Sanger who laid the foundation for today's liberal social agenda that has left a legacy of anguish, confusion, pain, and death...

It’s Open Season On Christians and Life

What do Hollywood, Lady Gaga, Andrew Cuomo, the Democrat Party, the mainstream media, and the LGBTQ lobby all have in common? Intolerance toward Jesus...


If we love the Lord with all our hearts, we will love His Word and pursue a deeper walk with Jesus Christ. We will...

Americans Welcome Halloween; Witches Hex Kavanaugh, Trump

Last weekend, organizers in New York hosted an event for actual witches to put a hex on Supreme Court Justice, Brett Kavanaugh; the latest...

Rape and Death Threats for Being Pro-Life? How Intolerant.

Author, PJ Media contributor, Fox News guest, and commentator for the Federalist, Denise McAllister and her family are in fear for their lives after receiving threats of...

Entertaining Churches Gone Wild

There are some bizarre, outrageous, and flat-out unbiblical things going on in lots of churches. One so-called church sells beer, another worships Mother Earth,...

Signs of Life on Mars but not in a Mother’s Womb?

This just in! Once again, researchers are thrilled about the possibility of life on Mars! Maybe. A recent report of water a mile underneath a slab...

Toys “R” Us Aborts Its Business

The bankruptcy and closing of a previously successful corporation can often be attributed to many factors, and Toys-R-Us is no different. The company specializing...

Resist the Media-infused Resistance

Over the years, irresponsible reporting has destroyed trust in the news media as well as our society, and they just keep stirring the hornet’s...

The Real War on Women

Abortion is the real war on women (and men). Here's a tale of two marches featuring two completely different worldviews, and it's obvious which...

Eight Key Concerns for Christians in 2018

A favorite Scripture of mine is Psalm 90:12 which states, “Teach us to number our days that we might gain a heart of wisdom.”...

The World Wonders About USA Protests

To have a successful protest, it’s probably a good idea to clearly communicate exactly what you are protesting and what solutions you are proposing....

Eradicate Reviews

  1.  "In Eradicate: Blotting Out God In America author, David Fiorazo, takes on the big issues of decline in our current civilization from the...

Ducking the Issue of Sin: the Easy Way Out

And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those...

The Conscience of America: Good News, Bad News

One danger in our society is many people have gotten used to the back and forth debate over the most sacred of rights on...

Liberal Media Disconnect Exposed – Again

Americans are fed up and tired of being insulted by condescending elites on the Left. It is no surprise trust in the mainstream media...

The Cost of Silence Chapter Excerpts

Here's plenty of free reading from The Cost of Our Silence. We are seeing the consequences in culture of 'Christians Taking the Path of...

One Nation Under Apathy: The Devaluing of Human Life

William Wilberforce once said, "You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know." Please...

The Contagious Cult of Liberalism

For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:11 Americans are divided over...

Trampling Christ, Christians, and Country: LGBT Troops Steamroll Religious Freedom

It is undeniable the LGBT movement has grown in acceptance, public opinion, influence, and more recently – in boldness throughout the West. Almost simultaneously,...

Social Issues Are Moral Issues

Lines have been drawn in the proverbial sand. Throughout American society, too many have ignored rampant immorality in our culture and chose to look...

Marx Madness: Calculated Chaos in America

How did one of the greatest Christian societies in the world decline to the point in which Bible-believing Christians may soon be criminalized in...

Common Core and Eroding Education – an extensive excerpt

It would appear our power grabbing U.S. government survived the backlash against the controversial implementation of Common Core State Standards in our education system....

Boycotting Truth to Promote Death

Within the last thirty days, more Planned Parenthood videos have been released exposing their callous attitude toward life; an assistant football coach was banned...

Are We Really Surprised by the Massacre in America?

When a society turns its back on their Creator or forgets Him; when they choose to live for themselves and for worthless idols, and...

Culture Collapses When Christians Conform

The following is a bonus chapter from the 2015 book, The Cost of Our Silence: Consequences of Christians Taking the Path of Least Resistance. But...

Your Politics are Literally Killing Us

Some might wonder how Democrats can be so proud of their extreme position on abortion, but Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz just...

The American People Have Spoken… Again

Now what? A tidal wave of victories by Republicans in the 2014 Midterm elections only matter if those in power will stop the radical...

The Last 50 Years In America (part four of four): 2000-2012 plus Chapter Conclusion


The Last 50 Years in America (part two of four): 1970s & 1980s

A CONDENSED CHRONOLOGICAL LOOK AT AMERICA’S MORAL DECLINE FROM A CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE 1970s 1970: The EPA is created to enforce increasing number of environ¬mental protection laws...

THE LAST 50 YEARS IN AMERICA: 1960s (Part one of four)

  A CONDENSED CHRONOLOGICAL LOOK AT AMERICA’S MORAL DECLINE FROM A CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE INTRODUCTION By the end of this timeline you’ll see massive evidence of the fading...

Margaret Sanger’s Mission Accomplished?

There is an abortion every 26 seconds in America, and shocking new statistics show the black and Hispanic populations taking the hit. Center for...

WHY TRUTH MATTERS: Your Worldview Affects Everything!

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God....

A Royal Baby, a King, and the Fight over Life in America

As the world anticipated the birth of the royal baby last week, I couldn’t help but notice that during her pregnancy, the typically pro-abortion...

Alfred Kinsey and Sexual Anarchy in America (content warning)

American citizens to individuals must learn about people from history who have been both influential and detrimental to Christianity, culture, and morality in our...

20 ERADICATE Book Excerpts

Read 20 Informative & Powerful Excerpts from Eradicate: Blotting Out God in America (highlights plus links) Click here to Read the Full INTRODUCTION to ERADICATE (link) Do...

Gosnell Guilty of Murder And Manslaughter: Now What?

By now, you’ve probably heard the news that late-term abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell was found guilty of three first-degree murder charges for killing live...


Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…. Therefore be careful how...

President Obama’s Faith and Fruit: Actions Speak Louder than Words

When asked about President Obama’s faith on an MSNBC interview, Franklin Graham responded, “You have to look at what a person does with his...

Two Extremely Different Paths For America

It's almost time for us to decide what kind of country we want. I hope by now you've made your decision. Most of us...

The Last Fifty Years in America, Eradicate Overview (Part 2 of 2)

In Eradicate: Blotting Out God in America, we’ll investigate why too many Christians have conformed to the world and show how were now suffering...

Table of Contents

In my own words...  full length 'pull no punches' version! VIDEO: What's in it for you and WHY is this book so important?  CONTENTS.................................................................................................5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS............................................................................7 INTRODUCTION TO...

Top 50 Links for Christian Conservatives; Know the Truth, Inform friends, Change culture

David Fiorazo's Recommended Resources: Get Informed, Share Facts and News! The Media cannot be trusted. NEWS, TOP STORIES, ANALYSIS AND CURRENT EVENTS CNS news News; no...

America’s Most Biblically-Hostile U.S. President

When one observes President Obama’s unwillingness to accommodate America’s four-century long religious conscience protection through his attempts to require Catholics to go against their...

Top Ten Christ & Culture Videos

Thank you for watching and sharing these videos! For the last year and a half, I've been working with Freedom Project Media on a...

Bullying OK – if the Bullies are Liberal?

Why is there no outcry from the media on the increased bullying of pro-life Christians? Because the bullies are liberal. Godless, pro-abortion activists are...

Hollywood, Dems Deaf to Heartbeats in the Womb

Georgia Governor, Brian Kemp, has been under pressure from the left including Hollywood celebrities and feminists because he promised to sign a bill protecting...

Will Marriage Soon Be Meaningless?

Is God-ordained marriage being deconstructed  in America? In order to eliminate natural marriage in society, it must first be rendered meaningless. How could that...

Who Was Margaret Sanger, Why Should We Care?

It was Margaret Sanger who laid the foundation for today's liberal social agenda that has left a legacy of anguish, confusion, pain, and death...

It’s Open Season On Christians and Life

What do Hollywood, Lady Gaga, Andrew Cuomo, the Democrat Party, the mainstream media, and the LGBTQ lobby all have in common? Intolerance toward Jesus...


If we love the Lord with all our hearts, we will love His Word and pursue a deeper walk with Jesus Christ. We will...

Americans Welcome Halloween; Witches Hex Kavanaugh, Trump

Last weekend, organizers in New York hosted an event for actual witches to put a hex on Supreme Court Justice, Brett Kavanaugh; the latest...

Rape and Death Threats for Being Pro-Life? How Intolerant.

Author, PJ Media contributor, Fox News guest, and commentator for the Federalist, Denise McAllister and her family are in fear for their lives after receiving threats of...

Entertaining Churches Gone Wild

There are some bizarre, outrageous, and flat-out unbiblical things going on in lots of churches. One so-called church sells beer, another worships Mother Earth,...

Signs of Life on Mars but not in a Mother’s Womb?

This just in! Once again, researchers are thrilled about the possibility of life on Mars! Maybe. A recent report of water a mile underneath a slab...

Toys “R” Us Aborts Its Business

The bankruptcy and closing of a previously successful corporation can often be attributed to many factors, and Toys-R-Us is no different. The company specializing...

Resist the Media-infused Resistance

Over the years, irresponsible reporting has destroyed trust in the news media as well as our society, and they just keep stirring the hornet’s...

The Real War on Women

Abortion is the real war on women (and men). Here's a tale of two marches featuring two completely different worldviews, and it's obvious which...

Eight Key Concerns for Christians in 2018

A favorite Scripture of mine is Psalm 90:12 which states, “Teach us to number our days that we might gain a heart of wisdom.”...

The World Wonders About USA Protests

To have a successful protest, it’s probably a good idea to clearly communicate exactly what you are protesting and what solutions you are proposing....

Eradicate Reviews

  1.  "In Eradicate: Blotting Out God In America author, David Fiorazo, takes on the big issues of decline in our current civilization from the...

Ducking the Issue of Sin: the Easy Way Out

And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those...

The Conscience of America: Good News, Bad News

One danger in our society is many people have gotten used to the back and forth debate over the most sacred of rights on...

Liberal Media Disconnect Exposed – Again

Americans are fed up and tired of being insulted by condescending elites on the Left. It is no surprise trust in the mainstream media...

The Cost of Silence Chapter Excerpts

Here's plenty of free reading from The Cost of Our Silence. We are seeing the consequences in culture of 'Christians Taking the Path of...

One Nation Under Apathy: The Devaluing of Human Life

William Wilberforce once said, "You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know." Please...

The Contagious Cult of Liberalism

For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:11 Americans are divided over...

Trampling Christ, Christians, and Country: LGBT Troops Steamroll Religious Freedom

It is undeniable the LGBT movement has grown in acceptance, public opinion, influence, and more recently – in boldness throughout the West. Almost simultaneously,...

Social Issues Are Moral Issues

Lines have been drawn in the proverbial sand. Throughout American society, too many have ignored rampant immorality in our culture and chose to look...

Marx Madness: Calculated Chaos in America

How did one of the greatest Christian societies in the world decline to the point in which Bible-believing Christians may soon be criminalized in...

Common Core and Eroding Education – an extensive excerpt

It would appear our power grabbing U.S. government survived the backlash against the controversial implementation of Common Core State Standards in our education system....

Boycotting Truth to Promote Death

Within the last thirty days, more Planned Parenthood videos have been released exposing their callous attitude toward life; an assistant football coach was banned...

Are We Really Surprised by the Massacre in America?

When a society turns its back on their Creator or forgets Him; when they choose to live for themselves and for worthless idols, and...

Culture Collapses When Christians Conform

The following is a bonus chapter from the 2015 book, The Cost of Our Silence: Consequences of Christians Taking the Path of Least Resistance. But...

Your Politics are Literally Killing Us

Some might wonder how Democrats can be so proud of their extreme position on abortion, but Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz just...

The American People Have Spoken… Again

Now what? A tidal wave of victories by Republicans in the 2014 Midterm elections only matter if those in power will stop the radical...

The Last 50 Years In America (part four of four): 2000-2012 plus Chapter Conclusion


The Last 50 Years in America (part two of four): 1970s & 1980s

A CONDENSED CHRONOLOGICAL LOOK AT AMERICA’S MORAL DECLINE FROM A CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE 1970s 1970: The EPA is created to enforce increasing number of environ¬mental protection laws...

THE LAST 50 YEARS IN AMERICA: 1960s (Part one of four)

  A CONDENSED CHRONOLOGICAL LOOK AT AMERICA’S MORAL DECLINE FROM A CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE INTRODUCTION By the end of this timeline you’ll see massive evidence of the fading...

Margaret Sanger’s Mission Accomplished?

There is an abortion every 26 seconds in America, and shocking new statistics show the black and Hispanic populations taking the hit. Center for...

WHY TRUTH MATTERS: Your Worldview Affects Everything!

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God....

A Royal Baby, a King, and the Fight over Life in America

As the world anticipated the birth of the royal baby last week, I couldn’t help but notice that during her pregnancy, the typically pro-abortion...

Alfred Kinsey and Sexual Anarchy in America (content warning)

American citizens to individuals must learn about people from history who have been both influential and detrimental to Christianity, culture, and morality in our...

20 ERADICATE Book Excerpts

Read 20 Informative & Powerful Excerpts from Eradicate: Blotting Out God in America (highlights plus links) Click here to Read the Full INTRODUCTION to ERADICATE (link) Do...

Gosnell Guilty of Murder And Manslaughter: Now What?

By now, you’ve probably heard the news that late-term abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell was found guilty of three first-degree murder charges for killing live...


Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…. Therefore be careful how...

President Obama’s Faith and Fruit: Actions Speak Louder than Words

When asked about President Obama’s faith on an MSNBC interview, Franklin Graham responded, “You have to look at what a person does with his...

Two Extremely Different Paths For America

It's almost time for us to decide what kind of country we want. I hope by now you've made your decision. Most of us...

The Last Fifty Years in America, Eradicate Overview (Part 2 of 2)

In Eradicate: Blotting Out God in America, we’ll investigate why too many Christians have conformed to the world and show how were now suffering...

Table of Contents

In my own words...  full length 'pull no punches' version! VIDEO: What's in it for you and WHY is this book so important?  CONTENTS.................................................................................................5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS............................................................................7 INTRODUCTION TO...

Top 50 Links for Christian Conservatives; Know the Truth, Inform friends, Change culture

David Fiorazo's Recommended Resources: Get Informed, Share Facts and News! The Media cannot be trusted. NEWS, TOP STORIES, ANALYSIS AND CURRENT EVENTS CNS news News; no...

America’s Most Biblically-Hostile U.S. President

When one observes President Obama’s unwillingness to accommodate America’s four-century long religious conscience protection through his attempts to require Catholics to go against their...

untitled artwork


abortion, planned parenthood - search results

Top Ten Christ & Culture Videos

Thank you for watching and sharing these videos! For the last year and a half, I've been working with Freedom Project Media on a...

Bullying OK – if the Bullies are Liberal?

Why is there no outcry from the media on the increased bullying of pro-life Christians? Because the bullies are liberal. Godless, pro-abortion activists are...

Hollywood, Dems Deaf to Heartbeats in the Womb

Georgia Governor, Brian Kemp, has been under pressure from the left including Hollywood celebrities and feminists because he promised to sign a bill protecting...

Will Marriage Soon Be Meaningless?

Is God-ordained marriage being deconstructed  in America? In order to eliminate natural marriage in society, it must first be rendered meaningless. How could that...

Who Was Margaret Sanger, Why Should We Care?

It was Margaret Sanger who laid the foundation for today's liberal social agenda that has left a legacy of anguish, confusion, pain, and death...

It’s Open Season On Christians and Life

What do Hollywood, Lady Gaga, Andrew Cuomo, the Democrat Party, the mainstream media, and the LGBTQ lobby all have in common? Intolerance toward Jesus...


If we love the Lord with all our hearts, we will love His Word and pursue a deeper walk with Jesus Christ. We will...

Americans Welcome Halloween; Witches Hex Kavanaugh, Trump

Last weekend, organizers in New York hosted an event for actual witches to put a hex on Supreme Court Justice, Brett Kavanaugh; the latest...

Rape and Death Threats for Being Pro-Life? How Intolerant.

Author, PJ Media contributor, Fox News guest, and commentator for the Federalist, Denise McAllister and her family are in fear for their lives after receiving threats of...

Entertaining Churches Gone Wild

There are some bizarre, outrageous, and flat-out unbiblical things going on in lots of churches. One so-called church sells beer, another worships Mother Earth,...

Signs of Life on Mars but not in a Mother’s Womb?

This just in! Once again, researchers are thrilled about the possibility of life on Mars! Maybe. A recent report of water a mile underneath a slab...

Toys “R” Us Aborts Its Business

The bankruptcy and closing of a previously successful corporation can often be attributed to many factors, and Toys-R-Us is no different. The company specializing...

Resist the Media-infused Resistance

Over the years, irresponsible reporting has destroyed trust in the news media as well as our society, and they just keep stirring the hornet’s...

The Real War on Women

Abortion is the real war on women (and men). Here's a tale of two marches featuring two completely different worldviews, and it's obvious which...

Eight Key Concerns for Christians in 2018

A favorite Scripture of mine is Psalm 90:12 which states, “Teach us to number our days that we might gain a heart of wisdom.”...

The World Wonders About USA Protests

To have a successful protest, it’s probably a good idea to clearly communicate exactly what you are protesting and what solutions you are proposing....

Eradicate Reviews

  1.  "In Eradicate: Blotting Out God In America author, David Fiorazo, takes on the big issues of decline in our current civilization from the...

Ducking the Issue of Sin: the Easy Way Out

And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those...

The Conscience of America: Good News, Bad News

One danger in our society is many people have gotten used to the back and forth debate over the most sacred of rights on...

Liberal Media Disconnect Exposed – Again

Americans are fed up and tired of being insulted by condescending elites on the Left. It is no surprise trust in the mainstream media...

The Cost of Silence Chapter Excerpts

Here's plenty of free reading from The Cost of Our Silence. We are seeing the consequences in culture of 'Christians Taking the Path of...

One Nation Under Apathy: The Devaluing of Human Life

William Wilberforce once said, "You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know." Please...

The Contagious Cult of Liberalism

For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:11 Americans are divided over...

Trampling Christ, Christians, and Country: LGBT Troops Steamroll Religious Freedom

It is undeniable the LGBT movement has grown in acceptance, public opinion, influence, and more recently – in boldness throughout the West. Almost simultaneously,...

Social Issues Are Moral Issues

Lines have been drawn in the proverbial sand. Throughout American society, too many have ignored rampant immorality in our culture and chose to look...

Marx Madness: Calculated Chaos in America

How did one of the greatest Christian societies in the world decline to the point in which Bible-believing Christians may soon be criminalized in...

Common Core and Eroding Education – an extensive excerpt

It would appear our power grabbing U.S. government survived the backlash against the controversial implementation of Common Core State Standards in our education system....

Boycotting Truth to Promote Death

Within the last thirty days, more Planned Parenthood videos have been released exposing their callous attitude toward life; an assistant football coach was banned...

Are We Really Surprised by the Massacre in America?

When a society turns its back on their Creator or forgets Him; when they choose to live for themselves and for worthless idols, and...

Culture Collapses When Christians Conform

The following is a bonus chapter from the 2015 book, The Cost of Our Silence: Consequences of Christians Taking the Path of Least Resistance. But...

Your Politics are Literally Killing Us

Some might wonder how Democrats can be so proud of their extreme position on abortion, but Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz just...

The American People Have Spoken… Again

Now what? A tidal wave of victories by Republicans in the 2014 Midterm elections only matter if those in power will stop the radical...

The Last 50 Years In America (part four of four): 2000-2012 plus Chapter Conclusion


The Last 50 Years in America (part two of four): 1970s & 1980s

A CONDENSED CHRONOLOGICAL LOOK AT AMERICA’S MORAL DECLINE FROM A CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE 1970s 1970: The EPA is created to enforce increasing number of environ¬mental protection laws...

THE LAST 50 YEARS IN AMERICA: 1960s (Part one of four)

  A CONDENSED CHRONOLOGICAL LOOK AT AMERICA’S MORAL DECLINE FROM A CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE INTRODUCTION By the end of this timeline you’ll see massive evidence of the fading...

Margaret Sanger’s Mission Accomplished?

There is an abortion every 26 seconds in America, and shocking new statistics show the black and Hispanic populations taking the hit. Center for...

WHY TRUTH MATTERS: Your Worldview Affects Everything!

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God....

A Royal Baby, a King, and the Fight over Life in America

As the world anticipated the birth of the royal baby last week, I couldn’t help but notice that during her pregnancy, the typically pro-abortion...

Alfred Kinsey and Sexual Anarchy in America (content warning)

American citizens to individuals must learn about people from history who have been both influential and detrimental to Christianity, culture, and morality in our...

20 ERADICATE Book Excerpts

Read 20 Informative & Powerful Excerpts from Eradicate: Blotting Out God in America (highlights plus links) Click here to Read the Full INTRODUCTION to ERADICATE (link) Do...

Gosnell Guilty of Murder And Manslaughter: Now What?

By now, you’ve probably heard the news that late-term abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell was found guilty of three first-degree murder charges for killing live...


Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…. Therefore be careful how...

President Obama’s Faith and Fruit: Actions Speak Louder than Words

When asked about President Obama’s faith on an MSNBC interview, Franklin Graham responded, “You have to look at what a person does with his...

Two Extremely Different Paths For America

It's almost time for us to decide what kind of country we want. I hope by now you've made your decision. Most of us...

The Last Fifty Years in America, Eradicate Overview (Part 2 of 2)

In Eradicate: Blotting Out God in America, we’ll investigate why too many Christians have conformed to the world and show how were now suffering...

Table of Contents

In my own words...  full length 'pull no punches' version! VIDEO: What's in it for you and WHY is this book so important?  CONTENTS.................................................................................................5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS............................................................................7 INTRODUCTION TO...

Top 50 Links for Christian Conservatives; Know the Truth, Inform friends, Change culture

David Fiorazo's Recommended Resources: Get Informed, Share Facts and News! The Media cannot be trusted. NEWS, TOP STORIES, ANALYSIS AND CURRENT EVENTS CNS news News; no...

America’s Most Biblically-Hostile U.S. President

When one observes President Obama’s unwillingness to accommodate America’s four-century long religious conscience protection through his attempts to require Catholics to go against their...