Author, Speaker, Pastor

January, 12, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor

Alfred Kinsey and Sexual Anarchy in America (content warning)


American citizens to individuals must learn about people from history who have been both influential and detrimental to Christianity, culture, and morality in our great country. Right around the same time Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger was advancing her abortion agenda including eugenics and population control; and around the same time John Dewey was promoting his socialist agenda in public schools, evil was about to kick into hyper drive. Hollywood, academia, and the media has buried the truth that sexologist Alfred Kinsey and his associates had performed their “research” on young children, and were guilty not only of scientific fraud but of serious crimes.

The following is an excerpt from the book, ERADICATE: BLOTTING OUT GOD IN AMERICA, chapter 8 entitled, Normalizing Homosexuality:

The promotion of promiscuity is practically everywhere in our secular-progressive culture so who and what contributed to alter­ing traditional beliefs in America? We exposed Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood already. Who else helped progress the perversion?

Some refer to Alfred C. Kinsey as the Father of the “Sexual Revo­lution” in America, while others refer to him as the most influential bisexual pedophile and child molester in this nation’s history. In 1997, biographer James Jones called Kinsey a sadomasochistic homosexual.

One goal of Kinsey’s research was to prove that humans are sexual beings, and the earlier in life we start to experience sexual pleasure, the better. Kinsey fed his perverted sex drive by selling his theory that there was “widespread ignorance of sexual structure and physiology.” He believed waiting to have sex, especially until getting married, was psychologically harmful. This subject matter could be (and has been) expanded into an entire chapter or book of its own, but let’s look at Kinsey’s impact through the lens of gay activism in America.

Alfred Kinsey’s research was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation in the late 1930’s11. The Rockefellers also funded Margaret Sanger’s first birth control clinic in 1923 and continue to fund abortion and popula­tion control research today. Another of Kinsey’s influences was Dr. Herrmann Muller, one of his colleagues at Indiana University. Muller was a member of the American Eugenics Society and had studied under Ernst Rudin. (Rudin became the head of the Nazi Racial Hygiene Society and contributed to Margaret Sanger’s Birth Control Review.)

Kinsey had a lack of respect for human life, morality, and religion. The Human Life Foundation published Rebecca Messall’s research “The Evolution of Genocide,” also confirming that “Kinsey was a self-avowed eugenicist.” Alfred Kinsey founded the Institute for Sex Research at Indiana University in 1947, now known as the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction.

Early on, Kinsey conducted most of his research in the attic of his Bloomington, Indiana home. If you consider this horror, he truly inspired the future trend of pornography. Most notably, Kinsey influ­enced Hugh Hefner to launch Playboy Magazine, the “soft” approach to porn, which in time would escalate the widespread use of pornog­raphy through magazines, cable TV, and the Internet. America would be changed forever by the pornography pandemic.

Dr. Judith A. Reisman is an author, researcher, historian, and teacher who declared “Kinsey’s fraudulent sex science research” led to the addicting of men, women, and children to pornography. According to Dr. Reisman, Kinsey said his mission was to remove the Christian influence in America and eliminate the sexually “repressive” legacy of Judeo Christianity. In her exhaustive study of Alfred Kinsey, Dr. Reis­man went on to conclude:

“In large measure, Dr. Kinsey’s mission has been accomplished, mostly posthumously, by his legion of true believers – elitists who have systematically brainwashed their fellow intellectual elites to adopt Kinsey’s pan-sexual secular worldview and jet­tison the Judeo Christian worldview upon which this country was founded and flourished.”

Dr. Reisman also noted one of Alfred Kinsey’s most ardent sup­porters is Dr. Carol Vance, a lesbian activist and Columbia University anthropologist. Vance spoke at a Kinsey symposium in 1998 to fellow sexologists at San Francisco State University:

“Biography is the battleground.” Should Kinsey be discredited, she warned, “200 years of sexual progress can be undone.”

From the time Kinsey’s first report was released, his godless work drove the depravity and decay of American culture to the point that even churches would become infected. Many historians have noted that shortly after his work was issued, the problems of abuse in Catholic churches began. Years later, many scandals would be exposed.

When Hollywood released Kinsey, starring Liam Neisen, writer and columnist Selwyn Duke published “The re-whitewashing of pedophile Alfred Kinsey.” Duke stated the movie portrayed Kinsey, not as the criminal he was but merely as a “conscientious but persecuted scien­tist whose only ambition was to push back the frontiers of ignorance.”

The film completely glossed over Kinsey’s perversion and damage he caused to America. In real life, he padded and skewed many of his sex survey results. Selwyn Duke accused those who conceal the truth about Kinsey as being complicit in “crimes against humanity” concluding:

“It is absolutely unconscionable that useful idiots, perverts and social-engineers would perpetuate one of the most pernicious lies ever foisted on the American public. To create any kind of work about the life of Alfred Kinsey and not place his deviance, criminality and wickedness front and center is akin to making a movie about Hitler and omitting mention of the Holocaust.”

Kinsey’s work soon catapulted the homosexual movement in Amer­ica. His reputation continues to be protected today by academia, Hol­lywood, and the elite media even though many critics insist he should have been convicted of child molestation, incest, and pedophilia. No one seems to care his earliest privately conducted studies were not monitored. Kinsey’s work was also blindly accepted as fact through the engineer­ing of a Model Penal Code that reduced penalties for sex offenses, thus putting women and children at increased risk of harm.

Kinsey’s research caused a warped formation of society’s beliefs about human sexuality. Possibly most disturbing is the fact that his seldom challenged data is somewhat of a guide used at almost every level of education causing the expansion of the “sex education” industry. Kinsey’s live sex surveys involved illegal experimentation on hundreds of children. In part of the description to her 1990 book, Kinsey Sex and Fraud: the Indoctrination of a People, Dr. Judith Reisman explained his surveys were done on (a non-representative group) hundreds of sex offenders, prostitutes, prison inmates, and exhibitionists.

“Because of this fraudulent research, Kinsey’s brand of social ‘science’ has led to one of the greatest hypocrisies of all time: the pretense of providing safe-sex instructions to children while in reality advancing Kinsey’s agenda, including indulgence in high-risk lifestyles and behaviors.”

A pioneer of perversion, the man who regarded humans as animals is well respected today in colleges and universities. If you hear his name in the future, you’ll now understand that tragically, there may be no bigger and more damaging influence on sexuality in America than Alfred Kinsey.

alfred-kinsey-1953-time-magazine-cover1953 Time Magazine cover featuring sexologist Alfred Kinsey

kinseybanner CWAThe shocking truth! What you need to know about Alfred Kinsey:

For more, “Stunner! Kinsey paid my father to rape me”

Alfred Kinsey and the failure of homosexuality

The Kinsey Coverup (Part 1 of 2)

Like Alfred Kinsey, Obama HHS “Grooming” Children for Sex

Full Length Documentary, The Kinsey Syndrome

*If you have a good article I can share, please get me the link


More From David

Alfred Kinsey and Sexual Anarchy in America (content warning)



American citizens to individuals must learn about people from history who have been both influential and detrimental to Christianity, culture, and morality in our great country. Right around the same time Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger was advancing her abortion agenda including eugenics and population control; and around the same time John Dewey was promoting his socialist agenda in public schools, evil was about to kick into hyper drive. Hollywood, academia, and the media has buried the truth that sexologist Alfred Kinsey and his associates had performed their “research” on young children, and were guilty not only of scientific fraud but of serious crimes.

The following is an excerpt from the book, ERADICATE: BLOTTING OUT GOD IN AMERICA, chapter 8 entitled, Normalizing Homosexuality:

The promotion of promiscuity is practically everywhere in our secular-progressive culture so who and what contributed to alter­ing traditional beliefs in America? We exposed Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood already. Who else helped progress the perversion?

Some refer to Alfred C. Kinsey as the Father of the “Sexual Revo­lution” in America, while others refer to him as the most influential bisexual pedophile and child molester in this nation’s history. In 1997, biographer James Jones called Kinsey a sadomasochistic homosexual.

One goal of Kinsey’s research was to prove that humans are sexual beings, and the earlier in life we start to experience sexual pleasure, the better. Kinsey fed his perverted sex drive by selling his theory that there was “widespread ignorance of sexual structure and physiology.” He believed waiting to have sex, especially until getting married, was psychologically harmful. This subject matter could be (and has been) expanded into an entire chapter or book of its own, but let’s look at Kinsey’s impact through the lens of gay activism in America.

Alfred Kinsey’s research was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation in the late 1930’s11. The Rockefellers also funded Margaret Sanger’s first birth control clinic in 1923 and continue to fund abortion and popula­tion control research today. Another of Kinsey’s influences was Dr. Herrmann Muller, one of his colleagues at Indiana University. Muller was a member of the American Eugenics Society and had studied under Ernst Rudin. (Rudin became the head of the Nazi Racial Hygiene Society and contributed to Margaret Sanger’s Birth Control Review.)

Kinsey had a lack of respect for human life, morality, and religion. The Human Life Foundation published Rebecca Messall’s research “The Evolution of Genocide,” also confirming that “Kinsey was a self-avowed eugenicist.” Alfred Kinsey founded the Institute for Sex Research at Indiana University in 1947, now known as the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction.

Early on, Kinsey conducted most of his research in the attic of his Bloomington, Indiana home. If you consider this horror, he truly inspired the future trend of pornography. Most notably, Kinsey influ­enced Hugh Hefner to launch Playboy Magazine, the “soft” approach to porn, which in time would escalate the widespread use of pornog­raphy through magazines, cable TV, and the Internet. America would be changed forever by the pornography pandemic.

Dr. Judith A. Reisman is an author, researcher, historian, and teacher who declared “Kinsey’s fraudulent sex science research” led to the addicting of men, women, and children to pornography. According to Dr. Reisman, Kinsey said his mission was to remove the Christian influence in America and eliminate the sexually “repressive” legacy of Judeo Christianity. In her exhaustive study of Alfred Kinsey, Dr. Reis­man went on to conclude:

“In large measure, Dr. Kinsey’s mission has been accomplished, mostly posthumously, by his legion of true believers – elitists who have systematically brainwashed their fellow intellectual elites to adopt Kinsey’s pan-sexual secular worldview and jet­tison the Judeo Christian worldview upon which this country was founded and flourished.”

Dr. Reisman also noted one of Alfred Kinsey’s most ardent sup­porters is Dr. Carol Vance, a lesbian activist and Columbia University anthropologist. Vance spoke at a Kinsey symposium in 1998 to fellow sexologists at San Francisco State University:

“Biography is the battleground.” Should Kinsey be discredited, she warned, “200 years of sexual progress can be undone.”

From the time Kinsey’s first report was released, his godless work drove the depravity and decay of American culture to the point that even churches would become infected. Many historians have noted that shortly after his work was issued, the problems of abuse in Catholic churches began. Years later, many scandals would be exposed.

When Hollywood released Kinsey, starring Liam Neisen, writer and columnist Selwyn Duke published “The re-whitewashing of pedophile Alfred Kinsey.” Duke stated the movie portrayed Kinsey, not as the criminal he was but merely as a “conscientious but persecuted scien­tist whose only ambition was to push back the frontiers of ignorance.”

The film completely glossed over Kinsey’s perversion and damage he caused to America. In real life, he padded and skewed many of his sex survey results. Selwyn Duke accused those who conceal the truth about Kinsey as being complicit in “crimes against humanity” concluding:

“It is absolutely unconscionable that useful idiots, perverts and social-engineers would perpetuate one of the most pernicious lies ever foisted on the American public. To create any kind of work about the life of Alfred Kinsey and not place his deviance, criminality and wickedness front and center is akin to making a movie about Hitler and omitting mention of the Holocaust.”

Kinsey’s work soon catapulted the homosexual movement in Amer­ica. His reputation continues to be protected today by academia, Hol­lywood, and the elite media even though many critics insist he should have been convicted of child molestation, incest, and pedophilia. No one seems to care his earliest privately conducted studies were not monitored. Kinsey’s work was also blindly accepted as fact through the engineer­ing of a Model Penal Code that reduced penalties for sex offenses, thus putting women and children at increased risk of harm.

Kinsey’s research caused a warped formation of society’s beliefs about human sexuality. Possibly most disturbing is the fact that his seldom challenged data is somewhat of a guide used at almost every level of education causing the expansion of the “sex education” industry. Kinsey’s live sex surveys involved illegal experimentation on hundreds of children. In part of the description to her 1990 book, Kinsey Sex and Fraud: the Indoctrination of a People, Dr. Judith Reisman explained his surveys were done on (a non-representative group) hundreds of sex offenders, prostitutes, prison inmates, and exhibitionists.

“Because of this fraudulent research, Kinsey’s brand of social ‘science’ has led to one of the greatest hypocrisies of all time: the pretense of providing safe-sex instructions to children while in reality advancing Kinsey’s agenda, including indulgence in high-risk lifestyles and behaviors.”

A pioneer of perversion, the man who regarded humans as animals is well respected today in colleges and universities. If you hear his name in the future, you’ll now understand that tragically, there may be no bigger and more damaging influence on sexuality in America than Alfred Kinsey.

alfred-kinsey-1953-time-magazine-cover1953 Time Magazine cover featuring sexologist Alfred Kinsey

kinseybanner CWAThe shocking truth! What you need to know about Alfred Kinsey:

For more, “Stunner! Kinsey paid my father to rape me”

Alfred Kinsey and the failure of homosexuality

The Kinsey Coverup (Part 1 of 2)

Like Alfred Kinsey, Obama HHS “Grooming” Children for Sex

Full Length Documentary, The Kinsey Syndrome

*If you have a good article I can share, please get me the link

More From David