Author, Speaker, Pastor

February, 13, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor


Pushback on PRIDE and Year-round Marketing of EVIL

The month of June can be a disappointing, discouraging, and at times, a sickening month for Christians and conservatives due to the non-stop, relentless...

The Perfect Savior at the Perfect Time Sent to Save Imperfect Humanity

We are all familiar with the story and traditions of Christmas, but let’s dig a little deeper into the meaning of this wonderful season...

No Free Speech for Conservatives at Many American Universities

The University of Pittsburgh (Pitt) incited an activist mob to protest an event they disagreed with, then charged conservative groups for the damages. It’s...

The Assault on the Image of God (Imago dei) and Biblical Truth

The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever. Isaiah 40:8 All Scripture is inspired by God… 2 Tim. 3:16 For the Lord is good;...

Under Attack: God’s Natural Order – and North American Children

A Baptist, a transgender policy, and a Catholic high school suspension. It sounds like the opening of a bad joke, but it’s not. Tragically,...

Jesus, the Resurrection & Assurance of Salvation!

If Jesus was not raised from the dead, Christianity isn’t true, no one makes it to heaven, and this life is all there is....

Next Step for Apostate Churches: Discuss Removing God’s Gender

Even before the formation of the early church, Jesus taught his disciples to pray to “our Father in heaven (Luke 11:1-4).” He also said...

It Just Takes A Generation – Abandoning Inerrancy to Post Modernism

Notes in rough transcript form: "It Just Takes a Generation"  Great Lakes Prophecy Conference, Calvary Chapel, Appleton, WI, session 5, David Fiorazo, (9.10.2022) INTRODUCTION (the...

‘Glory to God,’ Damar Hamilin, Miracles & the Power of Prayer

UPDATE (1/12/23): Bill's Safety Damar Hamlin Released from Buffalo Hospital Wednesday! "Hamlin has returned home to continue his recovery after his collapse on the...

Same Sex Agenda Dominates Culture But Numbers Don’t Add Up, Census

According to the latest U.S. Census, less than one percent of American households are headed by a same-sex couple. To be specific, same-sex ‘married’...

Apostate United Methodist Church Elects Gay Bishop

If rules and doctrines no longer matter, why have them? In another violation of biblical principles, the progressive United Methodist Church (UMC) voted to make “Reverend”...

America at a Cultural and Moral Tipping Point

We have arrived at a moral and cultural tipping point in America and are in desperate need of a wake-up call. Let's start with...

Bad News, Good News – 5 Quick Headlines

Here are some quick facts about three stories involving new ways to push demonic agendas, one celebration of a cancelation, and one happy ending...

Biden Justice Dept. Refuses to Arrest Pro-Abortion Terrorists

What ever happened to "Liberty and justice for all"? Judging by the actions of the Biden Democrats, they are uninterested in true justice for...

55 Years Later: Paul Harvey Was Right!

Growing up in the 60s and 70s, my dad used to turn on the AM radio every morning in the kitchen as we all...

Attacks on the Authoritative, Inerrant Word of God – Sermon Transcript

I've been seeking a better understanding of apostasy over the last century or so and I'm learning a lot! When I showed my pastor...

Defining ‘Woman’ Confusing in Modern History

I pray more people are asking the question, ‘How can you trust a person, especially someone in any leadership position, who cannot speak...

Presidents and Progressives Don’t Get To Redefine Christianity

Welcome back Carter. Jimmy Carter, that is. He’s back in the news for a good reason this time as he and his wife, Rosalyn,...

So-Called ‘Christian’ Church Hosts Drag Show for 12+ Year-olds

On May 21st, United Church of Christ (UCC) in Naples, Florida hosted a “Youth Pride Conference,” a free event for kids as young as...

When Pro-Abortion Activism Becomes Domestic Terrorism

Here's more proof abortion activists and agitators have come unhinged: Supreme Court justices threatened at their private homes, churches and crisis pregnancy centers vandalized,...

Pushback on PRIDE and Year-round Marketing of EVIL

The month of June can be a disappointing, discouraging, and at times, a sickening month for Christians and conservatives due to the non-stop, relentless...

The Perfect Savior at the Perfect Time Sent to Save Imperfect Humanity

We are all familiar with the story and traditions of Christmas, but let’s dig a little deeper into the meaning of this wonderful season...

No Free Speech for Conservatives at Many American Universities

The University of Pittsburgh (Pitt) incited an activist mob to protest an event they disagreed with, then charged conservative groups for the damages. It’s...

The Assault on the Image of God (Imago dei) and Biblical Truth

The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever. Isaiah 40:8 All Scripture is inspired by God… 2 Tim. 3:16 For the Lord is good;...

Under Attack: God’s Natural Order – and North American Children

A Baptist, a transgender policy, and a Catholic high school suspension. It sounds like the opening of a bad joke, but it’s not. Tragically,...

Jesus, the Resurrection & Assurance of Salvation!

If Jesus was not raised from the dead, Christianity isn’t true, no one makes it to heaven, and this life is all there is....

Next Step for Apostate Churches: Discuss Removing God’s Gender

Even before the formation of the early church, Jesus taught his disciples to pray to “our Father in heaven (Luke 11:1-4).” He also said...

It Just Takes A Generation – Abandoning Inerrancy to Post Modernism

Notes in rough transcript form: "It Just Takes a Generation"  Great Lakes Prophecy Conference, Calvary Chapel, Appleton, WI, session 5, David Fiorazo, (9.10.2022) INTRODUCTION (the...

‘Glory to God,’ Damar Hamilin, Miracles & the Power of Prayer

UPDATE (1/12/23): Bill's Safety Damar Hamlin Released from Buffalo Hospital Wednesday! "Hamlin has returned home to continue his recovery after his collapse on the...

Same Sex Agenda Dominates Culture But Numbers Don’t Add Up, Census

According to the latest U.S. Census, less than one percent of American households are headed by a same-sex couple. To be specific, same-sex ‘married’...

Apostate United Methodist Church Elects Gay Bishop

If rules and doctrines no longer matter, why have them? In another violation of biblical principles, the progressive United Methodist Church (UMC) voted to make “Reverend”...

America at a Cultural and Moral Tipping Point

We have arrived at a moral and cultural tipping point in America and are in desperate need of a wake-up call. Let's start with...

Bad News, Good News – 5 Quick Headlines

Here are some quick facts about three stories involving new ways to push demonic agendas, one celebration of a cancelation, and one happy ending...

Biden Justice Dept. Refuses to Arrest Pro-Abortion Terrorists

What ever happened to "Liberty and justice for all"? Judging by the actions of the Biden Democrats, they are uninterested in true justice for...

55 Years Later: Paul Harvey Was Right!

Growing up in the 60s and 70s, my dad used to turn on the AM radio every morning in the kitchen as we all...

Attacks on the Authoritative, Inerrant Word of God – Sermon Transcript

I've been seeking a better understanding of apostasy over the last century or so and I'm learning a lot! When I showed my pastor...

Defining ‘Woman’ Confusing in Modern History

I pray more people are asking the question, ‘How can you trust a person, especially someone in any leadership position, who cannot speak...

Presidents and Progressives Don’t Get To Redefine Christianity

Welcome back Carter. Jimmy Carter, that is. He’s back in the news for a good reason this time as he and his wife, Rosalyn,...

So-Called ‘Christian’ Church Hosts Drag Show for 12+ Year-olds

On May 21st, United Church of Christ (UCC) in Naples, Florida hosted a “Youth Pride Conference,” a free event for kids as young as...

When Pro-Abortion Activism Becomes Domestic Terrorism

Here's more proof abortion activists and agitators have come unhinged: Supreme Court justices threatened at their private homes, churches and crisis pregnancy centers vandalized,...

America Should Have Learned From Israel: It Just Takes One Generation

It just takes one generation for a decline in biblical morality to become a falling away and rebellion against God. And one thing we...

Chinese Communist Party Rewrites Bible, Cracks Down on Christians

Less than a week after the 2022 Olympics concluded to historically dismal ratings, reports indicate the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is literally rewriting the...

Olympic Ratings Tank, Corporations, IOC, Media Ignore China Abuses

Some are calling them the Genocide Games. Ratings at the Olympics are abysmal, but how was the Chinese Communist Party given the privilege of...

God’s Got it All Covered – Past, Present, and Future!

What can we learn from this past year and how can we be prepared for more faith-testing, uncertain days ahead? I believe one step...

Indiana ‘Pastor’ Goes Drag, Promotes LGBTQ Agenda

Apparently, anyone can be a pastor these days regardless of what the Bible teaches - and this case is no different. Craig Duke, an...

Conscience, Corruption, Shots, and States Rights

If you want an indication of a person’s politics and worldview, ask them a few key questions: do our rights come from God or...

‘Thou Shalt Not’ Celebrate Christmas With Family?

I’ve been enjoying pumpkin spice season (also known as September through November), but it’s never too early to start thinking about Christmas. And according...

Power – By Any Means Necessary

What’s the next mandate or power grab? When leftist authoritarians force their agenda on the rest of us, hold the line! Washington Time’s Robert...

Perpetual Conflict and Destabilization: The Issue is Never the Issue

We are at war. But in a traditional or typical war, enemies are easily identified, battle lines drawn, demands are made known, and opposing...

When a Man Wins a Women’s Beauty Pageant

They’re calling it “a historic moment in beauty pageants.” Hollywood, the media, and the left celebrated the victory when Sunday, a biological male was...

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