Author, Speaker, Pastor

October, 23, 2024

Author, Speaker, Pastor


margaret sanger - search results

Who Was Margaret Sanger, Why Should We Care?

It was Margaret Sanger who laid the foundation for today's liberal social agenda that has left a legacy of anguish, confusion, pain, and death...

Margaret Sanger’s Mission Accomplished?

There is an abortion every 26 seconds in America, and shocking new statistics show the black and Hispanic populations taking the hit. Center for...

Advancing World System Forcefully Opposing Biblical Worldview, Christians

Writer of “Amazing Grace,” John Newton once said, “If I might read only one book beside the Bible, I would choose The Christian in Complete...

Michigan Gone Wild: Pro Abortion, Pronouns, Child Mutilation

Radical leftist Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer recently signed bills establishing the minimum age of consent for marriage to be 18. But she has also...

Death Cult: Canada Gov’t Wants “Mercy Killings” of Children W/O Parental Consent

A Canadian Parliamentary committee is recommending lawmakers legalize euthanasia for sick and disabled children or those in Canada’s child welfare system. They think those...

AOC, DEMS, Elitist and Eugenic God-Complex

According to radical Democrat Socialist Congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, it’s better not to be born than to be alive if you’re poor. She sent...

Alfred Kinsey — A Pioneer Of Perversion Who Paved The Way For Today’s Sex ‘Education’

Indiana University recently put up a life-size bronze statue of radical sex-researcher, Alfred Kinsey to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Kinsey Institute at the college. The...

Next Stage of Rebellion: Normalizing Pedophilia

There is nothing new under the sun. A college professor in Virginia is openly suggesting pedophilia is natural and should not be considered wrong....

Pelosi, the Pope, and Progressive Politics

They were all smiles as Nancy Pelosi met with Pope Francis to talk politics prior to their attendance at a United Nations-sponsored Climate Change...

Smithsonian Celebrates Moral Relativism & Murder in ‘Girlhood’

The Smithsonian has joined Hollywood, public schools, the liberal activist media, big tech, corporations, and LGBTQ by adding a “Girlhood” exhibition. In keeping with...

The Unintended Power of One Supreme Court Seat

The stakes couldn’t be higher, and the threats are coming in – even before President Trump decided to select a Supreme Court nominee to...

How Should Christians Respond to Injustice, BLM, Lawlessness?

How should Christians respond to all that’s happening in our country today? Does the Bible have anything to say about race, redemption, social justice,...

Biblical Worldview: Racism, Chaos, Division & Redemption

Last weekend as cities in America were burned and vandalized, the Lincoln Memorial was defaced with graffiti. The national monument honors Abraham Lincoln, who...

How Did We Get Here? A Bible Lesson for America

Blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it. Luke 11:28 For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which...

Pedophilia, the Next Step in Godless Sex Agenda?

Over fifty years ago, American culture was being prepped for a new era of sexual behavior and expression. People began accepting things that used...

Top Ten Christ & Culture Videos

Thank you for watching and sharing these videos! For the last year and a half, I've been working with Freedom Project Media on a...

Will Marriage Soon Be Meaningless?

Is God-ordained marriage being deconstructed  in America? In order to eliminate natural marriage in society, it must first be rendered meaningless. How could that...


If we love the Lord with all our hearts, we will love His Word and pursue a deeper walk with Jesus Christ. We will...

Americans Welcome Halloween; Witches Hex Kavanaugh, Trump

Last weekend, organizers in New York hosted an event for actual witches to put a hex on Supreme Court Justice, Brett Kavanaugh; the latest...

Targeting Black Babies for Abortion is Not Racist?

Referring to black people and the propaganda of the birth control agenda, Martin Luther King Jr.’s niece, Dr. Alveda King made this compelling statement: “When...

Conscience, Corruption, and the Abortion Business Cover-Up

As I drove by what may be the only Planned Parenthood clinic in Wisconsin yesterday, on the sidewalk out front was a woman holding...

Eradicate Reviews

  1.  "In Eradicate: Blotting Out God In America author, David Fiorazo, takes on the big issues of decline in our current civilization from the...

Abortion Hurts Us All, Especially Women – Part 2, The Anguish of Abortion

The following is the second part of a book excerpt from The Cost of Our Silence: Consequences of Christians Taking the Path of Least...

The Anguish of Abortion, part 1, The Cost of Our Silence excerpt

Listen to Me, O islands, and pay attention, you peoples from afar. The LORD called Me from the womb; From the body of My...

The Cost of Silence Chapter Excerpts

Here's plenty of free reading from The Cost of Our Silence. We are seeing the consequences in culture of 'Christians Taking the Path of...

One Nation Under Apathy: The Devaluing of Human Life

William Wilberforce once said, "You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know." Please...

Interviews: David Fiorazo on Understanding the Times

Hot Topics and more! Pick your favorite subject from these interviews on Understanding the Times Radio. Jan Markell and Eric Barger speak with author,...

Trampling Christ, Christians, and Country: LGBT Troops Steamroll Religious Freedom

It is undeniable the LGBT movement has grown in acceptance, public opinion, influence, and more recently – in boldness throughout the West. Almost simultaneously,...

Marx Madness: Calculated Chaos in America

How did one of the greatest Christian societies in the world decline to the point in which Bible-believing Christians may soon be criminalized in...

The Cost Of Our Silence – Interview on Understanding The Times Radio

Jan Markell and Eric Barger Interview David Fiorazo on Understanding the Times radio, Air date August 21, 2015 Segment 1: The Opposition to Christianity Segment 2: The...

Are We Really Surprised by the Massacre in America?

When a society turns its back on their Creator or forgets Him; when they choose to live for themselves and for worthless idols, and...

America’s Tolerance of Planned Parenthood’s Death Cult

The selling of aborted baby body parts has been going on for years, but has only recently been exposed. If this is not...

Culture Collapses When Christians Conform

The following is a bonus chapter from the 2015 book, The Cost of Our Silence: Consequences of Christians Taking the Path of Least Resistance. But...

Your Politics are Literally Killing Us

Some might wonder how Democrats can be so proud of their extreme position on abortion, but Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz just...

Alfred Kinsey and Sexual Anarchy in America (content warning)

American citizens to individuals must learn about people from history who have been both influential and detrimental to Christianity, culture, and morality in our...

20 ERADICATE Book Excerpts

Read 20 Informative & Powerful Excerpts from Eradicate: Blotting Out God in America (highlights plus links) Click here to Read the Full INTRODUCTION to ERADICATE (link) Do...

Gosnell Guilty of Murder And Manslaughter: Now What?

By now, you’ve probably heard the news that late-term abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell was found guilty of three first-degree murder charges for killing live...

The Anguish Of Abortion: What Liberals Won’t Tell You

Last week, graphic autopsy images were released of a woman dying from a legal abortion. Her mother insisted the photos be made public. The...

Planned Parenthood’s Buried History and America’s Culture of Death

This is an excerpt from a chapter titled, "Planned Parenthood's Buried History" from the book, ERADICATE: BLOTTING OUT GOD IN AMERICA. In America, abortion is...

The Last Fifty Years in America, Eradicate Overview (Part 2 of 2)

In Eradicate: Blotting Out God in America, we’ll investigate why too many Christians have conformed to the world and show how were now suffering...

Table of Contents

In my own words...  full length 'pull no punches' version! VIDEO: What's in it for you and WHY is this book so important?  CONTENTS.................................................................................................5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS............................................................................7 INTRODUCTION TO...

When Pro-Abortion Activism Becomes Domestic Terrorism

Here's more proof abortion activists and agitators have come unhinged: Supreme Court justices threatened at their private homes, churches and crisis pregnancy centers vandalized,...

Who Was Margaret Sanger, Why Should We Care?

It was Margaret Sanger who laid the foundation for today's liberal social agenda that has left a legacy of anguish, confusion, pain, and death...

Margaret Sanger’s Mission Accomplished?

There is an abortion every 26 seconds in America, and shocking new statistics show the black and Hispanic populations taking the hit. Center for...

Advancing World System Forcefully Opposing Biblical Worldview, Christians

Writer of “Amazing Grace,” John Newton once said, “If I might read only one book beside the Bible, I would choose The Christian in Complete...

Michigan Gone Wild: Pro Abortion, Pronouns, Child Mutilation

Radical leftist Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer recently signed bills establishing the minimum age of consent for marriage to be 18. But she has also...

Death Cult: Canada Gov’t Wants “Mercy Killings” of Children W/O Parental Consent

A Canadian Parliamentary committee is recommending lawmakers legalize euthanasia for sick and disabled children or those in Canada’s child welfare system. They think those...

AOC, DEMS, Elitist and Eugenic God-Complex

According to radical Democrat Socialist Congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, it’s better not to be born than to be alive if you’re poor. She sent...

Alfred Kinsey — A Pioneer Of Perversion Who Paved The Way For Today’s Sex ‘Education’

Indiana University recently put up a life-size bronze statue of radical sex-researcher, Alfred Kinsey to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Kinsey Institute at the college. The...

Next Stage of Rebellion: Normalizing Pedophilia

There is nothing new under the sun. A college professor in Virginia is openly suggesting pedophilia is natural and should not be considered wrong....

Pelosi, the Pope, and Progressive Politics

They were all smiles as Nancy Pelosi met with Pope Francis to talk politics prior to their attendance at a United Nations-sponsored Climate Change...

Smithsonian Celebrates Moral Relativism & Murder in ‘Girlhood’

The Smithsonian has joined Hollywood, public schools, the liberal activist media, big tech, corporations, and LGBTQ by adding a “Girlhood” exhibition. In keeping with...

The Unintended Power of One Supreme Court Seat

The stakes couldn’t be higher, and the threats are coming in – even before President Trump decided to select a Supreme Court nominee to...

How Should Christians Respond to Injustice, BLM, Lawlessness?

How should Christians respond to all that’s happening in our country today? Does the Bible have anything to say about race, redemption, social justice,...

Biblical Worldview: Racism, Chaos, Division & Redemption

Last weekend as cities in America were burned and vandalized, the Lincoln Memorial was defaced with graffiti. The national monument honors Abraham Lincoln, who...

How Did We Get Here? A Bible Lesson for America

Blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it. Luke 11:28 For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which...

Pedophilia, the Next Step in Godless Sex Agenda?

Over fifty years ago, American culture was being prepped for a new era of sexual behavior and expression. People began accepting things that used...

Top Ten Christ & Culture Videos

Thank you for watching and sharing these videos! For the last year and a half, I've been working with Freedom Project Media on a...

Will Marriage Soon Be Meaningless?

Is God-ordained marriage being deconstructed  in America? In order to eliminate natural marriage in society, it must first be rendered meaningless. How could that...


If we love the Lord with all our hearts, we will love His Word and pursue a deeper walk with Jesus Christ. We will...

Americans Welcome Halloween; Witches Hex Kavanaugh, Trump

Last weekend, organizers in New York hosted an event for actual witches to put a hex on Supreme Court Justice, Brett Kavanaugh; the latest...

Targeting Black Babies for Abortion is Not Racist?

Referring to black people and the propaganda of the birth control agenda, Martin Luther King Jr.’s niece, Dr. Alveda King made this compelling statement: “When...

Conscience, Corruption, and the Abortion Business Cover-Up

As I drove by what may be the only Planned Parenthood clinic in Wisconsin yesterday, on the sidewalk out front was a woman holding...

Eradicate Reviews

  1.  "In Eradicate: Blotting Out God In America author, David Fiorazo, takes on the big issues of decline in our current civilization from the...

Abortion Hurts Us All, Especially Women – Part 2, The Anguish of Abortion

The following is the second part of a book excerpt from The Cost of Our Silence: Consequences of Christians Taking the Path of Least...

The Anguish of Abortion, part 1, The Cost of Our Silence excerpt

Listen to Me, O islands, and pay attention, you peoples from afar. The LORD called Me from the womb; From the body of My...

The Cost of Silence Chapter Excerpts

Here's plenty of free reading from The Cost of Our Silence. We are seeing the consequences in culture of 'Christians Taking the Path of...

One Nation Under Apathy: The Devaluing of Human Life

William Wilberforce once said, "You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know." Please...

Interviews: David Fiorazo on Understanding the Times

Hot Topics and more! Pick your favorite subject from these interviews on Understanding the Times Radio. Jan Markell and Eric Barger speak with author,...

Trampling Christ, Christians, and Country: LGBT Troops Steamroll Religious Freedom

It is undeniable the LGBT movement has grown in acceptance, public opinion, influence, and more recently – in boldness throughout the West. Almost simultaneously,...

Marx Madness: Calculated Chaos in America

How did one of the greatest Christian societies in the world decline to the point in which Bible-believing Christians may soon be criminalized in...

The Cost Of Our Silence – Interview on Understanding The Times Radio

Jan Markell and Eric Barger Interview David Fiorazo on Understanding the Times radio, Air date August 21, 2015 Segment 1: The Opposition to Christianity Segment 2: The...

Are We Really Surprised by the Massacre in America?

When a society turns its back on their Creator or forgets Him; when they choose to live for themselves and for worthless idols, and...

America’s Tolerance of Planned Parenthood’s Death Cult

The selling of aborted baby body parts has been going on for years, but has only recently been exposed. If this is not...

Culture Collapses When Christians Conform

The following is a bonus chapter from the 2015 book, The Cost of Our Silence: Consequences of Christians Taking the Path of Least Resistance. But...

Your Politics are Literally Killing Us

Some might wonder how Democrats can be so proud of their extreme position on abortion, but Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz just...

Alfred Kinsey and Sexual Anarchy in America (content warning)

American citizens to individuals must learn about people from history who have been both influential and detrimental to Christianity, culture, and morality in our...

20 ERADICATE Book Excerpts

Read 20 Informative & Powerful Excerpts from Eradicate: Blotting Out God in America (highlights plus links) Click here to Read the Full INTRODUCTION to ERADICATE (link) Do...

Gosnell Guilty of Murder And Manslaughter: Now What?

By now, you’ve probably heard the news that late-term abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell was found guilty of three first-degree murder charges for killing live...

The Anguish Of Abortion: What Liberals Won’t Tell You

Last week, graphic autopsy images were released of a woman dying from a legal abortion. Her mother insisted the photos be made public. The...

Planned Parenthood’s Buried History and America’s Culture of Death

This is an excerpt from a chapter titled, "Planned Parenthood's Buried History" from the book, ERADICATE: BLOTTING OUT GOD IN AMERICA. In America, abortion is...

The Last Fifty Years in America, Eradicate Overview (Part 2 of 2)

In Eradicate: Blotting Out God in America, we’ll investigate why too many Christians have conformed to the world and show how were now suffering...

Table of Contents

In my own words...  full length 'pull no punches' version! VIDEO: What's in it for you and WHY is this book so important?  CONTENTS.................................................................................................5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS............................................................................7 INTRODUCTION TO...

When Pro-Abortion Activism Becomes Domestic Terrorism

Here's more proof abortion activists and agitators have come unhinged: Supreme Court justices threatened at their private homes, churches and crisis pregnancy centers vandalized,...

untitled artwork


margaret sanger - search results

Who Was Margaret Sanger, Why Should We Care?

It was Margaret Sanger who laid the foundation for today's liberal social agenda that has left a legacy of anguish, confusion, pain, and death...

Margaret Sanger’s Mission Accomplished?

There is an abortion every 26 seconds in America, and shocking new statistics show the black and Hispanic populations taking the hit. Center for...

Advancing World System Forcefully Opposing Biblical Worldview, Christians

Writer of “Amazing Grace,” John Newton once said, “If I might read only one book beside the Bible, I would choose The Christian in Complete...

Michigan Gone Wild: Pro Abortion, Pronouns, Child Mutilation

Radical leftist Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer recently signed bills establishing the minimum age of consent for marriage to be 18. But she has also...

Death Cult: Canada Gov’t Wants “Mercy Killings” of Children W/O Parental Consent

A Canadian Parliamentary committee is recommending lawmakers legalize euthanasia for sick and disabled children or those in Canada’s child welfare system. They think those...

AOC, DEMS, Elitist and Eugenic God-Complex

According to radical Democrat Socialist Congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, it’s better not to be born than to be alive if you’re poor. She sent...

Alfred Kinsey — A Pioneer Of Perversion Who Paved The Way For Today’s Sex ‘Education’

Indiana University recently put up a life-size bronze statue of radical sex-researcher, Alfred Kinsey to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Kinsey Institute at the college. The...

Next Stage of Rebellion: Normalizing Pedophilia

There is nothing new under the sun. A college professor in Virginia is openly suggesting pedophilia is natural and should not be considered wrong....

Pelosi, the Pope, and Progressive Politics

They were all smiles as Nancy Pelosi met with Pope Francis to talk politics prior to their attendance at a United Nations-sponsored Climate Change...

Smithsonian Celebrates Moral Relativism & Murder in ‘Girlhood’

The Smithsonian has joined Hollywood, public schools, the liberal activist media, big tech, corporations, and LGBTQ by adding a “Girlhood” exhibition. In keeping with...

The Unintended Power of One Supreme Court Seat

The stakes couldn’t be higher, and the threats are coming in – even before President Trump decided to select a Supreme Court nominee to...

How Should Christians Respond to Injustice, BLM, Lawlessness?

How should Christians respond to all that’s happening in our country today? Does the Bible have anything to say about race, redemption, social justice,...

Biblical Worldview: Racism, Chaos, Division & Redemption

Last weekend as cities in America were burned and vandalized, the Lincoln Memorial was defaced with graffiti. The national monument honors Abraham Lincoln, who...

How Did We Get Here? A Bible Lesson for America

Blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it. Luke 11:28 For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which...

Pedophilia, the Next Step in Godless Sex Agenda?

Over fifty years ago, American culture was being prepped for a new era of sexual behavior and expression. People began accepting things that used...

Top Ten Christ & Culture Videos

Thank you for watching and sharing these videos! For the last year and a half, I've been working with Freedom Project Media on a...

Will Marriage Soon Be Meaningless?

Is God-ordained marriage being deconstructed  in America? In order to eliminate natural marriage in society, it must first be rendered meaningless. How could that...


If we love the Lord with all our hearts, we will love His Word and pursue a deeper walk with Jesus Christ. We will...

Americans Welcome Halloween; Witches Hex Kavanaugh, Trump

Last weekend, organizers in New York hosted an event for actual witches to put a hex on Supreme Court Justice, Brett Kavanaugh; the latest...

Targeting Black Babies for Abortion is Not Racist?

Referring to black people and the propaganda of the birth control agenda, Martin Luther King Jr.’s niece, Dr. Alveda King made this compelling statement: “When...

Conscience, Corruption, and the Abortion Business Cover-Up

As I drove by what may be the only Planned Parenthood clinic in Wisconsin yesterday, on the sidewalk out front was a woman holding...

Eradicate Reviews

  1.  "In Eradicate: Blotting Out God In America author, David Fiorazo, takes on the big issues of decline in our current civilization from the...

Abortion Hurts Us All, Especially Women – Part 2, The Anguish of Abortion

The following is the second part of a book excerpt from The Cost of Our Silence: Consequences of Christians Taking the Path of Least...

The Anguish of Abortion, part 1, The Cost of Our Silence excerpt

Listen to Me, O islands, and pay attention, you peoples from afar. The LORD called Me from the womb; From the body of My...

The Cost of Silence Chapter Excerpts

Here's plenty of free reading from The Cost of Our Silence. We are seeing the consequences in culture of 'Christians Taking the Path of...

One Nation Under Apathy: The Devaluing of Human Life

William Wilberforce once said, "You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know." Please...

Interviews: David Fiorazo on Understanding the Times

Hot Topics and more! Pick your favorite subject from these interviews on Understanding the Times Radio. Jan Markell and Eric Barger speak with author,...

Trampling Christ, Christians, and Country: LGBT Troops Steamroll Religious Freedom

It is undeniable the LGBT movement has grown in acceptance, public opinion, influence, and more recently – in boldness throughout the West. Almost simultaneously,...

Marx Madness: Calculated Chaos in America

How did one of the greatest Christian societies in the world decline to the point in which Bible-believing Christians may soon be criminalized in...

The Cost Of Our Silence – Interview on Understanding The Times Radio

Jan Markell and Eric Barger Interview David Fiorazo on Understanding the Times radio, Air date August 21, 2015 Segment 1: The Opposition to Christianity Segment 2: The...

Are We Really Surprised by the Massacre in America?

When a society turns its back on their Creator or forgets Him; when they choose to live for themselves and for worthless idols, and...

America’s Tolerance of Planned Parenthood’s Death Cult

The selling of aborted baby body parts has been going on for years, but has only recently been exposed. If this is not...

Culture Collapses When Christians Conform

The following is a bonus chapter from the 2015 book, The Cost of Our Silence: Consequences of Christians Taking the Path of Least Resistance. But...

Your Politics are Literally Killing Us

Some might wonder how Democrats can be so proud of their extreme position on abortion, but Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz just...

Alfred Kinsey and Sexual Anarchy in America (content warning)

American citizens to individuals must learn about people from history who have been both influential and detrimental to Christianity, culture, and morality in our...

20 ERADICATE Book Excerpts

Read 20 Informative & Powerful Excerpts from Eradicate: Blotting Out God in America (highlights plus links) Click here to Read the Full INTRODUCTION to ERADICATE (link) Do...

Gosnell Guilty of Murder And Manslaughter: Now What?

By now, you’ve probably heard the news that late-term abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell was found guilty of three first-degree murder charges for killing live...

The Anguish Of Abortion: What Liberals Won’t Tell You

Last week, graphic autopsy images were released of a woman dying from a legal abortion. Her mother insisted the photos be made public. The...

Planned Parenthood’s Buried History and America’s Culture of Death

This is an excerpt from a chapter titled, "Planned Parenthood's Buried History" from the book, ERADICATE: BLOTTING OUT GOD IN AMERICA. In America, abortion is...

The Last Fifty Years in America, Eradicate Overview (Part 2 of 2)

In Eradicate: Blotting Out God in America, we’ll investigate why too many Christians have conformed to the world and show how were now suffering...

Table of Contents

In my own words...  full length 'pull no punches' version! VIDEO: What's in it for you and WHY is this book so important?  CONTENTS.................................................................................................5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS............................................................................7 INTRODUCTION TO...

When Pro-Abortion Activism Becomes Domestic Terrorism

Here's more proof abortion activists and agitators have come unhinged: Supreme Court justices threatened at their private homes, churches and crisis pregnancy centers vandalized,...