Author, Speaker, Pastor

January, 12, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor

Spiritual Warfare

Pushback on PRIDE and Year-round Marketing of EVIL

The month of June can be a disappointing, discouraging, and at times, a sickening month for Christians and conservatives due to the non-stop, relentless...

Advancing World System Forcefully Opposing Biblical Worldview, Christians

Writer of “Amazing Grace,” John Newton once said, “If I might read only one book beside the Bible, I would choose The Christian in Complete...

Is the AntiChrist LGBTQ Revolution Irreversible?

If we love our neighbors, we will care enough to tell the truth and confront evil – even if it’s the unpopular thing to do in this cultural moment. Believers in Christ must expose today’s deceptive philosophies, have compassion, and warn others as we connect the dots of demonic agendas aimed at children.

Christian Man Charged with Hate Crime for Dismantling Satanic Display as Forces of Darkness Advance

The war on God and on truth is raging and the enemy is working overtime. The next logical step in this progression of darkness...

Just in Time for Christmas: After-School Satan Clubs

Their goals are simple: Tell children there is no God, there is no such thing as hell, and the devil is not real. After-School...

Prophecy, Propaganda, and Israel – Biblical Perspective

The recent, unprecedented attacks by Hamas against Israel October 7 were the deadliest since Israel became a nation, and the global conflict has now...

Michigan Gone Wild: Pro Abortion, Pronouns, Child Mutilation

Radical leftist Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer recently signed bills establishing the minimum age of consent for marriage to be 18. But she has also...

Drag Queens Protected, Christians Arrested

While drag queens performed and twerked for children, four Christians were arrested in Wisconsin last week, one of them for simply reading the Bible...

How Convenient: Fewer Americans Believe in Hell and the Devil

Belief in hell and the devil just sank to new lows. A new poll from Gallup reveals that more Americans reject biblical truth and...

The Assault on the Image of God (Imago dei) and Biblical Truth

The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever. Isaiah 40:8 All Scripture is inspired by God… 2 Tim. 3:16 For the Lord is good;...

Dragging America Down, Navy Recruiting Stunt Backfires

China and Russia have been preparing for war and building their armed forces for years. For more than a decade however, America’s military has...

Disney Doubles Down: After Its Worst Year Since 1974, Will Host ‘Pride Nite’

Disney Doubles Down. On two major animated films featuring LGBTQ elements, Lightyear and Strange World, the woke Walt Disney has lost over $300 million...

It Just Takes A Generation – Abandoning Inerrancy to Post Modernism

Notes in rough transcript form: "It Just Takes a Generation"  Great Lakes Prophecy Conference, Calvary Chapel, Appleton, WI, session 5, David Fiorazo, (9.10.2022) INTRODUCTION (the...

Apostate United Methodist Church Elects Gay Bishop

If rules and doctrines no longer matter, why have them? In another violation of biblical principles, the progressive United Methodist Church (UMC) voted to make “Reverend”...

Mainstreaming Drag and ‘Queering’ America

A lot can happen in fifty years. The drag queen phenomena - nowhere on people's radar - has now become mainstream.  How did we...

Calling Evil Good and Twisting Scripture. Again.

They’re at it again. Democrats calling evil good. Nancy Pelosi recently said it was sinful to restrict abortion and called it unjust if a...

Abortion Battle, ‘The View’ Vs Truth, Pregnancy Resource Centers Attacked

Four stories; same debate. Is a baby, a developing human life in a mother’s womb, worth protecting, or do we have the right to...

Satanists Withdraw from LGBTQ Pride Event Targeting Children, Families

The Satanic Temple (TST) Idaho, originally a sponsor of a Pride Month event last weekend withdrew from the event at the last minute after...

Delusion: Pregnant Men, Preferred Pronouns, and Pride Month

This godless rebellion against Truth and sexual revolution will not stop - unless many more American citizens take a stand for truth. And even...

Pastors Lack Biblical Worldview, Culture Influencing American Church

We cannot fix something until we know it is broken. And according to the latest Barna research, the American Church is in dire need...

Pushback on PRIDE and Year-round Marketing of EVIL

The month of June can be a disappointing, discouraging, and at times, a sickening month for Christians and conservatives due to the non-stop, relentless...

Advancing World System Forcefully Opposing Biblical Worldview, Christians

Writer of “Amazing Grace,” John Newton once said, “If I might read only one book beside the Bible, I would choose The Christian in Complete...

Is the AntiChrist LGBTQ Revolution Irreversible?

If we love our neighbors, we will care enough to tell the truth and confront evil – even if it’s the unpopular thing to do in this cultural moment. Believers in Christ must expose today’s deceptive philosophies, have compassion, and warn others as we connect the dots of demonic agendas aimed at children.

Christian Man Charged with Hate Crime for Dismantling Satanic Display as Forces of Darkness Advance

The war on God and on truth is raging and the enemy is working overtime. The next logical step in this progression of darkness...

Just in Time for Christmas: After-School Satan Clubs

Their goals are simple: Tell children there is no God, there is no such thing as hell, and the devil is not real. After-School...

Prophecy, Propaganda, and Israel – Biblical Perspective

The recent, unprecedented attacks by Hamas against Israel October 7 were the deadliest since Israel became a nation, and the global conflict has now...

Michigan Gone Wild: Pro Abortion, Pronouns, Child Mutilation

Radical leftist Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer recently signed bills establishing the minimum age of consent for marriage to be 18. But she has also...

Drag Queens Protected, Christians Arrested

While drag queens performed and twerked for children, four Christians were arrested in Wisconsin last week, one of them for simply reading the Bible...

How Convenient: Fewer Americans Believe in Hell and the Devil

Belief in hell and the devil just sank to new lows. A new poll from Gallup reveals that more Americans reject biblical truth and...

The Assault on the Image of God (Imago dei) and Biblical Truth

The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever. Isaiah 40:8 All Scripture is inspired by God… 2 Tim. 3:16 For the Lord is good;...

Dragging America Down, Navy Recruiting Stunt Backfires

China and Russia have been preparing for war and building their armed forces for years. For more than a decade however, America’s military has...

Disney Doubles Down: After Its Worst Year Since 1974, Will Host ‘Pride Nite’

Disney Doubles Down. On two major animated films featuring LGBTQ elements, Lightyear and Strange World, the woke Walt Disney has lost over $300 million...

It Just Takes A Generation – Abandoning Inerrancy to Post Modernism

Notes in rough transcript form: "It Just Takes a Generation"  Great Lakes Prophecy Conference, Calvary Chapel, Appleton, WI, session 5, David Fiorazo, (9.10.2022) INTRODUCTION (the...

Apostate United Methodist Church Elects Gay Bishop

If rules and doctrines no longer matter, why have them? In another violation of biblical principles, the progressive United Methodist Church (UMC) voted to make “Reverend”...

Mainstreaming Drag and ‘Queering’ America

A lot can happen in fifty years. The drag queen phenomena - nowhere on people's radar - has now become mainstream.  How did we...

Calling Evil Good and Twisting Scripture. Again.

They’re at it again. Democrats calling evil good. Nancy Pelosi recently said it was sinful to restrict abortion and called it unjust if a...

Abortion Battle, ‘The View’ Vs Truth, Pregnancy Resource Centers Attacked

Four stories; same debate. Is a baby, a developing human life in a mother’s womb, worth protecting, or do we have the right to...

Satanists Withdraw from LGBTQ Pride Event Targeting Children, Families

The Satanic Temple (TST) Idaho, originally a sponsor of a Pride Month event last weekend withdrew from the event at the last minute after...

Delusion: Pregnant Men, Preferred Pronouns, and Pride Month

This godless rebellion against Truth and sexual revolution will not stop - unless many more American citizens take a stand for truth. And even...

Pastors Lack Biblical Worldview, Culture Influencing American Church

We cannot fix something until we know it is broken. And according to the latest Barna research, the American Church is in dire need...

Out of Order: Supremely Demonic Democrat Agendas

Think about this: the same people who kept telling us to “trust the science” over the last few years cannot even define what a...

New Study: So-called ‘Christian’ Parents Non-Existent Biblical Worldview

Two major problems should be of great concern to the church in America: the biblical worldview continues to rapidly decline, and a majority of...

God’s Got it All Covered – Past, Present, and Future!

What can we learn from this past year and how can we be prepared for more faith-testing, uncertain days ahead? I believe one step...

Biblical Worldview Being Cancelled, The Soul of America at Stake (excerpt)

It didn't happen overnight. While we were sleeping, the enemy of our souls and enemies of America have worked overtime over the last 75-100...

Perpetual Conflict and Destabilization: The Issue is Never the Issue

We are at war. But in a traditional or typical war, enemies are easily identified, battle lines drawn, demands are made known, and opposing...

Be Watchful, Knowing the Time! (sermon video & notes)

Sermon by David Fiorazo, Sunday June 27, 2021 - Rough Transcript I hope to convey a much-needed sense of urgency for the body of Christ...

Progressive Pride Propaganda Forcing Compromise of Churches, Culture

We must be in the month of June. How can you tell? LGBTQ flags and rainbow reminders are everywhere as part of the propaganda...

VIDEO: 5 Minutes With ‘Canceling Christianity’ Author David Fiorazo

Canceling Christianity: How the Left Silences Churches, Dismantles the Constitution, and Divides Our Culture. If you haven’t been paying attention, you might be surprised or even skeptical...

Cartoons Cancelled But Pornographic Grammy’s Celebrated

How much more filth disguised as entertainment has to be displayed before people revolt over the onslaught of blatant, in-your-face, offensive so-called art forms?...

Faith in the Face of Opposition: (Nehemiah 4) Rebuilding the Wall

Dietrich Bonhoeffer once said: He who fears the face of God does not fear the face of man. He who fears the face of man...

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