Author, Speaker, Pastor

October, 23, 2024

Author, Speaker, Pastor


Michigan Gone Wild: Pro Abortion, Pronouns, Child Mutilation

Radical leftist Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer recently signed bills establishing the minimum age of consent for marriage to be 18. But she has also...

Rejecting God but Claiming to be Happy, Youth Suicide Rates Spike

They claim they’re happy and doing great, but research proves the exact opposite. Are today's youth in denial or have they been conditioned to...

Increasing Violent Attacks on Christians by Pro-Abortion Terrorists

Praying to God in public and believing biblical principles are now dangerous activities – in America. Two elderly pro-life men in Baltimore found this...

The Satanic Temple to Provide ‘Free Religious Medication Abortion’

The Satanic Temple in New Mexico has a new scheme to help Planned Parenthood kill more babies. They just launched a new “religious medical...

Bad News, Good News – 5 Quick Headlines

Here are some quick facts about three stories involving new ways to push demonic agendas, one celebration of a cancelation, and one happy ending...

Despite ROE Decision, Abortions Continue As Culture War Revs Up

The good news is the high Court has ruled. So then, is abortion banned and restricted, or is it still protected and celebrated? Yes....

What Pandemic? Abortion Still Open for Business

America is on lock-down. Major public events and gatherings are cancelled. They closed countless businesses, churches, schools, many restaurants and other non-essential services. So...

Can’t Pray in Public? Intolerant Left Exposed

Public prayer was first banned in government schools in the early 1960s. You didn't think the left would stop there, did you? Today, this...

Mayor Pete: Pro-Life Democrats Unwelcome

During the weekend of the March for Life in Washington D.C. Mayor Pete Buttigieg held a town hall event, and believe it or not,...

Big Abortion Wins, Court Decides against Citizen Journalists

The following facts are indisputable. Undercover journalists lost their court case against Planned Parenthood, the multi-billion-dollar abortion business.  David Daleiden, of the Center for...

Dem Presidential Hopefuls Compete on Abortion Extremism

Democrats in America have a dilemma going into the 2020 presidential election. That is, if protecting human life in the womb is important. The...

Democrats Target Prolife Citizen Journalists in CA Trial

Did you know it costs only $120 to ship an aborted baby’s brain using FedEx Priority Overnight? You do now. One of the most wild...

Top Ten Christ & Culture Videos

Thank you for watching and sharing these videos! For the last year and a half, I've been working with Freedom Project Media on a...

Jim Carrey, Alyssa Milano Unwittingly Help Pro-Life Cause

Actors Jim Carrey, Alyssa Milano, and a cast of other liberals are fighting for abortion, but their tactics seem to be backfiring because they’re...

Who Was Margaret Sanger, Why Should We Care?

It was Margaret Sanger who laid the foundation for today's liberal social agenda that has left a legacy of anguish, confusion, pain, and death...

It’s Open Season On Christians and Life

What do Hollywood, Lady Gaga, Andrew Cuomo, the Democrat Party, the mainstream media, and the LGBTQ lobby all have in common? Intolerance toward Jesus...

Americans Welcome Halloween; Witches Hex Kavanaugh, Trump

Last weekend, organizers in New York hosted an event for actual witches to put a hex on Supreme Court Justice, Brett Kavanaugh; the latest...

Babies Were Murdered, Women Injured, Media Yawned

Two of the main reasons you don't really know about convicted murderer, Kermit Gosnell are, first, a complicit media covered-up the news and second,...

Rape and Death Threats for Being Pro-Life? How Intolerant.

Author, PJ Media contributor, Fox News guest, and commentator for the Federalist, Denise McAllister and her family are in fear for their lives after receiving threats of...

Targeting Black Babies for Abortion is Not Racist?

Referring to black people and the propaganda of the birth control agenda, Martin Luther King Jr.’s niece, Dr. Alveda King made this compelling statement: “When...

Michigan Gone Wild: Pro Abortion, Pronouns, Child Mutilation

Radical leftist Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer recently signed bills establishing the minimum age of consent for marriage to be 18. But she has also...

Rejecting God but Claiming to be Happy, Youth Suicide Rates Spike

They claim they’re happy and doing great, but research proves the exact opposite. Are today's youth in denial or have they been conditioned to...

Increasing Violent Attacks on Christians by Pro-Abortion Terrorists

Praying to God in public and believing biblical principles are now dangerous activities – in America. Two elderly pro-life men in Baltimore found this...

The Satanic Temple to Provide ‘Free Religious Medication Abortion’

The Satanic Temple in New Mexico has a new scheme to help Planned Parenthood kill more babies. They just launched a new “religious medical...

Bad News, Good News – 5 Quick Headlines

Here are some quick facts about three stories involving new ways to push demonic agendas, one celebration of a cancelation, and one happy ending...

Despite ROE Decision, Abortions Continue As Culture War Revs Up

The good news is the high Court has ruled. So then, is abortion banned and restricted, or is it still protected and celebrated? Yes....

What Pandemic? Abortion Still Open for Business

America is on lock-down. Major public events and gatherings are cancelled. They closed countless businesses, churches, schools, many restaurants and other non-essential services. So...

Can’t Pray in Public? Intolerant Left Exposed

Public prayer was first banned in government schools in the early 1960s. You didn't think the left would stop there, did you? Today, this...

Mayor Pete: Pro-Life Democrats Unwelcome

During the weekend of the March for Life in Washington D.C. Mayor Pete Buttigieg held a town hall event, and believe it or not,...

Big Abortion Wins, Court Decides against Citizen Journalists

The following facts are indisputable. Undercover journalists lost their court case against Planned Parenthood, the multi-billion-dollar abortion business.  David Daleiden, of the Center for...

Dem Presidential Hopefuls Compete on Abortion Extremism

Democrats in America have a dilemma going into the 2020 presidential election. That is, if protecting human life in the womb is important. The...

Democrats Target Prolife Citizen Journalists in CA Trial

Did you know it costs only $120 to ship an aborted baby’s brain using FedEx Priority Overnight? You do now. One of the most wild...

Top Ten Christ & Culture Videos

Thank you for watching and sharing these videos! For the last year and a half, I've been working with Freedom Project Media on a...

Jim Carrey, Alyssa Milano Unwittingly Help Pro-Life Cause

Actors Jim Carrey, Alyssa Milano, and a cast of other liberals are fighting for abortion, but their tactics seem to be backfiring because they’re...

Who Was Margaret Sanger, Why Should We Care?

It was Margaret Sanger who laid the foundation for today's liberal social agenda that has left a legacy of anguish, confusion, pain, and death...

It’s Open Season On Christians and Life

What do Hollywood, Lady Gaga, Andrew Cuomo, the Democrat Party, the mainstream media, and the LGBTQ lobby all have in common? Intolerance toward Jesus...

Americans Welcome Halloween; Witches Hex Kavanaugh, Trump

Last weekend, organizers in New York hosted an event for actual witches to put a hex on Supreme Court Justice, Brett Kavanaugh; the latest...

Babies Were Murdered, Women Injured, Media Yawned

Two of the main reasons you don't really know about convicted murderer, Kermit Gosnell are, first, a complicit media covered-up the news and second,...

Rape and Death Threats for Being Pro-Life? How Intolerant.

Author, PJ Media contributor, Fox News guest, and commentator for the Federalist, Denise McAllister and her family are in fear for their lives after receiving threats of...

Targeting Black Babies for Abortion is Not Racist?

Referring to black people and the propaganda of the birth control agenda, Martin Luther King Jr.’s niece, Dr. Alveda King made this compelling statement: “When...

Signs of Life on Mars but not in a Mother’s Womb?

This just in! Once again, researchers are thrilled about the possibility of life on Mars! Maybe. A recent report of water a mile underneath a slab...

Suicide: America’s Epidemic of Despair?

Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be...

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