Disney Doubles Down. On two major animated films featuring LGBTQ elements, Lightyear and Strange World, the woke Walt Disney has lost over $300 million...
Indiana University recently put up a life-size bronze statue of radical sex-researcher, Alfred Kinsey to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Kinsey Institute at the college. The...
Hollywood’s Michelle Williams made some outlandish statements recently as she accepted her 2020 Golden Globe award for Best Actress in a limited series, and...
This is how the enemy advances - book excerpt from Redefining Truth (2017).
Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a...
Like many other powerful celebrities in Hollywood, the producer behind Glee, American Horror Story, and transgender hit, Pose, has openly declared war on those...
Disney Doubles Down. On two major animated films featuring LGBTQ elements, Lightyear and Strange World, the woke Walt Disney has lost over $300 million...
Indiana University recently put up a life-size bronze statue of radical sex-researcher, Alfred Kinsey to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Kinsey Institute at the college. The...
Hollywood’s Michelle Williams made some outlandish statements recently as she accepted her 2020 Golden Globe award for Best Actress in a limited series, and...
This is how the enemy advances - book excerpt from Redefining Truth (2017).
Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a...
Like many other powerful celebrities in Hollywood, the producer behind Glee, American Horror Story, and transgender hit, Pose, has openly declared war on those...