Author, Speaker, Pastor

October, 23, 2024

Author, Speaker, Pastor

Gun Control, Hollywood, And Violent Ignorance


The push for gun control in America sure won’t be slowing down anytime soon, but the legislative efforts and proposals to curb gun use ignore the nonstop violence promoted by the entertainment industry.

A majority of American adults, 80%, agree with the statement that “violent games and films contribute to violence in society.” That’s according to a brand new Vanity Fair/60 Minutes nationwide poll. Of those respondents, 45% believe those media contribute a lot to societal violence, while 35% believe it contributes “some.”

Massive evidence is available and countless studies prove the effects of simulated violence on all consumers, but especially on children. Why is Hollywood pardoned for the carnage its product constantly produces? It’s difficult to confront Hollywood decision makers and hold them accountable when they’re helping get you reelected.

In a 2013 study, the Culture and Media Institute found that in the Top 5 movies – in just one weekend – the tally included 65 scenes depicting violence, 185 people killed, shot, stabbed, beaten, burned, blown up, etc.  Hollywood supporters talk about gun control, but are unwilling to address the issue with the entertainment industry.

Meanwhile, Hollywood continues producing the most violent, sadistic movies, television programs, and morbid video games that glorify graphic violence and mayhem. Our culture has been desensitized similar to the blood-thirsty crowds in the Roman Coliseum thousands of years ago being entertained by human slaughter. One difference is we’re exposed to more violence and death than they could have imagined.

But if this was part of the problem, people would address it honestly – wouldn’t they?

Just a few days ago, California Senator, Diane Feinstein, made another plea to ban assault weapons in one of her greatest hits as far as quotes go. Feinstein stated:

“We have federal regulations and state laws that prohibit hunting ducks with more than three rounds. And yet it’s legal to hunt humans with 15-round, 30-round, even 150-round magazines. Limiting magazine capacity is critical, because it is when a criminal, a drug dealer, a deranged individual has to pause to change magazines and reload that, the police or brave bystanders have the opportunity to take that individual down.”

The heart of the problem today doesn’t lie with the instruments and tools of violence. We can’t outlaw hammers, shovels, knives, and rope, for example. To ban them would not stop evil because evil always finds another method. The Bible teaches that the heart of man is deceitful and desperately wicked, (Jer. 17:9) and America has all but abandoned God.

It’s no wonder we continue to fill Planned Parenthood dumpsters; too many Americans value choice (self) more than they value life.

George Washington, among others, emphasized religion and morality as primary foundations for a free, successful society. This is what the American way relies upon and the more God is removed, the less morality we will have. Our Founding Fathers believed it unpatriotic to remove God from the public square.

In the 1960’s, the Left increased their efforts targeting American classrooms, courtrooms, newsrooms; Hollywood, government and even our churches to promote moral relativism and minimize our Judeo-Christian way of life. In that decade, they truly advanced their agenda to eradicate God from the United States, and we’re living with the results today.

Be reminded our rights don’t come from man, but from the God of creation. If government had given us our rights, government could take them away. Chairman Mao Zedong and his regime of godless communists executed more people than anyone in world history. His view was basically that right and wrong is determined by who has all the guns.

When moral and religious standards decrease, chaos and crime increase. Passing gun legislation is just a politicized answer to a spiritual issue. We are naïve to think we can eliminate evil when few truly understand the cause. We need common sense, especially in politics.

Illinois Democrat, Jan Schakowsky, recently said that they were on a roll now with gun control andwe’re gonna push as hard as we can and as far as we can.” In other words, the assault weapons ban is really the tip of the iceberg for liberals. Schakowsky isn’t shy about admitting to liberal agendas the media refuses to report on. For example, in 2009 she told a crowd that the goal of Obamacare would be to “put the private insurance industry out of business.”

And who can forget – in an admission caught on tape – during a discussion on drilling that liberal Democrat Maxine Waters admitted they’d be about “socializing” and “taking-over” the oil companies. They want power and control.

In other government power grabs, we now know the Obama administration could legally use deadly force against Americans inside the U.S., authorizing itself to shoot anyone thought to be a threat. Drones are something right out of a Hollywood movie – but this time it’s not a movie.

We can continue having gun debates and policy arguments, but this doesn’t address a few core issues: Man has an evil, sinful nature and without God there’s little hope for this country; We place too high a priority on entertainment; Hollywood keeps promoting unlimited violence and in one way or another, America keeps paying for it.

not guns, control

Click to read David’s article, ‘The Audacity of Drones’


More From David

Gun Control, Hollywood, And Violent Ignorance



The push for gun control in America sure won’t be slowing down anytime soon, but the legislative efforts and proposals to curb gun use ignore the nonstop violence promoted by the entertainment industry.

A majority of American adults, 80%, agree with the statement that “violent games and films contribute to violence in society.” That’s according to a brand new Vanity Fair/60 Minutes nationwide poll. Of those respondents, 45% believe those media contribute a lot to societal violence, while 35% believe it contributes “some.”

Massive evidence is available and countless studies prove the effects of simulated violence on all consumers, but especially on children. Why is Hollywood pardoned for the carnage its product constantly produces? It’s difficult to confront Hollywood decision makers and hold them accountable when they’re helping get you reelected.

In a 2013 study, the Culture and Media Institute found that in the Top 5 movies – in just one weekend – the tally included 65 scenes depicting violence, 185 people killed, shot, stabbed, beaten, burned, blown up, etc.  Hollywood supporters talk about gun control, but are unwilling to address the issue with the entertainment industry.

Meanwhile, Hollywood continues producing the most violent, sadistic movies, television programs, and morbid video games that glorify graphic violence and mayhem. Our culture has been desensitized similar to the blood-thirsty crowds in the Roman Coliseum thousands of years ago being entertained by human slaughter. One difference is we’re exposed to more violence and death than they could have imagined.

But if this was part of the problem, people would address it honestly – wouldn’t they?

Just a few days ago, California Senator, Diane Feinstein, made another plea to ban assault weapons in one of her greatest hits as far as quotes go. Feinstein stated:

“We have federal regulations and state laws that prohibit hunting ducks with more than three rounds. And yet it’s legal to hunt humans with 15-round, 30-round, even 150-round magazines. Limiting magazine capacity is critical, because it is when a criminal, a drug dealer, a deranged individual has to pause to change magazines and reload that, the police or brave bystanders have the opportunity to take that individual down.”

The heart of the problem today doesn’t lie with the instruments and tools of violence. We can’t outlaw hammers, shovels, knives, and rope, for example. To ban them would not stop evil because evil always finds another method. The Bible teaches that the heart of man is deceitful and desperately wicked, (Jer. 17:9) and America has all but abandoned God.

It’s no wonder we continue to fill Planned Parenthood dumpsters; too many Americans value choice (self) more than they value life.

George Washington, among others, emphasized religion and morality as primary foundations for a free, successful society. This is what the American way relies upon and the more God is removed, the less morality we will have. Our Founding Fathers believed it unpatriotic to remove God from the public square.

In the 1960’s, the Left increased their efforts targeting American classrooms, courtrooms, newsrooms; Hollywood, government and even our churches to promote moral relativism and minimize our Judeo-Christian way of life. In that decade, they truly advanced their agenda to eradicate God from the United States, and we’re living with the results today.

Be reminded our rights don’t come from man, but from the God of creation. If government had given us our rights, government could take them away. Chairman Mao Zedong and his regime of godless communists executed more people than anyone in world history. His view was basically that right and wrong is determined by who has all the guns.

When moral and religious standards decrease, chaos and crime increase. Passing gun legislation is just a politicized answer to a spiritual issue. We are naïve to think we can eliminate evil when few truly understand the cause. We need common sense, especially in politics.

Illinois Democrat, Jan Schakowsky, recently said that they were on a roll now with gun control andwe’re gonna push as hard as we can and as far as we can.” In other words, the assault weapons ban is really the tip of the iceberg for liberals. Schakowsky isn’t shy about admitting to liberal agendas the media refuses to report on. For example, in 2009 she told a crowd that the goal of Obamacare would be to “put the private insurance industry out of business.”

And who can forget – in an admission caught on tape – during a discussion on drilling that liberal Democrat Maxine Waters admitted they’d be about “socializing” and “taking-over” the oil companies. They want power and control.

In other government power grabs, we now know the Obama administration could legally use deadly force against Americans inside the U.S., authorizing itself to shoot anyone thought to be a threat. Drones are something right out of a Hollywood movie – but this time it’s not a movie.

We can continue having gun debates and policy arguments, but this doesn’t address a few core issues: Man has an evil, sinful nature and without God there’s little hope for this country; We place too high a priority on entertainment; Hollywood keeps promoting unlimited violence and in one way or another, America keeps paying for it.

not guns, control

Click to read David’s article, ‘The Audacity of Drones’

More From David