Author, Speaker, Pastor

February, 14, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor

Jesus Christ

Jay Seegert: Facts About Our Great God Of Creation, Psalm 104

Jay Seegert is an author, and managing director for The Starting Point Project whose focus is the help strengthen the Christian’s faith, so they...

The Perfect Storm: Lukewarm Church, Syncretism, and Secularism

David wants about ‘lukewarm’ churches, Christians conforming to the world, and the desperate need for true conversion and a biblical worldview.

Carl Kerby: Equipping Believers To ‘Know It, Live It, & Share It’

Carly Kerby of Reasons for Hope and Debunked joins David in studio to talk about equipping believers with the tools to share the gospel.

Tim Muehlhoff: End the Stalemate with Meaningful Conversations

Tim Muehlhoff is the co-author of ‘End the Stalemate,’ co-host of the podcast ‘Winsome Conviction,’ and is a professor of Communications at Biola University.

WHY JESUS? Reinforcing the truth and deity of Christ

Some people simply don’t want to believe - regardless of reason, research, or evidence supporting the Bible. Nevertheless, the most important decision every human being will make in this life is whether or not to believe the gospel and trust in Jesus Christ alone for salvation.

Pam Walck: Rejoicing in Hope, Patient in Affliction, Faithful in Prayer

Author, Pam Walck is a stage IV cancer survivor. She and David discuss evangelism, her walk with Christ and her healing process, and her...

Doreen Virtue, Jenn Nizza, Jac Marino Chen: From New Age to New Heart

David interviews three former New Age practitioners who have been transformed by Jesus Christ: best-selling New Age author Doreen Virtue, former psychic Jenn Nizza,...

Claude Stauffer: Ready and Unashamed, Keys to Romans

Pastor Claude Stauffer has a new book, 'Ready and Unashamed' a study on the Book of Romans. You can find more about Pastor Stauffer...

True, Historical Facts about the Resurrection, Jesus

Jesus Christ is Lord and is seated at the right hand of the Father, but in order to get there, the cross had to...

The King Is Coming! (5 Min. Video) Palm Sunday

As Palm Sunday 2020 approaches, let’s look at this historical event that represents the determination of Jesus to make it to the cross of...

Warning of Things to Come, the Revelation of Jesus

Remember the former things long past, For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is no one like...

Jesus Warns about Signs of the End Times, Matthew 24 part 1

We’re about to enter into one of the most exciting, provocative portions in all of the New Testament: Matthew chapter twenty-four. It is commonly...

5 Reasons the Resurrection of Jesus is True

If Jesus was not raised from the dead, then the Bible isn’t true, heaven isn’t real, and this life is as good as it...

Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room: A Baby Changed History

Many of us began preparing for Christmas and the five ‘F’s a month ago: festivities, family, food, fellowship, and fun. It’s easy to forget...


If we love the Lord with all our hearts, we will love His Word and pursue a deeper walk with Jesus Christ. We will...

What Would Jesus Say to Christians in America Today? Repent!

If Jesus rebuked many of the early churches for straying, leaving their first love, putting up with false doctrine, or for being lukewarm, how...

Anti-Semitism, Feminism of Democrat Party Stars

You can't get much more radical or anti-Christian and yes, she actually said that. Palestinian-American activist and controversial co-chair of the national Women’s March...

Was Jesus a Liar, a Lunatic, or is He Lord and God?

Just for a few minutes, let’s set aside debates and arguments about things like politics, gender, abortion, evolution, same-sex marriage, and religious freedom -...

The God of Israel, America, and History

Winston Churchill once said “The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. Ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.” Plenty of...

Why Are We Afraid Of Death?

Just a week ago I was in the hospital after having a procedure on my heart and guess what? Here I am, thank God!...

Jay Seegert: Facts About Our Great God Of Creation, Psalm 104

Jay Seegert is an author, and managing director for The Starting Point Project whose focus is the help strengthen the Christian’s faith, so they...

The Perfect Storm: Lukewarm Church, Syncretism, and Secularism

David wants about ‘lukewarm’ churches, Christians conforming to the world, and the desperate need for true conversion and a biblical worldview.

Carl Kerby: Equipping Believers To ‘Know It, Live It, & Share It’

Carly Kerby of Reasons for Hope and Debunked joins David in studio to talk about equipping believers with the tools to share the gospel.

Tim Muehlhoff: End the Stalemate with Meaningful Conversations

Tim Muehlhoff is the co-author of ‘End the Stalemate,’ co-host of the podcast ‘Winsome Conviction,’ and is a professor of Communications at Biola University.

WHY JESUS? Reinforcing the truth and deity of Christ

Some people simply don’t want to believe - regardless of reason, research, or evidence supporting the Bible. Nevertheless, the most important decision every human being will make in this life is whether or not to believe the gospel and trust in Jesus Christ alone for salvation.

Pam Walck: Rejoicing in Hope, Patient in Affliction, Faithful in Prayer

Author, Pam Walck is a stage IV cancer survivor. She and David discuss evangelism, her walk with Christ and her healing process, and her...

Doreen Virtue, Jenn Nizza, Jac Marino Chen: From New Age to New Heart

David interviews three former New Age practitioners who have been transformed by Jesus Christ: best-selling New Age author Doreen Virtue, former psychic Jenn Nizza,...

Claude Stauffer: Ready and Unashamed, Keys to Romans

Pastor Claude Stauffer has a new book, 'Ready and Unashamed' a study on the Book of Romans. You can find more about Pastor Stauffer...

True, Historical Facts about the Resurrection, Jesus

Jesus Christ is Lord and is seated at the right hand of the Father, but in order to get there, the cross had to...

The King Is Coming! (5 Min. Video) Palm Sunday

As Palm Sunday 2020 approaches, let’s look at this historical event that represents the determination of Jesus to make it to the cross of...

Warning of Things to Come, the Revelation of Jesus

Remember the former things long past, For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is no one like...

Jesus Warns about Signs of the End Times, Matthew 24 part 1

We’re about to enter into one of the most exciting, provocative portions in all of the New Testament: Matthew chapter twenty-four. It is commonly...

5 Reasons the Resurrection of Jesus is True

If Jesus was not raised from the dead, then the Bible isn’t true, heaven isn’t real, and this life is as good as it...

Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room: A Baby Changed History

Many of us began preparing for Christmas and the five ‘F’s a month ago: festivities, family, food, fellowship, and fun. It’s easy to forget...


If we love the Lord with all our hearts, we will love His Word and pursue a deeper walk with Jesus Christ. We will...

What Would Jesus Say to Christians in America Today? Repent!

If Jesus rebuked many of the early churches for straying, leaving their first love, putting up with false doctrine, or for being lukewarm, how...

Anti-Semitism, Feminism of Democrat Party Stars

You can't get much more radical or anti-Christian and yes, she actually said that. Palestinian-American activist and controversial co-chair of the national Women’s March...

Was Jesus a Liar, a Lunatic, or is He Lord and God?

Just for a few minutes, let’s set aside debates and arguments about things like politics, gender, abortion, evolution, same-sex marriage, and religious freedom -...

The God of Israel, America, and History

Winston Churchill once said “The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. Ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.” Plenty of...

Why Are We Afraid Of Death?

Just a week ago I was in the hospital after having a procedure on my heart and guess what? Here I am, thank God!...

Does God Care about Football – or about Who gives Him Glory?

Does God even care about sports? Did He cause the Philadelphia Eagles to win the Super Bowl? Aren't there Christians on practically every NFL...

Worldview Matters: What If Christianity were True?

Some say we should just ‘Coexist;’ live and let live, that all religions lead to the same place. But they can’t all be true…...

Standing Against the Tide of Moral Relativism

Perhaps the biggest casualty in the ongoing war against God and truth is this generation of young people. Meanings of words have been changed,...

How the Enemy Advances

Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. But resist...

God’s Perfect Timing in Christ, the Beginning and the End

In a moment, a flash of time, we will be changed from death to life; believers in Jesus Christ will put on immortality (1...

Ducking the Issue of Sin: the Easy Way Out

And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those...

The Perfect Timing of Christ the King

"But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those who were under the law, so...

Then The End Will Come – Part 2: The Importance of Bible Prophecy

"From now on I am telling you before it comes to pass, so that when it does occur, you may believe that I am...

Then The End Will Come… (Part 1)

From now on I am telling you before it comes to pass, so that when it does occur, you may believe that I am...

Are We Missing Something About Christmas?

On Christmas, most of us will gather with family or friends, exchange presents, watch kids tear through wrapped boxes in record time, and eat...

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