Author, Speaker, Pastor

February, 14, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor


The Perfect Savior at the Perfect Time Sent to Save Imperfect Humanity

We are all familiar with the story and traditions of Christmas, but let’s dig a little deeper into the meaning of this wonderful season...

Scott Schara: Spiritual Warfare Driving Depopulation Agenda

Scott Schara is an in-studio guest for Worldview Matters where he talks about population control, medical malpractice, and payouts.

Hate, Hostility Increasing Against Christians and Jews

Narratives, talking points, and propaganda against the biblical worldview have been effective and are increasing. This has caused hostility toward Christians and Jews to...

Communists Team With LGBTQ Mob to Shut Down Christian Café

A new Christian business in Colorado, the Drip Café, made the mistake of mentioning homosexuality in a statement, and since June 2 they have...

Drag Queens Protected, Christians Arrested

While drag queens performed and twerked for children, four Christians were arrested in Wisconsin last week, one of them for simply reading the Bible...

Tax Dollars Still Support Government Funded, Progressive Media

It is way past time to defund PBS and the hopelessly biased NPR. You might be wondering why we are still supporting these progressive...

Jesus, the Resurrection & Assurance of Salvation!

If Jesus was not raised from the dead, Christianity isn’t true, no one makes it to heaven, and this life is all there is....

Death Cult: Canada Gov’t Wants “Mercy Killings” of Children W/O Parental Consent

A Canadian Parliamentary committee is recommending lawmakers legalize euthanasia for sick and disabled children or those in Canada’s child welfare system. They think those...

He Refused to Bow Down and Be Silent, Now He’s Out of a Job

The trap was set after a Christian police officer in Georgia, Jacob Kersey made a comment on social media about God-ordained, natural marriage between...

Next Step for Apostate Churches: Discuss Removing God’s Gender

Even before the formation of the early church, Jesus taught his disciples to pray to “our Father in heaven (Luke 11:1-4).” He also said...

‘Glory to God,’ Damar Hamilin, Miracles & the Power of Prayer

UPDATE (1/12/23): Bill's Safety Damar Hamlin Released from Buffalo Hospital Wednesday! "Hamlin has returned home to continue his recovery after his collapse on the...

‘Pastor Story Hour’ Counters Demonic DQSH, Puts Christians on Offense

Christians often seem to be playing defense in efforts to respond to unbiblical, non-stop immoral agendas as forces of darkness work to promote wickedness...

America at a Cultural and Moral Tipping Point

We have arrived at a moral and cultural tipping point in America and are in desperate need of a wake-up call. Let's start with...

Satanists Withdraw from LGBTQ Pride Event Targeting Children, Families

The Satanic Temple (TST) Idaho, originally a sponsor of a Pride Month event last weekend withdrew from the event at the last minute after...

Punish the Opposition: Biden, Bolsheviks, Democrats & Disinformation

It is astounding, really. The left controls or is partnered with the liberal media, big tech, the "education" system, corporations, Hollywood, and government. And...

America Should Have Learned From Israel: It Just Takes One Generation

It just takes one generation for a decline in biblical morality to become a falling away and rebellion against God. And one thing we...

SCOTUS to Decide Whether or Not to Keep Murdering Babies

For thousands of years, human beings have considered a pregnant woman to be “with child,” and to be carrying a living, growing, developing baby...

‘Thou Shalt Not’ Celebrate Christmas With Family?

I’ve been enjoying pumpkin spice season (also known as September through November), but it’s never too early to start thinking about Christmas. And according...

Biblical Worldview Being Cancelled, The Soul of America at Stake (excerpt)

It didn't happen overnight. While we were sleeping, the enemy of our souls and enemies of America have worked overtime over the last 75-100...

Perspective, Prophecy, and Pressing On through 2021

What can we learn from this past year and how can we be prepared for such uncertain times? As we shake the dust off our...

The Perfect Savior at the Perfect Time Sent to Save Imperfect Humanity

We are all familiar with the story and traditions of Christmas, but let’s dig a little deeper into the meaning of this wonderful season...

Scott Schara: Spiritual Warfare Driving Depopulation Agenda

Scott Schara is an in-studio guest for Worldview Matters where he talks about population control, medical malpractice, and payouts.

Hate, Hostility Increasing Against Christians and Jews

Narratives, talking points, and propaganda against the biblical worldview have been effective and are increasing. This has caused hostility toward Christians and Jews to...

Communists Team With LGBTQ Mob to Shut Down Christian Café

A new Christian business in Colorado, the Drip Café, made the mistake of mentioning homosexuality in a statement, and since June 2 they have...

Drag Queens Protected, Christians Arrested

While drag queens performed and twerked for children, four Christians were arrested in Wisconsin last week, one of them for simply reading the Bible...

Tax Dollars Still Support Government Funded, Progressive Media

It is way past time to defund PBS and the hopelessly biased NPR. You might be wondering why we are still supporting these progressive...

Jesus, the Resurrection & Assurance of Salvation!

If Jesus was not raised from the dead, Christianity isn’t true, no one makes it to heaven, and this life is all there is....

Death Cult: Canada Gov’t Wants “Mercy Killings” of Children W/O Parental Consent

A Canadian Parliamentary committee is recommending lawmakers legalize euthanasia for sick and disabled children or those in Canada’s child welfare system. They think those...

He Refused to Bow Down and Be Silent, Now He’s Out of a Job

The trap was set after a Christian police officer in Georgia, Jacob Kersey made a comment on social media about God-ordained, natural marriage between...

Next Step for Apostate Churches: Discuss Removing God’s Gender

Even before the formation of the early church, Jesus taught his disciples to pray to “our Father in heaven (Luke 11:1-4).” He also said...

‘Glory to God,’ Damar Hamilin, Miracles & the Power of Prayer

UPDATE (1/12/23): Bill's Safety Damar Hamlin Released from Buffalo Hospital Wednesday! "Hamlin has returned home to continue his recovery after his collapse on the...

‘Pastor Story Hour’ Counters Demonic DQSH, Puts Christians on Offense

Christians often seem to be playing defense in efforts to respond to unbiblical, non-stop immoral agendas as forces of darkness work to promote wickedness...

America at a Cultural and Moral Tipping Point

We have arrived at a moral and cultural tipping point in America and are in desperate need of a wake-up call. Let's start with...

Satanists Withdraw from LGBTQ Pride Event Targeting Children, Families

The Satanic Temple (TST) Idaho, originally a sponsor of a Pride Month event last weekend withdrew from the event at the last minute after...

Punish the Opposition: Biden, Bolsheviks, Democrats & Disinformation

It is astounding, really. The left controls or is partnered with the liberal media, big tech, the "education" system, corporations, Hollywood, and government. And...

America Should Have Learned From Israel: It Just Takes One Generation

It just takes one generation for a decline in biblical morality to become a falling away and rebellion against God. And one thing we...

SCOTUS to Decide Whether or Not to Keep Murdering Babies

For thousands of years, human beings have considered a pregnant woman to be “with child,” and to be carrying a living, growing, developing baby...

‘Thou Shalt Not’ Celebrate Christmas With Family?

I’ve been enjoying pumpkin spice season (also known as September through November), but it’s never too early to start thinking about Christmas. And according...

Biblical Worldview Being Cancelled, The Soul of America at Stake (excerpt)

It didn't happen overnight. While we were sleeping, the enemy of our souls and enemies of America have worked overtime over the last 75-100...

Perspective, Prophecy, and Pressing On through 2021

What can we learn from this past year and how can we be prepared for such uncertain times? As we shake the dust off our...

Elite Globalist Agenda: the Great Godless Reset

If you haven’t heard about the Great Reset by now, you will. Some of the world's most powerful and liberal elites are planning and...

Fearing Virus, Democrat Governors Squelch Thanksgiving

Thousands of Biden supporters can crowd together to celebrate, but we're not supposed to have Thanksgiving with our family? It's lockdown 2.0, the holiday...

If Christians Vote Policy over Personality, Trump Will Win

How do you respond when people are shocked that you could actually vote for President Trump? Hopefully, you respond with facts and policy if...

Evidence Supports the History of Jesus’ Resurrection

Historical, prophetic, and archaeological evidence confirms the resurrection of Jesus Christ - and it has absolutely nothing to do with the Easter bunny, chocolate...

Normalizing Homosexuality – Blotting Out God in America

Gay rights activists, government schools, Hollywood & liberal media elites deny there is an agenda, but their actions tell a much different story... The following...

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