Author, Speaker, Pastor

July, 26, 2024

Author, Speaker, Pastor


Patrick Wood: Technocracy, FISA Amendment, & Global Transformation

Author and expert on Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda and historic technocracy, Patrick Wood shares his concerns about modern globalism, where...

Bill Federer: Psychological Projection in the Battle for America

Author and historian, Bill Federer (American Minute) reveals many tactics, such as projection, similar to ‘1984’s’ doublethink, that is used in today’s media and...

Tony Gurule: Open Borders Agenda Changing the Face of America

Tony Gurule is the Vice President of Radical Truth, a resource for confronting godless agendas, proclaiming truth, and exposing Islam.

Curtis Bowers: Marx Madness & Communist Policy In America

Curtis Bowers is the producer of “AGENDA: Grinding America Down“ and “AGENDA 2: Masters of Deceit.“ David and Curtis discuss the communist agendas that...

Cheryl Chumley: Why Are Democrats Rushing To Destroy America?

Great conversation today on Worldview Matters with author, Washington Times journalist, & host of the “Bold and Blunt” podcast, Cheryl Chumley. We discuss media...

Under Attack: God’s Natural Order – and North American Children

A Baptist, a transgender policy, and a Catholic high school suspension. It sounds like the opening of a bad joke, but it’s not. Tragically,...

Death Cult: Canada Gov’t Wants “Mercy Killings” of Children W/O Parental Consent

A Canadian Parliamentary committee is recommending lawmakers legalize euthanasia for sick and disabled children or those in Canada’s child welfare system. They think those...

‘Morally Superior’ Democrats Doubling IRS Power, Adding Armed ‘Enforcers’

Socialists in Washington voted and passed the so-called "Inflation Reduction Act." But we must look deeper into what these bills do and the motives...

Chinese Communist Party Rewrites Bible, Cracks Down on Christians

Less than a week after the 2022 Olympics concluded to historically dismal ratings, reports indicate the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is literally rewriting the...

Not Exactly Shocking: Many Democrats Want You Punished

If you are like millions of Americans who chose not to get a Rona vaccine or booster shots, a brand new, disturbing survey not...

Perpetual Conflict and Destabilization: The Issue is Never the Issue

We are at war. But in a traditional or typical war, enemies are easily identified, battle lines drawn, demands are made known, and opposing...

Are Climate Lockdowns Next?

If you think government, media, and Hollywood propaganda on 'the shot' and 'staying safe' is bad now, get ready. We may soon be seeing...

Majority of Today’s Youth Dislike the Country, Not Proud to be American

Surprised? In a new poll, only about a third of young adults say they are proud to be American. Most seem to be embarrassed...

VIDEO: 5 Minutes With ‘Canceling Christianity’ Author David Fiorazo

Canceling Christianity: How the Left Silences Churches, Dismantles the Constitution, and Divides Our Culture. If you haven’t been paying attention, you might be surprised or even skeptical...

Do Some Black Lives Matter More Than Others?

According to reports, Black Lives Matter raked in between $90 and 100 million dollars in 2020 alone. Do you know anyone who jumped on...

How Should Christians Respond to Injustice, BLM, Lawlessness?

How should Christians respond to all that’s happening in our country today? Does the Bible have anything to say about race, redemption, social justice,...

Anti-American “Education” and the Collapse of Culture

What did we expect? After decades of teaching kids in America to hate their country, take a good look around because we’re now seeing...

Why the Oscars, Award Show Ratings Keep Tanking

Either Hollywood elites are in denial - or they just don't care that, year after year, awards show ratings keep hitting record lows. Either...

Millennials: Communism is Cool, Trump a Threat to World Peace

According to a new poll, seventy percent of Millennials now plan on voting for socialists and Democrats. And thirty-six percent support communism. For those...

Time for Christians to Leave the Democrat Party

The party of godlessness is taking their extremism up a few notches to the point you can no longer be neutral. Just a handful...

Patrick Wood: Technocracy, FISA Amendment, & Global Transformation

Author and expert on Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda and historic technocracy, Patrick Wood shares his concerns about modern globalism, where...

Bill Federer: Psychological Projection in the Battle for America

Author and historian, Bill Federer (American Minute) reveals many tactics, such as projection, similar to ‘1984’s’ doublethink, that is used in today’s media and...

Tony Gurule: Open Borders Agenda Changing the Face of America

Tony Gurule is the Vice President of Radical Truth, a resource for confronting godless agendas, proclaiming truth, and exposing Islam.

Curtis Bowers: Marx Madness & Communist Policy In America

Curtis Bowers is the producer of “AGENDA: Grinding America Down“ and “AGENDA 2: Masters of Deceit.“ David and Curtis discuss the communist agendas that...

Cheryl Chumley: Why Are Democrats Rushing To Destroy America?

Great conversation today on Worldview Matters with author, Washington Times journalist, & host of the “Bold and Blunt” podcast, Cheryl Chumley. We discuss media...

Under Attack: God’s Natural Order – and North American Children

A Baptist, a transgender policy, and a Catholic high school suspension. It sounds like the opening of a bad joke, but it’s not. Tragically,...

Death Cult: Canada Gov’t Wants “Mercy Killings” of Children W/O Parental Consent

A Canadian Parliamentary committee is recommending lawmakers legalize euthanasia for sick and disabled children or those in Canada’s child welfare system. They think those...

‘Morally Superior’ Democrats Doubling IRS Power, Adding Armed ‘Enforcers’

Socialists in Washington voted and passed the so-called "Inflation Reduction Act." But we must look deeper into what these bills do and the motives...

Chinese Communist Party Rewrites Bible, Cracks Down on Christians

Less than a week after the 2022 Olympics concluded to historically dismal ratings, reports indicate the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is literally rewriting the...

Not Exactly Shocking: Many Democrats Want You Punished

If you are like millions of Americans who chose not to get a Rona vaccine or booster shots, a brand new, disturbing survey not...

Perpetual Conflict and Destabilization: The Issue is Never the Issue

We are at war. But in a traditional or typical war, enemies are easily identified, battle lines drawn, demands are made known, and opposing...

Are Climate Lockdowns Next?

If you think government, media, and Hollywood propaganda on 'the shot' and 'staying safe' is bad now, get ready. We may soon be seeing...

Majority of Today’s Youth Dislike the Country, Not Proud to be American

Surprised? In a new poll, only about a third of young adults say they are proud to be American. Most seem to be embarrassed...

VIDEO: 5 Minutes With ‘Canceling Christianity’ Author David Fiorazo

Canceling Christianity: How the Left Silences Churches, Dismantles the Constitution, and Divides Our Culture. If you haven’t been paying attention, you might be surprised or even skeptical...

Do Some Black Lives Matter More Than Others?

According to reports, Black Lives Matter raked in between $90 and 100 million dollars in 2020 alone. Do you know anyone who jumped on...

How Should Christians Respond to Injustice, BLM, Lawlessness?

How should Christians respond to all that’s happening in our country today? Does the Bible have anything to say about race, redemption, social justice,...

Anti-American “Education” and the Collapse of Culture

What did we expect? After decades of teaching kids in America to hate their country, take a good look around because we’re now seeing...

Why the Oscars, Award Show Ratings Keep Tanking

Either Hollywood elites are in denial - or they just don't care that, year after year, awards show ratings keep hitting record lows. Either...

Millennials: Communism is Cool, Trump a Threat to World Peace

According to a new poll, seventy percent of Millennials now plan on voting for socialists and Democrats. And thirty-six percent support communism. For those...

Time for Christians to Leave the Democrat Party

The party of godlessness is taking their extremism up a few notches to the point you can no longer be neutral. Just a handful...

Sanitized Socialism & Communist Goals

You who practice deceit, your tongue plots destruction; it is like a sharpened razor. You love evil rather than good, falsehood rather than speaking the truth....

Radicals Taking Down America: Is The Left Winning?

The United States of America has been under attack - from within. Two things make this fact even worse: many people are oblivious, and...

Americans are Being Sold on Socialism

Less than seventy-five years ago, six-time candidate for the Socialist Party of America, Norman Thomas, stated: “The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but...

Failing to Learn from History

If the foundations are destroyed what can the righteous do? Psalm 11:3 Looking back at history and comparing early America to today, few would deny...

Marx Madness: Calculated Chaos in America

How did one of the greatest Christian societies in the world decline to the point in which Bible-believing Christians may soon be criminalized in...

Common Core and Eroding Education – an extensive excerpt

It would appear our power grabbing U.S. government survived the backlash against the controversial implementation of Common Core State Standards in our education system....

Crush the System: Cloward-Piven Stategy on the U.S. Border

  One sign reads, “Illegal is a crime.” Another reads, “We are the future of America.” Many believe the Obama administration knows exactly what it...

Obama’s Ideology Propels Scandal-mania

White House Senior Adviser Valerie Jarrett said there’s no chance Attorney General Eric Holder will resign in light of the mounting evidence against the...

Social Justice Politics and Christian Confusion

According to the USDA, a record 47.7 million Americans are now living in poverty. A few actual news outlets have reported the very real...


(Excerpt from chapter 10 in Eradicate: Blotting out God in America) “The Left wants you to think that the cultural changes that have taken place...

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