Author, Speaker, Pastor

February, 13, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor

False Teachings

Next Step for Apostate Churches: Discuss Removing God’s Gender

Even before the formation of the early church, Jesus taught his disciples to pray to “our Father in heaven (Luke 11:1-4).” He also said...

Mocker Be Thy Name: Biden Preaches to the Leftist Choir

Politician and radical “Reverend,” Raphael Warnock, invited fellow Democrat socialist, Joe Biden to fill the pulpit and speak the Sunday before Martin Luther King...

Bad News, Good News – 5 Quick Headlines

Here are some quick facts about three stories involving new ways to push demonic agendas, one celebration of a cancelation, and one happy ending...

Attacks on the Authoritative, Inerrant Word of God – Sermon Transcript

I've been seeking a better understanding of apostasy over the last century or so and I'm learning a lot! When I showed my pastor...

Pastors Lack Biblical Worldview, Culture Influencing American Church

We cannot fix something until we know it is broken. And according to the latest Barna research, the American Church is in dire need...

America Should Have Learned From Israel: It Just Takes One Generation

It just takes one generation for a decline in biblical morality to become a falling away and rebellion against God. And one thing we...

Contending for the True, Biblical Faith: Jude Sermon

The book of Jude is yet another warning for today’s Christian church. We must know the truth and learn from biblical history! Deceivers and...

The Great Tribulation & Return of Christ, Matthew 24 part 2

REVIEW: in Part 1, (Matthew 24:1-13), we covered two major sections of this chapter: Jesus predicting the destruction of the temple which was fulfilled,...

Joel Osteen and Deceptive Prosperity Preaching

When one of the most popular Christian leaders in America focuses more on self-improvement, personal finances, and positive thinking than on the essential doctrines...

Indoctrination: ‘Coexist’ With Lies and False Teachings?

Government education in America kicked God, prayer, the Bible, and the Ten Commandments out of public schools over fifty years ago leaving a massive...

Who Do You Say Jesus Is? Matthew 16 Sermon & Notes

The most important decision you will make in this life is what you do with Jesus - whether or not to believe in Him...

Corruption, Cover-Up in the Catholic Church

If you claim to represent God, but refuse to live by His moral laws, please leave the church and stop lying to everyone! Enough....

Jude: Defend the Faith, Warn the Church – Bible Study

Introduction, historical background on the early Christian church at the time (68-69 A.D.), and what compelled Jude to write this letter? The following is...

Our Mother Who Art In Heaven, Hallowed Be Beyonce?

You may have heard Grace Cathedral, an Episcopal church in San Francisco, held what was called a ‘Beyoncé mass’ last week, and at an...

Seduced by Scientology: Deceptions of One Man’s Fiction

“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” − George Orwell In July of 2013, actress Leah Remini left the...

Introduction to ‘Redefining Truth’ book excerpt

Redefining Truth: Delusions of Replacing God and Calling Evil Good, by David Fiorazo, full introduction! Truth has never been so assaulted, avoided, denied, downplayed, hated,...

Do Not Be Deceived, Church: Wake Up and Watch Out!

This is an urgent message for these dangerous, deceptive days many refer to as the end times. Christian friend, be encouraged to seek first...

The ‘Church’ Infecting Christianity: Where Did the Emergent Church Emerge From?

“Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt I had to write and urge...

Loyal To The Left, Jim Wallis Also Supports Gay Marriage

In June of 2010, Reverend Jim Wallis was asked if he believed abor­tion and homosexuality were sins. Christian radio station General Manager, Mike Le...

Counterfeit Christianity (excerpt from Eradicate)

All the way back in the first century, the apostle Paul pleaded and warned believers to be on guard against men within their own...

Next Step for Apostate Churches: Discuss Removing God’s Gender

Even before the formation of the early church, Jesus taught his disciples to pray to “our Father in heaven (Luke 11:1-4).” He also said...

Mocker Be Thy Name: Biden Preaches to the Leftist Choir

Politician and radical “Reverend,” Raphael Warnock, invited fellow Democrat socialist, Joe Biden to fill the pulpit and speak the Sunday before Martin Luther King...

Bad News, Good News – 5 Quick Headlines

Here are some quick facts about three stories involving new ways to push demonic agendas, one celebration of a cancelation, and one happy ending...

Attacks on the Authoritative, Inerrant Word of God – Sermon Transcript

I've been seeking a better understanding of apostasy over the last century or so and I'm learning a lot! When I showed my pastor...

Pastors Lack Biblical Worldview, Culture Influencing American Church

We cannot fix something until we know it is broken. And according to the latest Barna research, the American Church is in dire need...

America Should Have Learned From Israel: It Just Takes One Generation

It just takes one generation for a decline in biblical morality to become a falling away and rebellion against God. And one thing we...

Contending for the True, Biblical Faith: Jude Sermon

The book of Jude is yet another warning for today’s Christian church. We must know the truth and learn from biblical history! Deceivers and...

The Great Tribulation & Return of Christ, Matthew 24 part 2

REVIEW: in Part 1, (Matthew 24:1-13), we covered two major sections of this chapter: Jesus predicting the destruction of the temple which was fulfilled,...

Joel Osteen and Deceptive Prosperity Preaching

When one of the most popular Christian leaders in America focuses more on self-improvement, personal finances, and positive thinking than on the essential doctrines...

Indoctrination: ‘Coexist’ With Lies and False Teachings?

Government education in America kicked God, prayer, the Bible, and the Ten Commandments out of public schools over fifty years ago leaving a massive...

Who Do You Say Jesus Is? Matthew 16 Sermon & Notes

The most important decision you will make in this life is what you do with Jesus - whether or not to believe in Him...

Corruption, Cover-Up in the Catholic Church

If you claim to represent God, but refuse to live by His moral laws, please leave the church and stop lying to everyone! Enough....

Jude: Defend the Faith, Warn the Church – Bible Study

Introduction, historical background on the early Christian church at the time (68-69 A.D.), and what compelled Jude to write this letter? The following is...

Our Mother Who Art In Heaven, Hallowed Be Beyonce?

You may have heard Grace Cathedral, an Episcopal church in San Francisco, held what was called a ‘Beyoncé mass’ last week, and at an...

Seduced by Scientology: Deceptions of One Man’s Fiction

“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” − George Orwell In July of 2013, actress Leah Remini left the...

Introduction to ‘Redefining Truth’ book excerpt

Redefining Truth: Delusions of Replacing God and Calling Evil Good, by David Fiorazo, full introduction! Truth has never been so assaulted, avoided, denied, downplayed, hated,...

Do Not Be Deceived, Church: Wake Up and Watch Out!

This is an urgent message for these dangerous, deceptive days many refer to as the end times. Christian friend, be encouraged to seek first...

The ‘Church’ Infecting Christianity: Where Did the Emergent Church Emerge From?

“Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt I had to write and urge...

Loyal To The Left, Jim Wallis Also Supports Gay Marriage

In June of 2010, Reverend Jim Wallis was asked if he believed abor­tion and homosexuality were sins. Christian radio station General Manager, Mike Le...

Counterfeit Christianity (excerpt from Eradicate)

All the way back in the first century, the apostle Paul pleaded and warned believers to be on guard against men within their own...

Rob Bell’s Pop Culture Christianity [Updated]

When the sinner sees the awful consequences of breaking the Law of God—that he cannot escape the certainty of judgment—he will see his need...

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