Politician and radical “Reverend,” Raphael Warnock, invited fellow Democrat socialist, Joe Biden to fill the pulpit and speak the Sunday before Martin Luther King...
REVIEW: in Part 1, (Matthew 24:1-13), we covered two major sections of this chapter: Jesus predicting the destruction of the temple which was fulfilled,...
When one of the most popular Christian leaders in America focuses more on self-improvement, personal finances, and positive thinking than on the essential doctrines...
Government education in America kicked God, prayer, the Bible, and the Ten Commandments out of public schools over fifty years ago leaving a massive...
Introduction, historical background on the early Christian church at the time (68-69 A.D.), and what compelled Jude to write this letter? The following is...
Redefining Truth: Delusions of Replacing God and Calling Evil Good, by David Fiorazo, full introduction!
Truth has never been so assaulted, avoided, denied, downplayed, hated,...
In June of 2010, Reverend Jim Wallis was asked if he believed abortion and homosexuality were sins. Christian radio station General Manager, Mike Le...
Politician and radical “Reverend,” Raphael Warnock, invited fellow Democrat socialist, Joe Biden to fill the pulpit and speak the Sunday before Martin Luther King...
REVIEW: in Part 1, (Matthew 24:1-13), we covered two major sections of this chapter: Jesus predicting the destruction of the temple which was fulfilled,...
When one of the most popular Christian leaders in America focuses more on self-improvement, personal finances, and positive thinking than on the essential doctrines...
Government education in America kicked God, prayer, the Bible, and the Ten Commandments out of public schools over fifty years ago leaving a massive...
Introduction, historical background on the early Christian church at the time (68-69 A.D.), and what compelled Jude to write this letter? The following is...
Redefining Truth: Delusions of Replacing God and Calling Evil Good, by David Fiorazo, full introduction!
Truth has never been so assaulted, avoided, denied, downplayed, hated,...
In June of 2010, Reverend Jim Wallis was asked if he believed abortion and homosexuality were sins. Christian radio station General Manager, Mike Le...