Author, Speaker, Pastor

July, 26, 2024

Author, Speaker, Pastor

communist policy

Gary Kah: We’ve Reached A Tipping Point

Gary Kah and David discuss the volatile state America and the world are in due to the agendas of the Left and too many...

Ken Ham: Climate Change For Kids – And Parents, Too!

Ken Ham is the Founder CEO of Answers in Genesis. He talks with David about the history and science of climate change, the biblical...

Trevor Loudon: ‘Enemies Within’ Destroying America on Purpose

Trevor Loudon joins David on Worldview Matters to discuss Marx madness, globalism, enemies of America, and his newest release, 'House Un-Americans' part 3.

Report: Google Helps Democrats, News Media a Threat to Freedom

It’s not breaking news that people's trust in today’s media is at a record low, but there are some key questions that should be...

Weaponizing Words: ‘Christian Nationalism’ and Pesky Pro-Lifers

If you love your country, value freedom, and believe the Bible, you may now be the new scapegoat as enemies of the one true...

DHS, Democrats Define ‘Disinformation’ to Censor Differing Views

At least four news stories last week expose how the Biden Harris administration plans to handle what they are calling ‘misinformation’ on social media....

O Canada! Proposed Law Would Penalize INTENT to Use ‘Hate Speech’

Perhaps more than most nations, Canada is a land where people have felt the heavy hand of government depriving them of free movement for...

Not Exactly Shocking: Many Democrats Want You Punished

If you are like millions of Americans who chose not to get a Rona vaccine or booster shots, a brand new, disturbing survey not...

Facebook, Fact Checkers Are Opinionated Lefties After All

It’s not exactly breaking news: Facebook finally admitted what most of us have always known: the biased “fact checks” they’ve used to censor free...

Canceling Christianity in the U.S., Not Jesus Christ! Interview Q&A

The following is an edited transcript from several interviews with author, David Fiorazo about his best-selling latest book, Canceling Christianity: How The Left Silences...

Don’t Believe the Liberal Media, Presidential Approval Ratings

Presidential approval ratings are practically irrelevant and mostly meaningless. Do they change people's minds on how to vote? No. Let me explain. A new poll...

The Divided Church and State of America

We now have many more questions than answers. How can we coexist with those who hate our God, who want to change America, promote...

Perpetual Conflict and Destabilization: The Issue is Never the Issue

We are at war. But in a traditional or typical war, enemies are easily identified, battle lines drawn, demands are made known, and opposing...

Biden’s Border Crisis Leading to System Overload

Democrat campaign promises have become bad policy, and the Biden Harris administration owns the current humanitarian crisis at the U.S. Mexico border. According to reports,...

Gary Kah: We’ve Reached A Tipping Point

Gary Kah and David discuss the volatile state America and the world are in due to the agendas of the Left and too many...

Ken Ham: Climate Change For Kids – And Parents, Too!

Ken Ham is the Founder CEO of Answers in Genesis. He talks with David about the history and science of climate change, the biblical...

Trevor Loudon: ‘Enemies Within’ Destroying America on Purpose

Trevor Loudon joins David on Worldview Matters to discuss Marx madness, globalism, enemies of America, and his newest release, 'House Un-Americans' part 3.

Report: Google Helps Democrats, News Media a Threat to Freedom

It’s not breaking news that people's trust in today’s media is at a record low, but there are some key questions that should be...

Weaponizing Words: ‘Christian Nationalism’ and Pesky Pro-Lifers

If you love your country, value freedom, and believe the Bible, you may now be the new scapegoat as enemies of the one true...

DHS, Democrats Define ‘Disinformation’ to Censor Differing Views

At least four news stories last week expose how the Biden Harris administration plans to handle what they are calling ‘misinformation’ on social media....

O Canada! Proposed Law Would Penalize INTENT to Use ‘Hate Speech’

Perhaps more than most nations, Canada is a land where people have felt the heavy hand of government depriving them of free movement for...

Not Exactly Shocking: Many Democrats Want You Punished

If you are like millions of Americans who chose not to get a Rona vaccine or booster shots, a brand new, disturbing survey not...

Facebook, Fact Checkers Are Opinionated Lefties After All

It’s not exactly breaking news: Facebook finally admitted what most of us have always known: the biased “fact checks” they’ve used to censor free...

Canceling Christianity in the U.S., Not Jesus Christ! Interview Q&A

The following is an edited transcript from several interviews with author, David Fiorazo about his best-selling latest book, Canceling Christianity: How The Left Silences...

Don’t Believe the Liberal Media, Presidential Approval Ratings

Presidential approval ratings are practically irrelevant and mostly meaningless. Do they change people's minds on how to vote? No. Let me explain. A new poll...

The Divided Church and State of America

We now have many more questions than answers. How can we coexist with those who hate our God, who want to change America, promote...

Perpetual Conflict and Destabilization: The Issue is Never the Issue

We are at war. But in a traditional or typical war, enemies are easily identified, battle lines drawn, demands are made known, and opposing...

Biden’s Border Crisis Leading to System Overload

Democrat campaign promises have become bad policy, and the Biden Harris administration owns the current humanitarian crisis at the U.S. Mexico border. According to reports,...

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