Author, Speaker, Pastor

February, 9, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor


Pushback on PRIDE and Year-round Marketing of EVIL

The month of June can be a disappointing, discouraging, and at times, a sickening month for Christians and conservatives due to the non-stop, relentless...

Study: Core Biblical Beliefs Rejected by Today’s Youth

Americans are rejecting God and following their hearts to destruction and emptiness. A sobering conclusion to a brand-new study is that it appears America...

How Convenient: Fewer Americans Believe in Hell and the Devil

Belief in hell and the devil just sank to new lows. A new poll from Gallup reveals that more Americans reject biblical truth and...

Boycott: Target Targets Children, Recruits for Pride Cult

Target has had annual pride collections since 2012. They changed their bathroom policies to accommodate transgender individuals and ignored the safety of young women...

Jesus, the Resurrection & Assurance of Salvation!

If Jesus was not raised from the dead, Christianity isn’t true, no one makes it to heaven, and this life is all there is....

Barna: Biblical Worldview ‘Shuffling Toward Edge of the Cliff’

Is belief in God and the biblical worldview nearing extinction in America? According to a new and not exactly shocking study from the Cultural...

Attacks on the Authoritative, Inerrant Word of God – Sermon Transcript

I've been seeking a better understanding of apostasy over the last century or so and I'm learning a lot! When I showed my pastor...

Be Watchful, Knowing the Time! (sermon video & notes)

Sermon by David Fiorazo, Sunday June 27, 2021 - Rough Transcript I hope to convey a much-needed sense of urgency for the body of Christ...

When a Man Wins a Women’s Beauty Pageant

They’re calling it “a historic moment in beauty pageants.” Hollywood, the media, and the left celebrated the victory when Sunday, a biological male was...

Censorship Is Here – and They’re Coming for Christians

Threats to our religious liberty were subtle a few decades ago. But then came the discrimination, the propaganda, the intolerance of the left and...

What ‘Science’ on Masks Should We Believe?

UPDATE: though I stand by research on masks being less than effective against the Rona, I apologize for a mistake on my part. Apparently...

Most Americans Distrust the Media

With 93% of reporting on President Trump being negative since the 2016 election, it’s no wonder American citizens distrust of the news media is at record...

AOC, HGTV Threesome, and LGBT: Normalizing Godlessness

What do AOC, VH1, Marvel, HGTV, and the LGBT have in common? The normalization of immorality including drag queens, gays kissing, and a “throuple”...

5 Reasons the Resurrection of Jesus is True

If Jesus was not raised from the dead, then the Bible isn’t true, heaven isn’t real, and this life is as good as it...

Sign of the Times? Pastor Forced Out for Speaking Truth

Pastor Justin Hoke of Trinity Bible Presbyterian Church in Weed, California, has now lost his job following backlash over statements he made about sin,...

Jude: Defend the Faith, Warn the Church – Bible Study

Introduction, historical background on the early Christian church at the time (68-69 A.D.), and what compelled Jude to write this letter? The following is...

Why Are We Afraid Of Death?

Just a week ago I was in the hospital after having a procedure on my heart and guess what? Here I am, thank God!...

Worldview Matters: What If Christianity were True?

Some say we should just ‘Coexist;’ live and let live, that all religions lead to the same place. But they can’t all be true…...

The Real War on Women

Abortion is the real war on women (and men). Here's a tale of two marches featuring two completely different worldviews, and it's obvious which...

Standing Against the Tide of Moral Relativism

Perhaps the biggest casualty in the ongoing war against God and truth is this generation of young people. Meanings of words have been changed,...

Pushback on PRIDE and Year-round Marketing of EVIL

The month of June can be a disappointing, discouraging, and at times, a sickening month for Christians and conservatives due to the non-stop, relentless...

Study: Core Biblical Beliefs Rejected by Today’s Youth

Americans are rejecting God and following their hearts to destruction and emptiness. A sobering conclusion to a brand-new study is that it appears America...

How Convenient: Fewer Americans Believe in Hell and the Devil

Belief in hell and the devil just sank to new lows. A new poll from Gallup reveals that more Americans reject biblical truth and...

Boycott: Target Targets Children, Recruits for Pride Cult

Target has had annual pride collections since 2012. They changed their bathroom policies to accommodate transgender individuals and ignored the safety of young women...

Jesus, the Resurrection & Assurance of Salvation!

If Jesus was not raised from the dead, Christianity isn’t true, no one makes it to heaven, and this life is all there is....

Barna: Biblical Worldview ‘Shuffling Toward Edge of the Cliff’

Is belief in God and the biblical worldview nearing extinction in America? According to a new and not exactly shocking study from the Cultural...

Attacks on the Authoritative, Inerrant Word of God – Sermon Transcript

I've been seeking a better understanding of apostasy over the last century or so and I'm learning a lot! When I showed my pastor...

Be Watchful, Knowing the Time! (sermon video & notes)

Sermon by David Fiorazo, Sunday June 27, 2021 - Rough Transcript I hope to convey a much-needed sense of urgency for the body of Christ...

When a Man Wins a Women’s Beauty Pageant

They’re calling it “a historic moment in beauty pageants.” Hollywood, the media, and the left celebrated the victory when Sunday, a biological male was...

Censorship Is Here – and They’re Coming for Christians

Threats to our religious liberty were subtle a few decades ago. But then came the discrimination, the propaganda, the intolerance of the left and...

What ‘Science’ on Masks Should We Believe?

UPDATE: though I stand by research on masks being less than effective against the Rona, I apologize for a mistake on my part. Apparently...

Most Americans Distrust the Media

With 93% of reporting on President Trump being negative since the 2016 election, it’s no wonder American citizens distrust of the news media is at record...

AOC, HGTV Threesome, and LGBT: Normalizing Godlessness

What do AOC, VH1, Marvel, HGTV, and the LGBT have in common? The normalization of immorality including drag queens, gays kissing, and a “throuple”...

5 Reasons the Resurrection of Jesus is True

If Jesus was not raised from the dead, then the Bible isn’t true, heaven isn’t real, and this life is as good as it...

Sign of the Times? Pastor Forced Out for Speaking Truth

Pastor Justin Hoke of Trinity Bible Presbyterian Church in Weed, California, has now lost his job following backlash over statements he made about sin,...

Jude: Defend the Faith, Warn the Church – Bible Study

Introduction, historical background on the early Christian church at the time (68-69 A.D.), and what compelled Jude to write this letter? The following is...

Why Are We Afraid Of Death?

Just a week ago I was in the hospital after having a procedure on my heart and guess what? Here I am, thank God!...

Worldview Matters: What If Christianity were True?

Some say we should just ‘Coexist;’ live and let live, that all religions lead to the same place. But they can’t all be true…...

The Real War on Women

Abortion is the real war on women (and men). Here's a tale of two marches featuring two completely different worldviews, and it's obvious which...

Standing Against the Tide of Moral Relativism

Perhaps the biggest casualty in the ongoing war against God and truth is this generation of young people. Meanings of words have been changed,...

Taxpayers to Fund Trans Surgeries, Pelosi Progressives Relieved

Last week she was furious. How could the GOP take taxpayer money from the noble cause of gender identity politics and allow the people...

Identity in Christ or Identity Crisis?

But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name, (John 1:12)...

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