Author, Speaker, Pastor

July, 26, 2024

Author, Speaker, Pastor


Brigitte Gabriel: The Peaceful Majority MUST Fight To Preserve Freedom

Brigitte Gabriel, National security analyst, NYT Bestselling author and Chairman of ACT for joins David for a powerful and inspiring call to action....

Ken Ham: Climate Change For Kids – And Parents, Too!

Ken Ham is the Founder CEO of Answers in Genesis. He talks with David about the history and science of climate change, the biblical...

Dr. Lee Merritt: Agenda Behind Healthcare Medical Industry Misinformation

Dr. Lee Merritt discusses the intelligence war that has been happening for generations, and how it is directly affecting medical school students’ right and...

Britt Gillette: Bankers & Governments Lying about Coming Financial Crisis

Britt Gillette of End Times Bible Prophecy exposes the banking system’s lack of ‘transparency’ and the government’s ulterior motives for bailouts and "bail ins,"...

Curtis Bowers: Marx Madness & Communist Policy In America

Curtis Bowers is the producer of “AGENDA: Grinding America Down“ and “AGENDA 2: Masters of Deceit.“ David and Curtis discuss the communist agendas that...

JB Hixson: Faith, Perspective, & Preparing for Major Crises

Dr. J.B. Hixson gives advice and tips on being prepared and surviving major emergencies and scenarios that would threaten every-day life.

Gary Kah: The Clock Is Ticking On The Globalists & NWO Regime

David and Gary Kah discuss globalism, recent history, world powers, the New World Order, dwindling Christian representation in government, and where America is vulnerable....

Sam Sorbo: Speak Truth, Combat The Toxic Liberal Left

Sam Sorbo is an actress, writer, producer, author, homeschool advocate, and wife of Kevin Sorbo. She joins David to urge parents to teach and...

Paul Blair: Faith, Football, And The Battle For America

Pastor Paul Blair (Fairview Baptist Church, Edmond, OK) was a former offensive lineman in the NFL and now teaches and equips Christian pastors on...

JB Hixson talks with David about The Intensifying ‘Assault on the Image of God’

Dr. JB Hixson interviews David Fiorazo on the Not By Works podcast. Topics include biblical worldview, American Church, persecution, spiritual warfare, prophecy, and more!...

Heidi St. John: Calling Christians To Pray, Shine, Stand Through 2024

Heidi St. John, The Busy Mom is on Worldview Matters with insight and encouragement for this tumultuous 2024 election year. Plus, check out Brave...

Rejecting God but Claiming to be Happy, Youth Suicide Rates Spike

They claim they’re happy and doing great, but research proves the exact opposite. Are today's youth in denial or have they been conditioned to...

Barna: Biblical Worldview ‘Shuffling Toward Edge of the Cliff’

Is belief in God and the biblical worldview nearing extinction in America? According to a new and not exactly shocking study from the Cultural...

55 Years Later: Paul Harvey Was Right!

Growing up in the 60s and 70s, my dad used to turn on the AM radio every morning in the kitchen as we all...

There’s a Time to Preach and a Time to Fight – Acts 5:29

We will never shut down our churches again! This is what hundreds of pastors from across the country are saying because of how American...

Are Climate Lockdowns Next?

If you think government, media, and Hollywood propaganda on 'the shot' and 'staying safe' is bad now, get ready. We may soon be seeing...

Open Churches! Have ‘Peaceful Protest’ Services

New Mexico’s Governor praised Black Lives Matter protests – but recently called Christian church gatherings “illegal and selfish.” Michelle Grisham criticized two churches for...

Government is Not God, and the Church IS Essential

Christian Pastors are threatened for holding church services while Bibles and American flags are burned in our streets; athletes who stand for the National...

Biblical Worldview: Racism, Chaos, Division & Redemption

Last weekend as cities in America were burned and vandalized, the Lincoln Memorial was defaced with graffiti. The national monument honors Abraham Lincoln, who...

Tomorrow is not Guaranteed. Wake Up and Pray Hard

Tomorrow is not guaranteed. If you’re putting your trust in things you can see, touch, and count, you’re living in a world of illusion....

Brigitte Gabriel: The Peaceful Majority MUST Fight To Preserve Freedom

Brigitte Gabriel, National security analyst, NYT Bestselling author and Chairman of ACT for joins David for a powerful and inspiring call to action....

Ken Ham: Climate Change For Kids – And Parents, Too!

Ken Ham is the Founder CEO of Answers in Genesis. He talks with David about the history and science of climate change, the biblical...

Dr. Lee Merritt: Agenda Behind Healthcare Medical Industry Misinformation

Dr. Lee Merritt discusses the intelligence war that has been happening for generations, and how it is directly affecting medical school students’ right and...

Britt Gillette: Bankers & Governments Lying about Coming Financial Crisis

Britt Gillette of End Times Bible Prophecy exposes the banking system’s lack of ‘transparency’ and the government’s ulterior motives for bailouts and "bail ins,"...

Curtis Bowers: Marx Madness & Communist Policy In America

Curtis Bowers is the producer of “AGENDA: Grinding America Down“ and “AGENDA 2: Masters of Deceit.“ David and Curtis discuss the communist agendas that...

JB Hixson: Faith, Perspective, & Preparing for Major Crises

Dr. J.B. Hixson gives advice and tips on being prepared and surviving major emergencies and scenarios that would threaten every-day life.

Gary Kah: The Clock Is Ticking On The Globalists & NWO Regime

David and Gary Kah discuss globalism, recent history, world powers, the New World Order, dwindling Christian representation in government, and where America is vulnerable....

Sam Sorbo: Speak Truth, Combat The Toxic Liberal Left

Sam Sorbo is an actress, writer, producer, author, homeschool advocate, and wife of Kevin Sorbo. She joins David to urge parents to teach and...

Paul Blair: Faith, Football, And The Battle For America

Pastor Paul Blair (Fairview Baptist Church, Edmond, OK) was a former offensive lineman in the NFL and now teaches and equips Christian pastors on...

JB Hixson talks with David about The Intensifying ‘Assault on the Image of God’

Dr. JB Hixson interviews David Fiorazo on the Not By Works podcast. Topics include biblical worldview, American Church, persecution, spiritual warfare, prophecy, and more!...

Heidi St. John: Calling Christians To Pray, Shine, Stand Through 2024

Heidi St. John, The Busy Mom is on Worldview Matters with insight and encouragement for this tumultuous 2024 election year. Plus, check out Brave...

Rejecting God but Claiming to be Happy, Youth Suicide Rates Spike

They claim they’re happy and doing great, but research proves the exact opposite. Are today's youth in denial or have they been conditioned to...

Barna: Biblical Worldview ‘Shuffling Toward Edge of the Cliff’

Is belief in God and the biblical worldview nearing extinction in America? According to a new and not exactly shocking study from the Cultural...

55 Years Later: Paul Harvey Was Right!

Growing up in the 60s and 70s, my dad used to turn on the AM radio every morning in the kitchen as we all...

There’s a Time to Preach and a Time to Fight – Acts 5:29

We will never shut down our churches again! This is what hundreds of pastors from across the country are saying because of how American...

Are Climate Lockdowns Next?

If you think government, media, and Hollywood propaganda on 'the shot' and 'staying safe' is bad now, get ready. We may soon be seeing...

Open Churches! Have ‘Peaceful Protest’ Services

New Mexico’s Governor praised Black Lives Matter protests – but recently called Christian church gatherings “illegal and selfish.” Michelle Grisham criticized two churches for...

Government is Not God, and the Church IS Essential

Christian Pastors are threatened for holding church services while Bibles and American flags are burned in our streets; athletes who stand for the National...

Biblical Worldview: Racism, Chaos, Division & Redemption

Last weekend as cities in America were burned and vandalized, the Lincoln Memorial was defaced with graffiti. The national monument honors Abraham Lincoln, who...

Tomorrow is not Guaranteed. Wake Up and Pray Hard

Tomorrow is not guaranteed. If you’re putting your trust in things you can see, touch, and count, you’re living in a world of illusion....

Will America Ever Be United Again?

Can we actually coexist or does something have to give? Can we respectfully disagree on important issues and be truly tolerant of those who...

God or Government? Media Stoking Fear, Coronavirus Chaos

Things are getting crazy out there, and if you listen to the media, we may be close to the end of the world! How...

More Public Schools Promoting Islam

Over four hundred teachers underwent mandatory training in Michigan recently that exalted Islam but denigrated Christianity, America, and white males. The training leads people...

Radicals Taking Down America: Is The Left Winning?

The United States of America has been under attack - from within. Two things make this fact even worse: many people are oblivious, and...

Do Not Be Deceived, Church: Wake Up and Watch Out!

This is an urgent message for these dangerous, deceptive days many refer to as the end times. Christian friend, be encouraged to seek first...

The Audacity Of Drones: Keeping Americans Uninformed (Part 4)

After four years of the Obama administration’s increasing use of remote-controlled, unmanned drones to kill our enemies, there are suddenly a few more in...


(Excerpt from chapter 10 in Eradicate: Blotting out God in America) “The Left wants you to think that the cultural changes that have taken place...

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