Author, Speaker, Pastor

March, 14, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor

God's word

The Perfect Savior at the Perfect Time Sent to Save Imperfect Humanity

We are all familiar with the story and traditions of Christmas, but let’s dig a little deeper into the meaning of this wonderful season...

How Convenient: Fewer Americans Believe in Hell and the Devil

Belief in hell and the devil just sank to new lows. A new poll from Gallup reveals that more Americans reject biblical truth and...

Satanic Temple To Host ‘Let Us Burn’ Events At State Capitols To Mock God and Believers

It is both predictable and prophetic. The Satanic Temple (TST) is planning a tour to bring a band called Satanic Planet to different states...

He Refused to Bow Down and Be Silent, Now He’s Out of a Job

The trap was set after a Christian police officer in Georgia, Jacob Kersey made a comment on social media about God-ordained, natural marriage between...

Calling Evil Good and Twisting Scripture. Again.

They’re at it again. Democrats calling evil good. Nancy Pelosi recently said it was sinful to restrict abortion and called it unjust if a...

Gallup: Belief in the Inerrancy of Scripture Rapidly Declining

It’s clear in recent decades, poll after poll shows the extent of the biblical ignorance and moral decline in America which has lead to...

We Need A Little Christmas Right Now!

Let's bring back a song form the 1960s called "We Need A Little Christmas." If you're having a tough time getting into the Christmas...

Government is Not God, and the Church IS Essential

Christian Pastors are threatened for holding church services while Bibles and American flags are burned in our streets; athletes who stand for the National...

The Historic Impact of Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem

Today, we’re going to look at historical events that changed the hearts of men who were eyewitnesses of Jesus, who then changed the world....

Elderly Man Attacked by Transgender on Subway

It’s all on video. A seventy-nine-year-old man was attacked on a New York subway and was left bleeding, apparently by a tall, angry transgender...

Controversy in the Courtroom: the Miracle of Forgiveness

My wife and I were in tears as we watched the courtroom video last week. A man whose brother was shot and killed by...

Discipline of the Mind and Devotion

The human mind is powerful and God intended for us to use it for His purposes. But in our high tech, instant everything, ADHD,...

Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room: A Baby Changed History

Many of us began preparing for Christmas and the five ‘F’s a month ago: festivities, family, food, fellowship, and fun. It’s easy to forget...

The Trinitarian Controversy, the Deity of Jesus Christ and the Great Hymn

Was Jesus created or is He the Creator? On this doctrine, eternity depends. Is He the Messiah and is the Bible true? If Jesus Christ...

Why Are We Afraid Of Death?

Just a week ago I was in the hospital after having a procedure on my heart and guess what? Here I am, thank God!...

Evidence Supports the History of Jesus’ Resurrection

Historical, prophetic, and archaeological evidence confirms the resurrection of Jesus Christ - and it has absolutely nothing to do with the Easter bunny, chocolate...

Can the Bible and Transgenderism both be True?

Once a society or an individual abandons truth, anything goes, and generally this doesn't end well. Does God make mistakes? Are some people born...

Worldview Matters: What If Christianity were True?

Some say we should just ‘Coexist;’ live and let live, that all religions lead to the same place. But they can’t all be true…...

The Perfect Savior at the Perfect Time Sent to Save Imperfect Humanity

We are all familiar with the story and traditions of Christmas, but let’s dig a little deeper into the meaning of this wonderful season...

How Convenient: Fewer Americans Believe in Hell and the Devil

Belief in hell and the devil just sank to new lows. A new poll from Gallup reveals that more Americans reject biblical truth and...

Satanic Temple To Host ‘Let Us Burn’ Events At State Capitols To Mock God and Believers

It is both predictable and prophetic. The Satanic Temple (TST) is planning a tour to bring a band called Satanic Planet to different states...

He Refused to Bow Down and Be Silent, Now He’s Out of a Job

The trap was set after a Christian police officer in Georgia, Jacob Kersey made a comment on social media about God-ordained, natural marriage between...

Calling Evil Good and Twisting Scripture. Again.

They’re at it again. Democrats calling evil good. Nancy Pelosi recently said it was sinful to restrict abortion and called it unjust if a...

Gallup: Belief in the Inerrancy of Scripture Rapidly Declining

It’s clear in recent decades, poll after poll shows the extent of the biblical ignorance and moral decline in America which has lead to...

We Need A Little Christmas Right Now!

Let's bring back a song form the 1960s called "We Need A Little Christmas." If you're having a tough time getting into the Christmas...

Government is Not God, and the Church IS Essential

Christian Pastors are threatened for holding church services while Bibles and American flags are burned in our streets; athletes who stand for the National...

The Historic Impact of Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem

Today, we’re going to look at historical events that changed the hearts of men who were eyewitnesses of Jesus, who then changed the world....

Elderly Man Attacked by Transgender on Subway

It’s all on video. A seventy-nine-year-old man was attacked on a New York subway and was left bleeding, apparently by a tall, angry transgender...

Controversy in the Courtroom: the Miracle of Forgiveness

My wife and I were in tears as we watched the courtroom video last week. A man whose brother was shot and killed by...

Discipline of the Mind and Devotion

The human mind is powerful and God intended for us to use it for His purposes. But in our high tech, instant everything, ADHD,...

Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room: A Baby Changed History

Many of us began preparing for Christmas and the five ‘F’s a month ago: festivities, family, food, fellowship, and fun. It’s easy to forget...

The Trinitarian Controversy, the Deity of Jesus Christ and the Great Hymn

Was Jesus created or is He the Creator? On this doctrine, eternity depends. Is He the Messiah and is the Bible true? If Jesus Christ...

Why Are We Afraid Of Death?

Just a week ago I was in the hospital after having a procedure on my heart and guess what? Here I am, thank God!...

Evidence Supports the History of Jesus’ Resurrection

Historical, prophetic, and archaeological evidence confirms the resurrection of Jesus Christ - and it has absolutely nothing to do with the Easter bunny, chocolate...

Can the Bible and Transgenderism both be True?

Once a society or an individual abandons truth, anything goes, and generally this doesn't end well. Does God make mistakes? Are some people born...

Worldview Matters: What If Christianity were True?

Some say we should just ‘Coexist;’ live and let live, that all religions lead to the same place. But they can’t all be true…...

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