Author, Speaker, Pastor

March, 11, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor


WHY JESUS? Reinforcing the truth and deity of Christ

Some people simply don’t want to believe - regardless of reason, research, or evidence supporting the Bible. Nevertheless, the most important decision every human being will make in this life is whether or not to believe the gospel and trust in Jesus Christ alone for salvation.

The Perfect Savior at the Perfect Time Sent to Save Imperfect Humanity

We are all familiar with the story and traditions of Christmas, but let’s dig a little deeper into the meaning of this wonderful season...

Abortion Battle, ‘The View’ Vs Truth, Pregnancy Resource Centers Attacked

Four stories; same debate. Is a baby, a developing human life in a mother’s womb, worth protecting, or do we have the right to...

Next Stage of Rebellion: Normalizing Pedophilia

There is nothing new under the sun. A college professor in Virginia is openly suggesting pedophilia is natural and should not be considered wrong....

Christians Must Prepare for More Extreme Measures

I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned." -Richard Feynman Pastor Artur Pawlowski was arrested again this week...

Discipline of the Mind and Devotion

The human mind is powerful and God intended for us to use it for His purposes. But in our high tech, instant everything, ADHD,...

Who Do You Say Jesus Is? Matthew 16 Sermon & Notes

The most important decision you will make in this life is what you do with Jesus - whether or not to believe in Him...

Who Was Margaret Sanger, Why Should We Care?

It was Margaret Sanger who laid the foundation for today's liberal social agenda that has left a legacy of anguish, confusion, pain, and death...

The Trinitarian Controversy, the Deity of Jesus Christ and the Great Hymn

Was Jesus created or is He the Creator? On this doctrine, eternity depends. Is He the Messiah and is the Bible true? If Jesus Christ...

Corruption, Cover-Up in the Catholic Church

If you claim to represent God, but refuse to live by His moral laws, please leave the church and stop lying to everyone! Enough....

Jude: Defend the Faith, Warn the Church – Bible Study

Introduction, historical background on the early Christian church at the time (68-69 A.D.), and what compelled Jude to write this letter? The following is...

Ducking the Issue of Sin: the Easy Way Out

And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those...

The ‘Church’ Infecting Christianity: Where Did the Emergent Church Emerge From?

“Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt I had to write and urge...

Why the Fuss and Fury over Repealing the Johnson Amendment?

Both sides are firing shots across the bow of their opponents in a revived First Amendment battle thanks to Donald Trump and a bizarre...

But Aren’t You Judging Me for Making a Judgment?

The phrase 'Judge ye not' is perhaps one of the most misunderstood and misapplied biblical concepts. Rarely does anyone want to confront sin, and rarely...

Christians on Offense ‘Storming the Gates of Hell’

He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living...

Then The End Will Come – Part 2: The Importance of Bible Prophecy

"From now on I am telling you before it comes to pass, so that when it does occur, you may believe that I am...

Loyal To The Left, Jim Wallis Also Supports Gay Marriage

In June of 2010, Reverend Jim Wallis was asked if he believed abor­tion and homosexuality were sins. Christian radio station General Manager, Mike Le...

Counterfeit Christianity (excerpt from Eradicate)

All the way back in the first century, the apostle Paul pleaded and warned believers to be on guard against men within their own...

Rob Bell’s Pop Culture Christianity [Updated]

When the sinner sees the awful consequences of breaking the Law of God—that he cannot escape the certainty of judgment—he will see his need...

WHY JESUS? Reinforcing the truth and deity of Christ

Some people simply don’t want to believe - regardless of reason, research, or evidence supporting the Bible. Nevertheless, the most important decision every human being will make in this life is whether or not to believe the gospel and trust in Jesus Christ alone for salvation.

The Perfect Savior at the Perfect Time Sent to Save Imperfect Humanity

We are all familiar with the story and traditions of Christmas, but let’s dig a little deeper into the meaning of this wonderful season...

Abortion Battle, ‘The View’ Vs Truth, Pregnancy Resource Centers Attacked

Four stories; same debate. Is a baby, a developing human life in a mother’s womb, worth protecting, or do we have the right to...

Next Stage of Rebellion: Normalizing Pedophilia

There is nothing new under the sun. A college professor in Virginia is openly suggesting pedophilia is natural and should not be considered wrong....

Christians Must Prepare for More Extreme Measures

I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned." -Richard Feynman Pastor Artur Pawlowski was arrested again this week...

Discipline of the Mind and Devotion

The human mind is powerful and God intended for us to use it for His purposes. But in our high tech, instant everything, ADHD,...

Who Do You Say Jesus Is? Matthew 16 Sermon & Notes

The most important decision you will make in this life is what you do with Jesus - whether or not to believe in Him...

Who Was Margaret Sanger, Why Should We Care?

It was Margaret Sanger who laid the foundation for today's liberal social agenda that has left a legacy of anguish, confusion, pain, and death...

The Trinitarian Controversy, the Deity of Jesus Christ and the Great Hymn

Was Jesus created or is He the Creator? On this doctrine, eternity depends. Is He the Messiah and is the Bible true? If Jesus Christ...

Corruption, Cover-Up in the Catholic Church

If you claim to represent God, but refuse to live by His moral laws, please leave the church and stop lying to everyone! Enough....

Jude: Defend the Faith, Warn the Church – Bible Study

Introduction, historical background on the early Christian church at the time (68-69 A.D.), and what compelled Jude to write this letter? The following is...

Ducking the Issue of Sin: the Easy Way Out

And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those...

The ‘Church’ Infecting Christianity: Where Did the Emergent Church Emerge From?

“Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt I had to write and urge...

Why the Fuss and Fury over Repealing the Johnson Amendment?

Both sides are firing shots across the bow of their opponents in a revived First Amendment battle thanks to Donald Trump and a bizarre...

But Aren’t You Judging Me for Making a Judgment?

The phrase 'Judge ye not' is perhaps one of the most misunderstood and misapplied biblical concepts. Rarely does anyone want to confront sin, and rarely...

Christians on Offense ‘Storming the Gates of Hell’

He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living...

Then The End Will Come – Part 2: The Importance of Bible Prophecy

"From now on I am telling you before it comes to pass, so that when it does occur, you may believe that I am...

Loyal To The Left, Jim Wallis Also Supports Gay Marriage

In June of 2010, Reverend Jim Wallis was asked if he believed abor­tion and homosexuality were sins. Christian radio station General Manager, Mike Le...

Counterfeit Christianity (excerpt from Eradicate)

All the way back in the first century, the apostle Paul pleaded and warned believers to be on guard against men within their own...

Rob Bell’s Pop Culture Christianity [Updated]

When the sinner sees the awful consequences of breaking the Law of God—that he cannot escape the certainty of judgment—he will see his need...

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