Author, Speaker, Pastor

March, 13, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor


Russ Miller: False Teachers, Science, And Secular Humanist Influence

Russ Miller of Creation Ministries is today’s guest to discuss biblical and world history, the Grand Canyon, and clarifies the differences between historical vs....

Jay Seegert: Facts About Our Great God Of Creation, Psalm 104

Jay Seegert is an author, and managing director for The Starting Point Project whose focus is the help strengthen the Christian’s faith, so they...

Jay Seegert: Trust Me, I’m A Scientist

Jay Seegert is the founder of The Starting Point, an organization aimed at strengthening the faith of Christians.

Eric Hovind: Defending Biblical Authority, Creation, and the Gospel

Eric Hovind founder of Creation Today, discusses double standards and hypocrisy within the church and in today’s culture, and highlights the upcoming film, Night...

Steve Cleary: iBible – Getting The Word To The World

Steve Cleary, the co-Founder of Revelation Media, is currently working on a visual and interactive presentation of the Word of God called iBIBLE.

Jay Seegert: Creation in Six Days… Really? Part 1

Jay Seegert is the Managing Director for The Starting Point Project and works to equip people through presentations that strengthen faith in God as...

Russ Miller: Last Days Deceptions, Signs & False Christs

Author and speaker, Russ Miller talks about biblical denial and the different versions of Christs and theories of creation that are believed today. Creation,...

Transgender Agenda Momentum Revealed in 5 Headlines

Stories about the advancement of gender ideology, the legal battles, parental rights, public debate, and more are non-stop across the country. The gender surrender...

Rejecting God but Claiming to be Happy, Youth Suicide Rates Spike

They claim they’re happy and doing great, but research proves the exact opposite. Are today's youth in denial or have they been conditioned to...

‘Pastor Story Hour’ Counters Demonic DQSH, Puts Christians on Offense

Christians often seem to be playing defense in efforts to respond to unbiblical, non-stop immoral agendas as forces of darkness work to promote wickedness...

Progressive Pride Propaganda Forcing Compromise of Churches, Culture

We must be in the month of June. How can you tell? LGBTQ flags and rainbow reminders are everywhere as part of the propaganda...

The Perfect Timing of Christ the King

"But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those who were under the law, so...

Russ Miller: False Teachers, Science, And Secular Humanist Influence

Russ Miller of Creation Ministries is today’s guest to discuss biblical and world history, the Grand Canyon, and clarifies the differences between historical vs....

Jay Seegert: Facts About Our Great God Of Creation, Psalm 104

Jay Seegert is an author, and managing director for The Starting Point Project whose focus is the help strengthen the Christian’s faith, so they...

Jay Seegert: Trust Me, I’m A Scientist

Jay Seegert is the founder of The Starting Point, an organization aimed at strengthening the faith of Christians.

Eric Hovind: Defending Biblical Authority, Creation, and the Gospel

Eric Hovind founder of Creation Today, discusses double standards and hypocrisy within the church and in today’s culture, and highlights the upcoming film, Night...

Steve Cleary: iBible – Getting The Word To The World

Steve Cleary, the co-Founder of Revelation Media, is currently working on a visual and interactive presentation of the Word of God called iBIBLE.

Jay Seegert: Creation in Six Days… Really? Part 1

Jay Seegert is the Managing Director for The Starting Point Project and works to equip people through presentations that strengthen faith in God as...

Russ Miller: Last Days Deceptions, Signs & False Christs

Author and speaker, Russ Miller talks about biblical denial and the different versions of Christs and theories of creation that are believed today. Creation,...

Transgender Agenda Momentum Revealed in 5 Headlines

Stories about the advancement of gender ideology, the legal battles, parental rights, public debate, and more are non-stop across the country. The gender surrender...

Rejecting God but Claiming to be Happy, Youth Suicide Rates Spike

They claim they’re happy and doing great, but research proves the exact opposite. Are today's youth in denial or have they been conditioned to...

‘Pastor Story Hour’ Counters Demonic DQSH, Puts Christians on Offense

Christians often seem to be playing defense in efforts to respond to unbiblical, non-stop immoral agendas as forces of darkness work to promote wickedness...

Progressive Pride Propaganda Forcing Compromise of Churches, Culture

We must be in the month of June. How can you tell? LGBTQ flags and rainbow reminders are everywhere as part of the propaganda...

The Perfect Timing of Christ the King

"But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those who were under the law, so...

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