Author, Speaker, Pastor

October, 3, 2024

Author, Speaker, Pastor


Gaslighting & the ‘Gas Stove’ Strategy: Start With Outrageous, Progress on the Ridiculous

As you may know, Democrat darling, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has become notorious for modeling hypocrisy. She recently took to Twitter to suggest people ditch their...

AOC, DEMS, Elitist and Eugenic God-Complex

According to radical Democrat Socialist Congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, it’s better not to be born than to be alive if you’re poor. She sent...

Are Climate Lockdowns Next?

If you think government, media, and Hollywood propaganda on 'the shot' and 'staying safe' is bad now, get ready. We may soon be seeing...

Time for Christians to Leave the Democrat Party

The party of godlessness is taking their extremism up a few notches to the point you can no longer be neutral. Just a handful...

Gaslighting & the ‘Gas Stove’ Strategy: Start With Outrageous, Progress on the Ridiculous

As you may know, Democrat darling, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has become notorious for modeling hypocrisy. She recently took to Twitter to suggest people ditch their...

AOC, DEMS, Elitist and Eugenic God-Complex

According to radical Democrat Socialist Congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, it’s better not to be born than to be alive if you’re poor. She sent...

Are Climate Lockdowns Next?

If you think government, media, and Hollywood propaganda on 'the shot' and 'staying safe' is bad now, get ready. We may soon be seeing...

Time for Christians to Leave the Democrat Party

The party of godlessness is taking their extremism up a few notches to the point you can no longer be neutral. Just a handful...

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