Author, Speaker, Pastor

February, 14, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor

American Christianity

Cartoons Cancelled But Pornographic Grammy’s Celebrated

How much more filth disguised as entertainment has to be displayed before people revolt over the onslaught of blatant, in-your-face, offensive so-called art forms?...

How Do ‘Good’ or Rich People Enter the Kingdom of Heaven?

What must I do to be saved? There is no better question or a more important one that could be asked.  Jesus Counsels a Rich...

Joel Osteen and Deceptive Prosperity Preaching

When one of the most popular Christian leaders in America focuses more on self-improvement, personal finances, and positive thinking than on the essential doctrines...

Cartoons Cancelled But Pornographic Grammy’s Celebrated

How much more filth disguised as entertainment has to be displayed before people revolt over the onslaught of blatant, in-your-face, offensive so-called art forms?...

How Do ‘Good’ or Rich People Enter the Kingdom of Heaven?

What must I do to be saved? There is no better question or a more important one that could be asked.  Jesus Counsels a Rich...

Joel Osteen and Deceptive Prosperity Preaching

When one of the most popular Christian leaders in America focuses more on self-improvement, personal finances, and positive thinking than on the essential doctrines...

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