Author, Speaker, Pastor

January, 17, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor


How Can Christians Navigate these Uncharted Waters? NBW Podcast

Dr. J.B. Hixson interviews David Fiorazo from Worldview Matters on the NBW to talk about current events, the 2024 election, and the state of...

John Haller: Injustice, Lawfare, and Corrupt Courts

John Haller is back! An Elder at Fellowship Bible Chapel, John also serves as an attorney and shares his expertise on the Trump case...

Debbie Wuthnow: No Excuse for Millions Of ‘Professing’ Christians Not Voting

Debbie Wuthnow is the President of iVoterGuide, an organization dedicated to “equipping everyday Americans from all 50 states with the tools they need to...

Paul Blair: Liberty Pastors, Christian Visibility On Election Day

Pastor and former NFL player Paul Blair discusses discipleship and calls for people to help get their pastors engaged & informed. Liberty Pastors is...

Despite ROE Decision, Abortions Continue As Culture War Revs Up

The good news is the high Court has ruled. So then, is abortion banned and restricted, or is it still protected and celebrated? Yes....

‘Thou Shalt Not’ Celebrate Christmas With Family?

I’ve been enjoying pumpkin spice season (also known as September through November), but it’s never too early to start thinking about Christmas. And according...

Power – By Any Means Necessary

What’s the next mandate or power grab? When leftist authoritarians force their agenda on the rest of us, hold the line! Washington Time’s Robert...

Irony of Democrats: Party of ‘Rich, Old White Men’

UPDATED: In U.S. political news this week, old Joe Biden has been revived by the Democrat establishment, and marching orders to support him went...

How Can Christians Navigate these Uncharted Waters? NBW Podcast

Dr. J.B. Hixson interviews David Fiorazo from Worldview Matters on the NBW to talk about current events, the 2024 election, and the state of...

John Haller: Injustice, Lawfare, and Corrupt Courts

John Haller is back! An Elder at Fellowship Bible Chapel, John also serves as an attorney and shares his expertise on the Trump case...

Debbie Wuthnow: No Excuse for Millions Of ‘Professing’ Christians Not Voting

Debbie Wuthnow is the President of iVoterGuide, an organization dedicated to “equipping everyday Americans from all 50 states with the tools they need to...

Paul Blair: Liberty Pastors, Christian Visibility On Election Day

Pastor and former NFL player Paul Blair discusses discipleship and calls for people to help get their pastors engaged & informed. Liberty Pastors is...

Despite ROE Decision, Abortions Continue As Culture War Revs Up

The good news is the high Court has ruled. So then, is abortion banned and restricted, or is it still protected and celebrated? Yes....

‘Thou Shalt Not’ Celebrate Christmas With Family?

I’ve been enjoying pumpkin spice season (also known as September through November), but it’s never too early to start thinking about Christmas. And according...

Power – By Any Means Necessary

What’s the next mandate or power grab? When leftist authoritarians force their agenda on the rest of us, hold the line! Washington Time’s Robert...

Irony of Democrats: Party of ‘Rich, Old White Men’

UPDATED: In U.S. political news this week, old Joe Biden has been revived by the Democrat establishment, and marching orders to support him went...

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