Author, Speaker, Pastor

February, 16, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor

Transanity: Three Terrible Trans-Actions

Culture is shifting left, change is happening, and morality is declining at such a rapid pace in American culture, a culture in which moral relativism trumps truth and rebellion against God is at fever-pitch, it’s difficult to just report on one story in a particular category. So this week, let’s look briefly at three headlines and why they matter:

  1. California Passes Law Allowing 12-Year-Olds To Get Tax-Paid Transgender Treatments
  2. Male Rapist Identifying as “Female” Transfers to Women’s Jail – (What could go wrong?)
  3. Colorado Children’s Hospital Dumps Gender Designations to Satisfy Liberal Activists

How did we get here?

America has rejected God and absolute truth. People are simply doing what is right in their individual minds. But remember, just because a person sincerely believes something does not make it true, just, or right.

Let’s start with the children’s hospital. It’s bad enough some clueless and uninformed parents are now allowing their five-year old children to decide what gender they want to be, Children’s Hospital in Aurora, is removing gender markings off patient wristbands to satisfy the politically correct LGBTQ lobby.

Spokesperson, Dr. Natalie Nokoff has treated transgender patients for years and stated:

“We are seeing more and more patients who have diverse gender identities,”

I get it. More children are being encouraged to think they’re the opposite sex. But you don’t have to accommodate delusions and put kids’ health at risk just to satisfy the extremists. This is irresponsible.

Speaking of irresponsible and reckless, the next story is from England, where Stephen Wood, a man who identifies as a woman and goes by Karen White, is a convicted rapist and pedophile, most recently arrested for stabbing his neighbor.

Since he is transgender, they placed him in a jail for women even though he is a biological male and has had no chemical or surgical modifications. Wood used the opportunity to sexually assault four women in New Hall Prison. Apologizing for the mistake, a Prison spokesman reiterated that safety of all prisoners is a priority and they work to manage transgender prisoners with sensitivity.

Even after the incident, reporters and prison officials still used feminine pronouns – referring to Stephen as she or her. This is not only ideologically-driven and ignorant, it is a denial of science and truth, so unfortunately, we’re seeing tragic consequences of a society drifting further from a worldview based on the authority of God’s Word.

Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis explains:

“The Bible is clear that there are only two genders—male and female (Genesis 1:27). When you deny Scripture and blur the lines between the sexes, you create confusion and open the door (as in this case) for sexual predators.”

And the third story: you only need to be 12 years old in California to privately seek and consent to treatment for so-called ‘gender transitioning.’ Let’s put this in perspective.

You have to be 18 to vote in California, 16 obtain a driver’s license, 18 to buy a rifle, engage in consensual sex, or get married without parental consent, and 21 to buy a handgun, alcohol, or marijuana. But in the nation’s most progressive state, you only need to be 12 to get taxpayer-funded life-changing transgender treatments.

The new law describes it as “gender affirming health care, with consideration of their gender identity,” and includes Medi-Cal coverage for foster care youth up to 26 years of age. How do they prove these services are medically necessary?

According to Denise Shick at the Federalist, the law’s authors seem to mean well, wanting a safe and healthy home, free of abuse for those in foster care and for them to be treated with respect. Who would argue with that?

But are adolescents mature enough to make such drastic, adult decisions?

We know kids often emulate what Hollywood promotes as good, and according to the CDC, children in the age range of 12-14 are heavily influenced by their peer group and are more concerned about superficial things such as body image, looks, and clothes.

Teens and adolescants also experience more moodiness, develop eating problems, feel more sadness or depression, which can lead to poor grades at school, alcohol or drug use, unsafe sex, and other problems.

The article states:

Many studies have found that human brains take a long time to develop fully—as long as 25 years or more. That means that adolescents are at a distinct disadvantage in decision making. That’s why you see the immaturity issues…

Chronologically, adolescents are only about halfway to full brain development. Yet the new California allows—and almost compels—adolescents to make irreversible, potentially life-altering decisions!

One final point. According to the American College of Pediatricians,

“The vast majority of gender dysphoric children affirmed as the opposite sex go on puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones are permanently sterilized as a result,”

That means a wrong decision could render today’s kids incapable of having children of their own someday. How many pastors, Christian leaders and parents are speaking up about this destructive movement?

Will the adults in the room and across the country who are capable of making wise choices stand up for truth, common sense, and sanity against those who might mean well and against those who are driving this destructive agenda?

The Bible teaches that when mankind becomes futile in their thinking, their foolish hearts are darkened.

For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. (Romans 1:25); Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men. (1 Corinthians 1:25) and, “For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God.(1 Corinthians 3:19)

Godless liberalism is driving the nation. America is reaping the lies and deception that have been sown throughout our culture over the last seventy-five years. Now on steroids, the LGBTQ agenda is taking the ship down with it.

The God of Truth is our only hope to reconcile sinful man to Himself, and for true believers in America to reclaim spiritual influence and salvage a drowning society. We must get back to the basics of biblical living, speak the truth (about creation, gender, marriage, etc.), and expose the darkness in part by pointing others to the truth of Christ.


Can the Bible and Transgenderism Both be True?


More From David

Transanity: Three Terrible Trans-Actions


Culture is shifting left, change is happening, and morality is declining at such a rapid pace in American culture, a culture in which moral relativism trumps truth and rebellion against God is at fever-pitch, it’s difficult to just report on one story in a particular category. So this week, let’s look briefly at three headlines and why they matter:

  1. California Passes Law Allowing 12-Year-Olds To Get Tax-Paid Transgender Treatments
  2. Male Rapist Identifying as “Female” Transfers to Women’s Jail – (What could go wrong?)
  3. Colorado Children’s Hospital Dumps Gender Designations to Satisfy Liberal Activists

How did we get here?

America has rejected God and absolute truth. People are simply doing what is right in their individual minds. But remember, just because a person sincerely believes something does not make it true, just, or right.

Let’s start with the children’s hospital. It’s bad enough some clueless and uninformed parents are now allowing their five-year old children to decide what gender they want to be, Children’s Hospital in Aurora, is removing gender markings off patient wristbands to satisfy the politically correct LGBTQ lobby.

Spokesperson, Dr. Natalie Nokoff has treated transgender patients for years and stated:

“We are seeing more and more patients who have diverse gender identities,”

I get it. More children are being encouraged to think they’re the opposite sex. But you don’t have to accommodate delusions and put kids’ health at risk just to satisfy the extremists. This is irresponsible.

Speaking of irresponsible and reckless, the next story is from England, where Stephen Wood, a man who identifies as a woman and goes by Karen White, is a convicted rapist and pedophile, most recently arrested for stabbing his neighbor.

Since he is transgender, they placed him in a jail for women even though he is a biological male and has had no chemical or surgical modifications. Wood used the opportunity to sexually assault four women in New Hall Prison. Apologizing for the mistake, a Prison spokesman reiterated that safety of all prisoners is a priority and they work to manage transgender prisoners with sensitivity.

Even after the incident, reporters and prison officials still used feminine pronouns – referring to Stephen as she or her. This is not only ideologically-driven and ignorant, it is a denial of science and truth, so unfortunately, we’re seeing tragic consequences of a society drifting further from a worldview based on the authority of God’s Word.

Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis explains:

“The Bible is clear that there are only two genders—male and female (Genesis 1:27). When you deny Scripture and blur the lines between the sexes, you create confusion and open the door (as in this case) for sexual predators.”

And the third story: you only need to be 12 years old in California to privately seek and consent to treatment for so-called ‘gender transitioning.’ Let’s put this in perspective.

You have to be 18 to vote in California, 16 obtain a driver’s license, 18 to buy a rifle, engage in consensual sex, or get married without parental consent, and 21 to buy a handgun, alcohol, or marijuana. But in the nation’s most progressive state, you only need to be 12 to get taxpayer-funded life-changing transgender treatments.

The new law describes it as “gender affirming health care, with consideration of their gender identity,” and includes Medi-Cal coverage for foster care youth up to 26 years of age. How do they prove these services are medically necessary?

According to Denise Shick at the Federalist, the law’s authors seem to mean well, wanting a safe and healthy home, free of abuse for those in foster care and for them to be treated with respect. Who would argue with that?

But are adolescents mature enough to make such drastic, adult decisions?

We know kids often emulate what Hollywood promotes as good, and according to the CDC, children in the age range of 12-14 are heavily influenced by their peer group and are more concerned about superficial things such as body image, looks, and clothes.

Teens and adolescants also experience more moodiness, develop eating problems, feel more sadness or depression, which can lead to poor grades at school, alcohol or drug use, unsafe sex, and other problems.

The article states:

Many studies have found that human brains take a long time to develop fully—as long as 25 years or more. That means that adolescents are at a distinct disadvantage in decision making. That’s why you see the immaturity issues…

Chronologically, adolescents are only about halfway to full brain development. Yet the new California allows—and almost compels—adolescents to make irreversible, potentially life-altering decisions!

One final point. According to the American College of Pediatricians,

“The vast majority of gender dysphoric children affirmed as the opposite sex go on puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones are permanently sterilized as a result,”

That means a wrong decision could render today’s kids incapable of having children of their own someday. How many pastors, Christian leaders and parents are speaking up about this destructive movement?

Will the adults in the room and across the country who are capable of making wise choices stand up for truth, common sense, and sanity against those who might mean well and against those who are driving this destructive agenda?

The Bible teaches that when mankind becomes futile in their thinking, their foolish hearts are darkened.

For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. (Romans 1:25); Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men. (1 Corinthians 1:25) and, “For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God.(1 Corinthians 3:19)

Godless liberalism is driving the nation. America is reaping the lies and deception that have been sown throughout our culture over the last seventy-five years. Now on steroids, the LGBTQ agenda is taking the ship down with it.

The God of Truth is our only hope to reconcile sinful man to Himself, and for true believers in America to reclaim spiritual influence and salvage a drowning society. We must get back to the basics of biblical living, speak the truth (about creation, gender, marriage, etc.), and expose the darkness in part by pointing others to the truth of Christ.


Can the Bible and Transgenderism Both be True?

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