Author, Speaker, Pastor

February, 13, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor

Worldview from Inside the Elite Bubble

bubble-christianity-malaysiaThey declare diversity and insist they are inclusive. They tout tolerance and yet, they often refuse to put up with anyone who thinks differently than them. They raise their collective hands to silence opposing views rather than listen or participate in respectful debate. You know exactly where they stand on ‘religion and politics.’

They cannot comprehend how some folks can actually have a biblical Christian worldview. Rather than dialogue, theirs is often a monologue, having already concluded they are right about everything, others are wrong, and there is no sense in allowing other ideas and opposing opinions about life and the world.

“They” are the liberal elites and their disciples. Though we cannot place all liberals in this category, many are confused and furious about the recent election results in which the coronation of their progressive presidential candidate was thwarted. Millions of American citizens want a much different country because we believe and think differently than they do.

And herein lies the problem. We think differently.

Even the casual observer has most likely noticed the deep divide in our culture that has been exacerbated over the last eight years by the Obama administration. And if you ask liberals and progressives the cause of the divide they’ll probably point to [practicing] Christians, Fox News, Republicans, or Donald Trump.

It could not possibly be them or the policies on their side; it has to be those who oppose the godless liberal worldview. We’ve seen it play out in the mainstream media and cable news as well as on social media.

One recent, jaw-dropping example from academia helps make the case: the Left is generally intolerant of opposing thought. A California college professor went on a rant during her class calling Trump a “white supremacist,” Mike Pence “one of the most anti-gay humans in this country,” and declared their election “an act of terrorism.”

The video clip has gone viral and the student who recorded it is being threatened with legal action by a teachers union.

This reminds me of the WikiLeaks revelations through which Hillary Clinton’s emails were exposed. Why do they seem more concerned that the truth was exposed than they are about the controversial content?

The professor, Olga Perez Stable Cox told her class:

“Our nation is divided. We have been assaulted, and it’s an act of terrorism.”

Wait. What exactly does she mean by that? Who is “we”?

Hypocritical people like this call for unity, but promote division and hatred, going so far as to claim, “we are back to being at civil war.” She continued, saying,

“One of the most frightening things for me, and most people in my life, is that the people who are leading the assault are among us.”

We may be able to get away with thinking differently as long as we keep it to ourselves, but apparently we are assaulting them by not voting for their candidate.

Many in liberal circles, particularly the mainstream media, have little or no respect for others outside their bubble. In this case it happens to be educators wherein approximately 92 percent are liberal or Democrat.

Then there’s Hollywood.

Like many in the entertainment industry, a friend of mine who works in Hollywood shared some honest and revealing thoughts after the election results came in. This person truly believes there is a sudden resurgence of racism, bigotry, homophobia, and (gasp!) pro-lifers in America.

I looked up ‘bigotry’ which simply means: “complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one’s own.”

Ready for the irony?

My friend is not at all an agenda-driven, mean-spirited person, but is heartbroken over the election and said it revealed the large number of people in the country who believe differently than the self-professed “enlightened” ones.

They actually believe that those of us who trust Christ and His Word are backwards and need therapy. My friend said in order to change, the first thing needed in therapy is to acknowledge there is a problem.

America, we have a problem – and it’s a big one.

Yes, they need the hope and salvation only Jesus provides, but here’s one key point: most of us believe they are wrong; they however, believe we are evil.

Big difference.

To them, we are looked down upon as uneducated, uninformed, narrow-minded, bigoted, intolerant fascists. And those are our good qualities!

It was inconceivable to them half the country could vote for someone other than their candidate. My friend admitted to being “surrounded by a bubble of intelligent people that are for social change,” and could not understand why so many Americans preferred to reverse the [false] hope and [radical] “change” of the Obama administration.

If you’re like me, you are saddened these last eight years have plunged us into even deeper darkness via the advancement of open immorality which has driven America down into the gutter. Following the 2016 election on the other hand, here’s how my friend now sees it:

“Sometimes we need to hit bottom and descend into darkness, before we can see the light.”

This is not entirely incorrect in terms of eternity. Oftentimes, before we can be saved, we must come to the end of ourselves, repent, and admit there is a higher authority to whom we must give account.

The only light that ultimately matters is the Light of the world, Jesus Christ. Tired of doing things in your own strength? Surrender! No sin is too great; turn to Him now.

In dealing with those who cannot relate to us, always remember our (and their) struggle is first a spiritual one and those who are lost need the forgiveness Christ offers. Whatever sheltered environment they happen to be living in, the truth must be proclaimed to them regardless of how we, messengers of the gospel, are perceived.

It doesn’t matter what people think of us. Are you and I seeking the approval of God or man? Obedience to His Word and pleasing Him is what’s important. You never know who God is preparing for you to love enough to tell them the truth.


See an early report on the story here:


Updated: Prof who called Trump win an ‘act of terrorism’ allegedly asked Trump backers to stand during class

CA College Instructor tells Students Trump’s Election was an Act of Terrorism

When Tolerance is a One Way Street

LGBT Trampling Christ, Christians, and Country

The Never Ending Religious Freedom Fight

The Left Vs. Free Speech


(Christmas season is here and books make great gifts! DID YOU KNOW David Fiorazo’s book, Eradicate: Blotting Out God in America is now at its lowest price of just $10 bucks? Or check out The Cost of Our Silence: Consequences of Christians Taking the Path of Least Resistance)

*Photo credit: Christianity Malaysia


More From David

Worldview from Inside the Elite Bubble


bubble-christianity-malaysiaThey declare diversity and insist they are inclusive. They tout tolerance and yet, they often refuse to put up with anyone who thinks differently than them. They raise their collective hands to silence opposing views rather than listen or participate in respectful debate. You know exactly where they stand on ‘religion and politics.’

They cannot comprehend how some folks can actually have a biblical Christian worldview. Rather than dialogue, theirs is often a monologue, having already concluded they are right about everything, others are wrong, and there is no sense in allowing other ideas and opposing opinions about life and the world.

“They” are the liberal elites and their disciples. Though we cannot place all liberals in this category, many are confused and furious about the recent election results in which the coronation of their progressive presidential candidate was thwarted. Millions of American citizens want a much different country because we believe and think differently than they do.

And herein lies the problem. We think differently.

Even the casual observer has most likely noticed the deep divide in our culture that has been exacerbated over the last eight years by the Obama administration. And if you ask liberals and progressives the cause of the divide they’ll probably point to [practicing] Christians, Fox News, Republicans, or Donald Trump.

It could not possibly be them or the policies on their side; it has to be those who oppose the godless liberal worldview. We’ve seen it play out in the mainstream media and cable news as well as on social media.

One recent, jaw-dropping example from academia helps make the case: the Left is generally intolerant of opposing thought. A California college professor went on a rant during her class calling Trump a “white supremacist,” Mike Pence “one of the most anti-gay humans in this country,” and declared their election “an act of terrorism.”

The video clip has gone viral and the student who recorded it is being threatened with legal action by a teachers union.

This reminds me of the WikiLeaks revelations through which Hillary Clinton’s emails were exposed. Why do they seem more concerned that the truth was exposed than they are about the controversial content?

The professor, Olga Perez Stable Cox told her class:

“Our nation is divided. We have been assaulted, and it’s an act of terrorism.”

Wait. What exactly does she mean by that? Who is “we”?

Hypocritical people like this call for unity, but promote division and hatred, going so far as to claim, “we are back to being at civil war.” She continued, saying,

“One of the most frightening things for me, and most people in my life, is that the people who are leading the assault are among us.”

We may be able to get away with thinking differently as long as we keep it to ourselves, but apparently we are assaulting them by not voting for their candidate.

Many in liberal circles, particularly the mainstream media, have little or no respect for others outside their bubble. In this case it happens to be educators wherein approximately 92 percent are liberal or Democrat.

Then there’s Hollywood.

Like many in the entertainment industry, a friend of mine who works in Hollywood shared some honest and revealing thoughts after the election results came in. This person truly believes there is a sudden resurgence of racism, bigotry, homophobia, and (gasp!) pro-lifers in America.

I looked up ‘bigotry’ which simply means: “complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one’s own.”

Ready for the irony?

My friend is not at all an agenda-driven, mean-spirited person, but is heartbroken over the election and said it revealed the large number of people in the country who believe differently than the self-professed “enlightened” ones.

They actually believe that those of us who trust Christ and His Word are backwards and need therapy. My friend said in order to change, the first thing needed in therapy is to acknowledge there is a problem.

America, we have a problem – and it’s a big one.

Yes, they need the hope and salvation only Jesus provides, but here’s one key point: most of us believe they are wrong; they however, believe we are evil.

Big difference.

To them, we are looked down upon as uneducated, uninformed, narrow-minded, bigoted, intolerant fascists. And those are our good qualities!

It was inconceivable to them half the country could vote for someone other than their candidate. My friend admitted to being “surrounded by a bubble of intelligent people that are for social change,” and could not understand why so many Americans preferred to reverse the [false] hope and [radical] “change” of the Obama administration.

If you’re like me, you are saddened these last eight years have plunged us into even deeper darkness via the advancement of open immorality which has driven America down into the gutter. Following the 2016 election on the other hand, here’s how my friend now sees it:

“Sometimes we need to hit bottom and descend into darkness, before we can see the light.”

This is not entirely incorrect in terms of eternity. Oftentimes, before we can be saved, we must come to the end of ourselves, repent, and admit there is a higher authority to whom we must give account.

The only light that ultimately matters is the Light of the world, Jesus Christ. Tired of doing things in your own strength? Surrender! No sin is too great; turn to Him now.

In dealing with those who cannot relate to us, always remember our (and their) struggle is first a spiritual one and those who are lost need the forgiveness Christ offers. Whatever sheltered environment they happen to be living in, the truth must be proclaimed to them regardless of how we, messengers of the gospel, are perceived.

It doesn’t matter what people think of us. Are you and I seeking the approval of God or man? Obedience to His Word and pleasing Him is what’s important. You never know who God is preparing for you to love enough to tell them the truth.


See an early report on the story here:


Updated: Prof who called Trump win an ‘act of terrorism’ allegedly asked Trump backers to stand during class

CA College Instructor tells Students Trump’s Election was an Act of Terrorism

When Tolerance is a One Way Street

LGBT Trampling Christ, Christians, and Country

The Never Ending Religious Freedom Fight

The Left Vs. Free Speech


(Christmas season is here and books make great gifts! DID YOU KNOW David Fiorazo’s book, Eradicate: Blotting Out God in America is now at its lowest price of just $10 bucks? Or check out The Cost of Our Silence: Consequences of Christians Taking the Path of Least Resistance)

*Photo credit: Christianity Malaysia

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