Author, Speaker, Pastor

February, 13, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor

Katy Perry, Witchcraft & the Super Bowl

Katy Perry at the 2015 Super Bowl halftime show

Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 1 John 2:15

UPDATE: Did you watch the Super Bowl halftime show? Compared to past performances, it could have been much worse so kudos to Perry for showing some restraint. But the issue is not that she wasn’t as offensive or vulgar as others; the issue is we have become desensitized.

Knowing some of Katy Perry’s history and some of her song lyrics, when the NFL first announced she was to perform, I was concerned. After watching the halftime show however, she didn’t push the envelope of decency – at least visually – like some have done. I’m also glad most of the commercials aired during the game were quite family-friendly this year and had some positive themes. The problem is we often compare today’s entertainment with what Hollywood has done in the past rather than with biblical morality. Our standards have changed. What we accept as ‘normal’ entertainment today was considered immoral a hundred years ago – or even fifty.

Many have learned the hard way if we don’t teach our children to believe in and live for Jesus Christ, the world will definitely teach them not to.

A few weeks back, I suggested there was a possibility Perry’s performance could be tame compared to Beyonce’s 2013 satanic halftime sex show, but Perry did say she had a few tricks up her sleeve for February 1st. Over 114 million viewers watched this year’s Super Bowl. I credit Perry for keeping her clothes on, but let’s not forget some of the song lyrics millions of young girls and children listen to and sing along with.

Again, not every one of her songs is offensive, but at the Super Bowl, Perry sang songs such as “Teenage Dream” which included the lyrics:

“Let’s go all the way tonight/No regrets, just love, [I’ll] let you put your hands on me in my skin-tight jeans/Be your teenage dream tonight.”

Perry then got into rap mode with Missy Elliott singing, “Getcha freak on”featuring profane lyrics I will not mention here.

Also during the halftime medley, she sang part of her song promoting sexual experimentation and lesbianism, “I Kissed a Girl;”

“I kissed a girl and I liked it, the taste of her cherry ChapStick. I kissed a girl just to try it… I liked it.”

Like Miley Cyrus and a few others, Perry grew up in a Christian home, but now admits she has left the faith. No longer believing in Heaven or Hell, in an interview with ET about getting the 2015 Super Bowl gig, Perry stated,

“I think when the universe gives you these things, it’s just asking you if you’re ready for the next level. And I’m getting ready.”

This is a good reminder to pray for those who look to “the universe” or to other gods for answers. Having fallen for Humanism or New Age philosophies, many lack understanding of the living God of the Bible. In another interview where she joked about being celibate for a year, some wondered if she was serious. Her later response was, “I’d rather die” than not have sex for a year.

Parents, please remember this: whether a celebrity acknowledges it or not, they are role models for youth in our culture. Bad or good, millions of children will try to be just like them by mimicking their behavior and lifestyle.

Flashback to the 2014 Grammy Awards: It appeared to be a desperate attempt by Awards organizers to get ratings and make headlines, smack in the middle of prime time hours. Katy Perry’s Grammy performance of her song “Dark Horse” appeared to be a black magic witchcraft ritual. It began with a sinister voice: “She casts spells from crystal balls. Invoking spirits. She put me in a trance.” Perry then sang while four horned, demon-like figures appeared.

Wearing black witches clothing emblazoned with a glowing red Knights Templar cross on her chest, she emerged from the crystal ball while demons danced frantically around her. The Knights Templar were a medieval occult society some consider to be the originator of Freemasonry, the Bavarian Illuminati and the keepers of “sex-magick” secrets as practiced by Aleister Crowley’s O.T.O. (Ordo Templi Orientis)

Perry and fellow witches used their brooms to perform a pole dance of sorts. The act featured a beast with Moloch horns as well as dark-robed dancers. The song ended with a circle of fire around her, apparently symbolizing her being burned at the stake. E! Online even tweeted, “Um, did we just witness actual witchcraft during Katy Perry’s ‪#Grammys performance?” ‬‬‬‬

Similar to Lady Gaga, Perry’s music and videos are being used to seduce young fans – even young Christian girls. She seeks spirituality in the writings of people such as neo-gnostic medium, Echart Tolle, who channels demonic forces and teaches we can realize our own inner divinity through occult knowledge.

Perry once stated in an interview, “I sold my soul to the devil” after her original goal to make it in Christian music did not work out. Her first big hit was “I Kissed a Girl.” Though Perry’s father, an evangelical minister, loves his daughter, he has pleaded for people to pray for Katy. A few years back, Keith Hudson stated:

“I was at a concert of Katy’s where there were 20,000. I’m watching this generation, and they were going at it. It was almost like church… I stood there and wept and kept on weeping and weeping. They’re loving and worshiping the wrong thing.”

Katy Perry is not alone by any stretch. Though we don’t know how deeply she is invested into the occult, the music industry features many performers purposely engaging in Satanism and witchcraft. Some utilize demonic powers to ensnare their followers.

Whether we’re discussing entertainment or everyday life, we shouldn’t expect unbelievers to act like Christians nor should we judge them – they need salvation through Jesus. We can however, overcome our silence by warning, informing, and encouraging others to be more discerning and to avoid the garbage this world often produces and promotes.

There is hope for us all including Katy Perry, and we should pray for her, but too many families have conformed to the world and according to the Bible, friendship with the world is hostility toward God.

“Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.” (James 4:4)

Harmless entertainment? You make the call. A gaping chasm exists between being edified and slimed. We cannot protect our hearts and minds while filling them with trash. Some call it entertainment; I call it soul pollution, and there are much better things we can do with our time. Christian friends, if we don’t raise awareness and stand against immorality, who will?


katy perry with fireKaty-Perry-Dark-Horse-GrammysFor more on the subject of Soul Pollution…

Ducking the Issue of Sin: Phil Robertson, Duck Dynasty, A&E, and the LGBT movement

The Beginning of the End for Miley Cyrus? Don’t judge, pray! But warn others about how easy it is to self destruct…

Seeing Chicago on the Way to Heaven – Chicago, the band; fame, worldly success and why we must share the gospel

For more on the 2014 Grammy Awards from Good Fight Ministries: “Katy Perry, The Grammy’s, Gay Weddings and Witchcraft”



More From David

Katy Perry, Witchcraft & the Super Bowl


Katy Perry at the 2015 Super Bowl halftime show

Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 1 John 2:15

UPDATE: Did you watch the Super Bowl halftime show? Compared to past performances, it could have been much worse so kudos to Perry for showing some restraint. But the issue is not that she wasn’t as offensive or vulgar as others; the issue is we have become desensitized.

Knowing some of Katy Perry’s history and some of her song lyrics, when the NFL first announced she was to perform, I was concerned. After watching the halftime show however, she didn’t push the envelope of decency – at least visually – like some have done. I’m also glad most of the commercials aired during the game were quite family-friendly this year and had some positive themes. The problem is we often compare today’s entertainment with what Hollywood has done in the past rather than with biblical morality. Our standards have changed. What we accept as ‘normal’ entertainment today was considered immoral a hundred years ago – or even fifty.

Many have learned the hard way if we don’t teach our children to believe in and live for Jesus Christ, the world will definitely teach them not to.

A few weeks back, I suggested there was a possibility Perry’s performance could be tame compared to Beyonce’s 2013 satanic halftime sex show, but Perry did say she had a few tricks up her sleeve for February 1st. Over 114 million viewers watched this year’s Super Bowl. I credit Perry for keeping her clothes on, but let’s not forget some of the song lyrics millions of young girls and children listen to and sing along with.

Again, not every one of her songs is offensive, but at the Super Bowl, Perry sang songs such as “Teenage Dream” which included the lyrics:

“Let’s go all the way tonight/No regrets, just love, [I’ll] let you put your hands on me in my skin-tight jeans/Be your teenage dream tonight.”

Perry then got into rap mode with Missy Elliott singing, “Getcha freak on”featuring profane lyrics I will not mention here.

Also during the halftime medley, she sang part of her song promoting sexual experimentation and lesbianism, “I Kissed a Girl;”

“I kissed a girl and I liked it, the taste of her cherry ChapStick. I kissed a girl just to try it… I liked it.”

Like Miley Cyrus and a few others, Perry grew up in a Christian home, but now admits she has left the faith. No longer believing in Heaven or Hell, in an interview with ET about getting the 2015 Super Bowl gig, Perry stated,

“I think when the universe gives you these things, it’s just asking you if you’re ready for the next level. And I’m getting ready.”

This is a good reminder to pray for those who look to “the universe” or to other gods for answers. Having fallen for Humanism or New Age philosophies, many lack understanding of the living God of the Bible. In another interview where she joked about being celibate for a year, some wondered if she was serious. Her later response was, “I’d rather die” than not have sex for a year.

Parents, please remember this: whether a celebrity acknowledges it or not, they are role models for youth in our culture. Bad or good, millions of children will try to be just like them by mimicking their behavior and lifestyle.

Flashback to the 2014 Grammy Awards: It appeared to be a desperate attempt by Awards organizers to get ratings and make headlines, smack in the middle of prime time hours. Katy Perry’s Grammy performance of her song “Dark Horse” appeared to be a black magic witchcraft ritual. It began with a sinister voice: “She casts spells from crystal balls. Invoking spirits. She put me in a trance.” Perry then sang while four horned, demon-like figures appeared.

Wearing black witches clothing emblazoned with a glowing red Knights Templar cross on her chest, she emerged from the crystal ball while demons danced frantically around her. The Knights Templar were a medieval occult society some consider to be the originator of Freemasonry, the Bavarian Illuminati and the keepers of “sex-magick” secrets as practiced by Aleister Crowley’s O.T.O. (Ordo Templi Orientis)

Perry and fellow witches used their brooms to perform a pole dance of sorts. The act featured a beast with Moloch horns as well as dark-robed dancers. The song ended with a circle of fire around her, apparently symbolizing her being burned at the stake. E! Online even tweeted, “Um, did we just witness actual witchcraft during Katy Perry’s ‪#Grammys performance?” ‬‬‬‬

Similar to Lady Gaga, Perry’s music and videos are being used to seduce young fans – even young Christian girls. She seeks spirituality in the writings of people such as neo-gnostic medium, Echart Tolle, who channels demonic forces and teaches we can realize our own inner divinity through occult knowledge.

Perry once stated in an interview, “I sold my soul to the devil” after her original goal to make it in Christian music did not work out. Her first big hit was “I Kissed a Girl.” Though Perry’s father, an evangelical minister, loves his daughter, he has pleaded for people to pray for Katy. A few years back, Keith Hudson stated:

“I was at a concert of Katy’s where there were 20,000. I’m watching this generation, and they were going at it. It was almost like church… I stood there and wept and kept on weeping and weeping. They’re loving and worshiping the wrong thing.”

Katy Perry is not alone by any stretch. Though we don’t know how deeply she is invested into the occult, the music industry features many performers purposely engaging in Satanism and witchcraft. Some utilize demonic powers to ensnare their followers.

Whether we’re discussing entertainment or everyday life, we shouldn’t expect unbelievers to act like Christians nor should we judge them – they need salvation through Jesus. We can however, overcome our silence by warning, informing, and encouraging others to be more discerning and to avoid the garbage this world often produces and promotes.

There is hope for us all including Katy Perry, and we should pray for her, but too many families have conformed to the world and according to the Bible, friendship with the world is hostility toward God.

“Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.” (James 4:4)

Harmless entertainment? You make the call. A gaping chasm exists between being edified and slimed. We cannot protect our hearts and minds while filling them with trash. Some call it entertainment; I call it soul pollution, and there are much better things we can do with our time. Christian friends, if we don’t raise awareness and stand against immorality, who will?


katy perry with fireKaty-Perry-Dark-Horse-GrammysFor more on the subject of Soul Pollution…

Ducking the Issue of Sin: Phil Robertson, Duck Dynasty, A&E, and the LGBT movement

The Beginning of the End for Miley Cyrus? Don’t judge, pray! But warn others about how easy it is to self destruct…

Seeing Chicago on the Way to Heaven – Chicago, the band; fame, worldly success and why we must share the gospel

For more on the 2014 Grammy Awards from Good Fight Ministries: “Katy Perry, The Grammy’s, Gay Weddings and Witchcraft”


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