Author, Speaker, Pastor

May, 3, 2024

Author, Speaker, Pastor


abortion - search results

Jim Harden: Standing Against Injustice, Lawfare, Abortion Terrorists

Rev. Jim Harden, CEO of CompassCare Pregnancy Services in NY, discusses the many issues in the life and death fight to save babies. He...

Rusty Thomas: Stand For Life Biblically — Abolish Abortion Nationwide

Rusty Thomas is the author of ‘Biblical Strategies to Abolish Abortion’ and founder of Elijah Ministries. He is also involved with The Kingdom Leadership...

Michigan Gone Wild: Promotes Pronouns, Abortion, Child Mutilation

What in the name of evil happened to Michigan? Governor Gretchen Whitmer recently signed bills establishing the minimum age of consent for marriage to...

Michigan Gone Wild: Pro Abortion, Pronouns, Child Mutilation

Radical leftist Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer recently signed bills establishing the minimum age of consent for marriage to be 18. But she has also...

Increasing Violent Attacks on Christians by Pro-Abortion Terrorists

Praying to God in public and believing biblical principles are now dangerous activities – in America. Two elderly pro-life men in Baltimore found this...

Planned Parenthood Gets a Raise: $670 Million from Taxpayers, Committed 374,155 Abortions Last Year

Eighty-four. Remember that number. Planned Parenthood terminates the life of a baby every 84 seconds. Overturning Roe V. Wade sure didn’t stop America’s abortion giant...

The Satanic Temple to Provide ‘Free Religious Medication Abortion’

The Satanic Temple in New Mexico has a new scheme to help Planned Parenthood kill more babies. They just launched a new “religious medical...

Biden Justice Dept. Refuses to Arrest Pro-Abortion Terrorists

What ever happened to "Liberty and justice for all"? Judging by the actions of the Biden Democrats, they are uninterested in true justice for...

Abortion Battle, ‘The View’ Vs Truth, Pregnancy Resource Centers Attacked

Four stories; same debate. Is a baby, a developing human life in a mother’s womb, worth protecting, or do we have the right to...

Despite ROE Decision, Abortions Continue As Culture War Revs Up

The good news is the high Court has ruled. So then, is abortion banned and restricted, or is it still protected and celebrated? Yes....

When Pro-Abortion Activism Becomes Domestic Terrorism

Here's more proof abortion activists and agitators have come unhinged: Supreme Court justices threatened at their private homes, churches and crisis pregnancy centers vandalized,...

What Pandemic? Abortion Still Open for Business

America is on lock-down. Major public events and gatherings are cancelled. They closed countless businesses, churches, schools, many restaurants and other non-essential services. So...

Big Abortion Wins, Court Decides against Citizen Journalists

The following facts are indisputable. Undercover journalists lost their court case against Planned Parenthood, the multi-billion-dollar abortion business.  David Daleiden, of the Center for...

Dem Presidential Hopefuls Compete on Abortion Extremism

Democrats in America have a dilemma going into the 2020 presidential election. That is, if protecting human life in the womb is important. The...

Proud of Abortion? More Progressive Propaganda

This is another example of calling what is evil, good. According to a leading abortion activist, apparently abortion is part of God’s plan for...

Targeting Black Babies for Abortion is Not Racist?

Referring to black people and the propaganda of the birth control agenda, Martin Luther King Jr.’s niece, Dr. Alveda King made this compelling statement: “When...

Conscience, Corruption, and the Abortion Business Cover-Up

As I drove by what may be the only Planned Parenthood clinic in Wisconsin yesterday, on the sidewalk out front was a woman holding...

Abortion Hurts Us All, Especially Women – Part 2, The Anguish of Abortion

The following is the second part of a book excerpt from The Cost of Our Silence: Consequences of Christians Taking the Path of Least...

The Anguish of Abortion, part 1, The Cost of Our Silence excerpt

Listen to Me, O islands, and pay attention, you peoples from afar. The LORD called Me from the womb; From the body of My...

The Real ‘Scandal’ – Using Abortion to Mock Jesus Christ

Some important stories drew the public’s attention last week including the heated debate over national security; open borders, ISIS, welcoming refugees to America, and...

Judge Awards $4 Million to Daughter of Botched Abortion Victim

Less than one week before filming begins for a much-anticipated expose on convicted murderer, abortionist Kermit Gosnell, a Philadelphia judge has awarded $4 million...

Freedom of Speech and Expression Debate Tackles Abortion

It appears those of us who disagree with abortion no longer have the exact same freedoms as the rest of America.   The U.S. Supreme Court...

The Anguish Of Abortion: What Liberals Won’t Tell You

Last week, graphic autopsy images were released of a woman dying from a legal abortion. Her mother insisted the photos be made public. The...

Advancing World System Forcefully Opposing Biblical Worldview, Christians

Writer of “Amazing Grace,” John Newton once said, “If I might read only one book beside the Bible, I would choose The Christian in Complete...

Christian Man Charged with Hate Crime for Dismantling Satanic Display as Forces of Darkness Advance

The war on God and on truth is raging and the enemy is working overtime. The next logical step in this progression of darkness...

Most Americans Distrust the Liberal Media and Support Israel

Ye of little faith – in the progressive media, that is. A new Gallup poll reveals the distrust most Americans have in major media...

Progressive Plan to Marxify Schools and Libraries

Last year, the American Library Association elected Emily Drabinski, a self-described Marxist lesbian, president of the ALA. At the recent Socialism 2023 conference in...

Taxpayer-Funded Uterus Transplants and Other High-Risk Operations

In the latest American Medical Association (AMA) Journal of Ethics, authors are not only suggesting uterus transplants to help transgender women (aka men)...

Statement of Faith

There is one true God, eternally existing in three distinct persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. These three...

Kamala Harris Record Low Approval Caused By Pride & Progressive Policies?

Vice President Kamala Harris is going all-out to promote the LGBTQ agenda as her approval rating takes a dive. Coincidence? Harris hosted a big...

Satanic Temple To Host ‘Let Us Burn’ Events At State Capitols To Mock God and Believers

It is both predictable and prophetic. The Satanic Temple (TST) is planning a tour to bring a band called Satanic Planet to different states...

The Assault on the Image of God (Imago dei) and Biblical Truth

The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever. Isaiah 40:8 All Scripture is inspired by God… 2 Tim. 3:16 For the Lord is good;...

A New Extreme: Biden Calls Protecting Children from Trans Surgeries ‘Sinful’

Once again using religious language and once again calling evil good, Joe Biden recently suggested that those who want to protect children from transgender...

Death Cult: Canada Gov’t Wants “Mercy Killings” of Children W/O Parental Consent

A Canadian Parliamentary committee is recommending lawmakers legalize euthanasia for sick and disabled children or those in Canada’s child welfare system. They think those...

Mocker Be Thy Name: Biden Preaches to the Leftist Choir

Politician and radical “Reverend,” Raphael Warnock, invited fellow Democrat socialist, Joe Biden to fill the pulpit and speak the Sunday before Martin Luther King...

The Not So Subtle Agenda to Eradicate Christmas

It comes as no surprise there has been a nearly universal change in public expressions of religious speech when it comes to something as...

Apostate United Methodist Church Elects Gay Bishop

If rules and doctrines no longer matter, why have them? In another violation of biblical principles, the progressive United Methodist Church (UMC) voted to make “Reverend”...

Report: Google Helps Democrats, News Media a Threat to Freedom

It’s not breaking news that people's trust in today’s media is at a record low, but there are some key questions that should be...

America at a Cultural and Moral Tipping Point

We have arrived at a moral and cultural tipping point in America and are in desperate need of a wake-up call. Let's start with...

Bad News, Good News – 5 Quick Headlines

Here are some quick facts about three stories involving new ways to push demonic agendas, one celebration of a cancelation, and one happy ending...

AOC, DEMS, Elitist and Eugenic God-Complex

According to radical Democrat Socialist Congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, it’s better not to be born than to be alive if you’re poor. She sent...

Alfred Kinsey — A Pioneer Of Perversion Who Paved The Way For Today’s Sex ‘Education’

Indiana University recently put up a life-size bronze statue of radical sex-researcher, Alfred Kinsey to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Kinsey Institute at the college. The...

Calling Evil Good and Twisting Scripture. Again.

They’re at it again. Democrats calling evil good. Nancy Pelosi recently said it was sinful to restrict abortion and called it unjust if a...

55 Years Later: Paul Harvey Was Right!

Growing up in the 60s and 70s, my dad used to turn on the AM radio every morning in the kitchen as we all...

There’s a Time to Preach and a Time to Fight – Acts 5:29

We will never shut down our churches again! This is what hundreds of pastors from across the country are saying because of how American...

Defining ‘Woman’ Confusing in Modern History

I pray more people are asking the question, ‘How can you trust a person, especially someone in any leadership position, who cannot speak...

Presidents and Progressives Don’t Get To Redefine Christianity

Welcome back Carter. Jimmy Carter, that is. He’s back in the news for a good reason this time as he and his wife, Rosalyn,...

So-Called ‘Christian’ Church Hosts Drag Show for 12+ Year-olds

On May 21st, United Church of Christ (UCC) in Naples, Florida hosted a “Youth Pride Conference,” a free event for kids as young as...

Disney’s Depravity, Power, and Moral Decline

It’s not exactly a newsflash that Disney has massive influence and has gone gay, woke, and politically correct, but many families across the country...

Out of Order: Supremely Demonic Democrat Agendas

Think about this: the same people who kept telling us to “trust the science” over the last few years cannot even define what a...

Jim Harden: Standing Against Injustice, Lawfare, Abortion Terrorists

Rev. Jim Harden, CEO of CompassCare Pregnancy Services in NY, discusses the many issues in the life and death fight to save babies. He...

Rusty Thomas: Stand For Life Biblically — Abolish Abortion Nationwide

Rusty Thomas is the author of ‘Biblical Strategies to Abolish Abortion’ and founder of Elijah Ministries. He is also involved with The Kingdom Leadership...

Michigan Gone Wild: Promotes Pronouns, Abortion, Child Mutilation

What in the name of evil happened to Michigan? Governor Gretchen Whitmer recently signed bills establishing the minimum age of consent for marriage to...

Michigan Gone Wild: Pro Abortion, Pronouns, Child Mutilation

Radical leftist Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer recently signed bills establishing the minimum age of consent for marriage to be 18. But she has also...

Increasing Violent Attacks on Christians by Pro-Abortion Terrorists

Praying to God in public and believing biblical principles are now dangerous activities – in America. Two elderly pro-life men in Baltimore found this...

Planned Parenthood Gets a Raise: $670 Million from Taxpayers, Committed 374,155 Abortions Last Year

Eighty-four. Remember that number. Planned Parenthood terminates the life of a baby every 84 seconds. Overturning Roe V. Wade sure didn’t stop America’s abortion giant...

The Satanic Temple to Provide ‘Free Religious Medication Abortion’

The Satanic Temple in New Mexico has a new scheme to help Planned Parenthood kill more babies. They just launched a new “religious medical...

Biden Justice Dept. Refuses to Arrest Pro-Abortion Terrorists

What ever happened to "Liberty and justice for all"? Judging by the actions of the Biden Democrats, they are uninterested in true justice for...

Abortion Battle, ‘The View’ Vs Truth, Pregnancy Resource Centers Attacked

Four stories; same debate. Is a baby, a developing human life in a mother’s womb, worth protecting, or do we have the right to...

Despite ROE Decision, Abortions Continue As Culture War Revs Up

The good news is the high Court has ruled. So then, is abortion banned and restricted, or is it still protected and celebrated? Yes....

When Pro-Abortion Activism Becomes Domestic Terrorism

Here's more proof abortion activists and agitators have come unhinged: Supreme Court justices threatened at their private homes, churches and crisis pregnancy centers vandalized,...

What Pandemic? Abortion Still Open for Business

America is on lock-down. Major public events and gatherings are cancelled. They closed countless businesses, churches, schools, many restaurants and other non-essential services. So...

Big Abortion Wins, Court Decides against Citizen Journalists

The following facts are indisputable. Undercover journalists lost their court case against Planned Parenthood, the multi-billion-dollar abortion business.  David Daleiden, of the Center for...

Dem Presidential Hopefuls Compete on Abortion Extremism

Democrats in America have a dilemma going into the 2020 presidential election. That is, if protecting human life in the womb is important. The...

Proud of Abortion? More Progressive Propaganda

This is another example of calling what is evil, good. According to a leading abortion activist, apparently abortion is part of God’s plan for...

Targeting Black Babies for Abortion is Not Racist?

Referring to black people and the propaganda of the birth control agenda, Martin Luther King Jr.’s niece, Dr. Alveda King made this compelling statement: “When...

Conscience, Corruption, and the Abortion Business Cover-Up

As I drove by what may be the only Planned Parenthood clinic in Wisconsin yesterday, on the sidewalk out front was a woman holding...

Abortion Hurts Us All, Especially Women – Part 2, The Anguish of Abortion

The following is the second part of a book excerpt from The Cost of Our Silence: Consequences of Christians Taking the Path of Least...

The Anguish of Abortion, part 1, The Cost of Our Silence excerpt

Listen to Me, O islands, and pay attention, you peoples from afar. The LORD called Me from the womb; From the body of My...

The Real ‘Scandal’ – Using Abortion to Mock Jesus Christ

Some important stories drew the public’s attention last week including the heated debate over national security; open borders, ISIS, welcoming refugees to America, and...

Judge Awards $4 Million to Daughter of Botched Abortion Victim

Less than one week before filming begins for a much-anticipated expose on convicted murderer, abortionist Kermit Gosnell, a Philadelphia judge has awarded $4 million...

Freedom of Speech and Expression Debate Tackles Abortion

It appears those of us who disagree with abortion no longer have the exact same freedoms as the rest of America.   The U.S. Supreme Court...

The Anguish Of Abortion: What Liberals Won’t Tell You

Last week, graphic autopsy images were released of a woman dying from a legal abortion. Her mother insisted the photos be made public. The...

Advancing World System Forcefully Opposing Biblical Worldview, Christians

Writer of “Amazing Grace,” John Newton once said, “If I might read only one book beside the Bible, I would choose The Christian in Complete...

Christian Man Charged with Hate Crime for Dismantling Satanic Display as Forces of Darkness Advance

The war on God and on truth is raging and the enemy is working overtime. The next logical step in this progression of darkness...

Most Americans Distrust the Liberal Media and Support Israel

Ye of little faith – in the progressive media, that is. A new Gallup poll reveals the distrust most Americans have in major media...

Progressive Plan to Marxify Schools and Libraries

Last year, the American Library Association elected Emily Drabinski, a self-described Marxist lesbian, president of the ALA. At the recent Socialism 2023 conference in...

Taxpayer-Funded Uterus Transplants and Other High-Risk Operations

In the latest American Medical Association (AMA) Journal of Ethics, authors are not only suggesting uterus transplants to help transgender women (aka men)...

Statement of Faith

There is one true God, eternally existing in three distinct persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. These three...

Kamala Harris Record Low Approval Caused By Pride & Progressive Policies?

Vice President Kamala Harris is going all-out to promote the LGBTQ agenda as her approval rating takes a dive. Coincidence? Harris hosted a big...

Satanic Temple To Host ‘Let Us Burn’ Events At State Capitols To Mock God and Believers

It is both predictable and prophetic. The Satanic Temple (TST) is planning a tour to bring a band called Satanic Planet to different states...

The Assault on the Image of God (Imago dei) and Biblical Truth

The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever. Isaiah 40:8 All Scripture is inspired by God… 2 Tim. 3:16 For the Lord is good;...

A New Extreme: Biden Calls Protecting Children from Trans Surgeries ‘Sinful’

Once again using religious language and once again calling evil good, Joe Biden recently suggested that those who want to protect children from transgender...

Death Cult: Canada Gov’t Wants “Mercy Killings” of Children W/O Parental Consent

A Canadian Parliamentary committee is recommending lawmakers legalize euthanasia for sick and disabled children or those in Canada’s child welfare system. They think those...

Mocker Be Thy Name: Biden Preaches to the Leftist Choir

Politician and radical “Reverend,” Raphael Warnock, invited fellow Democrat socialist, Joe Biden to fill the pulpit and speak the Sunday before Martin Luther King...

The Not So Subtle Agenda to Eradicate Christmas

It comes as no surprise there has been a nearly universal change in public expressions of religious speech when it comes to something as...

Apostate United Methodist Church Elects Gay Bishop

If rules and doctrines no longer matter, why have them? In another violation of biblical principles, the progressive United Methodist Church (UMC) voted to make “Reverend”...

Report: Google Helps Democrats, News Media a Threat to Freedom

It’s not breaking news that people's trust in today’s media is at a record low, but there are some key questions that should be...

America at a Cultural and Moral Tipping Point

We have arrived at a moral and cultural tipping point in America and are in desperate need of a wake-up call. Let's start with...

Bad News, Good News – 5 Quick Headlines

Here are some quick facts about three stories involving new ways to push demonic agendas, one celebration of a cancelation, and one happy ending...

AOC, DEMS, Elitist and Eugenic God-Complex

According to radical Democrat Socialist Congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, it’s better not to be born than to be alive if you’re poor. She sent...

Alfred Kinsey — A Pioneer Of Perversion Who Paved The Way For Today’s Sex ‘Education’

Indiana University recently put up a life-size bronze statue of radical sex-researcher, Alfred Kinsey to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Kinsey Institute at the college. The...

Calling Evil Good and Twisting Scripture. Again.

They’re at it again. Democrats calling evil good. Nancy Pelosi recently said it was sinful to restrict abortion and called it unjust if a...

55 Years Later: Paul Harvey Was Right!

Growing up in the 60s and 70s, my dad used to turn on the AM radio every morning in the kitchen as we all...

There’s a Time to Preach and a Time to Fight – Acts 5:29

We will never shut down our churches again! This is what hundreds of pastors from across the country are saying because of how American...

Defining ‘Woman’ Confusing in Modern History

I pray more people are asking the question, ‘How can you trust a person, especially someone in any leadership position, who cannot speak...

Presidents and Progressives Don’t Get To Redefine Christianity

Welcome back Carter. Jimmy Carter, that is. He’s back in the news for a good reason this time as he and his wife, Rosalyn,...

So-Called ‘Christian’ Church Hosts Drag Show for 12+ Year-olds

On May 21st, United Church of Christ (UCC) in Naples, Florida hosted a “Youth Pride Conference,” a free event for kids as young as...

Disney’s Depravity, Power, and Moral Decline

It’s not exactly a newsflash that Disney has massive influence and has gone gay, woke, and politically correct, but many families across the country...

Out of Order: Supremely Demonic Democrat Agendas

Think about this: the same people who kept telling us to “trust the science” over the last few years cannot even define what a...

untitled artwork


abortion - search results

Jim Harden: Standing Against Injustice, Lawfare, Abortion Terrorists

Rev. Jim Harden, CEO of CompassCare Pregnancy Services in NY, discusses the many issues in the life and death fight to save babies. He...

Rusty Thomas: Stand For Life Biblically — Abolish Abortion Nationwide

Rusty Thomas is the author of ‘Biblical Strategies to Abolish Abortion’ and founder of Elijah Ministries. He is also involved with The Kingdom Leadership...

Michigan Gone Wild: Promotes Pronouns, Abortion, Child Mutilation

What in the name of evil happened to Michigan? Governor Gretchen Whitmer recently signed bills establishing the minimum age of consent for marriage to...

Michigan Gone Wild: Pro Abortion, Pronouns, Child Mutilation

Radical leftist Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer recently signed bills establishing the minimum age of consent for marriage to be 18. But she has also...

Increasing Violent Attacks on Christians by Pro-Abortion Terrorists

Praying to God in public and believing biblical principles are now dangerous activities – in America. Two elderly pro-life men in Baltimore found this...

Planned Parenthood Gets a Raise: $670 Million from Taxpayers, Committed 374,155 Abortions Last Year

Eighty-four. Remember that number. Planned Parenthood terminates the life of a baby every 84 seconds. Overturning Roe V. Wade sure didn’t stop America’s abortion giant...

The Satanic Temple to Provide ‘Free Religious Medication Abortion’

The Satanic Temple in New Mexico has a new scheme to help Planned Parenthood kill more babies. They just launched a new “religious medical...

Biden Justice Dept. Refuses to Arrest Pro-Abortion Terrorists

What ever happened to "Liberty and justice for all"? Judging by the actions of the Biden Democrats, they are uninterested in true justice for...

Abortion Battle, ‘The View’ Vs Truth, Pregnancy Resource Centers Attacked

Four stories; same debate. Is a baby, a developing human life in a mother’s womb, worth protecting, or do we have the right to...

Despite ROE Decision, Abortions Continue As Culture War Revs Up

The good news is the high Court has ruled. So then, is abortion banned and restricted, or is it still protected and celebrated? Yes....

When Pro-Abortion Activism Becomes Domestic Terrorism

Here's more proof abortion activists and agitators have come unhinged: Supreme Court justices threatened at their private homes, churches and crisis pregnancy centers vandalized,...

What Pandemic? Abortion Still Open for Business

America is on lock-down. Major public events and gatherings are cancelled. They closed countless businesses, churches, schools, many restaurants and other non-essential services. So...

Big Abortion Wins, Court Decides against Citizen Journalists

The following facts are indisputable. Undercover journalists lost their court case against Planned Parenthood, the multi-billion-dollar abortion business.  David Daleiden, of the Center for...

Dem Presidential Hopefuls Compete on Abortion Extremism

Democrats in America have a dilemma going into the 2020 presidential election. That is, if protecting human life in the womb is important. The...

Proud of Abortion? More Progressive Propaganda

This is another example of calling what is evil, good. According to a leading abortion activist, apparently abortion is part of God’s plan for...

Targeting Black Babies for Abortion is Not Racist?

Referring to black people and the propaganda of the birth control agenda, Martin Luther King Jr.’s niece, Dr. Alveda King made this compelling statement: “When...

Conscience, Corruption, and the Abortion Business Cover-Up

As I drove by what may be the only Planned Parenthood clinic in Wisconsin yesterday, on the sidewalk out front was a woman holding...

Abortion Hurts Us All, Especially Women – Part 2, The Anguish of Abortion

The following is the second part of a book excerpt from The Cost of Our Silence: Consequences of Christians Taking the Path of Least...

The Anguish of Abortion, part 1, The Cost of Our Silence excerpt

Listen to Me, O islands, and pay attention, you peoples from afar. The LORD called Me from the womb; From the body of My...

The Real ‘Scandal’ – Using Abortion to Mock Jesus Christ

Some important stories drew the public’s attention last week including the heated debate over national security; open borders, ISIS, welcoming refugees to America, and...

Judge Awards $4 Million to Daughter of Botched Abortion Victim

Less than one week before filming begins for a much-anticipated expose on convicted murderer, abortionist Kermit Gosnell, a Philadelphia judge has awarded $4 million...

Freedom of Speech and Expression Debate Tackles Abortion

It appears those of us who disagree with abortion no longer have the exact same freedoms as the rest of America.   The U.S. Supreme Court...

The Anguish Of Abortion: What Liberals Won’t Tell You

Last week, graphic autopsy images were released of a woman dying from a legal abortion. Her mother insisted the photos be made public. The...

Advancing World System Forcefully Opposing Biblical Worldview, Christians

Writer of “Amazing Grace,” John Newton once said, “If I might read only one book beside the Bible, I would choose The Christian in Complete...

Christian Man Charged with Hate Crime for Dismantling Satanic Display as Forces of Darkness Advance

The war on God and on truth is raging and the enemy is working overtime. The next logical step in this progression of darkness...

Most Americans Distrust the Liberal Media and Support Israel

Ye of little faith – in the progressive media, that is. A new Gallup poll reveals the distrust most Americans have in major media...

Progressive Plan to Marxify Schools and Libraries

Last year, the American Library Association elected Emily Drabinski, a self-described Marxist lesbian, president of the ALA. At the recent Socialism 2023 conference in...

Taxpayer-Funded Uterus Transplants and Other High-Risk Operations

In the latest American Medical Association (AMA) Journal of Ethics, authors are not only suggesting uterus transplants to help transgender women (aka men)...

Statement of Faith

There is one true God, eternally existing in three distinct persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. These three...

Kamala Harris Record Low Approval Caused By Pride & Progressive Policies?

Vice President Kamala Harris is going all-out to promote the LGBTQ agenda as her approval rating takes a dive. Coincidence? Harris hosted a big...

Satanic Temple To Host ‘Let Us Burn’ Events At State Capitols To Mock God and Believers

It is both predictable and prophetic. The Satanic Temple (TST) is planning a tour to bring a band called Satanic Planet to different states...

The Assault on the Image of God (Imago dei) and Biblical Truth

The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever. Isaiah 40:8 All Scripture is inspired by God… 2 Tim. 3:16 For the Lord is good;...

A New Extreme: Biden Calls Protecting Children from Trans Surgeries ‘Sinful’

Once again using religious language and once again calling evil good, Joe Biden recently suggested that those who want to protect children from transgender...

Death Cult: Canada Gov’t Wants “Mercy Killings” of Children W/O Parental Consent

A Canadian Parliamentary committee is recommending lawmakers legalize euthanasia for sick and disabled children or those in Canada’s child welfare system. They think those...

Mocker Be Thy Name: Biden Preaches to the Leftist Choir

Politician and radical “Reverend,” Raphael Warnock, invited fellow Democrat socialist, Joe Biden to fill the pulpit and speak the Sunday before Martin Luther King...

The Not So Subtle Agenda to Eradicate Christmas

It comes as no surprise there has been a nearly universal change in public expressions of religious speech when it comes to something as...

Apostate United Methodist Church Elects Gay Bishop

If rules and doctrines no longer matter, why have them? In another violation of biblical principles, the progressive United Methodist Church (UMC) voted to make “Reverend”...

Report: Google Helps Democrats, News Media a Threat to Freedom

It’s not breaking news that people's trust in today’s media is at a record low, but there are some key questions that should be...

America at a Cultural and Moral Tipping Point

We have arrived at a moral and cultural tipping point in America and are in desperate need of a wake-up call. Let's start with...

Bad News, Good News – 5 Quick Headlines

Here are some quick facts about three stories involving new ways to push demonic agendas, one celebration of a cancelation, and one happy ending...

AOC, DEMS, Elitist and Eugenic God-Complex

According to radical Democrat Socialist Congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, it’s better not to be born than to be alive if you’re poor. She sent...

Alfred Kinsey — A Pioneer Of Perversion Who Paved The Way For Today’s Sex ‘Education’

Indiana University recently put up a life-size bronze statue of radical sex-researcher, Alfred Kinsey to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Kinsey Institute at the college. The...

Calling Evil Good and Twisting Scripture. Again.

They’re at it again. Democrats calling evil good. Nancy Pelosi recently said it was sinful to restrict abortion and called it unjust if a...

55 Years Later: Paul Harvey Was Right!

Growing up in the 60s and 70s, my dad used to turn on the AM radio every morning in the kitchen as we all...

There’s a Time to Preach and a Time to Fight – Acts 5:29

We will never shut down our churches again! This is what hundreds of pastors from across the country are saying because of how American...

Defining ‘Woman’ Confusing in Modern History

I pray more people are asking the question, ‘How can you trust a person, especially someone in any leadership position, who cannot speak...

Presidents and Progressives Don’t Get To Redefine Christianity

Welcome back Carter. Jimmy Carter, that is. He’s back in the news for a good reason this time as he and his wife, Rosalyn,...

So-Called ‘Christian’ Church Hosts Drag Show for 12+ Year-olds

On May 21st, United Church of Christ (UCC) in Naples, Florida hosted a “Youth Pride Conference,” a free event for kids as young as...

Disney’s Depravity, Power, and Moral Decline

It’s not exactly a newsflash that Disney has massive influence and has gone gay, woke, and politically correct, but many families across the country...

Out of Order: Supremely Demonic Democrat Agendas

Think about this: the same people who kept telling us to “trust the science” over the last few years cannot even define what a...