Author, Speaker, Pastor

January, 19, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor

Taxpayer-Funded Uterus Transplants and Other High-Risk Operations

[Graphic warning] In the latest American Medical Association (AMA) Journal of Ethics, authors are not only suggesting uterus transplants to help transgender women (aka men) get pregnant, but they also say taxpayers should help fund the procedures – which cost up to $300,000.

Um, no thank you. In plain language: the discussion is now about doing uterus transplants so biological men can have babies. Be honest; did you see this coming?

It’s all about the love of money, demonic deception, and man playing God, of course.

Do you the medical experts are suggesting these cross-sex procedures to save lives or are they affirming people’s delusions to rake in the big bucks? Maybe its the latest challenge for them?

Also, just because we have the modern technology to do something doesn’t mean we should do it. When man tries to replace God, it will not end well. 

The American Medical Association featured an “ethical analysis” of uterus transplants for males in its journal this summer and detailed arguments behind such experiments, I mean, “procedures.” But what is even worse is the idea that we should help pay for them.

Taxpayer dollars. It’s for science. It’s progress. After all, these guys have “Medical” in their name.

Responding to the news, Dr. Martin Makary, professor at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine stated:

“Rather than funding objective medical studies on transgender medicine, the AMA has chosen activist positions on this delicate topic; …Why don’t they fund a study on the 10-year regret rate of children who undergo transitioning surgery? What is the suicide rate among those who undergo aggressive hormone or surgical treatment versus long-term talk therapy?” 

He also pointed out the irony that the AMA is promoting uterus transplants for men so a baby could possibly be born – while other “treatments” for transgender children and minors are making them permanently infertile.

Whatever happened to ‘Do no harm’? 

They also discussed reducing the cost of the dangerous surgery in the AMA June issue which was called, “Patient-Centered Transgender Surgical Care.” But why would they want to reduce the cost if the government can make the people pay for it? Another question is will insurance companies cover these procedures?

There is no good moral, ethical, or medical reason why American citizens should be forced to pay for these operations. None. Mental health or otherwise. And yet, the paper says taxpayers should also fund cosmetic surgeries so men can look or feel more like women.

This is not just about affirming; it’s not about supporting gender-confused individuals or about ‘live and let live.’

It is the next step of deception and programming of a nation on transgender ideology. This philosophy that justifies mutilating healthy human bodies is a direct assault on the truth that every human being is created in the image of God.

The Bible warns us not to be deceived or taken captive by worldly philosophies and the imaginations of man. Colossians 2:8 states:

“See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ.”

But we’re talking about the medical profession here. “Science.” They’re supposed to be objective, aren’t they? 

There are no long-term studies on the effects of injecting hormones into children. Most cases of sex-change regret where people have spoken out to warn others have been suppressed and censored by the one-party big tech media conglomerate.

The left won’t fund those studies or allow these kinds of tragic stories to be told. My fear is we’ll find out the hard way at the cost of much anguish and many lives.

Dr. Makary also said it’s hard to do further research because activists have already run a lot of medical professionals out of town for wanting to be objective. He is disgusted like most of us are that minors can walk into a Planned Parenthood and walk out with a bottle of hormones.

I don’t think the abortion giant would support experimental surgery to enable someone to have a baby, but nonetheless, the first uterus transplant was done in Sweden in 2014.

On the record, there have been about 100 uterus transplant surgeries performed worldwide, and the process involves multiple surgeries and follow-up appointments. On average it can take a year and a half (18 months) to complete. 

Just this year, doctors at the University of Alabama, Birmingham (UAB), became one of the first in the U.S. to offer the uterus transplant procedure to hysterectomy patients as well as rare cases in which a woman was born without a womb.

Its Uterus Transplant Program is one of only four in the country that performs the new operation and is the first to do it outside of a clinical trial. One mother had been diagnosed with a rare condition that caused her to be born without a uterus and they did the procedure. In May, a baby boy became the first to be born because of UAB’s program.

This is remarkable, but it is quite different from trying to make a man a woman or a woman a man. 

Lead surgeon at the “Comprehensive Transplant Institute” at UAB, Dr. Paige Porrett said other providers would also think uterus transplants are medically possible, but warns about potential risks due to hormones and previous “gender-affirming” surgeries.

The procedure is already considered high-risk due to the likelihood of complications.

Paige states:

“Doing this in a transgender woman, especially one who still has male sex organs, would be even more difficult due to those anatomical differences. Hormone replacement therapy and gender reassignment surgery could make it more difficult for a trans patient to produce enough eggs for IVF, which is part of the transplant protocol.”

So, here’s another medical ‘professional’ that basically referred to a woman “who still has male sex organs.” 

Modern advancements in science, medicine, and technology, however, do not give man license to play God. But the intrigue, money, power, and potential recognition are too tempting.

The debate will continue, and the public must be convinced (and programmed a bit more) to be on board with this so-called “progress” to help the transgender community.

But some will find ways to make money from the mental health crisis regardless. For Dr. Curtis Crane, for example, business is booming. 

Chris Rufo at City Journal just wrote about the disturbing story regarding the practice of “non-binary” genital surgeries which Crane has been doing since 2015. Crane employs five doctors and does more than 1,000 procedures a year in San Francisco, CA and Austin, TX clinics. Demand is increasing. Safety and sanity are not.

[Graphic Warning] Crane specializes in vaginoplasty, which involves castration and then creating an artificial vagina for “male-to-female” patients, and phalloplasty, which involves creating and installing an artificial penis for “female-to-male” patients. 

I have an idea; let’s make Frankenstein science fiction again. 

Recent demand has led Dr. Crane to explore the disturbing new territory of non-binary surgery. This includes castration and nullification procedures, which apparently is the process of  “removing all external genitalia to create a smooth transition from the abdomen to the groin.” Crane has designed and performed hundreds of non-binary surgeries in which he fashions together both male and female genitalia for a single individual.

You read that right. For one person – who wants to have both. 

According to the article, the good doctor boasts of a one- to two-year waitlist and claims to have one of the highest volumes of transgender surgeries in the United States. Rufo rightly says those who suffer from serious emotional or mental health issues should not be subjected to these experiments. 

But there is a glimmer of hope and a bit of positive news. Rufo adds:

The debate about transgender medicine is shifting. Legislators in 20 states have recently passed bills to restrict transgender medical interventions, such as puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and genital surgeries, for minors. And the tide of public opinion appears to be moving against “gender-affirming care,” a euphemism for child sex-change procedures not supported by the evidence and that often cause devastating consequences. Preventing such procedures for patients under age 18 has to be the baseline.

How do Dr. Crane and others justify these experimental, life-altering surgeries? He appeals to “equality” and “acceptance” and of course, “affirmation.” But to do this, one must reject the laws of nature and nature’s God. 

In a keynote speech to the Equality Alliance, Crane claimed history in the West has been “riddled with inequities,” including a false gender binary – that of male and female, man and woman. His utopian solution is to reeducate society to believe biological sex is not binary, and perform any necessary surgeries so trans patients can “become the people they were always meant to be.”

The entire premise from philosophy to solution is based on lies. God made them exactly who they are supposed to be.

The Lord knew what He was doing when “He created them male and female (Genesis 1:27),” and blessed the man and woman and told them to procreate (Genesis 1:28). Jesus also knew what He was doing by defining natural marriage between a man and a woman, a union in which two of the opposite sex become one flesh (Mark 10:8). 

He took it a step further, adding, “What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate (Mark 10:9).”

Once again, God is fully aware of the battle for truth we find ourselves in. It is a worldview war that we are presently losing. We can be fully confident however, that Jesus is Lord and He will return to rule and reign. The fight will one day be over, evil will be judged, and the final war will be won. 


More From David

Taxpayer-Funded Uterus Transplants and Other High-Risk Operations


[Graphic warning] In the latest American Medical Association (AMA) Journal of Ethics, authors are not only suggesting uterus transplants to help transgender women (aka men) get pregnant, but they also say taxpayers should help fund the procedures – which cost up to $300,000.

Um, no thank you. In plain language: the discussion is now about doing uterus transplants so biological men can have babies. Be honest; did you see this coming?

It’s all about the love of money, demonic deception, and man playing God, of course.

Do you the medical experts are suggesting these cross-sex procedures to save lives or are they affirming people’s delusions to rake in the big bucks? Maybe its the latest challenge for them?

Also, just because we have the modern technology to do something doesn’t mean we should do it. When man tries to replace God, it will not end well. 

The American Medical Association featured an “ethical analysis” of uterus transplants for males in its journal this summer and detailed arguments behind such experiments, I mean, “procedures.” But what is even worse is the idea that we should help pay for them.

Taxpayer dollars. It’s for science. It’s progress. After all, these guys have “Medical” in their name.

Responding to the news, Dr. Martin Makary, professor at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine stated:

“Rather than funding objective medical studies on transgender medicine, the AMA has chosen activist positions on this delicate topic; …Why don’t they fund a study on the 10-year regret rate of children who undergo transitioning surgery? What is the suicide rate among those who undergo aggressive hormone or surgical treatment versus long-term talk therapy?” 

He also pointed out the irony that the AMA is promoting uterus transplants for men so a baby could possibly be born – while other “treatments” for transgender children and minors are making them permanently infertile.

Whatever happened to ‘Do no harm’? 

They also discussed reducing the cost of the dangerous surgery in the AMA June issue which was called, “Patient-Centered Transgender Surgical Care.” But why would they want to reduce the cost if the government can make the people pay for it? Another question is will insurance companies cover these procedures?

There is no good moral, ethical, or medical reason why American citizens should be forced to pay for these operations. None. Mental health or otherwise. And yet, the paper says taxpayers should also fund cosmetic surgeries so men can look or feel more like women.

This is not just about affirming; it’s not about supporting gender-confused individuals or about ‘live and let live.’

It is the next step of deception and programming of a nation on transgender ideology. This philosophy that justifies mutilating healthy human bodies is a direct assault on the truth that every human being is created in the image of God.

The Bible warns us not to be deceived or taken captive by worldly philosophies and the imaginations of man. Colossians 2:8 states:

“See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ.”

But we’re talking about the medical profession here. “Science.” They’re supposed to be objective, aren’t they? 

There are no long-term studies on the effects of injecting hormones into children. Most cases of sex-change regret where people have spoken out to warn others have been suppressed and censored by the one-party big tech media conglomerate.

The left won’t fund those studies or allow these kinds of tragic stories to be told. My fear is we’ll find out the hard way at the cost of much anguish and many lives.

Dr. Makary also said it’s hard to do further research because activists have already run a lot of medical professionals out of town for wanting to be objective. He is disgusted like most of us are that minors can walk into a Planned Parenthood and walk out with a bottle of hormones.

I don’t think the abortion giant would support experimental surgery to enable someone to have a baby, but nonetheless, the first uterus transplant was done in Sweden in 2014.

On the record, there have been about 100 uterus transplant surgeries performed worldwide, and the process involves multiple surgeries and follow-up appointments. On average it can take a year and a half (18 months) to complete. 

Just this year, doctors at the University of Alabama, Birmingham (UAB), became one of the first in the U.S. to offer the uterus transplant procedure to hysterectomy patients as well as rare cases in which a woman was born without a womb.

Its Uterus Transplant Program is one of only four in the country that performs the new operation and is the first to do it outside of a clinical trial. One mother had been diagnosed with a rare condition that caused her to be born without a uterus and they did the procedure. In May, a baby boy became the first to be born because of UAB’s program.

This is remarkable, but it is quite different from trying to make a man a woman or a woman a man. 

Lead surgeon at the “Comprehensive Transplant Institute” at UAB, Dr. Paige Porrett said other providers would also think uterus transplants are medically possible, but warns about potential risks due to hormones and previous “gender-affirming” surgeries.

The procedure is already considered high-risk due to the likelihood of complications.

Paige states:

“Doing this in a transgender woman, especially one who still has male sex organs, would be even more difficult due to those anatomical differences. Hormone replacement therapy and gender reassignment surgery could make it more difficult for a trans patient to produce enough eggs for IVF, which is part of the transplant protocol.”

So, here’s another medical ‘professional’ that basically referred to a woman “who still has male sex organs.” 

Modern advancements in science, medicine, and technology, however, do not give man license to play God. But the intrigue, money, power, and potential recognition are too tempting.

The debate will continue, and the public must be convinced (and programmed a bit more) to be on board with this so-called “progress” to help the transgender community.

But some will find ways to make money from the mental health crisis regardless. For Dr. Curtis Crane, for example, business is booming. 

Chris Rufo at City Journal just wrote about the disturbing story regarding the practice of “non-binary” genital surgeries which Crane has been doing since 2015. Crane employs five doctors and does more than 1,000 procedures a year in San Francisco, CA and Austin, TX clinics. Demand is increasing. Safety and sanity are not.

[Graphic Warning] Crane specializes in vaginoplasty, which involves castration and then creating an artificial vagina for “male-to-female” patients, and phalloplasty, which involves creating and installing an artificial penis for “female-to-male” patients. 

I have an idea; let’s make Frankenstein science fiction again. 

Recent demand has led Dr. Crane to explore the disturbing new territory of non-binary surgery. This includes castration and nullification procedures, which apparently is the process of  “removing all external genitalia to create a smooth transition from the abdomen to the groin.” Crane has designed and performed hundreds of non-binary surgeries in which he fashions together both male and female genitalia for a single individual.

You read that right. For one person – who wants to have both. 

According to the article, the good doctor boasts of a one- to two-year waitlist and claims to have one of the highest volumes of transgender surgeries in the United States. Rufo rightly says those who suffer from serious emotional or mental health issues should not be subjected to these experiments. 

But there is a glimmer of hope and a bit of positive news. Rufo adds:

The debate about transgender medicine is shifting. Legislators in 20 states have recently passed bills to restrict transgender medical interventions, such as puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and genital surgeries, for minors. And the tide of public opinion appears to be moving against “gender-affirming care,” a euphemism for child sex-change procedures not supported by the evidence and that often cause devastating consequences. Preventing such procedures for patients under age 18 has to be the baseline.

How do Dr. Crane and others justify these experimental, life-altering surgeries? He appeals to “equality” and “acceptance” and of course, “affirmation.” But to do this, one must reject the laws of nature and nature’s God. 

In a keynote speech to the Equality Alliance, Crane claimed history in the West has been “riddled with inequities,” including a false gender binary – that of male and female, man and woman. His utopian solution is to reeducate society to believe biological sex is not binary, and perform any necessary surgeries so trans patients can “become the people they were always meant to be.”

The entire premise from philosophy to solution is based on lies. God made them exactly who they are supposed to be.

The Lord knew what He was doing when “He created them male and female (Genesis 1:27),” and blessed the man and woman and told them to procreate (Genesis 1:28). Jesus also knew what He was doing by defining natural marriage between a man and a woman, a union in which two of the opposite sex become one flesh (Mark 10:8). 

He took it a step further, adding, “What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate (Mark 10:9).”

Once again, God is fully aware of the battle for truth we find ourselves in. It is a worldview war that we are presently losing. We can be fully confident however, that Jesus is Lord and He will return to rule and reign. The fight will one day be over, evil will be judged, and the final war will be won. 

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