Author, Speaker, Pastor

March, 6, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor

Freedom of Speech and Expression Debate Tackles Abortion

pro-life girls
It appears those of us who disagree with abortion no longer have the exact same freedoms as the rest of America.
The U.S. Supreme Court doesn’t want to take this case in which a Colorado ruling blocked abortion protestors from displaying images of aborted fetuses near a church where they might upset children. A judge later barred protestors from displaying the “gruesome images.”
In this case, the protestors were outside of an abortion-approving church. First of all, shame on any church that defends killing babies at any stage of development, but why are these images offensive?
If every kind of foul, gory, perverted, sexual and sinful image imaginable is protected as an expression of free speech, how is this any different? Is it simply an issue of the right to kill – um, I mean, the ‘right to choose’?
I understand the graphic images of dead babies or baby body parts can be very disturbing to see; they should be disturbing! The problem is too many Americans have become desensitized to blood, guts, gore, and violence. Studies prove this has made our society worse.
Kids can watch endless violence on their video games and in movies; fighting, shooting, killing, bloody massacres, death, and murder are commonplace. Few complain to Hollywood or to video game producers about it. But now because of the complaints of abortion defenders and supporters, real images portraying the truth of abortion cannot be displayed in public?
Let’s just admit it so we can move on with the debate: most of us have seen worse on television or in movies, but we can disconnect from it because we know it is make believe.
We have bought liberal lies and talking points and we have lost our compassion for the most vulnerable. Father Frank Pavone once said, “America will not reject abortion until America sees abortion.” Is that what it will take to shake us out of complacency and selfishness? Sadly, many people don’t want to know the truth.
With the help of the government, media, Hollywood, and Planned Parenthood’s strategic marketing, the lines have been blurred regarding life. They have sold the ideas of convenience and sexual experimentation while minimizing morality.
A human heart begins beating between 4 – 6 weeks after conception and ultrasound imagery provides indisputable evidence of life in the womb. Some call them ‘pre-born’ babies. Truth is inconvenient to those who are making money from destroying lives. (See Kermit Gosnell)
If telling the truth and displaying graphic photos helped wake up apathetic people in order to save Jews from the Holocaust and helped save black people from lynchings, why can’t we do the same thing in an effort to save even more lives?
It all comes back to who America chooses to live for: God or man?
“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful… My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” (Psalm 139:13-16)
God is the Creator of all life. He knows the number of our days and He sustains all things.
We must support free speech rights, including those of the pro-life movement, and speak up any way we can to raise awareness about America’s ongoing holocaust.
 baby hand and doctoraborted and discarded babiesabortion graphic image


More From David

Freedom of Speech and Expression Debate Tackles Abortion


pro-life girls
It appears those of us who disagree with abortion no longer have the exact same freedoms as the rest of America.
The U.S. Supreme Court doesn’t want to take this case in which a Colorado ruling blocked abortion protestors from displaying images of aborted fetuses near a church where they might upset children. A judge later barred protestors from displaying the “gruesome images.”
In this case, the protestors were outside of an abortion-approving church. First of all, shame on any church that defends killing babies at any stage of development, but why are these images offensive?
If every kind of foul, gory, perverted, sexual and sinful image imaginable is protected as an expression of free speech, how is this any different? Is it simply an issue of the right to kill – um, I mean, the ‘right to choose’?
I understand the graphic images of dead babies or baby body parts can be very disturbing to see; they should be disturbing! The problem is too many Americans have become desensitized to blood, guts, gore, and violence. Studies prove this has made our society worse.
Kids can watch endless violence on their video games and in movies; fighting, shooting, killing, bloody massacres, death, and murder are commonplace. Few complain to Hollywood or to video game producers about it. But now because of the complaints of abortion defenders and supporters, real images portraying the truth of abortion cannot be displayed in public?
Let’s just admit it so we can move on with the debate: most of us have seen worse on television or in movies, but we can disconnect from it because we know it is make believe.
We have bought liberal lies and talking points and we have lost our compassion for the most vulnerable. Father Frank Pavone once said, “America will not reject abortion until America sees abortion.” Is that what it will take to shake us out of complacency and selfishness? Sadly, many people don’t want to know the truth.
With the help of the government, media, Hollywood, and Planned Parenthood’s strategic marketing, the lines have been blurred regarding life. They have sold the ideas of convenience and sexual experimentation while minimizing morality.
A human heart begins beating between 4 – 6 weeks after conception and ultrasound imagery provides indisputable evidence of life in the womb. Some call them ‘pre-born’ babies. Truth is inconvenient to those who are making money from destroying lives. (See Kermit Gosnell)
If telling the truth and displaying graphic photos helped wake up apathetic people in order to save Jews from the Holocaust and helped save black people from lynchings, why can’t we do the same thing in an effort to save even more lives?
It all comes back to who America chooses to live for: God or man?
“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful… My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” (Psalm 139:13-16)
God is the Creator of all life. He knows the number of our days and He sustains all things.
We must support free speech rights, including those of the pro-life movement, and speak up any way we can to raise awareness about America’s ongoing holocaust.
 baby hand and doctoraborted and discarded babiesabortion graphic image

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