Author, Speaker, Pastor

January, 19, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor

absolute truth

Study: Core Biblical Beliefs Rejected by Today’s Youth

Americans are rejecting God and following their hearts to destruction and emptiness. A sobering conclusion to a brand-new study is that it appears America...

The Perfect Savior at the Perfect Time Sent to Save Imperfect Humanity

We are all familiar with the story and traditions of Christmas, but let’s dig a little deeper into the meaning of this wonderful season...

Kamala Harris Record Low Approval Caused By Pride & Progressive Policies?

Vice President Kamala Harris is going all-out to promote the LGBTQ agenda as her approval rating takes a dive. Coincidence? Harris hosted a big...

Rejecting God but Claiming to be Happy, Youth Suicide Rates Spike

They claim they’re happy and doing great, but research proves the exact opposite. Are today's youth in denial or have they been conditioned to...

The Assault on the Image of God (Imago dei) and Biblical Truth

The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever. Isaiah 40:8 All Scripture is inspired by God… 2 Tim. 3:16 For the Lord is good;...

Boycott: Target Targets Children, Recruits for Pride Cult

Target has had annual pride collections since 2012. They changed their bathroom policies to accommodate transgender individuals and ignored the safety of young women...

Under Attack: God’s Natural Order – and North American Children

A Baptist, a transgender policy, and a Catholic high school suspension. It sounds like the opening of a bad joke, but it’s not. Tragically,...

Jesus, the Resurrection & Assurance of Salvation!

If Jesus was not raised from the dead, Christianity isn’t true, no one makes it to heaven, and this life is all there is....

Barna: Biblical Worldview ‘Shuffling Toward Edge of the Cliff’

Is belief in God and the biblical worldview nearing extinction in America? According to a new and not exactly shocking study from the Cultural...

The Most Programmed Generation in History

Is there any doubt generation Z is the most programmed (some would say ‘brainwashed’) in history? The latest news from Gallup is the number of...

It’s Not About A Cake! Unrelenting LGBT Win Legal Battle Against Jack Phillips

BREAKING: LGBT activists just won a legal battle in the case against Colorado business owner and baker, Jack Phillips. They often preach tolerance, but are...

Gaslighting & the ‘Gas Stove’ Strategy: Start With Outrageous, Progress on the Ridiculous

As you may know, Democrat darling, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has become notorious for modeling hypocrisy. She recently took to Twitter to suggest people ditch their...

‘Pastor Story Hour’ Counters Demonic DQSH, Puts Christians on Offense

Christians often seem to be playing defense in efforts to respond to unbiblical, non-stop immoral agendas as forces of darkness work to promote wickedness...

Mainstreaming Drag and ‘Queering’ America

A lot can happen in fifty years. The drag queen phenomena - nowhere on people's radar - has now become mainstream.  How did we...

55 Years Later: Paul Harvey Was Right!

Growing up in the 60s and 70s, my dad used to turn on the AM radio every morning in the kitchen as we all...

Attacks on the Authoritative, Inerrant Word of God – Sermon Transcript

I've been seeking a better understanding of apostasy over the last century or so and I'm learning a lot! When I showed my pastor...

Gallup: Belief in the Inerrancy of Scripture Rapidly Declining

It’s clear in recent decades, poll after poll shows the extent of the biblical ignorance and moral decline in America which has lead to...

Defining ‘Woman’ Confusing in Modern History

I pray more people are asking the question, ‘How can you trust a person, especially someone in any leadership position, who cannot speak...

Bible on Trial: Speaking Truth, Scripture Now Hate Speech?

Another male athlete competing against young women is annihilating the competition. Olympic gold medalist and swimming champion, Michael Phelps weighed in saying everyone should...

Indiana ‘Pastor’ Goes Drag, Promotes LGBTQ Agenda

Apparently, anyone can be a pastor these days regardless of what the Bible teaches - and this case is no different. Craig Duke, an...

Study: Core Biblical Beliefs Rejected by Today’s Youth

Americans are rejecting God and following their hearts to destruction and emptiness. A sobering conclusion to a brand-new study is that it appears America...

The Perfect Savior at the Perfect Time Sent to Save Imperfect Humanity

We are all familiar with the story and traditions of Christmas, but let’s dig a little deeper into the meaning of this wonderful season...

Kamala Harris Record Low Approval Caused By Pride & Progressive Policies?

Vice President Kamala Harris is going all-out to promote the LGBTQ agenda as her approval rating takes a dive. Coincidence? Harris hosted a big...

Rejecting God but Claiming to be Happy, Youth Suicide Rates Spike

They claim they’re happy and doing great, but research proves the exact opposite. Are today's youth in denial or have they been conditioned to...

The Assault on the Image of God (Imago dei) and Biblical Truth

The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever. Isaiah 40:8 All Scripture is inspired by God… 2 Tim. 3:16 For the Lord is good;...

Boycott: Target Targets Children, Recruits for Pride Cult

Target has had annual pride collections since 2012. They changed their bathroom policies to accommodate transgender individuals and ignored the safety of young women...

Under Attack: God’s Natural Order – and North American Children

A Baptist, a transgender policy, and a Catholic high school suspension. It sounds like the opening of a bad joke, but it’s not. Tragically,...

Jesus, the Resurrection & Assurance of Salvation!

If Jesus was not raised from the dead, Christianity isn’t true, no one makes it to heaven, and this life is all there is....

Barna: Biblical Worldview ‘Shuffling Toward Edge of the Cliff’

Is belief in God and the biblical worldview nearing extinction in America? According to a new and not exactly shocking study from the Cultural...

The Most Programmed Generation in History

Is there any doubt generation Z is the most programmed (some would say ‘brainwashed’) in history? The latest news from Gallup is the number of...

It’s Not About A Cake! Unrelenting LGBT Win Legal Battle Against Jack Phillips

BREAKING: LGBT activists just won a legal battle in the case against Colorado business owner and baker, Jack Phillips. They often preach tolerance, but are...

Gaslighting & the ‘Gas Stove’ Strategy: Start With Outrageous, Progress on the Ridiculous

As you may know, Democrat darling, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has become notorious for modeling hypocrisy. She recently took to Twitter to suggest people ditch their...

‘Pastor Story Hour’ Counters Demonic DQSH, Puts Christians on Offense

Christians often seem to be playing defense in efforts to respond to unbiblical, non-stop immoral agendas as forces of darkness work to promote wickedness...

Mainstreaming Drag and ‘Queering’ America

A lot can happen in fifty years. The drag queen phenomena - nowhere on people's radar - has now become mainstream.  How did we...

55 Years Later: Paul Harvey Was Right!

Growing up in the 60s and 70s, my dad used to turn on the AM radio every morning in the kitchen as we all...

Attacks on the Authoritative, Inerrant Word of God – Sermon Transcript

I've been seeking a better understanding of apostasy over the last century or so and I'm learning a lot! When I showed my pastor...

Gallup: Belief in the Inerrancy of Scripture Rapidly Declining

It’s clear in recent decades, poll after poll shows the extent of the biblical ignorance and moral decline in America which has lead to...

Defining ‘Woman’ Confusing in Modern History

I pray more people are asking the question, ‘How can you trust a person, especially someone in any leadership position, who cannot speak...

Bible on Trial: Speaking Truth, Scripture Now Hate Speech?

Another male athlete competing against young women is annihilating the competition. Olympic gold medalist and swimming champion, Michael Phelps weighed in saying everyone should...

Indiana ‘Pastor’ Goes Drag, Promotes LGBTQ Agenda

Apparently, anyone can be a pastor these days regardless of what the Bible teaches - and this case is no different. Craig Duke, an...

When a Man Wins a Women’s Beauty Pageant

They’re calling it “a historic moment in beauty pageants.” Hollywood, the media, and the left celebrated the victory when Sunday, a biological male was...

Democrats Target Pastor Who Defended Christian Teacher’s Views on Gender

Alliance Defending Freedom sent a letter to Loudoun County Public Schools last week on behalf of an elementary school teacher who was placed on...

Study: Biden Voters Don’t Know God, the Bible

New poll results were released this week showing only 30% of Biden Harris voters believe the Bible "is the actual or inspired Word of...

God’s Will No Concern to Congress?

Democrat Leaders Cancel God from Congress. That’s the headline. It's no surprise the left continues to blot out God in America, but notice that...

If Men Are Women, Then Truth, Science & Sanity are Gone

If men are women, then truth, science, and sanity are history. A new study reveals 74% of generation Z embrace moral relativism. And Twitter censors...

Most Americans Distrust the Media

With 93% of reporting on President Trump being negative since the 2016 election, it’s no wonder American citizens distrust of the news media is at record...

Heidi St. John Interviews David Fiorazo: God’s Word is Truth

Heidi St. John writes: “I had the opportunity, really the privilege, of being on his show (Stand Up for the Truth) about a month and a half...

AOC, HGTV Threesome, and LGBT: Normalizing Godlessness

What do AOC, VH1, Marvel, HGTV, and the LGBT have in common? The normalization of immorality including drag queens, gays kissing, and a “throuple”...

Liberal Christianity is an Oxymoron

Modern Liberalism cannot coexist with biblical Christianity. Another example of placing social justice above Scripture emerged last week, this time from a Baptist church...

Sign of the Times? Pastor Forced Out for Speaking Truth

Pastor Justin Hoke of Trinity Bible Presbyterian Church in Weed, California, has now lost his job following backlash over statements he made about sin,...

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