Author, Speaker, Pastor

March, 11, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor

Biden Democrats

Kevin Sorbo: The Tide Is Turning & More People Are Waking Up

David catches up with Kevin Sorbo and discuss the conservative movement, cancel culture, politics, homeschooling, visiting Israel, children's books, as well as Kevin's upcoming...

Britt Gillette: Bankers & Governments Lying about Coming Financial Crisis

Britt Gillette of End Times Bible Prophecy exposes the banking system’s lack of ‘transparency’ and the government’s ulterior motives for bailouts and "bail ins,"...

Abortion Battle, ‘The View’ Vs Truth, Pregnancy Resource Centers Attacked

Four stories; same debate. Is a baby, a developing human life in a mother’s womb, worth protecting, or do we have the right to...

Calling Evil Good, Is the Left Winning the ‘Battle for America’s Soul’?

Just like he did when he campaigned against President Trump, Joe Biden keeps claiming he and the godless Democrat socialists have a corner on...

Kevin Sorbo: The Tide Is Turning & More People Are Waking Up

David catches up with Kevin Sorbo and discuss the conservative movement, cancel culture, politics, homeschooling, visiting Israel, children's books, as well as Kevin's upcoming...

Britt Gillette: Bankers & Governments Lying about Coming Financial Crisis

Britt Gillette of End Times Bible Prophecy exposes the banking system’s lack of ‘transparency’ and the government’s ulterior motives for bailouts and "bail ins,"...

Abortion Battle, ‘The View’ Vs Truth, Pregnancy Resource Centers Attacked

Four stories; same debate. Is a baby, a developing human life in a mother’s womb, worth protecting, or do we have the right to...

Calling Evil Good, Is the Left Winning the ‘Battle for America’s Soul’?

Just like he did when he campaigned against President Trump, Joe Biden keeps claiming he and the godless Democrat socialists have a corner on...

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