Author, Speaker, Pastor

October, 17, 2024

Author, Speaker, Pastor


WHY JESUS? Reinforcing the truth and deity of Christ

Some people simply don’t want to believe - regardless of reason, research, or evidence supporting the Bible. Nevertheless, the most important decision every human being will make in this life is whether or not to believe the gospel and trust in Jesus Christ alone for salvation.

The Perfect Savior at the Perfect Time Sent to Save Imperfect Humanity

We are all familiar with the story and traditions of Christmas, but let’s dig a little deeper into the meaning of this wonderful season...

Jesus, the Resurrection & Assurance of Salvation!

If Jesus was not raised from the dead, Christianity isn’t true, no one makes it to heaven, and this life is all there is....

Attacks on the Authoritative, Inerrant Word of God – Sermon Transcript

I've been seeking a better understanding of apostasy over the last century or so and I'm learning a lot! When I showed my pastor...

Jesus ‘Mighty God,’ The Root & Descendant of David

May those who have ears, hear what the Spirit is saying to the church! The following is a rough transcript of Sunday's sermon, 12/19/2021.   “And...

Faith in the Face of Opposition: (Nehemiah 4) Rebuilding the Wall

Dietrich Bonhoeffer once said: He who fears the face of God does not fear the face of man. He who fears the face of man...

Strong Biblical Preaching: Early Church Examples

There are many things we can learn from the New Testament about the development of the early church and the spread of Christianity. In...

The Sovereign God of Israel: King Cyrus, Isaiah 45

Throughout history and the pages of Scripture, God promises deliverance to Israel, and declares this nation is going to be a flagship through which...

The Day of the Lord, His Judgments and Promises; 2 Peter 3

Fulfilled Bible prophecy is one factor that reinforces the certainty of the last days and God’s promises. There are over 330 distinct Old Testament...

Contending for the True, Biblical Faith: Jude Sermon

The book of Jude is yet another warning for today’s Christian church. We must know the truth and learn from biblical history! Deceivers and...

Warning of Things to Come, the Revelation of Jesus

Remember the former things long past, For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is no one like...

Discipline of the Mind and Devotion

The human mind is powerful and God intended for us to use it for His purposes. But in our high tech, instant everything, ADHD,...

From the Garden to the Grave Back to Glory: Isaiah 53

Jesus Christ wore a crown of thorns that we might wear the crown of life. Our main text is Isaiah 52:13 through Isaiah 53.  Matthew...

WHY JESUS? Reinforcing the truth and deity of Christ

Some people simply don’t want to believe - regardless of reason, research, or evidence supporting the Bible. Nevertheless, the most important decision every human being will make in this life is whether or not to believe the gospel and trust in Jesus Christ alone for salvation.

The Perfect Savior at the Perfect Time Sent to Save Imperfect Humanity

We are all familiar with the story and traditions of Christmas, but let’s dig a little deeper into the meaning of this wonderful season...

Jesus, the Resurrection & Assurance of Salvation!

If Jesus was not raised from the dead, Christianity isn’t true, no one makes it to heaven, and this life is all there is....

Attacks on the Authoritative, Inerrant Word of God – Sermon Transcript

I've been seeking a better understanding of apostasy over the last century or so and I'm learning a lot! When I showed my pastor...

Jesus ‘Mighty God,’ The Root & Descendant of David

May those who have ears, hear what the Spirit is saying to the church! The following is a rough transcript of Sunday's sermon, 12/19/2021.   “And...

Faith in the Face of Opposition: (Nehemiah 4) Rebuilding the Wall

Dietrich Bonhoeffer once said: He who fears the face of God does not fear the face of man. He who fears the face of man...

Strong Biblical Preaching: Early Church Examples

There are many things we can learn from the New Testament about the development of the early church and the spread of Christianity. In...

The Sovereign God of Israel: King Cyrus, Isaiah 45

Throughout history and the pages of Scripture, God promises deliverance to Israel, and declares this nation is going to be a flagship through which...

The Day of the Lord, His Judgments and Promises; 2 Peter 3

Fulfilled Bible prophecy is one factor that reinforces the certainty of the last days and God’s promises. There are over 330 distinct Old Testament...

Contending for the True, Biblical Faith: Jude Sermon

The book of Jude is yet another warning for today’s Christian church. We must know the truth and learn from biblical history! Deceivers and...

Warning of Things to Come, the Revelation of Jesus

Remember the former things long past, For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is no one like...

Discipline of the Mind and Devotion

The human mind is powerful and God intended for us to use it for His purposes. But in our high tech, instant everything, ADHD,...

From the Garden to the Grave Back to Glory: Isaiah 53

Jesus Christ wore a crown of thorns that we might wear the crown of life. Our main text is Isaiah 52:13 through Isaiah 53.  Matthew...

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