Author, Speaker, Pastor

January, 17, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor

Heidi St. John Interviews David Fiorazo: God’s Word is Truth

Heidi St. John writes: “I had the opportunity, really the privilege, of being on his show (Stand Up for the Truth) about a month and a half ago. And the whole time I was talking to him and we were having this conversation, I’m just raising my hands and hallelujah-ing. And my husband was watching me from across the room and when I hung up he was like, “You found your people.” Yes I did!

It’s Meet My Friend Friday here on the podcast and my new friend David Fiorazo is on the show with me today. We’re going to talk about how truth is in the cross hairs, where it comes from, and how you can defend it.

You guys know how passionate I am about teaching you truth and that truth comes from the Word of God. We’re going to talk about how truth is in the cross-hairs, why it’s controversial, where it comes from and how you can defend it.”


Heidi St. John Interviews David Fiorazo – click to listen!

MomStrong International, an online ministry where thousands of women come together for weekly Bible Studies, etc.

Heidi St. John Podcast – archives

*Programming note: Heidi will be back on Stand Up for the Truth Friday, May 8 at 9 AM Central time


[Heidi] It’s so much fun to see what God is doing with his people right now with the truthtellers in the culture. And this is something that you’ve been passionate about for a long time. You’ve written about this. One of the things that you and I talked about extensively when I was on your radio show is the fight for truth in the culture and how it’s being sort of redefined right now. And you wrote a book about that, right?

[David] Yes.

[Heidi] Your new book, Redefining Truth, which I’m holding in my hands right now. Delusions of replacing God And Calling Evil Good. Wow, we’ve got a lot to talk about. First of all, why write the book?

[David] Well, I think we needed to address some topics that we have kind of lost sight of as a church, as the body of Christ. There is now this openness to relativism in the church and you know where that’s going to take us. Evil is being called good. That’s a warning from God, of course, in Isaiah 5:20. And we need to get back to the truth and Jesus is the truth. We know the word of God is truth and there are so many wonderful scriptures that reinforce this fact, but in our culture today, things are being flipped upside down and common sense is out the door. Once people abandon truth and abandon God, anything goes. And so this is where we are in America today. I didn’t think we’d be here so quickly growing up in the 60s and 70s and 80s, you just see decade by decade the things that have been introduced into our culture that have seeped into the church.

And now we are kind of going in the lines of where we want to be entertained. We want our ears tickled and I’m shouting to the body of Christ saying, “Come back to the truth. Come back to the word of God.”

…(more) click here for full transcript or to listen!

Books Mentioned In Podcast


More From David

Heidi St. John Interviews David Fiorazo: God’s Word is Truth


Heidi St. John writes: “I had the opportunity, really the privilege, of being on his show (Stand Up for the Truth) about a month and a half ago. And the whole time I was talking to him and we were having this conversation, I’m just raising my hands and hallelujah-ing. And my husband was watching me from across the room and when I hung up he was like, “You found your people.” Yes I did!

It’s Meet My Friend Friday here on the podcast and my new friend David Fiorazo is on the show with me today. We’re going to talk about how truth is in the cross hairs, where it comes from, and how you can defend it.

You guys know how passionate I am about teaching you truth and that truth comes from the Word of God. We’re going to talk about how truth is in the cross-hairs, why it’s controversial, where it comes from and how you can defend it.”


Heidi St. John Interviews David Fiorazo – click to listen!

MomStrong International, an online ministry where thousands of women come together for weekly Bible Studies, etc.

Heidi St. John Podcast – archives

*Programming note: Heidi will be back on Stand Up for the Truth Friday, May 8 at 9 AM Central time


[Heidi] It’s so much fun to see what God is doing with his people right now with the truthtellers in the culture. And this is something that you’ve been passionate about for a long time. You’ve written about this. One of the things that you and I talked about extensively when I was on your radio show is the fight for truth in the culture and how it’s being sort of redefined right now. And you wrote a book about that, right?

[David] Yes.

[Heidi] Your new book, Redefining Truth, which I’m holding in my hands right now. Delusions of replacing God And Calling Evil Good. Wow, we’ve got a lot to talk about. First of all, why write the book?

[David] Well, I think we needed to address some topics that we have kind of lost sight of as a church, as the body of Christ. There is now this openness to relativism in the church and you know where that’s going to take us. Evil is being called good. That’s a warning from God, of course, in Isaiah 5:20. And we need to get back to the truth and Jesus is the truth. We know the word of God is truth and there are so many wonderful scriptures that reinforce this fact, but in our culture today, things are being flipped upside down and common sense is out the door. Once people abandon truth and abandon God, anything goes. And so this is where we are in America today. I didn’t think we’d be here so quickly growing up in the 60s and 70s and 80s, you just see decade by decade the things that have been introduced into our culture that have seeped into the church.

And now we are kind of going in the lines of where we want to be entertained. We want our ears tickled and I’m shouting to the body of Christ saying, “Come back to the truth. Come back to the word of God.”

…(more) click here for full transcript or to listen!

Books Mentioned In Podcast

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