Author, Speaker, Pastor

February, 9, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor

The Immoral Climb and Spiritual Decline in America

cracked ten-commandments

A recent Gallup poll reveals 74% of Americans think morals and ethics in society are getting worse. Not that we need another poll to announce what most of us already know, but it does make me wonder what the other 26% believe. A society’s moral decay and decline doesn’t just suddenly happen; it takes decades.

I’ll let you decide if America can be saved, but it is apparent many folks are either too busy or just don’t care. Apathy is killing us. If we were truly aware and concerned about the direction of the country, we’d be engaging in the battle. Instead, we’ve retreated. America’s founders knew it was vital for Christians to be the light leading the way and the salt preserving our society. As the church goes, so goes the nation.

This new poll is another cultural indicator proving we’ve become more tolerant of things we should not tolerate, such as sin. It is yet another reminder of how far we’ve declined and how we’ve chosen to look the other way. Moreover, progressives in America have taken things a step further. They’re not content with our growing acceptance of immorality; they’d like us to look at sin as normal and even good.

It’s no mistake as I was preparing to write this morning, I came across the same Scripture verse twice in five minutes. It is exactly what we see in America. Written as a warning sometime around 700 B.C., Isaiah 5:20 states:

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness;
Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!

We have gone from the acceptance of evil to approval, and now to accommodation. Americans tolerate more immorality today than anytime in our history.

It shouldn’t surprise us unbelievers in a secular culture would have an appetite for sin, whether by approval or participation, but we’re seeing professing believers jump on the bandwagon as well. When Christians are not strong enough to resist the lies and lures of this age, we’re in trouble.

The poll shows different levels of tolerance and acceptance of premarital sex, euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research, homosexuality, polygamy, divorce, and having a child out of wedlock. Naturally, people are pretty much divided along spiritual lines (Christians and non-Christians), but this poll asked people their political affiliation. The survey found:

• 78% of Democrats approve of divorce while 60% of Republicans approve
• 77% of Dems approve of premarital sex as do 54% of Republicans
• 72% of Democrats approve of having a baby outside of wedlock; Repubs, 40%
• 71% of Democrats approve of homosexuality; 39% of Republicans approve
• 63% of Democrats approve of doctor-assisted suicide while 40% of Republicans do

And though acceptance of abortion is generally much higher for Democrats, in this poll;
• 59% approve of abortion while 28% of Republicans approve

One comparison I found interesting is more Democrats (51%) oppose buying and wearing clothing made of animal fur than opposing the murder of a baby in a mother’s womb (41%).

Why mention the political aspect? We need to understand though our system is imperfect, there is a clear contrast between the two main parties in America and our vote is our voice. Placing either political party over God and the Bible is idolatry and we need to return to voting biblically and responsibly for godliness over godlessness, and for character over compromise. Politics and laws also affect free speech and our ability to publicly preach the gospel.

Since we no longer resemble a Christian nation, what influenced people to practically support every sin in the Book? Is it simply because they want to avoid being called names? Perhaps in some cases, yes; but I believe there’s more. Let’s look at homosexuality for example.

A Pew Forum survey on media coverage a few years ago exposed in their reporting the media supported same-sex marriage 5 to 1, hoping perhaps the public would soon think it inevitable. This is not accidental bias, but purposeful. Surveys reveal the majority of journalists favor changing marriage laws in America compared to only 28% of the general public. More citizens today do support gays, lesbians, and even same-sex unions, but not reversing laws and marriage amendments.

For over two decades Hollywood and the media have executed a very effective PR campaign resulting in Americans completely overestimating how many homosexuals there are in the country. In 2011, Gallup asked people to guess the percent of gays and lesbians in the U.S. population. Ready? Young adults and women think the gay population is 30%, and a quarter of all Americans guessed upwards of 25% of the population are gay. The truth is gays and lesbians make up approximately three percent (that’s 3%) of the population.

Finally, most disappointing is the fact only 6% of Americans said the moral decline in America is the country’s most important problem. This reveals we’re in denial, apathetic, or living for the moment and for selfish ambitions rather than eternal things. You and I must return to Jesus Christ and live our faith accordingly before we can ever hope to impact our culture. It’s ironic; people spending time storing up treasures on an earth that is deteriorating.

God is patient with us, but His judgment is approaching whether we believe it or not, and His patience won’t last much longer.

But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat, and the earth and its works will be burned up. Since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be destroyed by burning, and the elements will melt with intense heat! But according to His promise we are looking for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells. (2 Peter 3:10-13)

David Fiorazo is the author of  ERADICATE: BLOTTING OUT GOD IN AMERICA




More From David

The Immoral Climb and Spiritual Decline in America


cracked ten-commandments

A recent Gallup poll reveals 74% of Americans think morals and ethics in society are getting worse. Not that we need another poll to announce what most of us already know, but it does make me wonder what the other 26% believe. A society’s moral decay and decline doesn’t just suddenly happen; it takes decades.

I’ll let you decide if America can be saved, but it is apparent many folks are either too busy or just don’t care. Apathy is killing us. If we were truly aware and concerned about the direction of the country, we’d be engaging in the battle. Instead, we’ve retreated. America’s founders knew it was vital for Christians to be the light leading the way and the salt preserving our society. As the church goes, so goes the nation.

This new poll is another cultural indicator proving we’ve become more tolerant of things we should not tolerate, such as sin. It is yet another reminder of how far we’ve declined and how we’ve chosen to look the other way. Moreover, progressives in America have taken things a step further. They’re not content with our growing acceptance of immorality; they’d like us to look at sin as normal and even good.

It’s no mistake as I was preparing to write this morning, I came across the same Scripture verse twice in five minutes. It is exactly what we see in America. Written as a warning sometime around 700 B.C., Isaiah 5:20 states:

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness;
Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!

We have gone from the acceptance of evil to approval, and now to accommodation. Americans tolerate more immorality today than anytime in our history.

It shouldn’t surprise us unbelievers in a secular culture would have an appetite for sin, whether by approval or participation, but we’re seeing professing believers jump on the bandwagon as well. When Christians are not strong enough to resist the lies and lures of this age, we’re in trouble.

The poll shows different levels of tolerance and acceptance of premarital sex, euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research, homosexuality, polygamy, divorce, and having a child out of wedlock. Naturally, people are pretty much divided along spiritual lines (Christians and non-Christians), but this poll asked people their political affiliation. The survey found:

• 78% of Democrats approve of divorce while 60% of Republicans approve
• 77% of Dems approve of premarital sex as do 54% of Republicans
• 72% of Democrats approve of having a baby outside of wedlock; Repubs, 40%
• 71% of Democrats approve of homosexuality; 39% of Republicans approve
• 63% of Democrats approve of doctor-assisted suicide while 40% of Republicans do

And though acceptance of abortion is generally much higher for Democrats, in this poll;
• 59% approve of abortion while 28% of Republicans approve

One comparison I found interesting is more Democrats (51%) oppose buying and wearing clothing made of animal fur than opposing the murder of a baby in a mother’s womb (41%).

Why mention the political aspect? We need to understand though our system is imperfect, there is a clear contrast between the two main parties in America and our vote is our voice. Placing either political party over God and the Bible is idolatry and we need to return to voting biblically and responsibly for godliness over godlessness, and for character over compromise. Politics and laws also affect free speech and our ability to publicly preach the gospel.

Since we no longer resemble a Christian nation, what influenced people to practically support every sin in the Book? Is it simply because they want to avoid being called names? Perhaps in some cases, yes; but I believe there’s more. Let’s look at homosexuality for example.

A Pew Forum survey on media coverage a few years ago exposed in their reporting the media supported same-sex marriage 5 to 1, hoping perhaps the public would soon think it inevitable. This is not accidental bias, but purposeful. Surveys reveal the majority of journalists favor changing marriage laws in America compared to only 28% of the general public. More citizens today do support gays, lesbians, and even same-sex unions, but not reversing laws and marriage amendments.

For over two decades Hollywood and the media have executed a very effective PR campaign resulting in Americans completely overestimating how many homosexuals there are in the country. In 2011, Gallup asked people to guess the percent of gays and lesbians in the U.S. population. Ready? Young adults and women think the gay population is 30%, and a quarter of all Americans guessed upwards of 25% of the population are gay. The truth is gays and lesbians make up approximately three percent (that’s 3%) of the population.

Finally, most disappointing is the fact only 6% of Americans said the moral decline in America is the country’s most important problem. This reveals we’re in denial, apathetic, or living for the moment and for selfish ambitions rather than eternal things. You and I must return to Jesus Christ and live our faith accordingly before we can ever hope to impact our culture. It’s ironic; people spending time storing up treasures on an earth that is deteriorating.

God is patient with us, but His judgment is approaching whether we believe it or not, and His patience won’t last much longer.

But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat, and the earth and its works will be burned up. Since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be destroyed by burning, and the elements will melt with intense heat! But according to His promise we are looking for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells. (2 Peter 3:10-13)

David Fiorazo is the author of  ERADICATE: BLOTTING OUT GOD IN AMERICA



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