Author, Speaker, Pastor

February, 13, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor


Demonic Agendas are being Normalized

It's a tale of three high schools with an all-too familiar story: the assault on truth. In Missouri, a biological male beat out several females...

It’s Not About A Cake! Unrelenting LGBT Win Legal Battle Against Jack Phillips

BREAKING: LGBT activists just won a legal battle in the case against Colorado business owner and baker, Jack Phillips. They often preach tolerance, but are...

Same Sex Agenda Dominates Culture But Numbers Don’t Add Up, Census

According to the latest U.S. Census, less than one percent of American households are headed by a same-sex couple. To be specific, same-sex ‘married’...

Doctrines of Democrats Confused About Christianity

Let’s not sugar coat things. For people with the most basic understanding of God’s word, Democrat presidential nominees claiming to be Christian is not...

Pedophilia, the Next Step in Godless Sex Agenda?

Over fifty years ago, American culture was being prepped for a new era of sexual behavior and expression. People began accepting things that used...

Is America Ready For A ‘Gay Christian’ President?

The new mantra these days that you have your truth and I have mine is simply an extension of the 1960s, “If it feels...

Will Marriage Soon Be Meaningless?

Is God-ordained marriage being deconstructed  in America? In order to eliminate natural marriage in society, it must first be rendered meaningless. How could that...

Sign of the Times? Pastor Forced Out for Speaking Truth

Pastor Justin Hoke of Trinity Bible Presbyterian Church in Weed, California, has now lost his job following backlash over statements he made about sin,...

Hollywood: Punish Supporters of Natural Marriage

Like many other powerful celebrities in Hollywood, the producer behind Glee, American Horror Story, and transgender hit, Pose, has openly declared war on those...

Entertaining Churches Gone Wild

There are some bizarre, outrageous, and flat-out unbiblical things going on in lots of churches. One so-called church sells beer, another worships Mother Earth,...

Corruption, Cover-Up in the Catholic Church

If you claim to represent God, but refuse to live by His moral laws, please leave the church and stop lying to everyone! Enough....

Ducking the Issue of Sin: the Easy Way Out

And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those...

Cultivating a Culture of Decay

More sobering polls have emerged recently further proving America’s downward spiral. Our decline has been so gradual many of us did not notice -...

Trampling Christ, Christians, and Country: LGBT Troops Steamroll Religious Freedom

It is undeniable the LGBT movement has grown in acceptance, public opinion, influence, and more recently – in boldness throughout the West. Almost simultaneously,...

Normalizing Homosexuality – Blotting Out God in America

Gay rights activists, government schools, Hollywood & liberal media elites deny there is an agenda, but their actions tell a much different story... The following...

Gay Marriage and Media: A Match Made in America

While unelected U.S. Supreme Court Justices debated the issue of same-sex marriage in America on Tuesday, NBC’s Today featured a panel promoting gay marriage....

Demonic Agendas are being Normalized

It's a tale of three high schools with an all-too familiar story: the assault on truth. In Missouri, a biological male beat out several females...

It’s Not About A Cake! Unrelenting LGBT Win Legal Battle Against Jack Phillips

BREAKING: LGBT activists just won a legal battle in the case against Colorado business owner and baker, Jack Phillips. They often preach tolerance, but are...

Same Sex Agenda Dominates Culture But Numbers Don’t Add Up, Census

According to the latest U.S. Census, less than one percent of American households are headed by a same-sex couple. To be specific, same-sex ‘married’...

Doctrines of Democrats Confused About Christianity

Let’s not sugar coat things. For people with the most basic understanding of God’s word, Democrat presidential nominees claiming to be Christian is not...

Pedophilia, the Next Step in Godless Sex Agenda?

Over fifty years ago, American culture was being prepped for a new era of sexual behavior and expression. People began accepting things that used...

Is America Ready For A ‘Gay Christian’ President?

The new mantra these days that you have your truth and I have mine is simply an extension of the 1960s, “If it feels...

Will Marriage Soon Be Meaningless?

Is God-ordained marriage being deconstructed  in America? In order to eliminate natural marriage in society, it must first be rendered meaningless. How could that...

Sign of the Times? Pastor Forced Out for Speaking Truth

Pastor Justin Hoke of Trinity Bible Presbyterian Church in Weed, California, has now lost his job following backlash over statements he made about sin,...

Hollywood: Punish Supporters of Natural Marriage

Like many other powerful celebrities in Hollywood, the producer behind Glee, American Horror Story, and transgender hit, Pose, has openly declared war on those...

Entertaining Churches Gone Wild

There are some bizarre, outrageous, and flat-out unbiblical things going on in lots of churches. One so-called church sells beer, another worships Mother Earth,...

Corruption, Cover-Up in the Catholic Church

If you claim to represent God, but refuse to live by His moral laws, please leave the church and stop lying to everyone! Enough....

Ducking the Issue of Sin: the Easy Way Out

And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those...

Cultivating a Culture of Decay

More sobering polls have emerged recently further proving America’s downward spiral. Our decline has been so gradual many of us did not notice -...

Trampling Christ, Christians, and Country: LGBT Troops Steamroll Religious Freedom

It is undeniable the LGBT movement has grown in acceptance, public opinion, influence, and more recently – in boldness throughout the West. Almost simultaneously,...

Normalizing Homosexuality – Blotting Out God in America

Gay rights activists, government schools, Hollywood & liberal media elites deny there is an agenda, but their actions tell a much different story... The following...

Gay Marriage and Media: A Match Made in America

While unelected U.S. Supreme Court Justices debated the issue of same-sex marriage in America on Tuesday, NBC’s Today featured a panel promoting gay marriage....

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