Author, Speaker, Pastor

March, 6, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor

Gay Marriage and Media: A Match Made in America

God made them male and female

While unelected U.S. Supreme Court Justices debated the issue of same-sex marriage in America on Tuesday, NBC’s Today featured a panel promoting gay marriage. Co-host Matt Lauer parroted a controversial ABC/Washington Post poll that supposedly shows a majority of Americans now support same-sex marriage. Carson Daly (The Voice) chimed in saying, “There is a new normal out there. We gotta move on.”

NBC’s Nancy Snyderman even went so far as to say same-sex marriage will be accepted by all people “once it’s institutionalized” and even compared gay marriage activists to the civil rights movement! (Juan Williams did the same thing Tuesday night on Fox News while debating ACLJ’s Jay Sekulow.) Attorney Star Jones also chimed in and compared gay marriage to interracial marriage.

On National Public Radio’s (NPR) Morning Edition, Carrie Johnson had four liberal and/or homosexual activists as guests and not one conservative or Christian view represented. NPR gladly receives our tax dollars and has a history of left-wing and anti-Christian bias, especially when it comes to the same-sex “marriage” issue. It should be called National Progressive Radio.

But this isn’t new and NBC is not alone. The point is that today’s entertainers in the mainstream media, formerly known as “journalists,” used to care at least at least little about what the people thought.

On ABC’s Good Morning America, Terry Moran reported from outside the Supreme Court: “this issue is changing in the American mind so fast…” The show featured four voices in support of the high court affirming gay marriage and just one against. ABC’s Josh Elliot spoke at a Gay and Lesbian Alliance Defamation (GLAAD) dinner and declared, “I’m proud to work at a place that believes in advocacy journalism!”

It has been proven the media are generally opposed to the Bible and generally favor laws to redefine marriage. Three out of four ‘journalists’ believe homosexuality is acceptable and no different a lifestyle than heterosexuality.

The same media that resisted George W. Bush’s stances on social issues has gladly kept in step with the Obama White House’s marching orders to bring about progressive social change to America. Shortly after being elected president, Barack Obama gave a speech to the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the largest les­bian, gay, bisexual transgender (LGBT) advocacy group and political lobbying organization in the United States. He told the audience they will “see a time in which we as a nation finally recognize relationships between two men or two women as just as real and admi­rable as relationships between a man and a woman.”

When it came time to make a 2012 campaign statement, non-practicing Catholic Joe Biden happily endorsed same-sex marriage and homosexuality. The party of abortion, big government, and irresponsible spending openly added same-sex marriage to its platform and the mainstream media has gleefully followed suit.

Not many of us can forget the vitriol of those who oppose traditional marriage and Christian values when Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy was attacked for his beliefs and free speech. Cathy simply said marriage should be between one man and one woman and that he chooses to operate his company with Christian values. Network news and the cable shows provided a platform for homosexual activists, Hollywood liberals, and plenty of progressive Democrats to rail against Dan Cathy and others who supported biblical values.

Remember the result? Chick-Fil-A enjoyed record sales last August when millions of people across the country responded by eating at their restaurants. Just because activists have the loudest voices doesn’t mean they’re right. Though liberals have the megaphone of the media, they are a malignant minority.

Most Americans oppose redefining marriage, and according to the 2010 census, same-sex couples comprise less than one-half of 1 percent of the population. Faith, family, and marriage are foundational to this Republic under God.

Marriage is a religious civil liberty. The Constitution does not support or invite government to define the precious covenant of marriage. Instead of blaming the media and government for their hostility toward Christianity, we must pray for their souls before it’s too late. They need to be saved by the very God they’re opposing. We cannot expect unbelievers to act differently – they don’t submit to the same moral authority or code by which we strive to live.

In a Red State article this week, Dana Loesch wrote:

Tolerance is demanded of Christians but in this pluralistic society, little, if any, tolerance is afforded to Christian beliefs. Christians aren’t the antagonists here, but they do seem to have fewer rights than those engaging in lawfare to bring about forced acceptance.

In the article, Loesch gave many examples where homosexual activists and those pushing the gay agenda sued Christians, conservatives, and others who disagreed with their lifestyle. Victims of intolerance and law suits include:

A Christian woman, owner of a bed and breakfast in Hawaii for not allowing a gay couple to rent a room

A Kentucky company that politely declined printing t-shirts for a gay and lesbian organization

A Methodist church in NJ that didn’t want its building used for same-sex weddings

Christian photographers in New Mexico who turned down a client because it was a same-sex wedding

Christian bed and breakfast owners in PA for not hosting a same sex civil union ceremony

Earlier this year, due to the uproar of activists on the left over a past sermon on homosexuality, the Obama administration forced Christian pastor Louie Giglio to resign from speaking at the inauguration ceremony.

While the media cheers, God is being blotted out of America and discrimination against Christians will increase. Threats will continue against churches, Christian businesses, schools, and private individuals. God is not surprised by these attacks, but the bottom line is they will eventually refuse to coexist with us because they cannot allow Christians to preach the gospel and quote the Bible.

Truth is hate to those who hate the truth.

The broadcast outlets also ignored the March for Marriage event this week, choosing not to cover a march of thousands of people on the Supreme Court.

The primary objectives of the Left are to eradicate Christianity in America and, in an effort to remove the Bible’s influence, take down the church. The good news is more people are paying attention, distrust of the media is at an all-time high, and approximately 92% of Americans use multiple platforms to get their news.

Jesus said that we’d be hated because of Him and that those who endure will be saved. (Matthew 10:22) God’s forgiveness through Christ is available to everyone, including those that hate Him. All we can do is keep seeking, speaking, and standing for the truth. God is slow to anger and gracious, but His patience won’t last forever.

To get caught up on the first four parts of this Media Bias series, click here:



More From David

Gay Marriage and Media: A Match Made in America


God made them male and female

While unelected U.S. Supreme Court Justices debated the issue of same-sex marriage in America on Tuesday, NBC’s Today featured a panel promoting gay marriage. Co-host Matt Lauer parroted a controversial ABC/Washington Post poll that supposedly shows a majority of Americans now support same-sex marriage. Carson Daly (The Voice) chimed in saying, “There is a new normal out there. We gotta move on.”

NBC’s Nancy Snyderman even went so far as to say same-sex marriage will be accepted by all people “once it’s institutionalized” and even compared gay marriage activists to the civil rights movement! (Juan Williams did the same thing Tuesday night on Fox News while debating ACLJ’s Jay Sekulow.) Attorney Star Jones also chimed in and compared gay marriage to interracial marriage.

On National Public Radio’s (NPR) Morning Edition, Carrie Johnson had four liberal and/or homosexual activists as guests and not one conservative or Christian view represented. NPR gladly receives our tax dollars and has a history of left-wing and anti-Christian bias, especially when it comes to the same-sex “marriage” issue. It should be called National Progressive Radio.

But this isn’t new and NBC is not alone. The point is that today’s entertainers in the mainstream media, formerly known as “journalists,” used to care at least at least little about what the people thought.

On ABC’s Good Morning America, Terry Moran reported from outside the Supreme Court: “this issue is changing in the American mind so fast…” The show featured four voices in support of the high court affirming gay marriage and just one against. ABC’s Josh Elliot spoke at a Gay and Lesbian Alliance Defamation (GLAAD) dinner and declared, “I’m proud to work at a place that believes in advocacy journalism!”

It has been proven the media are generally opposed to the Bible and generally favor laws to redefine marriage. Three out of four ‘journalists’ believe homosexuality is acceptable and no different a lifestyle than heterosexuality.

The same media that resisted George W. Bush’s stances on social issues has gladly kept in step with the Obama White House’s marching orders to bring about progressive social change to America. Shortly after being elected president, Barack Obama gave a speech to the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the largest les­bian, gay, bisexual transgender (LGBT) advocacy group and political lobbying organization in the United States. He told the audience they will “see a time in which we as a nation finally recognize relationships between two men or two women as just as real and admi­rable as relationships between a man and a woman.”

When it came time to make a 2012 campaign statement, non-practicing Catholic Joe Biden happily endorsed same-sex marriage and homosexuality. The party of abortion, big government, and irresponsible spending openly added same-sex marriage to its platform and the mainstream media has gleefully followed suit.

Not many of us can forget the vitriol of those who oppose traditional marriage and Christian values when Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy was attacked for his beliefs and free speech. Cathy simply said marriage should be between one man and one woman and that he chooses to operate his company with Christian values. Network news and the cable shows provided a platform for homosexual activists, Hollywood liberals, and plenty of progressive Democrats to rail against Dan Cathy and others who supported biblical values.

Remember the result? Chick-Fil-A enjoyed record sales last August when millions of people across the country responded by eating at their restaurants. Just because activists have the loudest voices doesn’t mean they’re right. Though liberals have the megaphone of the media, they are a malignant minority.

Most Americans oppose redefining marriage, and according to the 2010 census, same-sex couples comprise less than one-half of 1 percent of the population. Faith, family, and marriage are foundational to this Republic under God.

Marriage is a religious civil liberty. The Constitution does not support or invite government to define the precious covenant of marriage. Instead of blaming the media and government for their hostility toward Christianity, we must pray for their souls before it’s too late. They need to be saved by the very God they’re opposing. We cannot expect unbelievers to act differently – they don’t submit to the same moral authority or code by which we strive to live.

In a Red State article this week, Dana Loesch wrote:

Tolerance is demanded of Christians but in this pluralistic society, little, if any, tolerance is afforded to Christian beliefs. Christians aren’t the antagonists here, but they do seem to have fewer rights than those engaging in lawfare to bring about forced acceptance.

In the article, Loesch gave many examples where homosexual activists and those pushing the gay agenda sued Christians, conservatives, and others who disagreed with their lifestyle. Victims of intolerance and law suits include:

A Christian woman, owner of a bed and breakfast in Hawaii for not allowing a gay couple to rent a room

A Kentucky company that politely declined printing t-shirts for a gay and lesbian organization

A Methodist church in NJ that didn’t want its building used for same-sex weddings

Christian photographers in New Mexico who turned down a client because it was a same-sex wedding

Christian bed and breakfast owners in PA for not hosting a same sex civil union ceremony

Earlier this year, due to the uproar of activists on the left over a past sermon on homosexuality, the Obama administration forced Christian pastor Louie Giglio to resign from speaking at the inauguration ceremony.

While the media cheers, God is being blotted out of America and discrimination against Christians will increase. Threats will continue against churches, Christian businesses, schools, and private individuals. God is not surprised by these attacks, but the bottom line is they will eventually refuse to coexist with us because they cannot allow Christians to preach the gospel and quote the Bible.

Truth is hate to those who hate the truth.

The broadcast outlets also ignored the March for Marriage event this week, choosing not to cover a march of thousands of people on the Supreme Court.

The primary objectives of the Left are to eradicate Christianity in America and, in an effort to remove the Bible’s influence, take down the church. The good news is more people are paying attention, distrust of the media is at an all-time high, and approximately 92% of Americans use multiple platforms to get their news.

Jesus said that we’d be hated because of Him and that those who endure will be saved. (Matthew 10:22) God’s forgiveness through Christ is available to everyone, including those that hate Him. All we can do is keep seeking, speaking, and standing for the truth. God is slow to anger and gracious, but His patience won’t last forever.

To get caught up on the first four parts of this Media Bias series, click here:


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