Author, Speaker, Pastor

February, 5, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor

Gender Identity

Advancing World System Forcefully Opposing Biblical Worldview, Christians

Writer of “Amazing Grace,” John Newton once said, “If I might read only one book beside the Bible, I would choose The Christian in Complete...

Is the AntiChrist LGBTQ Revolution Irreversible?

If we love our neighbors, we will care enough to tell the truth and confront evil – even if it’s the unpopular thing to do in this cultural moment. Believers in Christ must expose today’s deceptive philosophies, have compassion, and warn others as we connect the dots of demonic agendas aimed at children.

Most Americans Distrust the Liberal Media and Support Israel

Ye of little faith – in the progressive media, that is. A new Gallup poll reveals the distrust most Americans have in major media...

Demonic Agendas are being Normalized

It's a tale of three high schools with an all-too familiar story: the assault on truth. In Missouri, a biological male beat out several females...

Progressive Plan to Marxify Schools and Libraries

Last year, the American Library Association elected Emily Drabinski, a self-described Marxist lesbian, president of the ALA. At the recent Socialism 2023 conference in...

Taxpayer-Funded Uterus Transplants and Other High-Risk Operations

In the latest American Medical Association (AMA) Journal of Ethics, authors are not only suggesting uterus transplants to help transgender women (aka men)...

Boycott: Target Targets Children, Recruits for Pride Cult

Target has had annual pride collections since 2012. They changed their bathroom policies to accommodate transgender individuals and ignored the safety of young women...

Disney Doubles Down: After Its Worst Year Since 1974, Will Host ‘Pride Nite’

Disney Doubles Down. On two major animated films featuring LGBTQ elements, Lightyear and Strange World, the woke Walt Disney has lost over $300 million...

A New Extreme: Biden Calls Protecting Children from Trans Surgeries ‘Sinful’

Once again using religious language and once again calling evil good, Joe Biden recently suggested that those who want to protect children from transgender...

It’s Not About A Cake! Unrelenting LGBT Win Legal Battle Against Jack Phillips

BREAKING: LGBT activists just won a legal battle in the case against Colorado business owner and baker, Jack Phillips. They often preach tolerance, but are...

Mainstreaming Drag and ‘Queering’ America

A lot can happen in fifty years. The drag queen phenomena - nowhere on people's radar - has now become mainstream.  How did we...

Every 24-Hours A Teacher is Arrested for Child Sex Crimes

In an alarming and disturbing story you won’t hear reported by most media outlets in the U.S., hundreds of public school teachers have been...

Delusion: Pregnant Men, Preferred Pronouns, and Pride Month

This godless rebellion against Truth and sexual revolution will not stop - unless many more American citizens take a stand for truth. And even...

Out of Order: Supremely Demonic Democrat Agendas

Think about this: the same people who kept telling us to “trust the science” over the last few years cannot even define what a...

Bible on Trial: Speaking Truth, Scripture Now Hate Speech?

Another male athlete competing against young women is annihilating the competition. Olympic gold medalist and swimming champion, Michael Phelps weighed in saying everyone should...

Next Stage of Rebellion: Normalizing Pedophilia

There is nothing new under the sun. A college professor in Virginia is openly suggesting pedophilia is natural and should not be considered wrong....

When a Man Wins a Women’s Beauty Pageant

They’re calling it “a historic moment in beauty pageants.” Hollywood, the media, and the left celebrated the victory when Sunday, a biological male was...

Progressive Pride Propaganda Forcing Compromise of Churches, Culture

We must be in the month of June. How can you tell? LGBTQ flags and rainbow reminders are everywhere as part of the propaganda...

Democrats Target Pastor Who Defended Christian Teacher’s Views on Gender

Alliance Defending Freedom sent a letter to Loudoun County Public Schools last week on behalf of an elementary school teacher who was placed on...

God’s Will No Concern to Congress?

Democrat Leaders Cancel God from Congress. That’s the headline. It's no surprise the left continues to blot out God in America, but notice that...

Advancing World System Forcefully Opposing Biblical Worldview, Christians

Writer of “Amazing Grace,” John Newton once said, “If I might read only one book beside the Bible, I would choose The Christian in Complete...

Is the AntiChrist LGBTQ Revolution Irreversible?

If we love our neighbors, we will care enough to tell the truth and confront evil – even if it’s the unpopular thing to do in this cultural moment. Believers in Christ must expose today’s deceptive philosophies, have compassion, and warn others as we connect the dots of demonic agendas aimed at children.

Most Americans Distrust the Liberal Media and Support Israel

Ye of little faith – in the progressive media, that is. A new Gallup poll reveals the distrust most Americans have in major media...

Demonic Agendas are being Normalized

It's a tale of three high schools with an all-too familiar story: the assault on truth. In Missouri, a biological male beat out several females...

Progressive Plan to Marxify Schools and Libraries

Last year, the American Library Association elected Emily Drabinski, a self-described Marxist lesbian, president of the ALA. At the recent Socialism 2023 conference in...

Taxpayer-Funded Uterus Transplants and Other High-Risk Operations

In the latest American Medical Association (AMA) Journal of Ethics, authors are not only suggesting uterus transplants to help transgender women (aka men)...

Boycott: Target Targets Children, Recruits for Pride Cult

Target has had annual pride collections since 2012. They changed their bathroom policies to accommodate transgender individuals and ignored the safety of young women...

Disney Doubles Down: After Its Worst Year Since 1974, Will Host ‘Pride Nite’

Disney Doubles Down. On two major animated films featuring LGBTQ elements, Lightyear and Strange World, the woke Walt Disney has lost over $300 million...

A New Extreme: Biden Calls Protecting Children from Trans Surgeries ‘Sinful’

Once again using religious language and once again calling evil good, Joe Biden recently suggested that those who want to protect children from transgender...

It’s Not About A Cake! Unrelenting LGBT Win Legal Battle Against Jack Phillips

BREAKING: LGBT activists just won a legal battle in the case against Colorado business owner and baker, Jack Phillips. They often preach tolerance, but are...

Mainstreaming Drag and ‘Queering’ America

A lot can happen in fifty years. The drag queen phenomena - nowhere on people's radar - has now become mainstream.  How did we...

Every 24-Hours A Teacher is Arrested for Child Sex Crimes

In an alarming and disturbing story you won’t hear reported by most media outlets in the U.S., hundreds of public school teachers have been...

Delusion: Pregnant Men, Preferred Pronouns, and Pride Month

This godless rebellion against Truth and sexual revolution will not stop - unless many more American citizens take a stand for truth. And even...

Out of Order: Supremely Demonic Democrat Agendas

Think about this: the same people who kept telling us to “trust the science” over the last few years cannot even define what a...

Bible on Trial: Speaking Truth, Scripture Now Hate Speech?

Another male athlete competing against young women is annihilating the competition. Olympic gold medalist and swimming champion, Michael Phelps weighed in saying everyone should...

Next Stage of Rebellion: Normalizing Pedophilia

There is nothing new under the sun. A college professor in Virginia is openly suggesting pedophilia is natural and should not be considered wrong....

When a Man Wins a Women’s Beauty Pageant

They’re calling it “a historic moment in beauty pageants.” Hollywood, the media, and the left celebrated the victory when Sunday, a biological male was...

Progressive Pride Propaganda Forcing Compromise of Churches, Culture

We must be in the month of June. How can you tell? LGBTQ flags and rainbow reminders are everywhere as part of the propaganda...

Democrats Target Pastor Who Defended Christian Teacher’s Views on Gender

Alliance Defending Freedom sent a letter to Loudoun County Public Schools last week on behalf of an elementary school teacher who was placed on...

God’s Will No Concern to Congress?

Democrat Leaders Cancel God from Congress. That’s the headline. It's no surprise the left continues to blot out God in America, but notice that...

AOC, HGTV Threesome, and LGBT: Normalizing Godlessness

What do AOC, VH1, Marvel, HGTV, and the LGBT have in common? The normalization of immorality including drag queens, gays kissing, and a “throuple”...

No Opting Out of LGBT History Instruction?

Public schools in three states so far have decided to teach elementary school children LGBT history in multiple subjects. It began in California last...

Corporations Push Pride, Ignore ‘Former’ LGBTQ People

One week before what some celebrate as Gay Pride month, hundreds of former LGBTQ people attended the Freedom March in Washington D.C. Yes, you...

Anti-Christian Bias, Unequal Outcomes in ‘Equality Act’

The Left may be godless, but they’re not stupid. Their deceptive and shrewd use of strategic words has helped them change public opinion, gain...

Transanity: Three Terrible Trans-Actions

Culture is shifting left, change is happening, and morality is declining at such a rapid pace in American culture, a culture in which moral...

Canada Forces Christians into the Closet

Between its progressive history, Canada’s Supreme Court, and far left leader, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, our northern neighbors are gradually forcing Christians into the...

Rolling Out the ‘T’ – and it’s not Tolerance

Many people think the transgender movement has been more of a recent development in America, but it goes back to 1952 when the first...

Introduction to ‘Redefining Truth’ book excerpt

Redefining Truth: Delusions of Replacing God and Calling Evil Good, by David Fiorazo, full introduction! Truth has never been so assaulted, avoided, denied, downplayed, hated,...

Taxpayers to Fund Trans Surgeries, Pelosi Progressives Relieved

Last week she was furious. How could the GOP take taxpayer money from the noble cause of gender identity politics and allow the people...

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