Author, Speaker, Pastor

July, 26, 2024

Author, Speaker, Pastor


Dorothy Logan: The American Fabric Unraveled, Now What?

Author, Dorothy Logan joins David to discuss the decline of America and our forgotten history, as well as what concerned citizens must do at...

Kevin Sorbo: The Tide Is Turning & More People Are Waking Up

David catches up with Kevin Sorbo and discuss the conservative movement, cancel culture, politics, homeschooling, visiting Israel, children's books, as well as Kevin's upcoming...

INFILTRATION – Understanding Our Times with guest, David Fiorazo (Part 1)

Many evil forces have infiltrated the world and the church in America in the last 100 years, forming a demonic agenda. Ken Mikle, Josh...

Dr. Jake Jacobs: What On Earth Happened To College Campuses?

Dr. Jake Jacobs talks about how the left has been infiltrating the colleges, churches, culture, and curriculum for the past century to shift the...

JB Hixson: Headlines Prove Increasing Cultural Chaos in US

J.B. Hixson is the Founder and President of Not By Works Ministries. He and David explore key current events happening around the U.S.

Ken Mikle: Divide Citizens, Orchestrate Chaos, Overwhelm Systems

Former detective, Ken Mikle is a representative for Olive Tree Ministries and travels to churches hosting "Understanding Our Times" seminars. He and David discuss...

Paul Blair: Liberty Pastors, Christian Visibility On Election Day

Pastor and former NFL player Paul Blair discusses discipleship and calls for people to help get their pastors engaged & informed. Liberty Pastors is...

Adam Rasmussen: Biblical Illiteracy Leads to a Fragmented Nation

Dr. Adam Rasmussen of the Cultural Research Center and Arizona Christian University elaborates the on the results of a recent study of the anemic,...

Is the Anti-Christ LGBTQ Revolution Irreversible?

They don't call it programming for nothing! We must warn others and connect the dots of demonic agendas aimed at children. In a new...

John Loeffler: Collapsing Progressive Narratives On Climate, Gaza, Immigration

John Loeffler has been a broadcast journalist for decades. Today’s topics include media deception, and collapsing progressive narratives on Israel, Gaza, immigration, and climate...

Brandon Holthaus: The Demonic, Intentional Destruction Of America

Brandon Holthaus, pastor at Rock Harbor Church in California joins David to discuss the circus antics of modern churches, his recent trip to Australia,...

Erin Lee: Sixth Grade Daughter Recruited By After School Sex Club

Erin Lee is a parent's rights advocate dedicating her life to raising awareness about the demonic push for LGBTQ+ lifestyles on children through government...

John Haller: AI, Disinformation, And The Global Tyranny Of Power Elites

John Haller comments on more pro-life Christians arrested and tried, future of AI, world government, Prince Charles and environmental globalists, and big tech’s massive...

Trevor Loudon: ‘Enemies Within’ Destroying America on Purpose

Trevor Loudon joins David on Worldview Matters to discuss Marx madness, globalism, enemies of America, and his newest release, 'House Un-Americans' part 3.

Sam Sorbo: Speak Truth, Combat The Toxic Liberal Left

Sam Sorbo is an actress, writer, producer, author, homeschool advocate, and wife of Kevin Sorbo. She joins David to urge parents to teach and...

Mark & Amber Archer: ‘Dysphoria’ – Transhumanism And Other Delusions

Filmmakers Mark & Amber Archer of 'Fearless Features' speak about their latest, DYSPHORIA, including LGBT, sexuality, parents rights being trampled and children being accessed...

Paul Blair: Faith, Football, And The Battle For America

Pastor Paul Blair (Fairview Baptist Church, Edmond, OK) was a former offensive lineman in the NFL and now teaches and equips Christian pastors on...

John Cooper: Wimpy, Weak, And Woke; Truth vs Destruction

John L. Cooper, author and founder of the Christian rock band Skillet joins David on Worldview Matters to talk about his newest book 'Wimpy,...

JB Hixson talks with David about The Intensifying ‘Assault on the Image of God’

Dr. JB Hixson interviews David Fiorazo on the Not By Works podcast. Topics include biblical worldview, American Church, persecution, spiritual warfare, prophecy, and more!...

Most Americans Distrust the Liberal Media and Support Israel

Ye of little faith – in the progressive media, that is. A new Gallup poll reveals the distrust most Americans have in major media...

Dorothy Logan: The American Fabric Unraveled, Now What?

Author, Dorothy Logan joins David to discuss the decline of America and our forgotten history, as well as what concerned citizens must do at...

Kevin Sorbo: The Tide Is Turning & More People Are Waking Up

David catches up with Kevin Sorbo and discuss the conservative movement, cancel culture, politics, homeschooling, visiting Israel, children's books, as well as Kevin's upcoming...

INFILTRATION – Understanding Our Times with guest, David Fiorazo (Part 1)

Many evil forces have infiltrated the world and the church in America in the last 100 years, forming a demonic agenda. Ken Mikle, Josh...

Dr. Jake Jacobs: What On Earth Happened To College Campuses?

Dr. Jake Jacobs talks about how the left has been infiltrating the colleges, churches, culture, and curriculum for the past century to shift the...

JB Hixson: Headlines Prove Increasing Cultural Chaos in US

J.B. Hixson is the Founder and President of Not By Works Ministries. He and David explore key current events happening around the U.S.

Ken Mikle: Divide Citizens, Orchestrate Chaos, Overwhelm Systems

Former detective, Ken Mikle is a representative for Olive Tree Ministries and travels to churches hosting "Understanding Our Times" seminars. He and David discuss...

Paul Blair: Liberty Pastors, Christian Visibility On Election Day

Pastor and former NFL player Paul Blair discusses discipleship and calls for people to help get their pastors engaged & informed. Liberty Pastors is...

Adam Rasmussen: Biblical Illiteracy Leads to a Fragmented Nation

Dr. Adam Rasmussen of the Cultural Research Center and Arizona Christian University elaborates the on the results of a recent study of the anemic,...

Is the Anti-Christ LGBTQ Revolution Irreversible?

They don't call it programming for nothing! We must warn others and connect the dots of demonic agendas aimed at children. In a new...

John Loeffler: Collapsing Progressive Narratives On Climate, Gaza, Immigration

John Loeffler has been a broadcast journalist for decades. Today’s topics include media deception, and collapsing progressive narratives on Israel, Gaza, immigration, and climate...

Brandon Holthaus: The Demonic, Intentional Destruction Of America

Brandon Holthaus, pastor at Rock Harbor Church in California joins David to discuss the circus antics of modern churches, his recent trip to Australia,...

Erin Lee: Sixth Grade Daughter Recruited By After School Sex Club

Erin Lee is a parent's rights advocate dedicating her life to raising awareness about the demonic push for LGBTQ+ lifestyles on children through government...

John Haller: AI, Disinformation, And The Global Tyranny Of Power Elites

John Haller comments on more pro-life Christians arrested and tried, future of AI, world government, Prince Charles and environmental globalists, and big tech’s massive...

Trevor Loudon: ‘Enemies Within’ Destroying America on Purpose

Trevor Loudon joins David on Worldview Matters to discuss Marx madness, globalism, enemies of America, and his newest release, 'House Un-Americans' part 3.

Sam Sorbo: Speak Truth, Combat The Toxic Liberal Left

Sam Sorbo is an actress, writer, producer, author, homeschool advocate, and wife of Kevin Sorbo. She joins David to urge parents to teach and...

Mark & Amber Archer: ‘Dysphoria’ – Transhumanism And Other Delusions

Filmmakers Mark & Amber Archer of 'Fearless Features' speak about their latest, DYSPHORIA, including LGBT, sexuality, parents rights being trampled and children being accessed...

Paul Blair: Faith, Football, And The Battle For America

Pastor Paul Blair (Fairview Baptist Church, Edmond, OK) was a former offensive lineman in the NFL and now teaches and equips Christian pastors on...

John Cooper: Wimpy, Weak, And Woke; Truth vs Destruction

John L. Cooper, author and founder of the Christian rock band Skillet joins David on Worldview Matters to talk about his newest book 'Wimpy,...

JB Hixson talks with David about The Intensifying ‘Assault on the Image of God’

Dr. JB Hixson interviews David Fiorazo on the Not By Works podcast. Topics include biblical worldview, American Church, persecution, spiritual warfare, prophecy, and more!...

Most Americans Distrust the Liberal Media and Support Israel

Ye of little faith – in the progressive media, that is. A new Gallup poll reveals the distrust most Americans have in major media...

They Hate the Cross They Don’t Believe In

Why tear down Christian symbols if, as they claim, the Bible isn’t true? Why fight to remove crosses from coast to coast as if...

Mocker Be Thy Name: Biden Preaches to the Leftist Choir

Politician and radical “Reverend,” Raphael Warnock, invited fellow Democrat socialist, Joe Biden to fill the pulpit and speak the Sunday before Martin Luther King...

Gaslighting & the ‘Gas Stove’ Strategy: Start With Outrageous, Progress on the Ridiculous

As you may know, Democrat darling, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has become notorious for modeling hypocrisy. She recently took to Twitter to suggest people ditch their...

Russia Laughing at America’s Weakness & Wokeness

As the world laughs at us, Americans are divided in our reactions to last week’s prisoner swap between Russia and the United States. The...

Canceling Christianity in the U.S., Not Jesus Christ! Interview Q&A

The following is an edited transcript from several interviews with author, David Fiorazo about his best-selling latest book, Canceling Christianity: How The Left Silences...

Perpetual Conflict and Destabilization: The Issue is Never the Issue

We are at war. But in a traditional or typical war, enemies are easily identified, battle lines drawn, demands are made known, and opposing...

Democrat Media: Evil is Called Good, Violence is ‘Peaceful’

In Oakland, California, the mob burned the courthouse, vandalized a police station, shot fireworks at officers, and also hurled rocks, wood, and bottles at...

How Should Christians Respond to Injustice, BLM, Lawlessness?

How should Christians respond to all that’s happening in our country today? Does the Bible have anything to say about race, redemption, social justice,...

Kavanaugh Confirmation A Huge Impact on Religious Liberty

The war over human life in mother's wombs has just intensified. Abortion is a Sacrament to the Democrat Party and as we have seen,...

Sanitized Socialism & Communist Goals

You who practice deceit, your tongue plots destruction; it is like a sharpened razor. You love evil rather than good, falsehood rather than speaking the truth....

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