Author, Speaker, Pastor

March, 28, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor

Canceling Christianity

Canceling Christianity

How the Left Silences Churches, Dismantles the Constitution, and Divides Our Culture

Canceling Christianity is about the battle for the heart of America between two contrasting worldviews finding it harder to coexist in a constitutional republic. It highlights realities believers face, the spiritual conflict we find ourselves in, and stresses the importance of the salt and light of Christianity to the survival of the nation.

Canceling Christianity

Canceling Christianity

How the Left Silences Churches, Dismantles the Constitution, and Divides Our Culture

Canceling Christianity is about the battle for the heart of America between two contrasting worldviews finding it harder to coexist in a constitutional republic. It highlights realities believers face, the spiritual conflict we find ourselves in, and stresses the importance of the salt and light of Christianity to the survival of the nation.


Forces of darkness, both human and demonic, are behind cancel culture and the agendas to eradicate God as well as His followers from the public square. The left envisions a much different America. Having hijacked major institutions, they claim unity, but now demand submission.

Canceling Christianity is a sobering look at the decline of America due in part to the church conforming to this world. Addressed here are lukewarm or “progressive” churches, politics, COVID-19, Black Lives Matter, cultural Marxism, religious freedom, and globalism. These are the last days for true believers to preserve America and stand for righteousness and truth.

316 Pages — Published May 7th 2021 — Paperback
Canceling Christianity Book Trailer


Forces of darkness, both human and demonic, are behind cancel culture and the agendas to eradicate God as well as His followers from the public square. The left envisions a much different America. Having hijacked major institutions, they claim unity, but now demand submission.

Canceling Christianity is a sobering look at the decline of America due in part to the church conforming to this world. Addressed here are lukewarm or “progressive” churches, politics, COVID-19, Black Lives Matter, cultural Marxism, religious freedom, and globalism. These are the last days for true believers to preserve America and stand for righteousness and truth.

316 Pages — Published May 7th 2021 — Paperback
Canceling Christianity Book Trailer


“America is now descending into one of its most difficult hours since the Civil War. Americans sense out of control forces are now enveloping our culture. David Fiorazo now helps people understand the culture war with the release of his new book “Canceling Christianity.” This book is required reading if you want to understand the difficult times that we are now living in as Americans, and what can be done to right the ship.” – Dr. Andy Woods, Pastor Sugar Land Bible Church, President Chafer Theological Seminary

“Men inspired by God made America great. Yet we have grown complacent and now even shun the Biblical principles that made us One Nation, Under God. Fiorazo not only outlines the present spiraling crisis clearly, he gives us a blueprint for fighting back that all true Christians should learn, pray over, and act on.” – Pastor Steve Smothermon, Legacy Church, Albuquerque

“With the culture and some churches disintegrating before our eyes, we need ‘watchmen on the wall’ sounding the alarm. I have found David Fiorazo’s insights the very best at that. If we don’t push back against the radical left, very soon our country will be unrecognizable.” – Jan Markellfounder, Olive Tree Ministries, Understanding the Times radio

David Fiorazo is well-informed about the state of this nation and the state of Christianity in America. He deftly lays out the current situation, but he doesn’t just point at the darkness. David provides biblical solutions. Christians must realize they no longer have the convenience of being indifferent to civil government matters. They must engage those who possess civil authority with the truth of God’s Word – and this book will strengthen Christian men to do so. – Pastor Matt Trewhella, Mercy Seat Christian Church, founder of Missionaries to the Preborn

For years, I have been speaking to audiences about the critical need for God’s people to “get off the bench” and engage in the battlefield that is culture, but for generations, we have quietly allowed the cancel culture to strip us of our Judeo-Christian roots. A terrible price is being paid for our silence. In his newest book, author David Fiorazo offers an honest assessment of why we must engage the culture and how to begin moving from silence to strength in the battle for the hearts and minds of the next generation. If you’re ready to walk boldly and bear fruit for the Kingdom, be encouraged! This book is for you! – Heidi St. Johnauthor, speaker, podcaster, Mom Strong International

Canceling Christianity is a must read for every person who loves God and appreciates the freedoms He gave us in America – freedoms which are being stripped away… David Fiorazo has done a masterful job of articulating the nature of the battle we are in. His analysis is straightforward, truthful, and Christ honoring. This book is a call to action and a warning to Christians of what will soon happen if we don’t wake up, turn to God, and stand for His purposes.  – Gary H. Kah, Former Europe & Mideast Trade Specialist, Author of The New World Religion

“The release of Canceling Christianity could not be timelier. David Fiorazo reveals how a free and religious people have now come under demonically driven assault. He drives home the importance of actively being the salt and light in a decaying culture, thus reclaiming the mission of the true biblical church. As he writes, this truly is an “epic battle for the nation’s soul.” You. Need. This. Book.  – Pastor Carl Gallups, Hickory Hammock Baptist Church, Amazon best-selling author

The cancel culture mob is not coming, it’s here, along with “wokeism” and a full-frontal assault on traditional values. My inbox is filled with examples from all aspects of society. In Canceling Christianity, David Fiorazo addresses these issues and gives some practical, biblical advice as to how the Church can engage the cancel culture mob in an effort to win souls and protect the flock from this assault. I would highly recommend that you read Canceling Christianity.  – Pastor John HallerFellowship Bible Chapel, prophecy expert

“David Fiorazo’s work brilliantly exposes the soft totalitarianism permeating the Leftist woke-worldview, part of the cultural and political war to destroy our Republic under God. Cancel Christianity is a must-read analysis that not only critiques the madness of the Left but gives us practical advice and hope in the battle ahead.” – Dr Jake Jacobsauthor, speaker, teacher

Canceling Christianity Book Trailer

Table Of Contents

  1. Epic Battle For A Nation’s Soul
  2. The Second Biggest Lie In America
  3. The Historic Impact Of Christianity
  4. Did The Church Pass The Covid Test? (Romans 13)
  5. Great Godless Globalist Reset
  6. It Only Takes One Generation (Judges 2)
  7. Lives That Matter To God (Blm & Marx Madness)
  8. If You Can Kill Babies, Youre Capable Of Anything
  9. The Divided Church And State Of America
  10. Anti-christian: Unamerican “education”
  11. Beyond Bias: One-party Media/big Tech Conglomerate
  12. Sanitized Socialism Leads To Communist Policy
  13. Kamala Harris Redefnines Radical
  14. Values Voting: Policies, Platforms & Procedures
  15. Working For God, Ready For Battle (Nehemiah 4)