Author, Speaker, Pastor

March, 28, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor

David Fiorazo is an author, ordained pastor, media contributor, and podcaster.

David has been involved in Christian ministry and broadcasting for over thirty years. David is a truth proclaimer and culture observer, he loves the Word of God, and strives to defend biblical truth. Since being saved and giving his life to Jesus Christ, he has attended various churches in CA and WI including Calvary Chapels and non-denominational Christian churches, served as an elder, prayer-team, taught Bible Studies, and preached as needed.

David grew up in the small town of Kingsford in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, toured the United States as a drummer in Christian bands in the 1980’s, moved to California, worked in radio, managed restaurants, and trained/worked professionally as an actor in Hollywood and Los Angeles. He was in commercials and various television shows including small roles on General Hospital, The Young and the Restless, and Golden Girls. David starred in a 2003 independent film, but soon decided to pursue Christian ministry and writing.

DF: “I wasted many years on selfish pursuits and was a lukewarm christian which is why I’m concerned the church today is in desperate need of awakening and revival. We must also reach a dark, hopeless world and can no longer remain silent or neutral. I am passionate about truth, and america would be a much better place if believers actually lived what we profess to believe. No more conforming to this world. Join me in standing for biblical truth, impacting our communities for his kingdom and the gospel, and living counter-culture for christ.”

In his travels across the country, David became concerned about fading family values in America and growing complacency among Christians. He observed Christians conforming to the world and hostility toward Jesus Christ increase in every aspect of our culture. Because of his love for the Lord, for old-school journalism, and his knowledge of the ongoing secular efforts to erase Christ from culture, David was compelled to get out of his comfort zone and take action by writing, speaking, and encouraging the remnant of true believers. He has authored four books.

David is a former pastor; he is a contributor to Freedom Project Media, Harbingers Daily, and is the former host of Stand Up for the Truth podcast. David has filled many pulpits, spoken to church groups, political groups, at conferences, youth camps, and men’s groups. He is available on occasion to share from God’s Word and is open to speaking opportunities. He and his wife, former worship leader, Rosanna, live in WI.