Author, Speaker, Pastor

March, 11, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor

We Need A Little Christmas Right Now!

Let’s bring back a song form the 1960s called “We Need A Little Christmas.” If you’re having a tough time getting into the Christmas spirit this year, welcome to the club! The song had nothing to do with Christmas, but the fact that when times are hard, people need something to look forward to. The meaningful, old traditions of the holiday often do the trick.

For some, the hectic season of Christmas can be a welcomed distraction. Not that Jesus is a distraction, but we sure could use the Light of the world in 2020. With concerns about our future, the corona-virus, a struggling economy, record high depression and loneliness, political gridlock, a divided nation, and a disputed presidential election, we need a little Christmas – right this very minute!

If you are healthy and were employed throughout all of 2020, and you are still able to pay your bills on time, you should thank God for your blessings because you are now in the minority. Sometimes to get out of our funk we just need to help someone who is hurting more than we are, so one thing we can do is find someone to encourage.

And don’t just give them empty hope and say something like, ‘hey things will get better, just have faith, just keep stepping, everything’s going to be fine.’ The truth is things may not be fine as this world is heading deeper into disorder and darkness. Immorality is rampant, civil unrest is growing. This too shall pass, but God’s Word stands forever.

Tell people about something lasting such as hope in Jesus Christ, the Word who became flesh, who is also an anchor for your soul. The Apostle John wrote, “In the beginning was the Word … and He, Jesus, was “full of grace and truth.”

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God;  And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us; and we saw His glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1:1-2, 14)

Quick Bible lesson. The Greek term used here for “Word” is logos, from which we get our English term ‘logic.’ The Latin equivalent is ratio (“raw-shee-oh”), which means “the reason of Christ.”

Remember the reason for the season! C.S. Lewis said,

“The Son of God became a man to enable men to become sons of God.”

I don’t care who you are, where you live, and how bad your circumstances are this year. If you just trust Jesus with your heart and life, you will be saved. Confess your sins and believe the truth that He alone is the Way to the Father in heaven!

God’s timing is not ours, but it is perfect because He knows best. The Bible says:

“But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.” Galatians 4:4-5

That’s right, we can call Him, “Father,” because of what Jesus did for us. We are adopted into the family of God! Romans 5:6 states:

“You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless (helpless), Christ died for the ungodly.”

Jesus stepped down from His throne and set aside His crown of gold to temporarily wear a crown of thorns – that we might one day wear the crown of life. Did you know the Christmas wreath is said to represent Jesus’ crown of thorns? And those Christmas lights we put up; it began with candles representing Jesus as the light of the world.

God’s timing is perfect and His ways are far above and beyond our ways! Before the birth of Jesus Christ, mankind was desperate; we were without help and without hope in this world. But God intervened and sent His Son to rescue us from sin and death.

Knowing what Christmas means, that we can have true peace and forgiveness, many of us can use a little Christmas right now!

When I referred to your difficult circumstances earlier, I don’t want to minimize anything you have gone through. You might be experiencing some life-altering, horrific things this year. Maybe you’ve lost a loved one. You’re not alone, and people all around you can relate.

Personally, next to the loss of my Dad and sister when I was younger, these last two years have been the most difficult in my life. Let me just share a few bullet points:

  • Since my surgery a few years ago, we have been in debt due to hospital bills; and when we were close to paying them off…
  • My wife, Rosanna had kidney stones for the third time and needed to have surgery
  • The doctor found cancer in her bladder; thankfully, it didn’t spread and she gets checked every six months
  • Her dad died last year 
  • Our youngest dog had a very rare blood disease and after many vets and thousands of dollars, we had to let her go.
  • Rosanna broke her collarbone in a bike accident, and the pain and therapy lasted well into the fun coronavirus shutdown isolation season
  • Our oldest dog, Jesse, had cancer in his mouth and we had to say goodbye to him as well. Two dogs in less than six months.
  • My schedule has not let up and I’ve been struggling with extended job duties over the last year or so, and I know I cannot keep this up for much longer. We would appreciate your prayers.

Life is tough, and as Christians, we have a very real enemy who wants to bring us down and discourage us. But we also have a very real, even more powerful Savior who wants to draw us closer to Him, and He promises never to leave us. It’s no wonder they call Him, “Immanuel, ‘God with us.”‘

So yes, we can’t wait until 2020 is over. But Christmas reminds us we can have joy in the middle of trials, calm in the midst of chaos, peace in the face of life’s pressures, and real hope in an everlasting God.

As people around us stress out or act out, if they are rude or fearful, be patient, and pray for them. Find ways to be a blessing to others who are hurting. As the peace of Christ rules in our hearts, may the love of God shine through us. Let the world see there is something different about us. Let them see Jesus, and know that they too, can have a relationship with a Wonderful Counselor, a Mighty God, an Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace.

*Video courtesy of Freedom Project Media

LISTEN: We Need A Little Christmas – The New Christy Minstrels 1966


More From David

We Need A Little Christmas Right Now!


Let’s bring back a song form the 1960s called “We Need A Little Christmas.” If you’re having a tough time getting into the Christmas spirit this year, welcome to the club! The song had nothing to do with Christmas, but the fact that when times are hard, people need something to look forward to. The meaningful, old traditions of the holiday often do the trick.

For some, the hectic season of Christmas can be a welcomed distraction. Not that Jesus is a distraction, but we sure could use the Light of the world in 2020. With concerns about our future, the corona-virus, a struggling economy, record high depression and loneliness, political gridlock, a divided nation, and a disputed presidential election, we need a little Christmas – right this very minute!

If you are healthy and were employed throughout all of 2020, and you are still able to pay your bills on time, you should thank God for your blessings because you are now in the minority. Sometimes to get out of our funk we just need to help someone who is hurting more than we are, so one thing we can do is find someone to encourage.

And don’t just give them empty hope and say something like, ‘hey things will get better, just have faith, just keep stepping, everything’s going to be fine.’ The truth is things may not be fine as this world is heading deeper into disorder and darkness. Immorality is rampant, civil unrest is growing. This too shall pass, but God’s Word stands forever.

Tell people about something lasting such as hope in Jesus Christ, the Word who became flesh, who is also an anchor for your soul. The Apostle John wrote, “In the beginning was the Word … and He, Jesus, was “full of grace and truth.”

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God;  And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us; and we saw His glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1:1-2, 14)

Quick Bible lesson. The Greek term used here for “Word” is logos, from which we get our English term ‘logic.’ The Latin equivalent is ratio (“raw-shee-oh”), which means “the reason of Christ.”

Remember the reason for the season! C.S. Lewis said,

“The Son of God became a man to enable men to become sons of God.”

I don’t care who you are, where you live, and how bad your circumstances are this year. If you just trust Jesus with your heart and life, you will be saved. Confess your sins and believe the truth that He alone is the Way to the Father in heaven!

God’s timing is not ours, but it is perfect because He knows best. The Bible says:

“But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.” Galatians 4:4-5

That’s right, we can call Him, “Father,” because of what Jesus did for us. We are adopted into the family of God! Romans 5:6 states:

“You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless (helpless), Christ died for the ungodly.”

Jesus stepped down from His throne and set aside His crown of gold to temporarily wear a crown of thorns – that we might one day wear the crown of life. Did you know the Christmas wreath is said to represent Jesus’ crown of thorns? And those Christmas lights we put up; it began with candles representing Jesus as the light of the world.

God’s timing is perfect and His ways are far above and beyond our ways! Before the birth of Jesus Christ, mankind was desperate; we were without help and without hope in this world. But God intervened and sent His Son to rescue us from sin and death.

Knowing what Christmas means, that we can have true peace and forgiveness, many of us can use a little Christmas right now!

When I referred to your difficult circumstances earlier, I don’t want to minimize anything you have gone through. You might be experiencing some life-altering, horrific things this year. Maybe you’ve lost a loved one. You’re not alone, and people all around you can relate.

Personally, next to the loss of my Dad and sister when I was younger, these last two years have been the most difficult in my life. Let me just share a few bullet points:

  • Since my surgery a few years ago, we have been in debt due to hospital bills; and when we were close to paying them off…
  • My wife, Rosanna had kidney stones for the third time and needed to have surgery
  • The doctor found cancer in her bladder; thankfully, it didn’t spread and she gets checked every six months
  • Her dad died last year 
  • Our youngest dog had a very rare blood disease and after many vets and thousands of dollars, we had to let her go.
  • Rosanna broke her collarbone in a bike accident, and the pain and therapy lasted well into the fun coronavirus shutdown isolation season
  • Our oldest dog, Jesse, had cancer in his mouth and we had to say goodbye to him as well. Two dogs in less than six months.
  • My schedule has not let up and I’ve been struggling with extended job duties over the last year or so, and I know I cannot keep this up for much longer. We would appreciate your prayers.

Life is tough, and as Christians, we have a very real enemy who wants to bring us down and discourage us. But we also have a very real, even more powerful Savior who wants to draw us closer to Him, and He promises never to leave us. It’s no wonder they call Him, “Immanuel, ‘God with us.”‘

So yes, we can’t wait until 2020 is over. But Christmas reminds us we can have joy in the middle of trials, calm in the midst of chaos, peace in the face of life’s pressures, and real hope in an everlasting God.

As people around us stress out or act out, if they are rude or fearful, be patient, and pray for them. Find ways to be a blessing to others who are hurting. As the peace of Christ rules in our hearts, may the love of God shine through us. Let the world see there is something different about us. Let them see Jesus, and know that they too, can have a relationship with a Wonderful Counselor, a Mighty God, an Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace.

*Video courtesy of Freedom Project Media

LISTEN: We Need A Little Christmas – The New Christy Minstrels 1966

More From David