Author, Speaker, Pastor

December, 18, 2024

Author, Speaker, Pastor

What Pandemic? Abortion Still Open for Business

America is on lock-down. Major public events and gatherings are cancelled. They closed countless businesses, churches, schools, many restaurants and other non-essential services. So why does Planned Parenthood get a pass?

A majority of abortion clinics remain open across the country. Some are defying their state government orders. Democrats argue the abortion business falls under “essential” services. What exactly is essential? Food, water, electricity, hospitals, gas stations, public safety, law enforcement.

But in the face of millions of Americans sacrificing in order to preserve lives, Prevent Parenthood strives to keep taking life. Banners outside Planned Parenthood abortion businesses now read: “Our Doors Stay Open.” 

While most of us – including the actual medical profession – are doing what we can to save lives and stop the potential spread of the coronavirus, abortion advocates across the U.S. insist on destroying even more lives.

In Ohio and other places, a new ad campaign on Facebook says:

“Planned Parenthood’s top priority is insuring that every person can continue accessing essential health care, including abortion. We know your health care can’t wait;”

Do you actually think abortion has anything to do with healthcare? They refuse to comply with orders to stop abortion procedures in order to prevent more deaths due to COVID-19. Since it’s already been well established that a fetus, a preborn life in a mother’s womb is a human life, here’s the question for today: is abortion a necessary, health-related medical procedure?

And what about the baby’s health and her right to be born?

You may recall a propaganda video where the founder of the “Shout Your Abortion” movement told young children that getting an abortion is like going to the dentist.

But if abortion is just like getting a tooth pulled or something, then why aren’t they following orders? Due to COVID-19 public safety measures, you can you still get an abortion, but you can’t go to the dentist because they are closed unless it’s a dental emergency.

Aborting your offspring is NOT “essential” anywhere let alone in a civilized society. In fact, the abortion industry is using this current crisis to lobby the FDA to make the abortion pill freely available by lifting safety protocols.

Talk about priorities.

There’s a story out of Orlando, Florida, that an abortion clinic verified they had done an abortion on a lady from a cruise ship that had the coronavirus [March 16]. They committed the abortion for an extra $900.

Even after many state governors issued orders to stop surgical abortions, facilities remain open, defying health concerns, ignoring federal guidelines, and refusing to close their money-making businesses.

In Ohio, abortion mills are fighting their state government by refusing to comply.

In Texas, Attorney General Ken Paxton warned the abortion business is subject to Executive Order GA 09 issued by Governor Greg Abbot prohibiting all non-essential medical procedures and surgeries. His office confirmed it does apply to performing abortions.

Paxton explained further:

“This prohibition applies throughout the State and to all surgeries and procedures that are not immediately medically necessary, including routine dermatological, ophthalmological, and dental procedures, as well as most scheduled healthcare procedures that are not immediately medically necessary such as orthopedic surgeries or any type of abortion that is not medically necessary to preserve the life or health of the mother,”

In Washington state, second only to New York for most coronavirus deaths, pro-abortion Democrat Governor, Jay Inslee shut down everything else, but specifically allowed abortions to continue.

Other states have issued similar orders, continuing to allow abortions but closing or limiting most other public and private businesses and facilities. These states include Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Maine, and California of course.

(For Wisconsin residents, Governor Evers vetoed four pro-life bills and has frequently mentioned wanting to restore public funding to Planned Parenthood. He was openly endorsed by them, so here’s what Wisconsin Family Council is recommending:  concerned citizens should call the Governor’s office and let him know you oppose his decision to continue to allow abortions during the COVID-19 situation here in WI.  His office number is 608-266-1212.)  

The California legislature apparently said abortion is essential because it’s a “time sensitive” issue. In other words, if they don’t kill the baby now he or she will be born and will grow into a little person who needs a family.

Mark Harrington of the Ohio-based pro-life group Created Equal stated:

“Every day, abortion facilities violently end the lives of thousands of human beings. And now, by refusing to close their doors as COVID-19 wreaks havoc across the nation, they are endangering the general public, too. Not only are these facilities consuming scarce personal protective equipment, they risk spreading COVID-19 throughout their state.”

As for a breaking story out of Louisiana, the headline reads:

Abortion Clinics Close After Order to Stop Non-Essential Surgeries

Don’t believe it because they also promised to fight the new law. Please avoid sharing this on social media because no matter what the headlines say, it’s not the full story and they’ll find a way to help young women kill their offspring.

By the way, did you know the meaning of the Latin word fetus is “little one” or “offspring”? Let that sink in.

Benjamin Clapper, Executive Director of Louisiana Right to Life states:

 “While abortion facilities are closed at the moment, their own words indicate their apparent plan is to fight the new regulations in some capacity. We suggest that instead of fighting Louisiana emergency health and safety regulations, the abortion facilities pitch in to fight COVID-19 and its effects by donating much-needed personal protection equipment to local emergency rooms.”

For promoters and workers of abortion, hand sanitizer won’t remove both the literal and figurative blood on your hands; you are complicit, and only furthering this death culture.

Lord have mercy on us! This nation is in desperate need of a Savior. We are not only experiencing a shortage of toilet paper, but of common sense and a seared conscience.

Video (coming soon) courtesy of Freedom Project Media


More From David

What Pandemic? Abortion Still Open for Business


America is on lock-down. Major public events and gatherings are cancelled. They closed countless businesses, churches, schools, many restaurants and other non-essential services. So why does Planned Parenthood get a pass?

A majority of abortion clinics remain open across the country. Some are defying their state government orders. Democrats argue the abortion business falls under “essential” services. What exactly is essential? Food, water, electricity, hospitals, gas stations, public safety, law enforcement.

But in the face of millions of Americans sacrificing in order to preserve lives, Prevent Parenthood strives to keep taking life. Banners outside Planned Parenthood abortion businesses now read: “Our Doors Stay Open.” 

While most of us – including the actual medical profession – are doing what we can to save lives and stop the potential spread of the coronavirus, abortion advocates across the U.S. insist on destroying even more lives.

In Ohio and other places, a new ad campaign on Facebook says:

“Planned Parenthood’s top priority is insuring that every person can continue accessing essential health care, including abortion. We know your health care can’t wait;”

Do you actually think abortion has anything to do with healthcare? They refuse to comply with orders to stop abortion procedures in order to prevent more deaths due to COVID-19. Since it’s already been well established that a fetus, a preborn life in a mother’s womb is a human life, here’s the question for today: is abortion a necessary, health-related medical procedure?

And what about the baby’s health and her right to be born?

You may recall a propaganda video where the founder of the “Shout Your Abortion” movement told young children that getting an abortion is like going to the dentist.

But if abortion is just like getting a tooth pulled or something, then why aren’t they following orders? Due to COVID-19 public safety measures, you can you still get an abortion, but you can’t go to the dentist because they are closed unless it’s a dental emergency.

Aborting your offspring is NOT “essential” anywhere let alone in a civilized society. In fact, the abortion industry is using this current crisis to lobby the FDA to make the abortion pill freely available by lifting safety protocols.

Talk about priorities.

There’s a story out of Orlando, Florida, that an abortion clinic verified they had done an abortion on a lady from a cruise ship that had the coronavirus [March 16]. They committed the abortion for an extra $900.

Even after many state governors issued orders to stop surgical abortions, facilities remain open, defying health concerns, ignoring federal guidelines, and refusing to close their money-making businesses.

In Ohio, abortion mills are fighting their state government by refusing to comply.

In Texas, Attorney General Ken Paxton warned the abortion business is subject to Executive Order GA 09 issued by Governor Greg Abbot prohibiting all non-essential medical procedures and surgeries. His office confirmed it does apply to performing abortions.

Paxton explained further:

“This prohibition applies throughout the State and to all surgeries and procedures that are not immediately medically necessary, including routine dermatological, ophthalmological, and dental procedures, as well as most scheduled healthcare procedures that are not immediately medically necessary such as orthopedic surgeries or any type of abortion that is not medically necessary to preserve the life or health of the mother,”

In Washington state, second only to New York for most coronavirus deaths, pro-abortion Democrat Governor, Jay Inslee shut down everything else, but specifically allowed abortions to continue.

Other states have issued similar orders, continuing to allow abortions but closing or limiting most other public and private businesses and facilities. These states include Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Maine, and California of course.

(For Wisconsin residents, Governor Evers vetoed four pro-life bills and has frequently mentioned wanting to restore public funding to Planned Parenthood. He was openly endorsed by them, so here’s what Wisconsin Family Council is recommending:  concerned citizens should call the Governor’s office and let him know you oppose his decision to continue to allow abortions during the COVID-19 situation here in WI.  His office number is 608-266-1212.)  

The California legislature apparently said abortion is essential because it’s a “time sensitive” issue. In other words, if they don’t kill the baby now he or she will be born and will grow into a little person who needs a family.

Mark Harrington of the Ohio-based pro-life group Created Equal stated:

“Every day, abortion facilities violently end the lives of thousands of human beings. And now, by refusing to close their doors as COVID-19 wreaks havoc across the nation, they are endangering the general public, too. Not only are these facilities consuming scarce personal protective equipment, they risk spreading COVID-19 throughout their state.”

As for a breaking story out of Louisiana, the headline reads:

Abortion Clinics Close After Order to Stop Non-Essential Surgeries

Don’t believe it because they also promised to fight the new law. Please avoid sharing this on social media because no matter what the headlines say, it’s not the full story and they’ll find a way to help young women kill their offspring.

By the way, did you know the meaning of the Latin word fetus is “little one” or “offspring”? Let that sink in.

Benjamin Clapper, Executive Director of Louisiana Right to Life states:

 “While abortion facilities are closed at the moment, their own words indicate their apparent plan is to fight the new regulations in some capacity. We suggest that instead of fighting Louisiana emergency health and safety regulations, the abortion facilities pitch in to fight COVID-19 and its effects by donating much-needed personal protection equipment to local emergency rooms.”

For promoters and workers of abortion, hand sanitizer won’t remove both the literal and figurative blood on your hands; you are complicit, and only furthering this death culture.

Lord have mercy on us! This nation is in desperate need of a Savior. We are not only experiencing a shortage of toilet paper, but of common sense and a seared conscience.

Video (coming soon) courtesy of Freedom Project Media

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