Author, Speaker, Pastor

March, 12, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor

Exploiting Children: Part of the Left’s Agenda

Have you heard about the latest disturbing craze? Drag queens, story times, and parents of drag kids are normalizing the bizarre while dance moms are sexualizing young girls. Sadly, they all have one thing in common: they’re paving the way for sexual abuse including pedophilia. Where is the #MeToo movement on the issue of children? Some of us saw this coming years ago, but how did we get to the point of openly sexualizing innocent children – and promoting it as acceptable?

Let’s start with Nemis, a ten year-old boy in Canada who goes by “Lactacia,” and was featured in a troubling magazine article promoting the life of a so-called “child drag queen.” In a shocking photo, a man who goes by the name “Violet,” and recently won a reality competition called, “RuPaul’s Drag Race,” is seen naked, wearing nothing but a small piece of fabric covering his genitals, standing next to a ten-year-old child who poses seductively.

They boy’s mother, Jessica Melancon, is unapologetic, and allows Nemis to wear whatever he wants because he’s just expressing himself and it “makes him feel beautiful.” To those who say it’s child exploitation and unhealthy, she adds:

“There is so much more going on in the world right now which is more horrifying and terrifying than my child wearing fancy shoes and a skirt. This shouldn’t be on anyone’s list of priorities.”

Liz Wheeler is a host on One America News Network, and recently commented on the photo in her show segment, Final Point. She asked,

“Are drag queens exempt from the laws protecting children from adult sexual predators? …”Tell me how this is possibly OK. Tell me how this is not child abuse. …What makes this any different from child pornography?”

The media is all in. A few months back, rather than protect children from sexual exploitation, what did ABC’s Good Morning America do? They were complicit in this destructive behavior by featuring an 11-year-old named Desmond Napoles on a show. The approving audience acted like clapping seals, programmed to conform to the spectacleWatch:

Then in December, Desmond performed a sexually-suggestive dance in full drag at a New York City gay bar called 3 Dollar Bill. The boy received dollar bills from the adult males in the audience, as one might see in a strip club. Desmond wore a skimpy outfit and a blond wig as he danced to Gwen Stefani’s “I’m Just A Girl” stirring up the crowd of lusting men.

You do see where this is going, don’t you? Have you ever heard of NAMBLA?

Theologian and Christian Post contributor, Fay Voshelbelieves this will lead to the reinventing of society:

“The dreams of organizations like the North American Man Boy Love Association, which advocates the open practice of deviant sexualities… are finally being realized… Will we continue to allow open season on children… or will we rise up in outrage against the mainstreaming of sexual deviancy?”

Some have suggested that this phenomena of children in drag is the result of decades of silence of Bible-believing Christians in the face of LGBTQ agendas. Others say it is due to the dumbing down of America and redefining of what it means to be a human being.

Hyper-sexualization of children is not limited to boys. Beauty pageants objectify young girls, and dance competitions train children to emulate pop culture including adult gestures, moves, and costumes. Some are dressed-up like prostitutes and taught to gyrate seductively by their moms and their coaches.

In dance studios around the nation, there has been an increase in children’s seductive and sexy routines. Check out these eight and nine year-old girls dancing in a competition:

Where’s our common sense? Doesn’t this (as well as children in drag) attract pedophiles, child molesters and rapists? Why are so many adults just going along with all this? Hello!?

Things that were once unthinkable have become mainstream. Evil is being called good.

Adultery and abortion used to be mentioned in hushes and whispers but now, proudly proclaimed and justified by millions of Americans. The sexual revolution took immorality to a new level, and soon homosexuality became accepted.

Throw in bisexuality, gender confusion and transition surgery, and same-sex marriage; now children are added to the mix because anything goes – except biblical morality, of course. And if you disagree with someone’s lifestyle or behavior you’re a bigot, hater or homophobe.

So how do we respond? Always with love and patience.

After hearing about this, many of you are angry and justifiably so, but slow down a minute and think about how we can reach people who are either in denial or rebellion. Pray for them to come to the truth, and receive the hope and peace found only in Jesus Christ. And love them enough to tell them the truth about salvation and sin; about God’s love for them; how every human being is created in His image, special and unique, worthy of respect and dignity.

Live counter-culture, keep the faith, and trust God with the rest.

*originally published at Freedom Project Media
(featured photo ProphecyNewsWatch)


More From David

Exploiting Children: Part of the Left’s Agenda


Have you heard about the latest disturbing craze? Drag queens, story times, and parents of drag kids are normalizing the bizarre while dance moms are sexualizing young girls. Sadly, they all have one thing in common: they’re paving the way for sexual abuse including pedophilia. Where is the #MeToo movement on the issue of children? Some of us saw this coming years ago, but how did we get to the point of openly sexualizing innocent children – and promoting it as acceptable?

Let’s start with Nemis, a ten year-old boy in Canada who goes by “Lactacia,” and was featured in a troubling magazine article promoting the life of a so-called “child drag queen.” In a shocking photo, a man who goes by the name “Violet,” and recently won a reality competition called, “RuPaul’s Drag Race,” is seen naked, wearing nothing but a small piece of fabric covering his genitals, standing next to a ten-year-old child who poses seductively.

They boy’s mother, Jessica Melancon, is unapologetic, and allows Nemis to wear whatever he wants because he’s just expressing himself and it “makes him feel beautiful.” To those who say it’s child exploitation and unhealthy, she adds:

“There is so much more going on in the world right now which is more horrifying and terrifying than my child wearing fancy shoes and a skirt. This shouldn’t be on anyone’s list of priorities.”

Liz Wheeler is a host on One America News Network, and recently commented on the photo in her show segment, Final Point. She asked,

“Are drag queens exempt from the laws protecting children from adult sexual predators? …”Tell me how this is possibly OK. Tell me how this is not child abuse. …What makes this any different from child pornography?”

The media is all in. A few months back, rather than protect children from sexual exploitation, what did ABC’s Good Morning America do? They were complicit in this destructive behavior by featuring an 11-year-old named Desmond Napoles on a show. The approving audience acted like clapping seals, programmed to conform to the spectacleWatch:

Then in December, Desmond performed a sexually-suggestive dance in full drag at a New York City gay bar called 3 Dollar Bill. The boy received dollar bills from the adult males in the audience, as one might see in a strip club. Desmond wore a skimpy outfit and a blond wig as he danced to Gwen Stefani’s “I’m Just A Girl” stirring up the crowd of lusting men.

You do see where this is going, don’t you? Have you ever heard of NAMBLA?

Theologian and Christian Post contributor, Fay Voshelbelieves this will lead to the reinventing of society:

“The dreams of organizations like the North American Man Boy Love Association, which advocates the open practice of deviant sexualities… are finally being realized… Will we continue to allow open season on children… or will we rise up in outrage against the mainstreaming of sexual deviancy?”

Some have suggested that this phenomena of children in drag is the result of decades of silence of Bible-believing Christians in the face of LGBTQ agendas. Others say it is due to the dumbing down of America and redefining of what it means to be a human being.

Hyper-sexualization of children is not limited to boys. Beauty pageants objectify young girls, and dance competitions train children to emulate pop culture including adult gestures, moves, and costumes. Some are dressed-up like prostitutes and taught to gyrate seductively by their moms and their coaches.

In dance studios around the nation, there has been an increase in children’s seductive and sexy routines. Check out these eight and nine year-old girls dancing in a competition:

Where’s our common sense? Doesn’t this (as well as children in drag) attract pedophiles, child molesters and rapists? Why are so many adults just going along with all this? Hello!?

Things that were once unthinkable have become mainstream. Evil is being called good.

Adultery and abortion used to be mentioned in hushes and whispers but now, proudly proclaimed and justified by millions of Americans. The sexual revolution took immorality to a new level, and soon homosexuality became accepted.

Throw in bisexuality, gender confusion and transition surgery, and same-sex marriage; now children are added to the mix because anything goes – except biblical morality, of course. And if you disagree with someone’s lifestyle or behavior you’re a bigot, hater or homophobe.

So how do we respond? Always with love and patience.

After hearing about this, many of you are angry and justifiably so, but slow down a minute and think about how we can reach people who are either in denial or rebellion. Pray for them to come to the truth, and receive the hope and peace found only in Jesus Christ. And love them enough to tell them the truth about salvation and sin; about God’s love for them; how every human being is created in His image, special and unique, worthy of respect and dignity.

Live counter-culture, keep the faith, and trust God with the rest.

*originally published at Freedom Project Media
(featured photo ProphecyNewsWatch)

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