Author, Speaker, Pastor

March, 11, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor

Do Evangelicals Really Support Donald Trump – Really?

Donald-Trump bibleDon’t believe the headlines. Not all Christians, particularly conservatives, are falling for the hype, but the cult of celebrity is causing formerly level-headed Americans to become fans and followers of Donald Trump. It is imperative we define exactly what it means to be a true follower of Jesus and look at what it means to have a biblical Christian worldview.

I’ve heard the argument ‘we are not electing a pastor’ to lead America but as Christians, should we not vote for the person who best reflects biblical teachings in character, actions, and words?

You’d think we would have learned our lesson.

President Obama continues to claim he is a Christian. His actions and policies seem to prove otherwise. When Franklin Graham was asked why he and others did not take the president’s word for it, he responded:

“You have to look at what a person does with his life. Anybody can say they’re a Christian.”

Graham and other respected Christian leaders agree that when the president proclaims faith in Jesus and his actions don’t match his words, it is not authentic Christian faith.

The Obama White House has proven to be the most biblically hostile administration in the history of the United States and yet, millions of professing Christians voted for him. I don’t know their hearts so they may or may not be actual Christians. On the flip side, millions of true Christians refused to vote for Mitt Romney because he is a Mormon. What a conundrum.

If we say we are Christian, do our lives – this includes who we vote for – reflect the teachings of Jesus and the Word of God? Do we have the right to judge someone’s profession of faith and, if we are called to judge, what are the criteria?

According to Jesus, living an authentic Christian life is difficult, but the fruit we produce does matter:

“Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it…  A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. So then, you will know them by their fruits.” Matthew 7:13-20

A “biblical Christian worldview” can be defined as believing absolute moral truth exists as well as God, the Creator of all things; the Bible is inspired by God and accurate in all of its principles and prophecies; mankind was created in God’s image and Satan is a real being or force, not merely symbolic; Hell is a real destination; a person cannot earn their way into Heaven by trying to be good or do good works; Jesus Christ lived a sinless life on earth and sacrificed Himself to save us – died and was raised to life again; God is the all-knowing, all-powerful ruler of the universe today; and Jesus Christ will return to judge the living and the dead and take His followers to Heaven for eternity.

Angry citizens desperate for change are flocking to Trump simply because he is channeling their frustration with government, with the system, the economy, with establishment Republicans, with Obama, and on and on. Are these good enough reasons to vote him into the highest office in the land? Perhaps.

But I wonder what our founders and early American patriots would think about the circus of the current presidential campaign cycle.

In 1789, Noah Webster stated:

“In selecting men for office, let principle be your guide. Regard not the particular sect or denomination of the candidate – look to his character.”

Many Americans however, appear to be following a personality rather than being concerned about principle, faith, integrity, and character.

A few decades later, the Reverend Charles Finney declared:

“The time has come that Christians must vote for honest men, and take consistent ground in politics or the Lord will curse them… Christians have been exceedingly guilty in this matter. But the time has come when they must act differently… God will bless or curse this nation, according to the course Christians take.”

The liberal media is proclaiming so-called evangelicals are flocking to the caustic, narcissistic businessman, entertainer, and new Republican who once said he likes the Obamacare mandate. He was listed on the Reform Party primary ballot in 1999, joined the Democrats in 2001, was registered an independent in 2011 before settling with Romney’s GOP in 2012.

Why does the media seem to want Trump to win the nomination? Is it so they can trash him while he runs for president against queen Hillary Clinton?

Trump has publicly held 7 different positions on Planned Parenthood in the past 6 months.

According to exit polling, (basically, what people claim), 72% of Republicans in South Carolina’s primary “identified” as evangelical or born again Christians. Are you buying their definitions and labels? Leading up to the vote, this faulty assumption made it appear to pundits that Ted Cruz should have done very well and when Trump won, the media considered it Cruz’s failure.

Trump won 33% of professing evangelicals while Cruz had 27%. Does this make sense when you compare their records, their lives, and their faith side by side? No. In 2012, nearly half of South Carolina voted for Obama so the state may not be as conservative or “evangelical” as we have been told.

Author, missionary, and preacher, Paul Washer once declared:

We are Christians because we find our identity, life, and purpose in Christ. We are evangelical because we believe the gospel and esteem it as the great central truth of God’s revelation to men… This Christianity is not a cultural thing. It is not something that should be just a small part of your life; it is not something that you do on Sunday… Christianity is not about you being just like the world all the time and then coming to church on Sunday. If that is your Christianity… you are not Christian.

What do we really know about the candidate’s religious beliefs? Here’s a quick look:

John Kasich is Anglican, a mix of Catholicism and Protestant Reformation theology, also associated with the Episcopal Church. He attends St. Augustine’s Anglican Church in Ohio and recently stated, “I have a mission, and I have a role on this earth. But I am trying to prepare myself for the world that’s yet to come.” He also said Christians should abide by the Supreme Court’s decision legalizing same-sex marriage.

Ben Carson is a Seventh Day Adventist, a movement established in 1863, and appears to be a very strong social conservative; he stated, “The most important thing for me is having a relationship with God. To know that the owner, the creator of the universe loves you, sent His Son to die for your sins, that’s very empowering.”

Marco Rubio is a Catholic and open about his religious beliefs. As a child, he went back and forth between the Mormon Church and Catholic Church for a few years being baptized in both. His kids are baptized and attend mass while his wife attends a Baptist church in Miami. Rubio says the evangelical church “sparked a spiritual awakening in Jeanette’s life, and eventually in mine, too”.

Donald Trump is a proud Presbyterian, but doesn’t think he needs to ask God for forgiveness. He loves attending church on Christmas and Easter “and whenever I can,” and says his views are evolving on gay marriage, but favors traditional marriage. Trump stated: “I believe in God. I am Christian. I think the Bible is certainly, it is THE book. It is the thing.”

Ted Cruz is a committed Southern Baptist and son of an evangelical Christian pastor. Cruz told CBN News: “Faith is not organized religion; it’s not just going to a church. It is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.” A Constitutional expert, he believes Christians must awaken and vote or the country could be lost.

After seeing the disappointing results in a supposedly conservative state last week, radio host and blogger, Matt Walsh posted some harsh comments about Trump,

“a man who praised Planned Parenthood, fishes for applause lines by cussing out his competitors and mocking disabled people, and who can’t name a book in the Bible… brags about sleeping with married women, blatantly lies and then lies again about lying, and who has encapsulated literally the exact opposite of anything that could remotely be considered a “Christian value,”

…If Trump wins the nomination, conservatism in this country is officially dead, and the country itself will be close behind it. According to exit polls, Trump fans don’t necessarily think he’s electable and they don’t believe he shares their values, but “they want change.” Dear God, we are really doing 2008 all over again; people voting for ambiguous, non-specific change in spite of the avalanche of red flags… Get on your knees and pray for this country… I feel we are on the cusp of something terrible. Pray we avoid it.

Donald Trump owns casinos with strip clubs and adult entertainment, claims to be “a very good person,” and yet has no understanding of the gospel. Nothing to confess? Christianity begins with humbly repenting of our sins against God, openly asking His forgiveness, and trusting in Jesus Christ.

How can there be so much confusion over what is biblical; about religion, theology, morality, and spirituality?

We cannot blame atheists, the media, Hollywood, or godless government. In the introduction to my latest book, The Cost of Our Silence, I put the responsibility on us, the church in America, for the moral decline. We have failed to be effective witnesses for our Lord Jesus Christ. Too many professing believers do not represent authentic, Bible-based Christianity. We have been sold on appearing spiritual, pursuing comfort, and living for self. I speak from experience because I used to have one foot in the church and another in the world.

It is impossible to be a part-time Christian.

The word Christian means “of or relating to Jesus Christ” and “a diminutive Christ.” This implies a person who thinks, acts, talks, serves, and speaks like Jesus. Effectiveness for the kingdom of God starts with our own individual commitment to live for His glory rather than our own. It is not complicated: Know the Lord and make Him known to others.

Be assured God is not surprised by America’s direction and sharp Left turn, but we know He can use anyone for His purposes. As the prophet Daniel said,

“Let the name of God be blessed forever and ever,
For wisdom and power belong to Him.
“It is He who changes the times and seasons;
He removes kings and establishes kings;
He gives wisdom to wise men
And knowledge to men of understanding. Daniel 2:20-21

It’s time for every responsible citizen – particularly those who trust Christ for salvation – to look past personality, talking points, and campaign promises to the candidate’s faith and record. Who best resembles a biblical worldview and is qualified to lead the United States of America? Truth matters and so does voting, so let’s ensure you and I are consistent in living our faith.

If we reach the end of the Republican primaries and Trump is the nominee, we can cross that bridge and decide where to go from there. At least we can acknowledge the stark contrast in the party platforms.

President John Quincy Adams once said,

“The hope of a Christian is inseparable from his faith. Whoever believes in the Divine inspiration of the Holy Scriptures must hope that the religion of Jesus shall prevail throughout the earth.”

God’s will is not necessarily for us to win earthly battles, but for us to be faithful and obey His Word. His timing is perfect and He will orchestrate the rest because – no matter who is president, Jesus Christ is King and Lord.



What is a Biblical Worldview?

Why Truth Matters: Your Worldview Affects Everything

What are Some Christian Worldview Essentials?

What Many Professing Christians Really Believe

Examine Your Faith

Can We Judge the “Christianity” of Donald Trump?

Why evangelicals are born again for Trump


More From David

Do Evangelicals Really Support Donald Trump – Really?


Donald-Trump bibleDon’t believe the headlines. Not all Christians, particularly conservatives, are falling for the hype, but the cult of celebrity is causing formerly level-headed Americans to become fans and followers of Donald Trump. It is imperative we define exactly what it means to be a true follower of Jesus and look at what it means to have a biblical Christian worldview.

I’ve heard the argument ‘we are not electing a pastor’ to lead America but as Christians, should we not vote for the person who best reflects biblical teachings in character, actions, and words?

You’d think we would have learned our lesson.

President Obama continues to claim he is a Christian. His actions and policies seem to prove otherwise. When Franklin Graham was asked why he and others did not take the president’s word for it, he responded:

“You have to look at what a person does with his life. Anybody can say they’re a Christian.”

Graham and other respected Christian leaders agree that when the president proclaims faith in Jesus and his actions don’t match his words, it is not authentic Christian faith.

The Obama White House has proven to be the most biblically hostile administration in the history of the United States and yet, millions of professing Christians voted for him. I don’t know their hearts so they may or may not be actual Christians. On the flip side, millions of true Christians refused to vote for Mitt Romney because he is a Mormon. What a conundrum.

If we say we are Christian, do our lives – this includes who we vote for – reflect the teachings of Jesus and the Word of God? Do we have the right to judge someone’s profession of faith and, if we are called to judge, what are the criteria?

According to Jesus, living an authentic Christian life is difficult, but the fruit we produce does matter:

“Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it…  A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. So then, you will know them by their fruits.” Matthew 7:13-20

A “biblical Christian worldview” can be defined as believing absolute moral truth exists as well as God, the Creator of all things; the Bible is inspired by God and accurate in all of its principles and prophecies; mankind was created in God’s image and Satan is a real being or force, not merely symbolic; Hell is a real destination; a person cannot earn their way into Heaven by trying to be good or do good works; Jesus Christ lived a sinless life on earth and sacrificed Himself to save us – died and was raised to life again; God is the all-knowing, all-powerful ruler of the universe today; and Jesus Christ will return to judge the living and the dead and take His followers to Heaven for eternity.

Angry citizens desperate for change are flocking to Trump simply because he is channeling their frustration with government, with the system, the economy, with establishment Republicans, with Obama, and on and on. Are these good enough reasons to vote him into the highest office in the land? Perhaps.

But I wonder what our founders and early American patriots would think about the circus of the current presidential campaign cycle.

In 1789, Noah Webster stated:

“In selecting men for office, let principle be your guide. Regard not the particular sect or denomination of the candidate – look to his character.”

Many Americans however, appear to be following a personality rather than being concerned about principle, faith, integrity, and character.

A few decades later, the Reverend Charles Finney declared:

“The time has come that Christians must vote for honest men, and take consistent ground in politics or the Lord will curse them… Christians have been exceedingly guilty in this matter. But the time has come when they must act differently… God will bless or curse this nation, according to the course Christians take.”

The liberal media is proclaiming so-called evangelicals are flocking to the caustic, narcissistic businessman, entertainer, and new Republican who once said he likes the Obamacare mandate. He was listed on the Reform Party primary ballot in 1999, joined the Democrats in 2001, was registered an independent in 2011 before settling with Romney’s GOP in 2012.

Why does the media seem to want Trump to win the nomination? Is it so they can trash him while he runs for president against queen Hillary Clinton?

Trump has publicly held 7 different positions on Planned Parenthood in the past 6 months.

According to exit polling, (basically, what people claim), 72% of Republicans in South Carolina’s primary “identified” as evangelical or born again Christians. Are you buying their definitions and labels? Leading up to the vote, this faulty assumption made it appear to pundits that Ted Cruz should have done very well and when Trump won, the media considered it Cruz’s failure.

Trump won 33% of professing evangelicals while Cruz had 27%. Does this make sense when you compare their records, their lives, and their faith side by side? No. In 2012, nearly half of South Carolina voted for Obama so the state may not be as conservative or “evangelical” as we have been told.

Author, missionary, and preacher, Paul Washer once declared:

We are Christians because we find our identity, life, and purpose in Christ. We are evangelical because we believe the gospel and esteem it as the great central truth of God’s revelation to men… This Christianity is not a cultural thing. It is not something that should be just a small part of your life; it is not something that you do on Sunday… Christianity is not about you being just like the world all the time and then coming to church on Sunday. If that is your Christianity… you are not Christian.

What do we really know about the candidate’s religious beliefs? Here’s a quick look:

John Kasich is Anglican, a mix of Catholicism and Protestant Reformation theology, also associated with the Episcopal Church. He attends St. Augustine’s Anglican Church in Ohio and recently stated, “I have a mission, and I have a role on this earth. But I am trying to prepare myself for the world that’s yet to come.” He also said Christians should abide by the Supreme Court’s decision legalizing same-sex marriage.

Ben Carson is a Seventh Day Adventist, a movement established in 1863, and appears to be a very strong social conservative; he stated, “The most important thing for me is having a relationship with God. To know that the owner, the creator of the universe loves you, sent His Son to die for your sins, that’s very empowering.”

Marco Rubio is a Catholic and open about his religious beliefs. As a child, he went back and forth between the Mormon Church and Catholic Church for a few years being baptized in both. His kids are baptized and attend mass while his wife attends a Baptist church in Miami. Rubio says the evangelical church “sparked a spiritual awakening in Jeanette’s life, and eventually in mine, too”.

Donald Trump is a proud Presbyterian, but doesn’t think he needs to ask God for forgiveness. He loves attending church on Christmas and Easter “and whenever I can,” and says his views are evolving on gay marriage, but favors traditional marriage. Trump stated: “I believe in God. I am Christian. I think the Bible is certainly, it is THE book. It is the thing.”

Ted Cruz is a committed Southern Baptist and son of an evangelical Christian pastor. Cruz told CBN News: “Faith is not organized religion; it’s not just going to a church. It is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.” A Constitutional expert, he believes Christians must awaken and vote or the country could be lost.

After seeing the disappointing results in a supposedly conservative state last week, radio host and blogger, Matt Walsh posted some harsh comments about Trump,

“a man who praised Planned Parenthood, fishes for applause lines by cussing out his competitors and mocking disabled people, and who can’t name a book in the Bible… brags about sleeping with married women, blatantly lies and then lies again about lying, and who has encapsulated literally the exact opposite of anything that could remotely be considered a “Christian value,”

…If Trump wins the nomination, conservatism in this country is officially dead, and the country itself will be close behind it. According to exit polls, Trump fans don’t necessarily think he’s electable and they don’t believe he shares their values, but “they want change.” Dear God, we are really doing 2008 all over again; people voting for ambiguous, non-specific change in spite of the avalanche of red flags… Get on your knees and pray for this country… I feel we are on the cusp of something terrible. Pray we avoid it.

Donald Trump owns casinos with strip clubs and adult entertainment, claims to be “a very good person,” and yet has no understanding of the gospel. Nothing to confess? Christianity begins with humbly repenting of our sins against God, openly asking His forgiveness, and trusting in Jesus Christ.

How can there be so much confusion over what is biblical; about religion, theology, morality, and spirituality?

We cannot blame atheists, the media, Hollywood, or godless government. In the introduction to my latest book, The Cost of Our Silence, I put the responsibility on us, the church in America, for the moral decline. We have failed to be effective witnesses for our Lord Jesus Christ. Too many professing believers do not represent authentic, Bible-based Christianity. We have been sold on appearing spiritual, pursuing comfort, and living for self. I speak from experience because I used to have one foot in the church and another in the world.

It is impossible to be a part-time Christian.

The word Christian means “of or relating to Jesus Christ” and “a diminutive Christ.” This implies a person who thinks, acts, talks, serves, and speaks like Jesus. Effectiveness for the kingdom of God starts with our own individual commitment to live for His glory rather than our own. It is not complicated: Know the Lord and make Him known to others.

Be assured God is not surprised by America’s direction and sharp Left turn, but we know He can use anyone for His purposes. As the prophet Daniel said,

“Let the name of God be blessed forever and ever,
For wisdom and power belong to Him.
“It is He who changes the times and seasons;
He removes kings and establishes kings;
He gives wisdom to wise men
And knowledge to men of understanding. Daniel 2:20-21

It’s time for every responsible citizen – particularly those who trust Christ for salvation – to look past personality, talking points, and campaign promises to the candidate’s faith and record. Who best resembles a biblical worldview and is qualified to lead the United States of America? Truth matters and so does voting, so let’s ensure you and I are consistent in living our faith.

If we reach the end of the Republican primaries and Trump is the nominee, we can cross that bridge and decide where to go from there. At least we can acknowledge the stark contrast in the party platforms.

President John Quincy Adams once said,

“The hope of a Christian is inseparable from his faith. Whoever believes in the Divine inspiration of the Holy Scriptures must hope that the religion of Jesus shall prevail throughout the earth.”

God’s will is not necessarily for us to win earthly battles, but for us to be faithful and obey His Word. His timing is perfect and He will orchestrate the rest because – no matter who is president, Jesus Christ is King and Lord.



What is a Biblical Worldview?

Why Truth Matters: Your Worldview Affects Everything

What are Some Christian Worldview Essentials?

What Many Professing Christians Really Believe

Examine Your Faith

Can We Judge the “Christianity” of Donald Trump?

Why evangelicals are born again for Trump

More From David