Author, Speaker, Pastor

March, 11, 2025

Author, Speaker, Pastor

Get ‘Em While They’re Young: Promoting Homosexuality in Public Schools


Funded by our tax dollars, every year the National Education Association promotes what most Christians consider sinful behavior in government-run schools across the country. This year, the Day of Silence (DOS) will be Friday, April 11. Under the guise of “Anti-bullying” education, thousands of public schools allow students to participate by remaining silent through­out an entire day even during instructional time. The DOS is sponsored by GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network), and is a politi­cal action in public schools that promotes the homosexual movement. Yes, we should pray; but some also suggest you keep your children home on that day.

Flashback to May 23, 2011, when the resigna­tion of [Obama appointee] Kevin Jennings was completely ignored by the media. Jennings was (no joke) the “Safe Schools Czar” for the Obama administration, and after I read what he promoted in public schools, it almost made me sick to my stomach.

Jennings was the founder of GLSEN, and one look at their recommended reading list should cause alarm. There are books encouraging the sexualization of children regardless of “orientation” and a sexed-up reading list for teachers on down to grade schoolers. Kevin Jennings had been known to encourage sex between adults and minors. CNS News reported:

“In April, he spoke at an assembly at a public school in Mary­land where he compared those who oppose homosexuality to supporters of slavery and racial segregation.”

During his fourteen-year tenure at GLSEN, Jennings touted his homosexual activism and included the fact that since 1995, he increased the number of public school-based and student-led pro-homosexual clubs, such as Gay-Straight Alliances, from 50 to 4,300 today. With the NEA’s cooperation, Jennings was responsible for adding more than 4,200 new clubs in America’s public schools that promote homosexuality.

GLSEN’s goal for the Day Of Silence is to encourage sympathy and support for not only homosexual and lesbian students but also those involved in cross-dressing behaviors. Behind the veil, DOS is not led by students at all.

Linda Harvey of Mission America writes:

“GLSEN describes itself as ‘championing LGBT issues in K-12 education since 1990.’ Did you catch that – ‘K through 12’? Younger and younger students are the target of this group. The younger, the better because they are easier to manipulate.”

Of course, any activity considered sinful by biblical standards should not be promoted in public schools in any way. The DOS seems to justify immoral behavior under the blanket of tolerance yet prevents Christian students from sharing their faith with peers caught up in gender confu­sion. Amazingly, the DOS requires that teachers create activities around the students who are silent. Sadly, those students who choose not to go with the homosexual flow are a captive audience while an agenda they may disagree with is implemented in their classroom.

Attorney Robert Tyler, founder of Advocates for Faith and Freedom warns that the new tolerant terminology coming to public schools is “gender liberation.” Evidently, this will be used to ‘liberate children’ from stereotypes and to eliminate our God-given distinctions between male and female. One of their solutions is gender neutral restrooms. Conservative and Pro-family groups have been warning that this assault on Christian values has been increasing. They even support gender change for elementary age children while suppressing objections by Christian parents. Calling it “blatant indoctrination,” Linda Harvey also wrote “The Sleazy History of GLSEN,” questioning how they achieve the “sexual enticement” of children.

“Behind GLSEN’s window-dressing rhetoric about safe schools, bigotry, ‘homophobia’, oppression, and concerns about harass­ment, lies the reality: advocacy of actual homosexual sex, sometimes very explicit even for young kids. And sometimes it’s with adults…. How can they get away with … even soliciting the opinions of minors for sketchy, internally-constructed and analyzed school climate surveys, where no parental permis­sion is needed to interview a sixth-grader about homosexual identity via the Internet?”

With access to kids, GLSEN will use children to normalize homo­sexuality as long as parents and public schools continue letting them do it. Harvey said “The gatekeepers are not watching.”

Jennings, (appointed by President Obama in 2009) was finally forced to resign from his position in the Obama administration. What other radicals has the president appointed in the Department of Education and other cabinet positions? It should not surprise us that President Obama would appoint homosexuals to his administration as there are a record number more than any other president in our history. It’s been clear where Obama stands since elected president. But how in the world did such a dangerous man like Jennings remain in the Obama administra­tion for two years?

k jennings

Kevin Jennings has said that “twenty percent of people are hard-core, fair-minded, pro-homosexual people.” However, he ridiculed Christians and discussed what he called “his strategy” at a speaking engagement a few years back and stated that:

“Twenty percent are hard-core [anti-homosexual] bigots. We need to ignore the hard-core bigots, get more of the hard-core fair-minded people to speak up, and we’ll pull that 60 percent [of people in the middle] … over to our side.

“We have to quit being afraid of the religious right. …I’m try­ing to find a way to say this. I’m trying not to say, ‘F*ck ‘em!’ – which is what I want to say, because I don’t care what they think! [audience laughter] Drop dead!”

I can see why Obama liked him. Kevin Jennings wrote the foreword of the book pushing indoctrination, Queering Elementary Education. One of six books Kevin Jennings wrote to promote homosexuality was Becoming Visible: A Reader in Gay and Lesbian History for High School and College Students. Jennings also founded the nation’s first “gay/straight alliance” in Massachusetts. Harry Hay “inspired” Kevin Jennings to become a homosexual activist.

We all have our mentors, but since Jennings had access and influence on public school kids across America for two years, and Hay was such an infamous radical, we should probably take a closer look. Harry Hay, a known Marxist, was a founder of the homosexual movement, an open supporter of NAMBLA, and a prominent member of the Communist Party USA. Cliff Kincaid is the Director of the Center for Investigative Journalism at Accuracy in Media. In his article “NAMBLA-gate: the Strange Case of Kevin Jennings,” Kincaid stated:

“This is the real scandal – the degree to which the homosexual movement tolerates pedophiles in its midst and regards a cham­pion of pedophilia as a hero.”

In 2011, President Obama awarded Kevin Jennings $410 million to promote homosexuality in the public schools. National recession? No problem, this was important! Jennings received an increase of $45 million for his work to push through his agenda on school children regardless of the fact that America has massive federal budget deficits.

As it happens with a Democratic administration, people are appointed to positions before the media reports on their backgrounds, if they ever do report on them. (I highly recommend Michelle Mal­kin’s Culture of Corruption.) Shortly after Jennings was appointed, The Washington Times attempted to get more facts by questioning the Obama administration, including Education Secretary Arne Duncan. They made “serious inquiries about the filth propagated by a senior presidential appointee,” but were being stonewalled.

It was alarming that someone like Kevin Jennings was put in a posi­tion responsible for implementing federal education policy. There was clear evidence from various sources that Jennings helped promote a “reading list for children thirteen years old” that made explicit adult-child sex appear normal and acceptable. This was under the guise of pro­moting so-called alternative lifestyles. The Washington Times reported:

“Democrats clearly are terrified of ruffling the feathers of their activist homosexual supporters, who are an influential part of the Democratic Party’s base. This scandal, however, is not merely about homosexual behavior; it is about promoting sex between children and adults.”

Perhaps even more disturbing is the fact some homosexual activists aren’t just happy with being accepted, welcomed and even given special rights in our society; they are now working to squelch the free speech of others. The Obama administration and the NEA continue using taxpayer money to push their outrageous agenda.

What is ‘normal’ has been redefined and we’ve allowed it to happen. Fifty years ago this was unheard of. Moreover, America has forgotten how to blush and even Christians have forgotten how to stand up for truth. We’ve reached a tipping point. Opponents of biblical Christianity used to simply disagree with us; today, they’re working to silence us.

 (Excerpts from “Normalizing Homosexuality” in the book, ERADICATE: BLOTTING OUT GOD IN AMERICA)

Related reading:

Day of Silence: The Rest of the Story – Linda Harvey

Day of Silence Walkout – Keep Your Children Home

Obama Helps Accomplish LGBT Goals

Alfred Kinsey and Sexual Anarchy in America

Government Schools: Bible is “Questionable Material” and “Hate Speech”

The NEA Agenda – How John Dewey/Socialism Influenced Public Schools



More From David

Get ‘Em While They’re Young: Promoting Homosexuality in Public Schools



Funded by our tax dollars, every year the National Education Association promotes what most Christians consider sinful behavior in government-run schools across the country. This year, the Day of Silence (DOS) will be Friday, April 11. Under the guise of “Anti-bullying” education, thousands of public schools allow students to participate by remaining silent through­out an entire day even during instructional time. The DOS is sponsored by GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network), and is a politi­cal action in public schools that promotes the homosexual movement. Yes, we should pray; but some also suggest you keep your children home on that day.

Flashback to May 23, 2011, when the resigna­tion of [Obama appointee] Kevin Jennings was completely ignored by the media. Jennings was (no joke) the “Safe Schools Czar” for the Obama administration, and after I read what he promoted in public schools, it almost made me sick to my stomach.

Jennings was the founder of GLSEN, and one look at their recommended reading list should cause alarm. There are books encouraging the sexualization of children regardless of “orientation” and a sexed-up reading list for teachers on down to grade schoolers. Kevin Jennings had been known to encourage sex between adults and minors. CNS News reported:

“In April, he spoke at an assembly at a public school in Mary­land where he compared those who oppose homosexuality to supporters of slavery and racial segregation.”

During his fourteen-year tenure at GLSEN, Jennings touted his homosexual activism and included the fact that since 1995, he increased the number of public school-based and student-led pro-homosexual clubs, such as Gay-Straight Alliances, from 50 to 4,300 today. With the NEA’s cooperation, Jennings was responsible for adding more than 4,200 new clubs in America’s public schools that promote homosexuality.

GLSEN’s goal for the Day Of Silence is to encourage sympathy and support for not only homosexual and lesbian students but also those involved in cross-dressing behaviors. Behind the veil, DOS is not led by students at all.

Linda Harvey of Mission America writes:

“GLSEN describes itself as ‘championing LGBT issues in K-12 education since 1990.’ Did you catch that – ‘K through 12’? Younger and younger students are the target of this group. The younger, the better because they are easier to manipulate.”

Of course, any activity considered sinful by biblical standards should not be promoted in public schools in any way. The DOS seems to justify immoral behavior under the blanket of tolerance yet prevents Christian students from sharing their faith with peers caught up in gender confu­sion. Amazingly, the DOS requires that teachers create activities around the students who are silent. Sadly, those students who choose not to go with the homosexual flow are a captive audience while an agenda they may disagree with is implemented in their classroom.

Attorney Robert Tyler, founder of Advocates for Faith and Freedom warns that the new tolerant terminology coming to public schools is “gender liberation.” Evidently, this will be used to ‘liberate children’ from stereotypes and to eliminate our God-given distinctions between male and female. One of their solutions is gender neutral restrooms. Conservative and Pro-family groups have been warning that this assault on Christian values has been increasing. They even support gender change for elementary age children while suppressing objections by Christian parents. Calling it “blatant indoctrination,” Linda Harvey also wrote “The Sleazy History of GLSEN,” questioning how they achieve the “sexual enticement” of children.

“Behind GLSEN’s window-dressing rhetoric about safe schools, bigotry, ‘homophobia’, oppression, and concerns about harass­ment, lies the reality: advocacy of actual homosexual sex, sometimes very explicit even for young kids. And sometimes it’s with adults…. How can they get away with … even soliciting the opinions of minors for sketchy, internally-constructed and analyzed school climate surveys, where no parental permis­sion is needed to interview a sixth-grader about homosexual identity via the Internet?”

With access to kids, GLSEN will use children to normalize homo­sexuality as long as parents and public schools continue letting them do it. Harvey said “The gatekeepers are not watching.”

Jennings, (appointed by President Obama in 2009) was finally forced to resign from his position in the Obama administration. What other radicals has the president appointed in the Department of Education and other cabinet positions? It should not surprise us that President Obama would appoint homosexuals to his administration as there are a record number more than any other president in our history. It’s been clear where Obama stands since elected president. But how in the world did such a dangerous man like Jennings remain in the Obama administra­tion for two years?

k jennings

Kevin Jennings has said that “twenty percent of people are hard-core, fair-minded, pro-homosexual people.” However, he ridiculed Christians and discussed what he called “his strategy” at a speaking engagement a few years back and stated that:

“Twenty percent are hard-core [anti-homosexual] bigots. We need to ignore the hard-core bigots, get more of the hard-core fair-minded people to speak up, and we’ll pull that 60 percent [of people in the middle] … over to our side.

“We have to quit being afraid of the religious right. …I’m try­ing to find a way to say this. I’m trying not to say, ‘F*ck ‘em!’ – which is what I want to say, because I don’t care what they think! [audience laughter] Drop dead!”

I can see why Obama liked him. Kevin Jennings wrote the foreword of the book pushing indoctrination, Queering Elementary Education. One of six books Kevin Jennings wrote to promote homosexuality was Becoming Visible: A Reader in Gay and Lesbian History for High School and College Students. Jennings also founded the nation’s first “gay/straight alliance” in Massachusetts. Harry Hay “inspired” Kevin Jennings to become a homosexual activist.

We all have our mentors, but since Jennings had access and influence on public school kids across America for two years, and Hay was such an infamous radical, we should probably take a closer look. Harry Hay, a known Marxist, was a founder of the homosexual movement, an open supporter of NAMBLA, and a prominent member of the Communist Party USA. Cliff Kincaid is the Director of the Center for Investigative Journalism at Accuracy in Media. In his article “NAMBLA-gate: the Strange Case of Kevin Jennings,” Kincaid stated:

“This is the real scandal – the degree to which the homosexual movement tolerates pedophiles in its midst and regards a cham­pion of pedophilia as a hero.”

In 2011, President Obama awarded Kevin Jennings $410 million to promote homosexuality in the public schools. National recession? No problem, this was important! Jennings received an increase of $45 million for his work to push through his agenda on school children regardless of the fact that America has massive federal budget deficits.

As it happens with a Democratic administration, people are appointed to positions before the media reports on their backgrounds, if they ever do report on them. (I highly recommend Michelle Mal­kin’s Culture of Corruption.) Shortly after Jennings was appointed, The Washington Times attempted to get more facts by questioning the Obama administration, including Education Secretary Arne Duncan. They made “serious inquiries about the filth propagated by a senior presidential appointee,” but were being stonewalled.

It was alarming that someone like Kevin Jennings was put in a posi­tion responsible for implementing federal education policy. There was clear evidence from various sources that Jennings helped promote a “reading list for children thirteen years old” that made explicit adult-child sex appear normal and acceptable. This was under the guise of pro­moting so-called alternative lifestyles. The Washington Times reported:

“Democrats clearly are terrified of ruffling the feathers of their activist homosexual supporters, who are an influential part of the Democratic Party’s base. This scandal, however, is not merely about homosexual behavior; it is about promoting sex between children and adults.”

Perhaps even more disturbing is the fact some homosexual activists aren’t just happy with being accepted, welcomed and even given special rights in our society; they are now working to squelch the free speech of others. The Obama administration and the NEA continue using taxpayer money to push their outrageous agenda.

What is ‘normal’ has been redefined and we’ve allowed it to happen. Fifty years ago this was unheard of. Moreover, America has forgotten how to blush and even Christians have forgotten how to stand up for truth. We’ve reached a tipping point. Opponents of biblical Christianity used to simply disagree with us; today, they’re working to silence us.

 (Excerpts from “Normalizing Homosexuality” in the book, ERADICATE: BLOTTING OUT GOD IN AMERICA)

Related reading:

Day of Silence: The Rest of the Story – Linda Harvey

Day of Silence Walkout – Keep Your Children Home

Obama Helps Accomplish LGBT Goals

Alfred Kinsey and Sexual Anarchy in America

Government Schools: Bible is “Questionable Material” and “Hate Speech”

The NEA Agenda – How John Dewey/Socialism Influenced Public Schools


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